Ordered Dishes were all Rong Xiaoqi's favourite dishes, and within a short while, the dishes were ready.

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    Rong Xiaoqi's saliva is really going to flow out involuntarily when looking at dishes that are well-coloured and flavorful.


    Liu Bai carefully picked a chicken leg for Rong Xiaoqi and placed it in her bowl. Seeing this, Rong Xiaoqi immediately climbed onto the table, grabbing the big chicken leg and nibbling.


    The chicken leg turned into a barebone in a blink of an eye. Rong Xiaoqi's body is small and her stomach is small. So after eating a chicken leg, she feels a little bit full.


    "Squeaky!" My stomach is already full.


    The Good time didn't last long, and they were interrupted by a group of uninvited guests.

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    The sound horseshoe of "Da Da Da" sounded outside the door, and as the sound disappeared, they heard a sound of "Yu——".


    The horse's hoof fell to the ground, raising dust from the ground. A group of people entered Man Xiang Lou, there were men and women, and their posture was considered powerful and arrogant.


    The posture was so great that it alarmed everyone in the store. When the guests saw this group of people, they all ran out like they were running for their lives, leaving only Liu Bai and his fox.


    "Squeak!" Are they all full?


    The corners of Rong Xiaoqi's mouth twitched. These people are really...


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    Liu Bai was also speechless for a while, but he didn't show it on his face, but sat on the stool upright.


    But from time to time, he would touch Rong Xiaoqi's small head with his hands, destroying his image of a cold and indifferent person.


    "Huh? There are still people who haven't run today. Are they travellers?" Among the group, a man in a beautiful purple dress said, his tone was full of contempt.


    A pair of haughty eyes looked at Liu Bai with a look of superiority.


    "Hey, little boy, why don't you hurry up and leave, do you really think of me as your uncle?" The man slapped the sword in his hand on the table, and then put his one foot on the bench.


    "Brother Yi, the puppy in the hand of that hillbilly is good, I want it, can you get it for me?" A woman walked out of it and said shyly to the man.

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    The woman's name is Hua Yan, the daughter of Hua Pang, a high official of the Ministry of War, and the man is Li Yi, the son of Prime Minister Zuo. 


    Seeing Liu Bai unmoved at this time, he became even angrier. In any case, he was the son of the prime minister. This person was the first one to disrespect him in this way.


    "Hey! Dead hillbilly, didn't you hear, Yan'er wants the dog in your arms." Li Yi said harshly.


    After that, Liu Bai still had no reaction at all but the little fox in his arms exploded.


She is angry enough to live as a fox, but now this woman says she is a dog.

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Your mother is a dog! 


 Do dogs and foxes look alike?


    "Squeak!" Are you blind? Ah? Didn’t you see that I’m a fox?  Although dogs usually look cute, but you can't insult me, now, Foxes also have self-respect!


    Zhang Yi's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief. Mom, this fox has become a fine spirit, and how does it feel like it is scolding them?


    Fortunately, Zhang Yi is smart.


    Liu Bai did not speak, but in the capacity of small talk he poured tea into a cup and said seriously:"! Thirsty yet, this is a good tea, taste,"

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