Fair Trade

Chapter 39.2

Things had changed.

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To be exact, Yuri’s mien had changed. Sei thought that the Yuri Petrov she had known all along might be a fake. If that wasn’t the case, the current him might be real.

“Wash up and come out.”

The place they arrived was in front of a yacht, which was moored on the spot overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge. The yacht seemed as if it was privately owned, not like the fancy cruise like DE:A. It was a pure white yacht with a small pool and two bedrooms. It also had an outdoor dining area where one could eat and a person who looked like a chef was preparing a barbecue for them at the moment.

‘Could this be a date?’

He even took a private plane when she told him to come right away. The forms of desire they felt for each other were different. The form of desire he showed her and the form of desire she revealed to him were completely different.

But she was the one who pulled the man toward her first. She took a risky gamble, without even knowing how involved she could get.

Sei took off her coat, stared at Yuri as she unfastened her watch, and went into the bathroom. Looking at the unfamiliar image in the mirror, she let out a deep sigh. When she rubbed her face, the dark foundation came right off.

Everything had turned into chaos. It all started with Giulio Parenti. Precisely, her distrust began when she learned that Giulio was the culprit who killed Albert. If she hadn’t known that, she would have returned the item she found to Yuri and then walked away after receiving the money.

But as long as Giulio Parenti knew she had something, none of the choices were going to be easy.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve liked a disguise.”

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She took off her clothes and turned on the hot water. When she lathered and rubbed her face, the black foundation flowed down her body.

The more the things she wanted to hide, the more heavy makeup she did. She usually hid her inner thoughts by covering them more thoroughly. It was the same today as well. Unconsciously, she disguised herself as a completely different person and revealed her intentions to hide.

Her body became immediately clean, but she couldn’t go out of the bathroom easily. She was terrified of what would happen if she left the bathroom and she didn’t have the courage to face Yuri.

However, she couldn’t waste time like this all the time. Sei looked in the mirror and made up her mind. When she opened the door, Yuri, who had been sitting on the bed, lost in thought, raised his head.

“You’re indeed quite pretty. As soon as I saw your face, my heart became weak… It’s interesting.”

Unlike when she entered, it was dark everywhere. He made sure the blinds were drawn on each of the windows. Sei could hear her heart pounding loudly in her chest. She bit her lip and stared at her backpack on the table.

“Come here.”

Yuri patted the seat next to him. She approached as calmly as possible, and instead of sitting down, she stood in front of him. Then, with a smile, Yuri pulled the knot of her gown and opened it. Sei grabbed his hand without realizing it. Then, with his head tilted, Yuri pressed his lips on her belly button.

“I thought you quite liked having sex with me. Isn’t that the case?”

Her body became tense when his warm breath touched her abdomen.

“It’s not that… I just want to talk to you reasonably.”

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“Reasonably you say… Well, that’s not bad either.”

But unlike his words, he pulled Sei’s arm and placed her on his thigh. Startled, she touched his broad shoulders, but he didn’t care and kissed her neck. His soft tongue seemed to barely lick her throat, but then he bit and sucked her neck painlessly. Sei leaned into him as his lips brushed against her neck. Yuri licked the red mark for a long time and asked, “Why did you leave Stefan behind and move alone?”

“I didn’t have the energy to take care of him. I was on my way to visit my father…”

“All of a sudden like this? You even disguised yourself so that no one could recognize you.”

He knew everything. From the fact that she had the item, to where she had hidden it. Also why she had come out dressed like this today.

Yuri had her in the palm of his hand.

“Yuri, don’t be sarcastic when you know everything. It doesn’t suit you. I was just trying to pass the item to my dad. I don’t think this is something I can handle, so I was going to get my hands off it.”

“How interesting! Even with the original owner of the item in front of you, you’re agonizing over it… Seems like a righteous thief! Well, is that what you want to become?”

“What if I wanted that? Can’t I pretend to be a little more righteous?”

“Sei, the FBI is not a model of justice.”

Sei stared at him, speechless. Yuri kissed her on the top of her breast and leaned over to suck her soft skin. Her round nipple was teased and sucked into his mouth.

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At this point, was he angry or grumpy? Or was he still testing her. Sei couldn’t tell.

While combing her fingers through the man’s hair, her breathing became more ragged. Then he said, rolling her swollen nipples with his tongue, “I like that you are not easy to deal with….”

His hands slipped under her gown and squeezed her hips. Sei dug her toes into the floor at the tingling dizziness.

“It seems like you keep forgetting. Sei, who am I?”

“Yuri… Petrov.”

As soon as she finished speaking, he lifted her up and laid her on the bed.

Her black hair sprawled out on the sheets in the shape of a fan and her round breasts swayed appetizingly.

“Are you doing this on purpose, or do you really not know…. I have already introduced you as my lover.”

Sei knew she had to give an important answer, but her mind went blank. She wanted to tell him that he had decided that all by himself.

The fingers that gripped Yuri’s thighs turned pale. Sei’s eyes quivered as he unbuttoned all the buttons and dropped his shirt on the floor.

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“At first, I used you to get away from Guilio. I had no other better choice… That was all… But… things kept getting bigger.”

“So, are you scared?”

She nodded her head once.

“I admit that I am attracted to you, but I cannot say that I love you over my life. We’re still… We don’t know anything about each other.”

A slight defiance tinged her tensed voice. The limpid gray-blue eyes looking down were filled with strange feelings. He whispered in a low voice, “There seems to be a serious problem between us. I’ve only set you free, not let you go.”

“I didn’t mean that. What I meant was that I have not had enough time to blindly trust you.”

“Then let’s try it. That time, I’ll give you as much as you want from now on.”

His slightly curved lips crashed against hers, pushing her body deep into the sheets. His body rested between her legs. Sei parted her lips when she felt his tongue enter her mouth.

Sei pressed against his hard chest as if pushing him away. Sweat seeped from Yuri’s warm, soft skin and landed on her palms.

While their lips were locked, Sei opened her eyes and her eyes met with warm gray ones. There was a familiar glint of  hunger in them.

After biting Sei’s tongue, he grabbed her ankles and spread her legs wide. Then he raised his torso and tilted his head, looking down at her wet cunt.

“It may hurt today. I’m very aroused.”

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