Damn anyone who wants to hurt the little fox!

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    Liu Bai was not afraid of the soft sword, slowly raising his eyes, looking directly at Hua Yan, looking at her with a dead look.


    The next moment—




    Hua Yan fell to the ground in response, vomiting blood. Her eyes filled with shock.


    What a powerful internal force!


    Hua Yan thought to herself, it seems that she has encountered a hard stubble this time.


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   She didn't expect that she would lose to him.


    "If you wish to die, you will kill me!" Hua Yan said viciously.


    Her father is the Minister of War, no matter who it is, he will have to face her father if he hurt her. So he will not dare to kill her.


    When she returns to the mansion today, she must let Dad find justice for her.


    Hua Yan smiled triumphantly.


    "Ah—" The sudden scream made Rong Xiaoqi startled, and when she looked at Hua Yan, Rong Xiaoqi was even more shocked.


    Hua Yan at this time can no longer be described.


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    It's just terrible.


    Hua Yan had a few chopsticks dug into her legs at some point, the whole leg resembled that of a hedgehog, she was whining, rolling all over the floor in pain.


    "Don't make a laughing stock of your father here." The unknown young man stood up, his eyes full of disgust when he looked at Hua Yan.


    " so courageous!" Hua Yan couldn't stand up even though she was in pain, but her momentum was unwilling to admit defeat.


    "Of course! This Lord is very courageous!" Said the young man with an innocent look.


    "Well, Miss Hua looks so funny now, just like a hedgehog, don't you think? Come on I'll help you with some more", he said and took out a handful of Chopsticks from a bamboo tube, before Hua Yan begged for mercy, the other leg was full of chopsticks, and Hua Yan almost fainted due to the pain.


    " are so courageous!" Zhang Yi was angry. Although he watched the scene for so long, he saw that Hua Yan was going to be stabbed to death and felt a little wrong.


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    Besides, if Hua Yan is really dead, it will be difficult to deal with these people by himself.


    "Do you believe in kings law? Huh? Are you bullying us openly?" What Zhang Yi said was justified.


    Rong Xiaoqi finally knows what is called hypocrisy and Zhang Yi is a good example.


    Openly bully them? Is there any joke funnier than that?


    Just as Rong Xiaoqi thought in her heart, the young man laughed, spread his hands out, and acted very frivolously. He turned around and asked Liu Bai, "kings law?"


    Then he looked at Zhang Yi and asked " Open bullying?"


    "Hahaha, this is really the funniest joke I've heard this year. Now I will tell you what is kings law and what is open bullying! Go back and tell your father!" 

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As he said, he directly grabbed Zhang Yi by the collar, and then punched him in the stomach with a fist.


    With a punch, Zhang Yi felt a surge in his stomach, trying to spit out all the contents inside.


    Then punched Zhang Yi's eyes again and said, "You know, this is kings law. This is called blatant bullying. Tsk tsk, one black eye doesn't look good. Let's add one."


    Before Zhang Yi could react, he punched again.


    "That's how it looks good!" Looking at his masterpiece, the young man nodded in satisfaction.


    He clapped his hands and said to the rest of the people: "Is there anyone else you wants a lesson?"


 [T/n: chapter update is late and I'm sorry for that.]

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