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On the day of the debutante, Karen’s satisfaction was greater than ever when she peeked at Stella’s dress.


‘God, the fair one, listened to my prayers!’


Please screw up. Screw up. She only whispered it to herself, but she didn’t expect her oath would’ve really come true.


‘As expected, she doesn’t know anything because she is a commoner.’


In Karen’s perspective, Stella’s dress was completely out of social custom.


The shoulder parts were opened up boldly while there was no room for the corset to fit in the design, and the lace was completely moderated so it wouldn’t be revealed as much, however was inflated moderately so it would flutter glamorously when she danced.


That was the problem.


In society, it was essential to use up all of the laces when defining a perfect dress.


Moreover, who does the shoulder design part like that?


Although the perfect beauty was keeping it from falling down as if it was about to fall down the shoulder and narrowed moderately.


Karen clicked her tongue.


Even the adequate amount of jewelry used in it was also other things which made her shake her head.


The jewels put in the right place of Stella’s dress were splendid and dazzling, but that was just it.


It was a general trend in which the amount of jewels used on dresses became a hot topic on their own.


But that was an ‘anachronistic’ kind of dress.


Karen was in a good mood for the whole day while thinking about Stella who would surely fail.


Even Stella Ethelanche, who she thought was extraordinary, has at one flaw in herself.


The pitiful girl didn’t know how to read the trend at all!


And apparently, it seemed like the girl didn’t have a partner. How many people would laugh at her at the ball?


Of course, she could’ve pointed this out solemnly as an older sister.


“Don’t ever tell me what I should do with my money. I’ll take care of it by myself.”


She hasn’t been in her good mood ever since that day. What’s the point of doing favorable things to others? Karen thought so.


“…His Highness Joseph Ethelanche, Her Highness the First Princess Karen Ethelanche, and Her Highness the Second Princess, Stella Ethelanche had arrived.”


The attendant of the ballroom said while hitting the baton, announcing the beginning of the debutante ball.


Karen tightened her clasped hands in her partner, Joseph’s arms.


“Don’t just stand still like that, smile beautifully.”


Karen whispered in Stella’s ear when she stood next to her.

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“It won’t be long before you can’t smile like that anymore.”


Karen spoke with an indulgent look toward Stella, who didn’t even bother to change her expression.


“You go first. You’re the star of today.”


“That’s what I was hoping for afterall.”


Karen laughed inwardly as she watched Stella walking ahead slowly.


As expected, the ballroom was petrified.


Some musicians forgot to play and looked at Stella with a piercing gaze and how great the shock was displayed on the nobles’ face.


The ladies looked at Stella quietly with their keen eyes from behind the fan, and the rest of the crowd didn’t open their mouths either. Stella’s appearance was indeed shocking.


‘I appreciate the effort, but you’re going to be cancelled now.’


Karen laughed secretly and sneered at her.


After a while, the nobles began to talk with puzzled looks after they pulled themselves together.


“Her Highness the 2nd Princess walked into the ballroom without a partner? Oh my god, how could this kind of thing happen….”


“Moreover, that dress! It’s my first time seeing that kind of dress in my entire life.”


“Who designed this? Ah, since Her Highness is said to be close to Lord Evanders, it might have been the work of ‘Elvione’.”


“Well… It’s hard to put it into words, but there is a bit of this new feeling. But still, I found such a dress unacceptable. I don’t think she knows the least etiquette because she isn’t wearing a corset. Even the designer who designed such a dress is inexcusable.”


“But it still looks comfortable.”


A voice intervened their talk.


It came from a woman with long black hair and sparkling blue eyes.


She’s Angelica Lizze.


Before Stella returned, she was the richest female in the empire and the woman who was called as the heiress according to the rumor.


She inherited about 2.605 trillion gold from the early death of her father, Guistaf Lizze.


Apparently, she was a woman who would never meet anyone unless a small number of her acquaintances and was very reluctant to engage in outside activities, but what brought her here?


The voices erupted from all over the room even before people’s curiosity could be resolved.


“It’s true that we’ve never seen such a dress before.”


“Like Angelica Lizze said, the girl does look really comfortable in it.”


“By the way, who is Her Highness looking for?”


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It was customary for the ball’s star to do the first dance of the ball. People could finally dance after the first dance was over.


Princess Stella didn’t have any intention to dance, and seemed to be looking around for someone.


Karen waited for Stella to fall into the abyss as she watched Stella just like that.


‘The engagement with the duke has been annulled.’


As she expected, it’s a debutante without a partner, isn’t it?


I thought it would be quite a view.


Karen derided Stella for the messed up debutante that she would remember for the rest of her life.




“Are you out of your mind!”


Peter Gilworth, the Duke’s aide, still had a neck attached to his body even after he dared to ask if her superior was not ‘in his right mind.’


The duke might not go to Princess Stella’s debutante ball because of that.


Gilworth could not understand the duke’s decision at all.


The Duke was absorbed in his work without even giving Gilworth his usual murderous gaze.


Then Gilworth said while  punching his chest as if he was about to die of frustration.


“Your Grace. It’s Princess Stella’s ball, not just anyone else. No matter how hard it is for you, you still have to show your face at the ballroom… Hick, I-I know that I’m talking about a lot of nonsense, but still. Isn’t that my job? To assist Your Grace.”


“Your job is to keep your mouth shut, be quiet and do your job well.”


“Are you really going to lose Her Highness the Princess to Lord Jason Evanders?”




“But it’s Princess Stella’s debutante. The miracle that Your Grace has been hoping for is happening right before our eyes.”


The aide let out a sigh when the duke only clenched his hand but pretended to not hear it.


He wasn’t going to use this sort of method until earlier, but His Grace had been acting too much. As if he had been waiting for this, Gilworth took out the daily newspaper behind his back and showed it to the Duke.


Jason Evandez’s handsome face naturally displayed on the front page of the newspaper.


“That is what this person said. The position and history of Your Grace will only hinder Princess Stella. 


That’s why Your Grace refused to apply as a partner for the Princess.


I know. I do not dare to say that I understand your feelings, but I do know how things are going here.”




“But can you really believe in Lord Evanders’ words? Are you going to accept what this person has said and just stay here as you are now?”


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Only after that did the duke look at Gilworth with the gaze which had been directed toward the desk.


“You should not forget that this is the person who disclosed information about the Princess’ adoptive parents to the Imperial Family. It must have been because he deliberately used this kind of trick to separate Your Grace from the Princess! Now hurry up…”


Even before Gilworth was able to finish his words, the duke got up from his seat and quickly headed outside.


He knew his superior would’ve done that.


Gilworth followed the duke while wondering.


“I knew this would happen, so I prepared a tailcoat beforehand. No, what if you just leave as you are now? Your Grace, Your Grace!”


The voice of the aide reverberated throughout the duke’s mansion once again.




My plan was simple.


First, I would walk quietly into the ballroom to find Clyde. And ask him to be my partner once again.


In society, unmarried women knew they shouldn’t have to talk to men first, but I didn’t want to even care about such a custom in the slightest bit.


I wanted to do my first dance with Clyde.


I wanted Clyde to see me in this dress.


And since it was my first time paying attention to myself in times like this, my heart trembled at each step on my way of approaching him.


But Clyde was nowhere to be seen, and my heart just grew even more nervous than before.


People’s murmur grew louder and louder as time passed by.


I wouldn’t have understood the situation where the Princess was desperately looking for someone when she was supposed to do the first dance.


I was looking over here and there for a while before my body bumped against a person who was walking toward the opposite side and my shoulder was trembling.


“…Excuse me.”


I tried to get past him quickly, but then I heard a voice.


“Your Highness.”


It was a familiar voice, so I looked up and saw Jason Evanders right in front of me.


Numerous eyes were following his figure and fixed on his back.


He straightened my tilted tiara and looked at me quietly.


When I greeted him with a nod and tried to get past him, he cut off my way.


I gave him a glare once so that no one could see it, however he tilted his head toward my side when I was about to walk away again.


Soon, a low whisper was heard in my ear.

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“Would you like to dance with me?”




“I’m trying to help you.”


“I don’t even need your help, just get out of my way.”


“If the Princess was looking for the duke, he would not come to the ball today.”


He held my wrist tightly while still whispering in my ear.


“You’re even more beautiful today.”


“Don’t say such nonsense….”


“I already had.”


With that word, he slid his hand which was still holding into my wrist and linking his finger between mine.


“I’ve been saying a lot of nonsensical things, Ms. Client.”


It looked like a tight grip was holding onto my hand. It was at that moment when my hand was buried in his big one.


The ballroom stirred.


“If it was me, I wouldn’t have left a woman like you alone even just for a moment.”


His low laughter tickled my ears.


He skillfully slid his hand into my hair and lifted my chin as I glared at him.


“This time, can’t I just ask the Princess to dance with me without having to pay with something in return?


“Let go of your hand before I step on your foot.”


“Okay. I’ll give you a chance to step on my foot as well. Your Highness.”


He spoke arrogantly.


“People are watching. Do you not want to dance with me?”


It seemed like all the eyes of people were fixated in this direction.


The women whispered something behind the fan, and some of them even looked at Jason’s back with surprised looks.


They seemed to believe that the Velvet Daily scandal was true even though it had already been corrected at that time.


The gentlemen stared at Jason with curious eyes.


Among them, some who knew about Jason’s nature looked at the situation as if it couldn’t get any more interesting.


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