Chapter 26.2 Does my love frightens you?

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Posted on April 2, 2023 by juaiwanee


Qin Mu was sitting on the bed, staring out the window. The sound of running water was always present and he felt exhausted. The night scene outside looked beautiful with the moonlight shining brightly and the stars sparkling in the sky. However, he was too tired to enjoy it. In reality, he felt tight and worried. Feelings of nausea would flow through his body whenever he considered what might happen next.




The door to the bathroom opened and footsteps from slippers rubbing the floor nearby came and stopped beside him.


The heat from behind made Qin Mu’s body tense subconsciously but he didn’t turn around. Sensing Qin Mu’s anxiety, Shao Qingyu chuckled ambiguously. Then, a gruff voice sounded: “Stop acting as if you’ve never been f*cked before. What are you scared about?”




The well-dressed Shao Qingyu bent his head to adjust the cuffs of his black shirt and muttered calmly, “Take off your clothes.”


Qin Mu didn’t move at first, but when he did, the man was already slowly removing the belt on his robe. He then grabbed the white belt in Shao Qingyu’s hand and watched as the color of blood on his fingers faded.


“Turn around.”


Shao Qingyu’s voice was slightly hoarser than it had been. His eyes were dark and heavy, devoid of any light. He lifted his gaze and focused on the guy on the bed, observing every motion he made. Still patient, he waited a little longer like a hunter enjoying the moment his prey stumbled into his trap. Then…. destroyed into the belly.


Qin Mu exhaled deeply. If he was doomed to remain trapped all night, there was no use in wasting so much time.


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As Shao Qingyu asked him to turn around, he did so. But as soon as his skin made contact with the somewhat chilly air, a shiver rushed through Qin Mu’s body and goosebumps sprung up all over.


But that’s still not enough.


“Continue to take off, all of them.”


The black hue in the bottom of Shao Qingyu’s eyes deepened and grew more noticeable, yet he showed no apparent signs of trouble.


When confronted with the other person’s quiet and undulating sight, Qin Mu’s forehead veins swelled. He quietly clenched his teeth and forcefully pulled off his bathrobe. His skin bathed in the dim bedroom light is as silky and shiny as fine satin.


Shao Qingyu’s eyes scanned Qin Mu’s whole body like a radar detector, taking in every detail. A sense of shame and humiliation crept over Qin Mu. The other party was fully clothed while he was now naked and this stern guy straightened out all the wrinkles on the black shirt.


He has obviously just come out from the bathroom…..


‘This guy is a true pervert!’, Qin Mu expressed his hatred. He should give him pain instead of letting himself be devoured by the other party’s intense sight. Qin Mu closed his eyes and laid flat on the bed, saying, “Don’t f*cking waste time; if you don’t want to do it, go out.”


While speaking, he noticed the bed had sunk.


Then he felt a strip of cloth-like ribbon covering his eyes.


“What are you doing?”


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Being blindfolded made Qin Mu feel insecure which made his body stiffer.


Shao Qingyu stated just two words: “Inspection.”


He expected a rough night but to Qin Mu’s surprise, Shao Qingyu didn’t make it difficult for him. He was referring to an actual examination when he made that statement. Even without actual contact, the touch of the gloved fingers was enough to trigger a nervous twitch. Maybe Qin Mu’s eyes were sealed and his nerves were always on edge so his flesh was as rigid as a stone.


Shao Qingyu finished, removed his white gloves and assisted Qin Mu in removing the black cloth from his eyes.


With the black cloth no longer shielding Qin Mu’s eyes, light flooded into his eyes and his eyesight improved. Shao Qingyu scoffed sarcastically as he saw Qin Mu’s blinking, “Your body is so rigid, it looks like Qi Heng hasn’t adjusted you much.”


“That’s because you’re not Qi Heng,” Qin Mu responded, his eyes flashing angrily.


Since he isn’t Qi Heng, don’t you feel anything for his touch?


Shao Qingyu’s eyes sank unexpectedly and his icy stare cut deep into Qin Mu’s soul. The latter fixed an unwavering gaze on him showing no sign of backing down. There was silence for over a minute until Shao Qingyu broke it: “That doesn’t matter, we still have a year.”


After stating this, he got up and went to the door and opened it with the statement, “Next time, I won’t quit so easily.”


There was a faint click as the door closed and Shao Qingyu was no longer visible outside.


As Qin Mu looked blankly at the shut door, he felt glad that he had escaped tonight.


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… …


Qin Mu had trouble sleeping that night.


Lack of sleep causes noticeable dark circles beneath the eyes the following day. Qin Mu never stays up late and regularly works on schedule. As insomnia sets in, his appearance will reflect the full range of its effects.


They ate breakfast without a word and sat opposite each other on both sides of the long dining table. Qin Mu lowered his head so he wouldn’t have to look at Shao Qingyu’s face. Even though he wasn’t really hungry, he force-fed himself nevertheless.


In the room, the distinctive sound of a fork tapping the ceramic surface was audible.


Shao Qingyu wiped his mouth with a napkin and glanced at the person across from him, saying “I’m full.”


“Oh.” A very concise and straightforward single sound.


The frigid answer did not bother Shao Qingyu. After a night of thought, he finally had to come to terms with the provocation he had gotten from Qin Mu the night before. He was a principled guy who haggled over every penny, and this habit persisted no matter how long the journey went.

“Did you stay up late last night?” 


“No.” Of course Qin Mu would not admit it. 


Shao Qingyu pointed out casually: “Your dark circles look like national treasures, is spring here?” 


‘Damn, can’t this pervert let him have breakfast at ease?!’ Thinking of Guo Guo, the muscles on his face twitched slightly and he endured it.

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Who knows that this pervert will not give up: “Could it be that I didn’t f*ck you last night, and you still haven’t satisfied your lust?”




Qin Mu slammed his chopsticks on the table three times and glared up at Shao Qingyu. He isn’t usually very mild-mannered, however, Qi Heng has helped him mellow over the last few years. Qi Heng’s influence soothes his temperament but it doesn’t mean he can be casually insulted by someone who uses words without consideration.


Shao Qingyu wanted to rile him up and a devious grin spread across his face as he uttered Qi Heng’s name. As predicted, Qin Mu’s rage was about to explode. However, as soon as the name was spoken, he contained his temper and fell silent again.


Shao Qingyu ceased his laughter and stared at him for a brief moment. “I am going out to work, so stay here till I get back.”


“…… Got it. “


… …


Qin Mu chose not to return to his room, instead to stroll through the sky garden on the highest floor of Shao Qingyu’s suburban villa. The villa’s magnificence exceeded his expectations, obviously flaunting its wealth. His thoughts frigidly contemplated this statement when he was suddenly interrupted by a delightful burst of laughter that rang in his ear.


The tone is quite similar to the youth name Shao Jing.


Qin Mu felt a reaction in his heart as he followed the sound and turned a corner. He spotted a slim figure in his line of sight. The youth was dressed in white sportswear with windblown hair and held a remote control car that hummed along the ground. He smiled widely in the sunlight, warming everyone’s hearts.


It was an expression of happiness that Xie Ge had never displayed previously.

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