"Squeak!" Father, Liu Bai touched my ass, you have to avenge me!

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    Then a pair of big watery eyes looked at Liu Bai as if to say: Huh, see if you can still do it, my rescuer is here!




    Although Liu Bai didn't know what the little fox was talking about, he knew that she was demonstrating supremacy to him by looking at the little fox's proud big eyes.




   And Even though, it was funny. Liu Bai couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, thinking how he had learned everything, so why he hadn't learned fox language before?




    It seems that he will have to learn more when he goes back, or else how can he get along with the little fox in the future.



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    Although Liu Bai couldn't understand what Rong Xiaoqi was saying, it didn't mean that the Demon King couldn't understand. So after Rong Xiaoqi finished speaking, the Demon king froze for a while and then burst into laughter.




    After a long time, the laughter finally stopped. The Demon King was seeing his daughter's speechless face, and his eyes were full of sympathy.




    The Demon King suddenly felt embarrassed for laughing at his daughter's misery and touched his nose with his fingertips trying to conceal his embarrassment.




    Then, the Demon King looked serious, as serious as he was, and said, "Then how do you want me to avenge you?"




 After that, Rong Xiaoqi did not answer, but made a thinking state, tilting her head. Said: "squeaky" ..Then you touch his ass! 


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The Demon King almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood.




    What do you mean by making me touch his ass? I am a man!




    "Xiao Qi, I am a man." The Demon King smiled bitterly, and now he can't wait to slap himself to death.




    "Squeak." Why can't a man touch a man?




    Although Rong Xiaoqi lives in the 21st century, she has developed a very simple mindset. Although this is common sense, it does not mean that everyone will know it.

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    The Demon King really didn't know what to say after listening to this. He could only explain dryly: " not a broken sleeve..." 




After speaking, Rong Xiaoqi looked at the Demon King inquisitively, as if looking for the truth of the matter.




    Liu Bai didn't know what Rong Xiaoqi had said, but he also guessed that this matter must have something to do with him. When the Demon King said that he was not a broken sleeve, Liu Bai frowned fiercely.



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    This little fox regards himself as a broken sleeve!



    This little fox owes a lesson!




    "Xiao Qi, don't fool around!" The Demon King couldn't stand it.



    If he let his precious daughter continue to speak out of nowhere, he doesn't know if she will spit out any more amazing sentences. It's all because of Rong Xiaosan, who didn't make good friends and taught these messy things to his little sister.




    The Demon King's heart was already planning how to punish Rong Xiaosan.




    What Rong Xiaoqi's Brother didn't know was that a word of his own put him into a dire situation in the future.

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