Heavenly Hill.

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The Empress’s garden had such a nickname. It was unusual for a garden, but it contained a small hill.

In spring, the entire hill was covered with white flowers, creating a pure white landscape. Petals would also fall into the pond beside the hill, creating a spectacular white-washed scene, especially when combined with the blue sky, creating a peaceful, heavenly atmosphere.

The Empress liked to set up a white sunshade in the garden and enjoy her tea time in it.

It was a famous place where only her closest aides were allowed to go, and it became a topic of conversation when someone outside the royal family visited.

“These flowers look even prettier now that I’m older.”

“Thank you for inviting me to such a beautiful place.”

Today was an exception, as Princess Cesaria was in attendance, and word of her visit must have spread throughout the palace.

“I should have made arrangements earlier, but I’ve only now gotten around to inviting you.”

“It’s my pleasure. Your majesty.”

They exchanged pleasantries and enjoyed the view of white petals flying around. The maids and servants stood waiting a short distance away from the awning.


“Yes. Your Majesty.”

“I heard about what happened during the Princess’ memorial day.”


Cesaria raised her teacup and set it back down slowly.

“You must have been quite surprised.”

The Empress wore a nonchalant expression, neither smiling nor expressionless. Cesaria tried to read the emotion behind it, but gave up.


She answered honestly, even though protocol dictated that she should say no. She still wished she had been the one to take the blade instead of the slave.

“I hope it didn’t hurt your feelings too much, I can do something about it for you.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“The dignity of royalty is not something to be taken lightly.”

The Empress did not hide her anger, which was more akin to hatred than anger. She didn’t bother to hide her hostility toward the crown prince, even in public, so it was a bit of a contradiction that she had invited her to join her as a prospective crown princess.



“How is the Duke of Le Chenío?”

The Empress asked, after another spring breeze swept across the table. Cesaria finally realized why the Empress had called her.

“Yes, He is safe and sound, thanks to your concern.”

“Good. I’m glad.”

The Empress sipped her tea. It was a graceful gesture, to say the least, but Cesaria continued to feel a chill beneath her heart.

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“Tell the Duke that I expect news.”

“Yes, I will tell him.”

“It’s been three years, and I’m sure he’ll be curious. He’ll know when you tell him.”

“…Yes, Your Majesty.”

This was not a story for the Duke. It was the third year of Cesaria’s betrothal to the Prince, and the Empress knew why she was bound to him. It was clear that she was behind it.

“It’s been three years, and I haven’t heard anything from you.”

It was as if she was asking her directly.

‘When are you going to kill him?’

‘Don’t you have a job to do?’

It was a blatant warning. There was no other reason for an empress who hated the crown prince to summon a prospective crown princess.

“It’s a beautiful day.”

Cesaria’s face went pale in an instant and her shoulders trembled slightly. After realizing that she understood, the Empress leaned back further, her expression relaxed.

Cesaria did not take another sip of tea and remained where she was, her complexion darkening enough for everyone to notice.


She patted the crumpled quilt, trying to stretch it out as much as possible. Mary was able to get it to unfold like new with just a few strokes of her hand, but I wasn’t satisfied, for my lack of expertise.

I knew I’d probably end up stripping the whole thing down and washing it anyway, but I wanted to make it as unblemished as possible.

I thought it would be respectful to the room.

It’s dusty, so I’ll have to air it out. I opened the window wide. Soon a warmer breeze rushed into the room. It was a pleasant breeze, so I stood still and closed my eyes for a moment.

Knock, knock.


I answered, after thinking that it’s probably Mary. I figured that she had been so good to me, and that I should return the favor. I smoothed out my clothes. But then the door opened suddenly and an unfamiliar face walked in.


I was the first to speak after being flustered,


He looked like he was going to close the door again, looked back, then opened a crack.

“Uh, His highness is away at the moment.”

Perhaps he was embarrassed that I was standing there looking at him. So I informed him immediately that his master was away. But he didn’t seem too surprised to hear about it.

“Are you coming in or not?”

Apparently there was another person right behind the one holding the door, because he stepped into the room, seemingly pushing the one in front of him.

They looked like uncle and nephew, or father and son. The first to enter was very impressive in terms of muscle. Not too much, but enough to make him look very solid. His hair was almost orange in color, which brightened his overall appearance.

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The next person in line had hair that was ambiguous between gray and ash-colored. He had a deeply wrinkled face with a thin scar running from his ear to his cheek.

Who are these people?

“Is your name by any chance…?”

“I’m Seth.”

I don’t know their identities, but they must be higher than me anyway, so I bowed deeply at the waist.

“You’re right!”

I look up, not fully straightening my back, and they’re looking me up and down with equally wide eyes.

Do I know them?

No. I’ve never seen their faces before.


The younger man clapped me on the shoulder.

“Thank God you’re alive!”

My body shook like a sheet of paper as he hugged me back and forth.

“Vaslow, what are you doing to a patient!”

Vaslow? The name sounded familiar.

“Ah! Sorry!”

He took a step back at the sound of his name. His face, however, looked as if he wanted to shake me again any minute now.

“I, if I may ask how you know me…?”

“How do I know you, the prince thought you were dead, and we–-!”

“Vaslow. Shut up.”

The man called Vaslow snapped his mouth shut. His body was solid, but his expression was childlike.

“Hmm. My name is Ricks, Captain of the Knights of the Thorn. You probably haven’t heard of me.”


“Is your arm okay?”

The Captain of the Knights of the Thorn. He was the crown prince’s closest confidant, but he was also revered throughout the empire. If the crown prince was a category beyond human, the Knights of the Thorn were considered the strongest of humans.

The mere fact that they have survived all these years while fighting on the front lines against demons is a testament to their strength.

Ah! I suddenly remembered seeing their names in the original story. Ricks and Vaslow were the crown prince’s closest aides.

“Ah, yes. I’m all better now, thank you.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

Captain Ricks looked at me with his ashen eyes. They looked as if they could pierce through anything, so I averted my gaze downward.

Their loyalty to Shane was more than most people realize. How they viewed the slave who occupied the crown prince’s chambers was unnerving.

“Captain. Unexpectedly, His Highness is revealing to us her appearance.”

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For a moment, Vaslow whispered in the captain’s ear. But the room was so quiet that I could heard everything easily.


I had to make a concerted effort to pretend I hadn’t heard anything and maintained a calm expression.

“Seth, you’re going to keep that, aren’t you?”


Vaslow said in a whisper, even to me. I couldn’t tell if he was joking or genuinely amused.

“You know, that thing.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you mean.”

I pulled my hair into a single braid and let it hang down, but Vaslow glanced at it.

“Oh, you know the gift from the Prince.”


“A gift from the Prince?”

I asked, my voice rising in surprise. If I didn’t know what it was, it would be a big deal.

“Vaslow. Don’t interrupt, and keep your mouth shut.”

“It broke my heart every time he took it out, and you saw it, too.”

“I told you to shut up.”

“Seth. That should be priceless.”

“I’m really sorry, but if that’s the case, what are you talking about?”

“Hmm? He’s gotten you so many, he was even so fond of it, the ribbons.”

“The ribbon?”

Ricks was staring at me intently, even as he told Vaslow to keep his mouth shut. I had been grateful for so many things from the Crown Prince, but I had never been given a ribbon out of the blue.

“No way, you haven’t received it yet!”

“I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what you’re talking about.”


“He was so fond of it, why didn’t he give it to you?”

Ricks coughed in vain, and Vaslow muttered to himself.

‘Does that mean he’s been trying to get me ribbons? I haven’t gotten any yet though.’

(T/N: I can understand the ribbons. Shane seemed to be obsessed with Seth’s hair. He probably wanted to tie it everytime. So he buys the ribbons. So cute~)

My heart started pounding uncontrollably again. I wondered if he was preparing another ribbon.

No. But he was going to give it to me, wasn’t he?

“By the way, are you really feeling better?”

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“Oh, yeah. I was just about to go out anyway.”

“Out? Where?”

“I was going to go to my quarters, but—”

My words trailed off as both Vaslow and Ricks looked at me with wide eyes.

“Does his Highness know?”

His voice was serious, and I had to think about what I was missing.

“Oh, I haven’t seen him yet, so I haven’t told him, but I’m going away for a while anyway, so I thought I’d come back to thank him.”

“Hmm. I suppose it would be better if you spoke to His Highness before you go.”


“In case he comes back and he doesn’t find you.”

“Ah, yes, I see.”

It’s not like I was going very far since I’m just moving around within the palace anyway, and I’m a lowly rank slave, so I can’t really argue.

“Well, then, we shall return. Vaslow.”



I didn’t know whether to say goodbye or say see you later, so I just bowed deeply.

It felt very strange to be greeted like this in this room. I’m just a guest in this room.

“Nice to meet you.”

Mr. Vaslow waved as he walked out the door. He acted the same way when he went in. But the emotion in his words was so genuine that it warmed my heart. He must be a good man to be so sincere with a palace slave. Even though he does seem a bit too cheerful.

“Ah, thank you.”


They closed the door with one hand and waved me through with the other.

I’ve never seen them before, and I’ve done nothing to deserve such favor. It was Vaslow, a man who looked nothing like the dreaded name of the Blood Knights.

‘A knight came over and gave me medicine to give to you.’


It wasn’t until they were gone that I remembered Eva’s words. I wonder if it was Vaslow who left my medicine behind when I had a fever.

Why did it just occur to me now?

I’ll have to ask him next time I see him.

‘He’s gotten you so many, he was even so fond of it, the ribbons.’

I hadn’t even received the gift yet, but his words made my face heat up. Even the breeze from the window didn’t cool me down.

I spent a long time fumbling with my hands, trying to calm my flushed face.

Why am I getting so ahead of myself when it might not even be mine? I was embarrassed at myself for letting my heart pound out of control.

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