Chapter 28 Does my love frightens you?

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Posted on April 13, 2023 by juaiwanee

The creased tie dropped gently on the bed. Shao Qingyu rubbed the bruises on his wrist and teased, “So this is how you like to play.”

Before he could continue, the light suddenly turned on and eliminated the room’s blackness.

Qin Mu lowered his hand and stood beside the bed, watching the person who was lazily organizing his clothes. He said with clenched teeth, “Is it fun?”

Shao Qingyu’s lips curved up as he heard this. “Do you still remember where you hit me just now?” He questioned while leaning on the bed.

“I don’t remember.”

Qin Mu was uneasy when he saw that the other party’s eyes were becoming darker while he was staring up and down at him with malice. He stiffly denied it. His heart pounded as he tried to figure out why the other person was asking this question.

“It’s alright if you forget.”

Reaching out, Shao Qingyu took hold of Qin Mu’s left arm. “I don’t mind showing it to you personally.”

Damn it!

Qin Mu reddened and muttered a curse in his heart as he realized what Shao Qingyu was about to do.

Other than his grandmother, no one had ever hit him in his entire life. Could this pervert be.…

He started to ponder, but Shao Qingyu hastily dragged him onto the bed and turned him over. He repeated what Qin Mu had done to him just before.

Sure enough, it was not good to do bad things. He had thought that Shao Qingyu was drunk, which was why he dared to do this to him. Now that he was caught red-handed, Qin Mu immediately began to struggle violently.

“Let me go!”

“I won’t let go.”

Shao Qingyu refused right away, struggling to keep Qin Mu’s kicking legs in place.

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It was not simple to halt Qin Mu, who stood at over 1.8 meters in height and was exceedingly powerful. Shao Qingyu had also just returned from a social event and had a few glasses of wine. Although he wasn’t intoxicated, he did feel a bit lightheaded.

Shao Qingyu leaned near Qin Mu’s earlobe as he feared the latter was ready to shrug him off.

“Hiss!!!” F*ck! Was this guy a dog?

Qin Mu shrieked in agony from the bite. His whole body seemed to tense up involuntarily.

Shao Qingyu had a little rust sensation on his tongue. He let go of his teeth and leaned closer to Qin Mu’s ear. He purposefully blew hot air into Qin Mu’s ear before adding, “Does it hurt?”

“… If you have the skill, let me also try biting you.”

“I’d rather bite you.”

Shao Qingyu laughed raucously as his chest slightly vibrated. Qin Mu scowled as she lay on the bed. He was about to turn the person on top of him over when he heard the other person exclaim, “I’ll give you two options now.”


“Either I f*ck you, or…”

Shao Qingyu paused before focusing her attention on the man’s perky buttocks. “Let me smack your butt a few times.”


“I’m just repaying the favor.”

With a stern tone and carelessly squeezing Qin Mu’s indescribable body part, Shao Qingyu made his point.

Qin Mu knew he had no basis for declining, but he couldn’t help but wish he could be an ostrich.

He wasn’t yet prepared to have sexual relations with Shao Qingyu.

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“Have you thought about it?”

Shao Qingyu was beaming as he appreciated Qin Mu’s troubled expression. Even the thought of removing Qin Mu’s nightgown excited him.

Slapping his buttocks while nude was better, which somehow boosted Shao Qingyu’s mood.

Shao Qingyu’s wicked ideas were unknown to Qin Mu. Otherwise, his anger would cause him to vomit blood. He had no idea that his careless behavior would end up getting him into a lot of trouble. Qin Mu ruled against being f*cked and, on second thought, decided to be spanked. With his face buried in the pillow, he said, “Hurry up!”

The heat on his face rose, but there was no movement behind him for quite a while.

Qin Mu, who had been tense, couldn’t help but turn his head. “You …”


Qin Mu was dumbfounded.

Once he was struck once, Shao Qingyu paused and went on prodding him. “Lift your butts slightly higher.”

There was no motion from Qin Mu.

This situation was already humiliating enough, but this pervert continued to make obscene demands.

Shao Qingyu lost his patience after waiting for a while and getting no cooperation from Qin Mu. He performed several absurd tricks with Qin Mu’s body, manipulating her like a puppeteer.

The heat on Qin Mu’s face rose steadily from beginning to end. A flush extended to his ears and neck as he tried to hide his embarrassment. The level of his shame was unprecedented.

He was being treated like a child despite his age.

Since he faced the opposite direction, he couldn’t look at Shao Qingyu’s face. He got more stressed because he failed to see anything, and his heartbeat was pounding.

He was unable to predict when Shao Qingyu’s hand would fall or what spot it would land on, so all he could do was wait with bated breath.

At this point, Qin Mu understood exactly how nasty Shao Qingyu was.

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Shao Qingyu not only spanked him but also purposefully toyed with his indefinable body parts. His body seemed to have been split into two parts. His top half was consumed in flames, while his bottom half was submerged in the sea. Both the cold and the heat were quite vivid to him.

Qin Mu was nearly done when it was over. His buttocks were hurting, and the blankets were a tangled mess. He was drenched from head to toe and couldn’t even lift his hand. The air was heavy with his desperate attempts to breathe.

“How do you feel?”

The question was posed on purpose by Shao Qingyu, who did not allow him off the hook.

Qin Mu shut his eyes and obstructed Shao Qingyu’s path. He was drowsy after the torture he had just experienced, along with the fact he had not slept the night before.

“If you’re tired, go to bed.” It seems that Shao Qingyu could read other people’s thoughts.

Qin Mu’s eyelids were already battling each other, yet he couldn’t sleep well with Shao Qingyu there. “And how about you?”

“I’ll sleep with you.”


Shao Qingyu twisted his lips as he sensed Qin Mu’s body was ready to transform into a brick. “Don’t get worked up. I’m joking.”


“After all, I’m the kind of guy who keeps his word.”

Like a red spider lily unfurling in the pitch black of night, the grin at his mouth’s corners slowly stretched over his face. He gave a heartfelt smile. “If I stay, I may not be able to stop devouring you.”

The heck with keeping your word!

Shao Qingyu wasn’t speaking the truth, and Qin Mu sensed it. His previous promise had been a shambles. Guo Guo had not yet been released.

If Shao Qingyu didn’t provide a conclusive result, Qin Mu believed he did not need to remain here and endure Shao Qingyu’s wilful humiliation.

… …

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Shao Qingyu didn’t harass Qin Mu at the subsequent time since he was preoccupied with managing the business.

After half a month, Shao Qingyu would still shift the subject whenever Qin Mu brought up Qi Heng. Over time, Qin Mu learned that Shao Qingyu had no intention of releasing Qi Heng.

Therefore, before Shao Qingyu departed that day, Qin Mu stood in his way and wouldn’t budge. His dark, piercing eyes glared at the other person without fear.

“When will Qi Heng be released?”

He didn’t mince words, and his face was solemn. He posed an inquiry, but it was a declarative phrase.

Xiao Wu, who served both roles of the president’s driver and assistant, reminded Shao Qingyu, “President Shao, you still have a meeting to attend at eight o’clock, you see……”

Shao Qingyu extended his hand. “Notify the board of directors that the meeting has been suspended.”

“But …”

Xiao Wu cast a glimpse in the direction of Qin Mu and opened his mouth to say something, but Shao Qingyu cut him off. “I need to take care of family issues first.”

Having spent three years by Shao Qingyu’s side, Xiao Wu knew that he never changed his mind once he made a decision. He was silent for two seconds before answering, “Yes, President Shao.” He quietly left the room, leaving the battleground to the two people there.

“I hope you can give me an accurate time,” Qin Mu said coldly when no one else was present.

Shao Qingyu narrowed his eyes in concentration. “Are you ordering me?”

“We agreed on this from the start.” Shao Qingyu’s grim face did not deter Qin Mu, who stated each phrase clearly.

Sparks shot everywhere as their gazes collided in the atmosphere.

Shao Qingyu was the first to arrive on the couch and take a seat. He crossed his knees and gazed up at Qin Mu, a black river coursing through his dark and deep eyes.

“Do you truly believe Qi Heng is in my hands?”

“What do you mean?”

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