Title: Face Slapping the General

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Author: Superpanda
Translated by Xing
Edited by Nata & Asaki

Wu Qiao was directed to turn on the automatic driving mode.

Finally, I can take a breath…

The person beside him seemed to feel the same. At the same time, the man was frowning slightly, and Wu Qiao felt the pain from the wound, once he realized his body was relaxing.

“Are you alright?” Wu Qiao asked.

The person looked at him from his peripheral vision: “I’m fine. What about you?”

After seriously inspecting him, Wu Qiao realized that he was handsome to the point of arrogance. His eyebrows sharp, his eyes bright and clear. Wu Qiao has never seen a person with better looks than him…

Wu Qiao looked away unnaturally: “I’m fine as well.”

The man seemed to want to make sure, and carefully looked Wu Qiao up and down, and finally nodded his head: “There’s a big bruise on your head.”

“Really?…” Wu Qiao touched his head.

He didn’t know why, but being looked at so carefully just now by this person made his heart skip a beat.

“I’ll get in touch with the support fleet.” The man said, turning on the communication device.

Soon, a figure appeared on the screen, a very straightforward-looking soldier.

“General Ten Yan!” The soldier didn’t seem to see Wu Qiao at all, “Are you alright sir?”

Ten Yan thought for a while, then turned his head and asked Wu Qiao, “I’m not dead but seriously injured, is it good or bad?”

Wu Qiao was stunned, staring blankly at the other person.

Talk about… Ten Yan…

How can it be?!

He didn’t look like that on TV at all!

Ten Yan on TV has an ordinary appearance, but his eyes are full of determination. When he is giving a speech, his words are sonorous and powerful, and he gestures a lot. He talks without stopping, and his hands also won’t stop. For this, Wu Qiao also admired him very much. He felt that he was worthy of being a general, and even his gestures were so different. This kind of worship was not dispelled until the day he received that reply.

Right now… the soldier actually told him that this is Ten Yan?

“What wrong?” Ten Yan asked.

“Y-You… Are General Ten Yan?!”

“Did you become so excited you suddenly turned stupid?”

“How is that possible?!” Wu Qiao whispered, “I’ve seen the real person on TV!”

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“That’s not a real person…” Ten Yan laughed a little.

Wu Qiao guessed, it would be inconvenient to reveal their true appearance for some jobs. He lowered his eyes.

Now, he kind of understood the reason why his heart was racing inexplicably when he was being stared at just now – the two of them are genetically matched. In the gene pairing, the usually imperceptible sexual fragrance in the odor, that is, the pheromones, is an indicator that cannot be ignored.

Two people with a high degree of matching must be sexually attracted to each other, and he and Ten Yan have a very high degree of matching, and their scores are almost full. This kind of thing is really… It’s not okay to refuse or accept it, and in this case, it will be provoked.

However, Wu Qiao is also well aware of the situation. He had already read Tan Yan’s reply. The content was very simple, but the meaning was very clear, just to get him out of the way. The other party clearly looked down on him, and Wu Qiao was not a masochist, so he should never think about it, because there is no possibility at all.

Wu Qiao sighed and made up his mind that his heart would never beat again.

Over there, Ten Yan has already explained the current situation of the mining star in great detail.

“We must arrive as soon as possible.” The person on the screen said, “Please go to the base of the Tanghulu* Galaxy to recuperate first.”

The Tanghulu Galaxy, as the name suggests, is a few planets of the same size arranged in “one” line, and the spheres are red. From a distance, it looks like candied haws.

*Tanghulu is sugar gourd, it looks like few balls of caramelized candy on a stick

Tan Yan nodded.

After arriving at the base, Ya Jiu landed on the shelf that the base has prepared for it.

“Come down.” Tan Yan stepped on the lifting board.

“…Well.” Wu Qiao looked at Ya Jiu reluctantly. He knew that as long as he took a step from here, there was no possibility of coming back. He has only been with this mecha for a short while. He was just a passer-by in its long “life”. It will soon accept a new driver…

I’m afraid that I’m the only one who cannot forget the other party.

Wu Qiao felt that he really got along well with it.

He touched Ya Jiu’s icy cockpit, and felt the touch of each button with his fingertips, wanting to imprint that feeling in his heart forever. At the end, Wu Qiao lowered his head and dropped a kiss on the console.

“Huh… Huh…” Ya Jiu said awkwardly after being kissed, “Suddenly, suddenly it’s a little hot… The circuit is about to burst…”

Wu Qiao smiled: “Goodbye… Ya Jiu.”

“…Huh? Goodbye Wu Qiao!”

“…” Wu Qiao took one last look, turned and stepped on the lift.

During this process, Ten Yan watched silently.

After entering the base, Ten Yan suddenly asked: “Do you really want to go to the battlefield?”


“But you are not suitable at all.”

Wu Qiao was silent for a while: “How do you know if you don’t try it?

“Genetic scanning doesn’t explain what’s the problem.”

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“But,” Wu Qiao argued with reason, “The genetic scan says that I have a 0.01% chance of becoming a fighting hero.”

Ten Yan was so shocked that he couldn’t speak, and it took a long while to use an incredulous tone. “How do you interpret that?”

“That is, I have a 0.01% chance of being a battle hero.”

“0.01%! Do you know what is the concept of 0.01% ?”

“Yes…” Wu Qiao replied, “But I just thought I would fall within the 0.01% range.”

Ten Yan had a headache: “So, you went to join the army as a miner?”

“Well, the military academy rejected me, there’s no other way.”

“…” Ten Yan didn’t want to argue, so he changed the subject, “You got credit this time, what do you want? Feel free to speak up. ”

“Do you have any big expectations?”


“I…” Wu Qiao stood still, looked at Ten Yan and said,

“I want to go to a military academy.”

“…” Tan Yan frowned.

Why did the topic get back to this again? What’s the matter with this kid?

Wu Qiao repeated: “I want to go to the military academy.”

“You can change it.”

“…That’s what I want, forget it.”

“I’ll let you change it!”

“It’s really what I want,” Wu Qiao said.

Ten Yan felt that he really wanted to pinch him. He said: “I don’t like to owe people favors.”

“…” Wu Qiao didn’t know how to respond to that.

“You can’t do what I want, and I don’t want anything else, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Bullshit.” Ten Yan couldn’t bear the insult, “Who said I couldn’t do it?”

Wu Qiao’s eyes lit up: “Can you do it?”

Ten Yan hesitated: “Currently, the imperial education system is independent, and the military academy has rejected you, so I can’t force the military academy to accept you.”


“However, the military department has its own training courses, which usually lasts about a year, and the graduates of the military academy often participate which is very helpful for development and is a shortcut to becoming an officer. I can say a few words about this.”

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“Please let me go there!”

“It won’t work for you.” Ten Yan looked at Wu Qiao, “First, even if you complete all the courses, according to the genetic level of your body, it’s impossible to be accepted by the front line. Don’t be fooled that the military department does not look at genes”

“We’ll talk about it later.” Wu Qiao bit his lip, “This training course must be useful.”

Yes, for his dreams, it must be useful. At least more useful than mining.

Ten Yan continued: “Second, not everyone can participate. If you want to take this course, you need to be recommended by someone, and you need to pass the exam. Because the participants are generally military academy graduates, there is no step of genetic scanning. As long as the military school teachers think that your character is reliable and you prove your strength in the examination, there is no problem. Your words… I can recommend you to skip the step of military academy graduates, but you will not pass the exam. ”

Wu Qiao said again: “How do you know if you don’t try it?”

“Okay.” Ten Yan seemed to think that Wu Qiao was very sick.

“If you insist on making this request… Actually, I suggest you ask for something else, such as A monetary reward, or a job, which will make a real difference in your life. This opportunity is very rare, are you sure you want to waste it like this?”

“Yes.” Wu Qiao hadn’t recovered from his excitement, “Please recommend me.”

“…Alright.” Ten Yan replied, “The exam will be in just four months. By the way, with your genetic results, and that little bit of mecha knowledge, it is impossible for you to pass.”

After speaking, Ten Yan left.

Wu Qiao didn’t care, and went back to the room arranged for him by the base to rest.

There is a fierce battle being waged for the mining star. Wu Qiao hoped that the empire could retake the mining star. After all, he is also a soldier there. Although he will not go back to the mine again, it will take a long time for the mining star to resume production, and he will arrive at that time. Time to apply for retirement.

Wu Qiao couldn’t see the situation of the battle, so he pulled out the biographies of famous people.

Wu Qiao loves to read biographies of famous people, and he also records the sentences he thinks are very good on an excel sheet (yes, Microsoft has not shut down), for example, his feelings about the country, his feelings about family, and his feelings about friendship, feelings about dreams… Wait, review it every now and then it makes sense..

While reading, Wu Qiao suddenly heard someone knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw that it was the base affairs officer, and even Ten Yan was with him and… Ya Jiu. At this time, Ya Jiu already had a temporary right leg. It looked a little awkward, but it was still better than nothing.

Moreover, at this moment, Ya Jiu has become the size of a human. Because molecules can be reorganized and material density can be changed, mechas in this era do not necessarily need to be carried by starships. Since the quality of the mecha will not change, when they become the size of a human, they will open a floating setting to balance out most of the gravity, so they will not appear so heavy.

“What’s wrong?…” Wu Qiao asked.

Ten Yan said irritably: “It has to be with you.”


Ten Yan explained casually: “It only has an IQ of 10, and it is a stubborn one.”

“…” Wu Qiao asked, “So what?”

“What else can I do? It’s crying and making a lot of noise.” Ten Yan said, “Let it stay in the same room with you first, and we’ll be discussing countermeasures.”


Over there, Ya Jiu happily squeezed in .

“Since this is the arrangement…” The affairs officer handed Ten Yan a document, “General, please sign here.”

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Wu Qiao thought about it, and then he understood. The latest type of mecha needs to be carefully guarded, and such changes need to be signed by someone.

Ten Yan took over the document, wrote the word “Ten Yan”, and the dragon flew and danced, and at the end he drew a big cat after the words “Ten Yan”.

“…” Wu Qiao couldn’t help but ask, “What is this big cat?”

“Why are you asking so many questions?!” Ten Yan had no intention of answering. He threw the pen away, and walked quickly towards the direction he came from. It should be to observe the battle situation of the mine star.

Seeing Ten Yan leave, the affairs officer looked down at Ten Yan’s signature: “Actually…I know the reason for this.”

“Oh?” Wu Qiao couldn’t help but gossip, “What is it?”

“It’s…” The affairs officer said, “That’s right, on the day the general was promoted to general, he would go to the military headquarters to record his signature, as a comparison for his signature in the future. ”

“And then, because he just got promoted…The general was so happy that when he wrote his signature, he drew a big cat after his name. He didn’t expect… That the person who collected the signature entered it all together. Later, when he signed his signature for the first time, the system indicated that the signature was incorrect. The general tried it many times over and over again, until he finally found that he had to add the big cat at the end of his signature… Since then, the general’s signature must be accompanied by the big cat.”

Wu Qiao: “……………………”

After sending the affairs officer away, Wu Qiao closed the door.

He looked at Ya Jiu and felt very happy. Just a minute ago, he thought he would never see Ya Jiu again.

“That, Ya Jiu.” Wu Qiao said, “I’m too tired… I want to sleep.”

“Oh!” Ya Jiu replied, “Then, I also need to sleep.”

“…” Does Mecha also need to sleep ?

He was not quite sure about the problem, so Wu Qiao had to reply vaguely,

“Well, okay.”

After that, he lay down on the bed against the wall.

As soon as he lay down, he felt a his back being poked.

Wu Qiao turned around.

Ya Jiu looked at him and asked, “Where’s my pillow?”



Wu Qiao was in a daze when he gave it a pillow.

Mecha… why do you want this?

Ya Jiu arranged the pillow neatly and asked Wu Qiao, “Where’s my quilt?”

“…” Wu Qiao found a quilt and gave it to him again.

After staring at Ya Jiu lying on the pillow for a long time, Wu Qiao finally realized the problem with Ya Jiu.

Yu Jiu thinks it’s a person…

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