Fair Trade

Chapter 35.2

Sei let out a sigh and said to Chloe, “Let’s move out today, Chloe.”

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“Yes. Since the door is broken. And… No. I’ll tell you later.”

Sei, who said this, looked up at Yuri. It was as if she were asking what he was up to. Soon after, the man poured himself hot coffee into a paper cup and disappeared.

After a moment of silence, the coffee became lukewarm. Questions began to pour out of Chloe.

Yuri told her that they have a very normal relationship. So, in Chloe’s imagination, the two began an ordinary romantic relationship.

“Then I’ll ask Mark to take the luggage, so you only get your valuables. I’m going to visit Midtown for a while because my friend is there.”

“Really? Then shall we cook Korean food tonight? Didn’t you say you wanted to eat kimchi stew before?”

“Is it possible? It’s fine if possible, but I’m afraid there will be complaints about the smell since it’s a nice apartment.”

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“Our restaurant also serves kimchi, but there are no people like that. Then make sure you’re back by six. You know I’m off today, right? You won’t be late, right?”

Sei got up with a smile, dressed appropriately without any preparation to go out, and picked up the backpack she had put behind the sofa. She deliberately left out Yuri’s necklace.

The rain kept pouring down quite heavily. Mark brought back her bike parked at the airport and was taking care of it. Sei, who was standing in front of the warehouse of the management office and watching it, said with a furrowed brow, “Do you want it?”

At that, Mark’s eyes flashed as he held the dry mop.


“Yeah. I’ll give you a ride just for today. I’m moving in the evening. So please get someone to move our luggage.”

Mark jumped out of his seat and the fat on his stomach swayed slowly.

She couldn’t trust anyone for today. Not even Gavin and Lily. They would definitely put her on the line and make a deal.

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Sei started the bike. It was raining, but it didn’t matter. Mark handed her a new raincoat as she tried to ride away. As if he were already the owner of a bike, he began to nag her with things like, ‘Don’t hurt yourself, park properly’ and so on.

Sei, shaking her head, pulled the axel as if she wanted to cut off his words.

Her bike shot through the rain, speeding between the slow-crawling vehicles.


“… Do you think you’re Jack the Killer?”

Those were Lily’s first words when she saw Sei walking in wearing a black raincoat. Fortunately, the curtains were closed and the room was dark inside. Taking off her raincoat, she plopped down on the sofa and woke up Gavin, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

“Hey, Mr. FBI. Mr. Gavin Smith? Hey, Valentin!”

When the name Valentin came out, Gavin jumped up and sighed upon seeing that it was Sei. He rubbed his face hard. Lily’s face also seemed haggard as if she had a hard time falling asleep earlier.

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“At least write the date and time properly. I thought you were coming yesterday, so I waited all night.”

“I was going to come yesterday. But something happened. Let’s get a hold of ourselves and sit down now, shall we?”

Gavin told her to wait, went into her bathroom, washed his face quickly, and returned to the sofa with a Coke. He seemed to like drinking coke quite a bit, but he didn’t have any belly fat.

“Actually… Giulio Parenti came to see me yesterday. Right after I left you. When I went back to my house, he and his men were waiting there to kill me.”

The hissing sound of coke resounded in the room. Gavin looked at Sei’s with a surprised face and scanned her whole body.

“Did you get hurt?”

“No, there was a sniper. I thought it was the FBI. Fortunately, the sniper kept him in check, so I’m alive, but it was a bit difficult. So I couldn’t come right away.”

“Heuk! Oh, my God… Are we being followed?”

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“It’s not you, it’s me. Anyway, Gavin. As you already know, there are too many people who want Yuri Petrov’s stuff. And I’m the only one who can tell you where it’s hidden. Of course, I don’t have it yet.”

Gavin gulped down the coke to make sure his throat didn’t sting. Then he looked at her and said, “I see. Sei, I’m the one who opened it. What’s in it is the money laundering location and the list of all the top-level gang members. In addition, the location where the money is hidden is indicated by coordinates. But the limit was 30 seconds at the most. Who else would have opened it if not for me. Not everyone knows the value of possessing it.”

Sei laughed. She could understand why so many people wanted to have that data.

“Besides, it’s just a clue! If you try to access Yuri’s hard drive from anywhere, you’d lose your life that day. That’s how scary and crazy he is… That’s why we have to take it to the FBI headquarters to see it anyway. That will break the chain of black money.”

She casually opened her backpack and took out her diamonds and gold jewelry.

“Well, let’s have a proper conversation now. I’m going to Korea.”

Lily and Gavin’s eyes narrowed at the same time as they scanned what she took out of her bag.

“Please free my dad and get him a place to live in Korea. If possible, a safe house would be nice. And a week before we move, I want my mom and her caregiver to move in also. I have to live my whole life on the run. So I need ten million dollars in cash to escape. That’s twice the amount Yuri offered me. I’m not a philanthropist, so I’ll have to make the right deal as long as I have the good stuff in my hands. If you can’t meet that condition, don’t expect any justice from me.”

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