Fair Trade

Chapter 21.2

One could say he was really Kirill’s brother, from the way he spoke with sarcasm. Sei sensed the same air from Stefan as she did from Kirill. Sei approached them and placed a knife under Yuri’s chin.

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Someone must be watching the situation through a surveillance camera right now, whether it’s Giulio or his subordinates. She needed to avoid any risks, so she raised the knife and said, pretending to be intimidating, “Let’s go to my room. It’s the only room in this mansion without a camera.”


Sei never let go of Yuri’s hands just in case. She told Giulio’s men, who followed them, to guard in front of her room, and then came into the room with Stefan following behind her and Yuri.

Sei thought up excuses for Giulio one by one.

Should I tell him that I brought him here because I was very sleepy? Or to keep an eye on him by myself?

In fact, since Yuri appeared, her thinking skills had depreciated. It was because too much had happened at once.

Sei, who was pressing a finger to her throbbing temple, went into the bathroom, and came out with a towel and some warm water in a basin.

“Let’s take care of it first. Come here.”

She pointed to his wounds and then to the only chair in the room. However, Yuri went straight into the bathroom and called her with a troubled expression.

“Can you give me a hand with this?”


“As you said, I think we should take care of the situation down here first.”

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Sei instinctively looked at Stefan. However, Yuri, who noticed her intention, smiled and leaned forward to meet her eyes.

“Oh, no… Don’t ask Stefan. I’m too straight to show my dick to other guys.”

“So it’s okay in front of me?”

“You’ve even sucked it. Whatever you do, I will understand.”

“Ah, you’re driving me crazy… It doesn’t hurt, right?”

“No, it hurts. It hurts like hell.”

At the same time, Yuri groaned as if he was in a lot of pain. Even though she knew she shouldn’t laugh at this situation, the corners of her mouth kept twitching.

Standing in front of the toilet, she took off his pants and underwear one after another with an embarrassed expression. Then his half-bent appendage popped out. Seeing her become anxious, he leaned forward and whispered while pressing his lips against her forehead, “Just hold it. I’ll take care of it.”

When she peeked outside the glass door, she saw Stephan, who was standing in front of her, struggling to hold back his laughter. After staring at him, Sei grabbed his penis which was as elastic as hard rubber. A soft sigh came over the top of her head.

However, rather than finishing up his business, his penis kept swelling bigger and bigger in the palm of her hand. Her face flushed with strange embarrassment.

“Hurry up and finish it.”

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“It will be done quicker if you shake it.”

“For urination?”

“Sei… I never said I’d pee.”

Her lips rose slightly in a smirk.

Is he really calm or is he fearless?

Strangely, Yuri didn’t seem to feel the shadow of death looming over them.

“Don’t play around. This is not the time.”

“Were you surprised? Your expression earlier… I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.”

The expression from earlier must have been a stupid face that turned blue with fear. While she was lost in thought, Stefan knocked and pointed outside with his serious eyes. “The number of ears listening has increased. Is Giulio Parenti that apprehensive?”

Just as Stefan said, the voices speaking Italian outside became louder. Yuri’s lips touched Sei’s small ones as she sighed.

“I was worried about you. Like crazy.”

His exquisite scent was still present amid the fishy blood odour.

At his words, Sei’s heart began to beat strangely fast, and a corner of her chest warmed up.

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She shook her head while resting her forehead against Yuri’s. They stood holding each other in a situation where no one knew where the bullets could fly right now.

She led Yuri to the bed as she stared into his intense yet soft eyes that were fixed on her. She then slid down the blood-stained shirt down his shoulder and wiped his body with a wet towel.

She wiped his broad shoulders all the way down to his tightly packed abdomen. The red blood stood out against his white skin.

The white towel turned red over time.

Sei meticulously wiped the wounds on Yuri’s face and applied ointment.

The man’s gaze followed her movements every time she moved.

“Yesterday… It was Valentine who attacked me. He was a money launderer for Giulio.”

“He was Pablo. Petrov’s accountant.”

“I assumed so. By the way… did you really watch everything?”

“No, I got to know about this after hearing his voice. He changed his tone, but they’re both the same person.”

I should’ve killed him sooner.

Whispering inaudibly, Yuri kissed the back of Sei’s hand holding the towel. Playing with his soft hair, she carefully stretched out her arms and hugged him. Her ears were tickled by his contented laughter.

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The scale, which was just beginning to level between Giulio and Yuri, abruptly leaned in the direction of Yuri Petrov. She hadn’t changed her mind to use Yuri to escape from the monster that was Guilio, but now this blue-eyed monster was starting to worry her.

Was he doing this out of sympathy, compassion, or affection? If not love… perhaps because of kinship?

Sei shrugged her shoulders at the prospect of yet another worry.

“So, what exactly are you looking for?” I have ten days before I have to leave this place. So, Yuri, tell me. The only person who can break through this villa without being caught…. is me.”

“It’s a gun,” Yuri, who had been silent for a moment, said in response to her confident words.

Stefan and Sei shouted at the same time. Guns were as easy to find as candies in a mafia den.

“Pablo handed over the gun to Giulio Parenti. After all, there’s no better place to hide a gun than an arms dealer’s den.”

“I know where the gun lockers are. But… I don’t think it would be there. Since he knows it was from the Red Mafia, Giulio couldn’t have put it there. If there is any place he must have kept  it, it must be under his pillow.”

It was quiet outside the door. Nonetheless, Sei’s brow furrowed as she heard Guilio’s henchmen curse at Americans. Yuri, on the other hand, responded by kissing Sei’s chin with an unconcerned expression.

“No. He wouldn’t have left it unattended if he knew it was important enough to keep under the pillow. He’s not exactly a patient man.”

The tie that had been wrapped around Yuri’s wrist fell to the floor. Without a second thought, he grabbed Sei and pushed her onto the bed. As she lay buried in the soft pillow, her eyes opened wide. Gray-blue eyes glistened through the platinum hair.

Yuri took off his blood stained shirt and turned his head towards Stefan.

“Close your eyes, cover your ears, or go to the bathroom. If possible, it would be better if you could do all three.”

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