Chapter 5 

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    Liu Bai naturally knows what the little fox means, but if he doesn't teach these slaves a lesson this time, next time the little fox will get hurt ...


    So for the first time in his life, our prince patiently explains.


    "Xiao Qi, if we don’t teach them a little lesson, they will neglect their duties. The world is like this. There are natural choices, and the fittest survive. The weak should surrender to the strong. Under your feet, understand?" Liu Bai said.


    Rong Xiaoqi shook her head, her eyes were blank. Liu Bai held his forehead, he didn't expect this dumb little fox to understand.


    Angrily, he said: "In short, this punishment is to teach them a lesson. If you let them go unpunished, then they will be more guilty."


    Rong Xiaoqi curled her lips with a face of disdain: 


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"Squeak!" But you promised me!


    Rong Xiaoqi turned around and continued to sulk. Humph, draw a circle and curse you!


    Liu Bai looked at the little fox squatting on the ground drawing circles and still groaning in her mouth.  Very funny. He also knew that the little fox was angry, and his tone became softer at this time.


    "Xiao Qi, are you angry?" Liu Bai poked Rong Xiaoqi's head with his finger, "this prince will establish prestige for you again."


    Rong Xiaoqi: "..." I have seen shameless people. I have never seen someone like you.


    Seeing Rong Xiaoqi like this, Liu Bai was a little troubled.  He really hasn't done anything like coaxing girls.


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    He squeezed the bridge of his nose, feeling exhausted physically and mentally. In desperation, he hugged Rong Xiaoqi in an extremely weird posture, "Your father asked you to go back quickly. If you are late, your father will be angry."


    Rong Xiaoqi: "..." Don't you think this pose is too xx?


    Rong Xiaoqi's feeling of resentment is too serious, and Liu Bai didn't pay attention to it, but asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"


    "Zhenzhizhizhi!" Don't you think this posture is weird? I am a girl, so I feel very anxious.


    No matter how long Rong Xiaoqi talked, Liu Bai couldn't understand a word, but from the face of the little fox,  something must be going on.


    After a long time, Liu Bai said, "You don't want me to hug you?"


    Rong Xiaoqi nodded immediately when he said this.

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    It's not that she doesn't want him to hug her, after all, who doesn't want a warm embrace, but she doesn't want him to hug her in this position.


    However, our lord prince understands it wrong, thinking that Rong Xiaoqi is still resisting himself, his face sinks, the pressure is terrible, and he said without thinking: "Impossible!"


    Rong Xiaoqi originally wanted to speak again, but looking at Liu Bai's gloomy face, she was immediately stopped.


    Finally Liu Bai realized that the posture of the hug was a bit...unsightly, so he changed the hug.


    In this way, Rong Xiaoqi was taken all the way back to the palace.


    The palace............

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    Although Rong Xiaoqi has been reborn for so long, she has never stepped out of the room, one word-lazy!


    This is to see the magnificent palace, and it must be false to say that she is not shocked.


    Rong Xiaoqi also had to admit that this is probably even more gorgeous than the Forbidden City in Beijing. The gilt-gold houses gleamed under the sun, making people unable to open their eyes. The eight pillars standing on the main hall appear magnificent.


    Liu Bai looked at the cute little fox with big eyes blinking in his arms, and a smile overflowed in his eyes. The depression in his heart disappeared because of the little fox's cuteness


    His thin lips lifted lightly: "Why, do you like it?"


    Rong Xiaoqi nodded when she heard the words.

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