“This is the rival of His Grace the Duke!”

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The reinstated aide claimed in a passionate voice.


His hand pointed toward Jason Evanders who was smiling brightly at the front page of the newspaper. Clyde’s face clearly indicated he was not happy at all, but the aide continued.


“According to my informant, Sir Jason Evanders is a gentleman with the highest prestigious reputation of the Empire, he was also desired by many young noble ladies of high society.


Would that be all? He was also the representation of ‘Velvian’ which implied for the nobles of the Velvice Empire. He’s the most handsome businessman in the Empire, and regarding his famous mine…”


“…cut to the chase.”


“So we have to prepare everything thoroughly. Isn’t the late debutante of the Second Princess coming soon?


You should work hard from now on if you want to stand beside Her Highness because it would be really meaningful to become her partner in such an iconic ball! You must prepare and gain the approval of the Princess.”


“…… ”


The Duke gave up after agonizing over whether to find a new and less talkative aide or not.


“So, what’s your plan?”


In the future, he was going to not keep the information from his aide floating in his head if all of it was simply worthless.


“…about that, so this information is very, very, very difficult to get…”


Peter Gilworth pushed out his chest and said with a proud look.


“…but this gentleman also has weakness. Right, I’ve heard that Sir Evanders made a huge mistake that curdled Her Highness’ heart.”


Gilworth nodded eagerly at the Duke’s doubtful face.


“It’s true. It’s really true. Sir Evanders has handed over information regarding the commoner family of Her Highness the Second Princess to the Imperial Family…… Eek!”


Bang! Peter Gilworth shrank back at the sound of the duke hitting his hands against desk. The Duke was furious. Gilworth shook his shoulders while watching his superior, suddenly felt as if the air around them became heavy.




The Duke spoke coldly.


“What happened afterward?”


“I-I swear I don’t know what happened after that! The maid, who gave me information, said that a letter stamped with the seal of the Evanders family was delivered to Her Majesty the Empress, and the detail of the letter is….”




“Right. That’s what the detail is about. So, the Duke somehow managed to trace the Princess’ savior quickly and brought them.”


“So he held the precious people of the Princess as hostages?”


“No, sir. I mean…”


“So he locked them up in his mansion?”


“What are you saying?! It’s just a necessary protection for those who are in need of it…”


“And that Princess Stella seems incompetent from your perspective.”


“…b-but it’s not like that.”


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“The debutante wasn’t that important.”


Clyde got up from his seat. 


If Jason Evanders indeed knew information regarding Stella’s commoner family and handed it over to the Imperial Family. 


If that was true.


If Jason was holding Stella’s weaknesses and dared to threaten her with that.


If that was the reason why Stella returned to the Imperial Family.


If it was true that Karen Ethelanche had something to do with this.


He couldn’t just stand still.


“I’m going to that damned Evanders.”


Gilworth had a troubled look on his face. If his rigid master …….has asked him to seek such valuable information, he should’ve used it to gain the upper hand over Sir Jason Evanders! 


What a waste of time and force to knock down Evanders, who was said could make the ocean with the amount of gold he has?


Gilworth spoke helplessly but he felt like his anger was burning inwardly.


“I’ll get the carriage ready….”


Gold and sword would collide against each other.


It was absolutely not exciting news for Gilworth, who was aiming for a long and transparent life.




At that time, Jason Evanders was drinking tea in the drawing room of the Imperial Family.


The maids blushed and kept glancing at him through the crevice of the opened door. They wondered what he did here. The ladies spoke in whispers as they walked down the hallway. Even though they were the Imperial Family, they were unaware of the fact that they would have to visit Jason Evanders directly if they wanted to meet him.


But who made the gentleman come here? That was what made them interested.


The maids who didn’t know about the situation kept wondering, while the servants of the First Princess were flattered because they were able to serve him.


The person he wanted to meet even kept him waiting for half an hour.


Jason Evanders looking alternately between the cold black tea and his pocket watch. 


The pocket watch in his hands shook due to the force of his grip.


His cold eyes flickered on the smooth surface of the clock, and then his calm face would look ahead as if nothing had happened.


Jason Evanders closed the lid of his watch and tossed it back in his pocket jacket.


He was sarcastic to her by saying that there was no letter or appointment beforehand, but he somehow ended up doing exactly the same thing to her.


‘Father’s personality really isn’t going anywhere.’


His short-tempered nature remained the same ever since he was a child.


Thirty minutes had passed by. When he thought that, the door of the drawing room opened.


Jason suppressed the boiling anger in his mind and fixed his expression.


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“The Empire’s Second Princess, Your Highness Princess Stella Ethelanche, has entered.”


He rose from his seat at the voice welcoming the Princess and greeted her with courtesy.


Their eyes met.




The first thing I decided to do today was to find the owner of the letter Karen had given to me.


“…your letter.”




“Take the d**n emerald necklace you left in my room and this f***ing letter.”


The letter was sent to me by Jean Vezelle, the most famous designer in the Empire. I will eventually have to prepare for the dress because my debutante wasn’t far away anymore, and I didn’t intend to refuse the offer he gave me. Apparently, Jason’s clothing store was the best in the Empire. It was said that he almost monopolized the market.


However, actually it was Jean Vezelle who broke that down with just one aptitude.


Jason tried to use me as a scandal to raise the value of his business.


Thus, I thought the most perfect way to harass him was by joining forces with Jean Vezelle.


I didn’t intend for Jason’s plan to happen.




“I have someone I want to go with. Not you, but someone else.”


I thought of Clyde when I picked up the letter. Why don’t I ask him to come with me?


I had that thought for quite some time.


When I came up with such a perfect plan and was about to get out of the palace, Jason Evanders came.


“Tell him to return, ah no need.”


I still needed him.


I hate to admit this, but I was still using his mercenaries in order to protect my family. I deposited a huge amount of money in his bank.


“…tell him I’ll be there, please wait a little longer.”


I was upset, but I thought I had to hear what he was about to say. But still, I didn’t want to see him just yet.


After the maid went out, I sat in front of the tea table inside the room and read the letter quietly.


Half an hour would be enough. That was when I finally got up from my seat after keeping him waiting until now. 


‘He wouldn’t come for no reason, and he must’ve had a secret plan in his mind.’


“The Empire’s Second Princess, Your Highness Princess Stella Ethelanche, has entered.”


Jason rose from his seat to show his courtesy.


After receiving his greeting half-heartedly, I sat leisurely on the chair that the servant had pulled out for me.


He was extremely relaxed for a person half an hour late. I spoke while putting an arrogant look on my face as if I was merely able to control my anger.


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“I heard the rule is to make an appointment first then pay a visit afterwards.”




“Oh, come to think of it. That’s what you’ve said.”


“It would be better for the meeting to take place at the time which would be settled by both of us after the Princess sent a letter to me, Your Highness. Of course the Princess is a precious customer, but time is also valuable. Especially for me.”


“…I thought we were no different from each other.”


He retorted. I thought he was referring to the moment when I pushed open his office door without any warning.


Of course I didn’t keep quiet this time.


“Like I said before, I’m not a lady, Viscount. Unfortunately, I didn’t have such a high-minded brain to follow that noble common sense. But I thought you would be different from me because you’re a noble. Aren’t you?”


All the while, she spoke those words with a perfect Velvian accent.


Velvian accent was a pronunciation that could be spoken perfectly among the high-class nobles, only used by 0.3% of the overall population in the Empire.


Jason frowned, but soon regained his expression.


“…Many apologies would still not be enough in order for me to be forgiven by the Princess because I’ve been handing over information about the Princess’ adoptive parents to the Empress.”


“I sincerely apologize for my rudeness. Ms. Client, but like I said, I had my own reason to do that.”


“It’s not that I don’t understand your situation. You must’ve wanted to test me. Because you wouldn’t have given a million dollars to a foolish commoner so you wanted to test me to see if I was clever enough to read your intentions.”


“That’s right.”


“And since you’ve given me the money, you must’ve intended to use me for your gossip as well, so that I can be a little bit of help to Evanders Family. Because you are a businessman. Yeah, I could see through that.”




“But in the midst of the process, the Viscount had threatened my beloved ones twice. Let’s say what happened the first time you took my family’s power and threatened me with it was because Karen might have asked you to do so before we signed the contract. But now, the second time, no matter how much I think about it, it’s unacceptable for me.”


I couldn’t forgive him for telling the Empress about the whereabouts of my adoptive family for whatever reason. 


“I told you, Viscount, don’t play and took an interest in the little beast’s family.”




“You’ve crossed the line.”


I got up from my seat after saying those words to him.


“All the while, you came here presumptuously and wasted my precious time. Someone who is originally able to manage his time thoroughly.”




He rose from his seat with a look that could barely hold back his own anger.


I’m sure it was because his extraordinary pride had been damaged. He walked to stand right in front of me and looked down at me.


His shadow was turned against the light which covered myself. 


“I didn’t waste half an hour of my precious time waiting for you only to hear this, Your Highness. I’m here to settle an offer.”



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“Like you have used me once, you still have a second chance to use me. You needed me from the beginning, Ms. Client.”


He looked down and made eye contact with me, blocking me in that way.


His lips curved gently.


“Isn’t it much more worthy rather than finding unnecessary attachment and seeking attention for a thorough interest?”




“I’ll help you with your debutante. Please let me be your partner. What I will gain is the Princess’ reputation, and I will introduce you to some of the socialites who were worthy to be acknowledged in society in return.”


He added.


“I believe you’ve known about the general knowledge that a woman should not speak to a man first…. That, if you know how to use a Velvian accent perfectly.”


In the Imperial society, the woman must remain quiet until her father introduces her to another man.


Because that was the courtesy of a Lady.


It could be considered rude or disrespectful if women was thinking of walking up near a man and introduced themselves on their own.


Jason Evanders was the center of society, almost becoming the person at the top of it.


It would be a huge privilege for me if he would step up and introduce me to socialites in the society. He was the friend of the nobles, and the Imperial family was once ruined by them. It was foolish of me to reject Jason’s offer if I, the Princess of the Imperial Family, ever wanted to gain the favor of the nobles.


If I don’t want to be escorted by the country’s Crown Prince, it would be a huge loss to refuse his offer in particular. Someone had to introduce me to the nobles.


“Is it your favor as well, this time?”


“This time it’s purely my favor.”


It was what he said as he corrected the article.


He replied after a short while.




The unexplainable emotion on his face was conveyed through his answer.


I said with a smirk.


“Then I won’t use it.”


“Wh-what did you say?”


“I said I will not use it.”


“…For what reason?”


“There’s nothing cheaper than a favor given from a traitor.”


“If you thought I’d be happy with your cheap favor, you’re completely wrong, Viscount.”


He looked completely stunned.


“See you at the banquet hall.”


It has always been easy to pass him.

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