“Is that really the slave? Is she?”

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“Shut up.”

“No. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.Where the hell has she been?”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

“I don’t know, I don’t know, ah, stop pushing me, come on!”

The one word, ‘Seth.’ that came from the crown prince’s mouth traveled through Einfork like a ripple.

The sound of footsteps accompanied the murmur behind him.

There was also the sound of someone kicking the ground as if they were in a hurry.


The crown prince took a single step closer.

That single movement silenced the murmuring.

My whole body was tense, as if It were in another dimension, even though all I did was find my way back.

It felt like every nerve and cell in my body seemed to want to fly towards him and stick to it.

His presence in the sunlight was so great that even breathing in and out felt unnatural.

Tap, tap.

He took two more steps closer.

He was within arm’s reach.

Vaslow looked like he was about to report something, then stood aside.

I could see him blocking Arnic’s way as he kept trying to move forward.

Priest O’mont was inside, too, and he followed him out, looking a bit surprised.

I drew up my courage and craned my head a little higher.

Due to the height difference, I had to raise my head further to look him in the eye, but I didn’t quite manage it.

I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t hurt, and that he wasn’t injured.

I was relieved to see that he wasn’t bandaged or splinted.

I don’t know what it’s like where my eyes can’t see, but I’m glad there aren’t any major cuts where I can see them.


A long breath escaped my mouth in a small gasp, and that’s when he finally closed the distance between us.

The air shifted, like a breeze.


My vision went black for a moment.

Something solid seemed to have clamped down on me.

My heart pounded like it was going to jump out of my chest.

I could still feel his hot breath on my head.

It felt like something sweet and tingling was running through my body.

The arms holding me felt stronger than anything else in the world, and I felt safe and secure.

It was the first time I’d ever felt this way in my life, and I froze in place.

A hot, throbbing mass kept trying to rise up inside of me.

‘..I’ll pick you up, I’ll go.’

‘If you want to leave the palace, I’ll let you.’

‘From now on, when we are alone together, call me by my name.’

His voice echoed and reverberated inside my head, in my ears, and in my heart.

I remembered his mood and the look in his eyes as he spoke those words.

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I could remember his face smiling through the white petals of the swirling flowers.

Unable to resist, I lifted my arms and grabbed him by the collar.

I felt the force that enveloped me pull me in a little tighter.

I suddenly wished I could teleport into his arms at any moment.

“Vaslow, what am I looking at?”

Arnic’s voice seemed to echo from far away.

“No, didn’t you say it was a slave?”

“I can’t believe the crown prince has been looking for her like that!”

“By the gods.”

“Oh, no! Does that make sense, now?”

The whispered words suddenly merged into one.

The words ‘Slave’ and ‘No way’ rising and falling intermittently around the square.

But it didn’t penetrate deeply, as if there were an invisible barrier around us.

The comfort of being in his arms right now was so great and important that I didn’t even want to care about anything else in the world.

“I, your highness…”

“Be still.”

Arnic started to do something, but Vaslow stopped him once more, and as if those words were a signal, the strong hold on me slowly loosened.

I wasn’t cold at all, but I shivered slightly at the dropping temperature emanating from him.

It seemed like everything happened for a long time, then in a blink of an eye,

“Are you hurt?”

The crown prince asked, and I shook my head vigorously.

If I said, ‘No.’ my voice might tremble violently.

Still, my vision keeps blurring in and out.

The tip of my nose twitched and rang painfully.

“Your highness, perhaps you should speak in the comfort of your barracks.”

Arnic finally waved away Vaslow’s protests and added a word.

The eyes around us seemed to be busy watching us.

The crown prince was silent for a moment, looked down on me, he didn’t answer, but he chose to move his legs instead.


“Oh my—.”

Simultaneous inhales were heard all around me.

I swept my gaze past the people around us.

I was moving past them as if I were a puppet.

The presence of the crown prince ahead of me seemed larger today, and the hand he held seemed smaller in comparison.

Apparently, the crown prince’s barracks had not been damaged by the demon.

He made me sit on a comfy couch, far from the table.

Only when he was sure that I was seated did his grip loosen.

His grip was so tight that my hand was almost bloodless, and the sensation made me yelp.

I clasped my hands together and bit my lip at the painful, tickling sensation.

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“Where the hell have you been? You weren’t there when we were looking everywhere for you!”

The question came first from Arnic, who had followed him in.

“Your Highness, we’ll be waiting outside.”

Vaslow interjected.

“Oh, why? We should be asking her where she was all night.”

Arnic protested as he was dragged away by Vaslow.

“Come out first, come out.”

Vaslow said, while dragging him with his uninjured arm.

Arnic looked as if he wanted to struggle, but for now, he was dragged along, looking defeated.


“Yes, Your highness.”

As he moved to close the door behind him, Vaslow suddenly felt his spirits rise up.

His eyes sparkled at the mere mention of his name by the crown prince.

The face that always seemed to be this, that, and the other came to life for a moment.

“We need a doctor.”

“Yes! I’ll get him!”


The barracks door slammed shut and there was silence in the room, the words ‘We need a doctor.‘ immediately echoed in my ears.

I wondered if he was injured somewhere unseen, if he was simply holding it together, I was hoping that it wasn’t something serious.

I remembered watching him being treated at this very spot that day, and I remembered pulling out my Novenium.

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‘Oh, Novenium!’

My fingers groped for the cloth bag I hadn’t even realized I was carrying.

It hadn’t fallen off my body when I was grabbed by the demon.

I slipped my fingers into it and felt the distinctive scratchy texture of Novenium on the fingertips.

‘Thank goodness.’

It’s still there.

I could give it to him if I had to.

Thud, thud.

A chair was placed in front of me with the sound of wood being dragged.

He moved it from next to the table.

I wondered if he was going to sit down, but without hesitation, he sat down across from me.

The chair was slightly lower than the couch, so I was at eye level with him.



I didn’t know where to look since we’re sitting across from each other like this.

I tried to sniff my nose without being noticed, but I don’t think I smell anything like thick blood.

I wonder what’s so bad that he needs to call a doctor.



He’s probably going to ask me where I was that night. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.It was bound to happen only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

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Maybe he’s sitting across from me like this to interrogate me.

But I have no choice but to say that I don’t remember anything.

I force myself not to let my eyes waver.



‘Where were you?’

‘How did you disappear so suddenly?’

‘Tell me where you’ve been all night.’

‘Why did you just show up now?’

I braced myself for the expected questions, but something was off about the atmosphere.


I lifted my head and met his eyes.

His golden gaze was as beautiful as ever.

But they were definitely different.

Maybe no one would notice.

It might seem like he was just looking at me, expressionless as always.


His eyes were fluttering beneath his long lashes.

His gaze was shaking with emotion.

[Read only on]

‘Were you scared?’


‘I am.’

The conversation with him flashed through my mind immediately, and only now did I realize what he meant.

I could see the fear in his shaky eyes.


A low voice echoed in the silence of the barracks.

I bit my lip instead of answering yes, the sound of his name melting into my chest.


“Your Highness.”

His eyes widened, and one eyebrow quivered slightly.

Now I knew why he kept calling my name.

I knew what he was afraid of.

“I’m here.”

Tears threatened to spill out my eyes, but I forced my lips up to the side.

I smiled, wanting to show him that I was okay.


He replied with a deep sigh, and then he sat up in his chair and stretched out his arms.

A large hand cupped my cheek and moved behind my ear.

It cupped my cheek again and gently caressed it. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.As if to say,read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

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‘I’m glad. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.You’re here.’read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

I felt the slightest tremor in my fingertips, and my heart fluttered with it.

Knock, knock.

“Your highness, I have brought the doctor.”

I was about to melt into the warmth of his hand.

But I opened my closed eyes as if I was suddenly snapped back into reality.

The warm fingers slowly withdrew, as did I.


I absentmindedly raised my upper body, thinking I should move away from the couch, but a gentle hand pressed down on my shoulder, forcing me to sit back down.

“Your Highness. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.It’s Lambert.”read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Doctor Lambert bowed deeply as he entered.

He was the same Doctor who had tended to Shane’s injuries earlier, and was sweating profusely.

“The fever was a bit high.”

“What…? Fever? Ah, yes!”

The Doctor looked at Shane for a moment as if he had never heard of it, but then he fumbled over to the chair to take his temperature.

“It’s not me.”


The Doctor, who had followed the crown prince’s gaze, took a step back in surprise.

‘What? Me?’

I was worried that something was wrong with Shane, but me? Is it actually me?

Everyone’s eyes immediately turned on me.

“Tell me if anything hurts or is uncomfortable.”

It was a command, but the tone was anything but.

It was more of a reassuring tone, like when someone tells you that they know you’re sick but you’ll be fine.

[Read only on]

“Oh, I’m fine!”

I could see Arnic and Vaslow looking at me in surprise from the doorway, and the look on their faces made me feel even worse.


“Oh, yes!”

The Doctor stiffened, then hurried over to me.

I leaned back at my seat on the couch and he grabbed my wrist.

A moment later, he laid his hand on my forehead.

I exhaled sharply, feeling a fever rise in addition to my embarrassment.

“Well, you’re pretty feverish, aren’t you hurting anywhere in particular?”

“What? I–I’m really fine.”

‘I’m running a fever?’

I checked my forehead. read only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.I checked if It felt hot, but it didn’t feel hot, and I was only at salmonlatte . com. This annoying watermark is not there.

Even if I did have a fever, it was so unfamiliar to see a doctor in front of everyone.

“You’re probably freaking out, but you should rest for now.”

Whether it was because he had known me for a long time or because of his professionalism, the doctor kept a serious expression when he began his examination.

With the crown prince watching from the sidelines, I felt my temperature gradually rising.

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