Translator: Reflet

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Editor: Weasalopes

「Just a little more… like this…」

As Haruna glared at the blade, which was glowing red, she muttered to herself as if to measure the timing. After failing to craft many knives, she finally started to get the hang of it. If this goes well, this would be the fifth blade she has successfully crafted in a row today.

「Okay, now!」

After observing the blade intently, she decided that the blade was in the right condition and quickly pulled it out of the fire and dunked it straight into the water. The blade made a loud shriek as it quickly cooled down and solidified its form.

「… I think it went well …」

She lifted the blade out of the water and checked for any significant cracks or strain that she wouldn’t be able to fix it. Seeing that there were none, she gave a sigh of relief.

「After this, I just have to temper the blade and finish it up on the whetstone.」

The two blades which she tempered before was already at the cooling process. Unlike quenching, she couldn’t let the blade cool down quickly. So, when she finishes tempering this blade, that would it for today.

「I wonder if the first blade would be cool enough now?」

The first blade she crafted has already gone through quenching and was already at the cooling process of tempering. As it has been cooling down since this morning, the tempering process should be done by now.

「… hm, it’s perfect.」

Haruna commented out of happiness as she inspected the finished product of her knife. As soon as she shapes the other blades, that would be it for today. However, no matter how much she would hammer the blade, the quality won’t be any better than a cheap knife. Yet this was still an improvement for her compared to her crafting skill when she was just teleported over to this universe.

「I’ll give it another shot tomorrow and once I can craft knives like these without a struggle, next thing to work on would be improving the quality.」

Although she has barely started her training, her skills as a blacksmith was improving. Haruna enjoyed developing her blacksmithing skills so much that she forgot about her original aim of wanting to get better at crafting. It was these aspects of her that she gets often told how she fits the societal concept of an ideal woman, yet it can be somewhat disappointing.

「Misses, you’ve gotten your skills up a lot.」

The dwarf who owned the workshop commented while Haruna was checking the other blade as it has cooled down enough for her to touch it with her bare hands.


「For sure! When you first started, I couldn’t bare to look at the final product no matter how much you hammered it. But with these blades, if you do the finishing touch properly, you should be able to sell them.」

「Do you think so?」

「Of course, it needs a lot more work for it to reach a high-quality product but it should be just fine for everyday use.」

As a professional complimented her work, she was happy to see that her intuition wasn’t too far off.

「While you’re at it, why don’t you give those two blades a finishing touch?」

「Can I?」

「You have to wait for those ones to cool down before you can take it back home, right? If that’s the case, I don’t mind you staying at the workshop until you finish those blades.」

The dwarf said as he pointed at the last blade which was being tempered. The blade was still too warm for her to handle it with her bare hands.

「If you don’t mind, I can give you some advice?」

「Are you sure?」

「Of course. Although I can’t give precise advice like the owner of your workshop, I can explain it better than that expressionless girl who comes in every day.」

The dwarf stepped in as he subtly hinted at being better than Mio. Looking at the blacksmithing skill alone, there wasn’t much difference between Mio and this dwarf. However, Mio does produce a better final product as she makes adjustments to the weapon with enchantments and other things. Yet aside from such arrangements, the dwarf could likely craft better equipment than Mio. Also, due to the greater age gap, it gave the dwarf some sense of pride in teaching the younger generation.

Mio isn’t a bad teacher either. She’s good at explaining things that show clear results like medicine and alchemy. However, with blacksmithing, each process is based on how it feels. Therefore, Mio found it more difficult to explain the process clearly. Also, most of the time she’s not sure if she should say something or not which makes it difficult for her to give good advice.

「Then, I would like to hear your advice.」

「Not a problem.」

Accepting the dwarf’s offer, Haruna started to give the knives a finishing touch as she received advice from the dwarf. After she gave the finishing touch to the first blade, she got the basics and for the second blade, she barely needed any advice.

「It looks like you got the hang of it in general.」

「I guess?」

Haruna gave an uncertain response to dwarf’s compliment. Although her skills have improved, she still couldn’t tell what part of the blade needed adjusting just by looking at it. Although she was finishing it off on the whetstone, there was no way she could craft a beautiful blade on her first go. She poured ink over it, polished off any bumps and placing the blade on a wooden board to check for any dents. However, even with all that work, she still couldn’t craft a knife that would make a clean cut every time. She had no idea how long it would take her before she can polish off bumps and dents just by looking at the blade-like Hiroshi and the dwarf.

「Considering your age and that you only recently started to take blacksmithing seriously, I’d say you’ve got more than enough skill. If anything, I think your workshop owner and that expressionless girl is not human.」


Haruna gave a dry laugh to dwarf’s comment. From someone who was born in this universe, Hiroshi and Mio have practically cheated their way up. So it was a little awkward to receive such comment wholeheartedly.

Although the two cheated their way up, they still managed to level up their skill in a field where there were many dropouts even after corrections were made. Mio had a mentor, but Hiroshi built up his skill just by exchanging very little information with his acquaintances. It was admirable how far he has come considering he received almost no help. That was what Haruna, Makoto and Tatsuya who didn’t take crafting seriously thought.

But that still didn’t change the fact that they cheated so Haruna still felt awkward about what the dwarf said. All she could do right now was to keep checking the tip of the blade.

「Haruna-san, have ya finished yet?」

「Oh, Hiroshi-kun.」

As Haruna was caught up in her own thoughts, Hiroshi who finished the meeting popped into the workshop. It seems that he came to get Haruna after hearing that she was still working back at the workshop.

「Are those ya work from today?」


「… Considerin’ ya background I think their real good.」


As Haruna answered nervously, Hiroshi picked up the knife which hasn’t been neatened to check the progress.

「… If ya manage to craft five more blades like this, I’d say tis it for ya knife practice. Don’t ya agree, old man?」

「Yeah, something like that. Normally, you would spend about another six months crafting knife but you’re a quick learner so it might be good for you to try crafting different things.」

Haruna smiled with joy as she got confirmation not only from Hiroshi but from the dwarf as well. If she was a normal girl, she wouldn’t think that it was something she should be happy about. But the fact that she was honestly happy with the progress she made, made it her positive trait and a disappointing trait as well.

「Anyway, that’ll be it for today. Mio finished a while ago ‘n caught up with brother ‘n others already.」

「Got it,」

With Hiroshi’s help, they cleaned up the workshop and Haruna got all of her belongings. As she checked that all the equipment was put back in place, she turned to the dwarf.

「Thank you for helping me until so late today.」

「Old man, thank ya for helpin’ Haruna-san.」

「Don’t sweat it, it’s part of my job to help motivated young people like you.」

The dwarf replied, feeling somewhat bashful after being thanked by two young people. It was always nice to meet people like Haruna and Hiroshi who could interact with others regardless of race.

「There’ll be more meetin’s ‘n explain’ to do tomorrow ‘n tis gonna take up the whole day. So Haruna-san, ya’ll be back practicin’ blacksmithin’ again. Welp, if there was somethin’ else ya wanted to do, I don’ mind if ya do that instead.」

「No, I’m starting to enjoy it so I will practice again tomorrow.」


Hiroshi nodded as he replied. It seems that she is slowly but surely becoming a craftsman.

「Welp, tis seems to be the case so please look after Haruna-san tomorrow as well.」

「Of course!」

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As Hiroshi asked while checking that all the windows and doors were locked, the dwarf replied confidently. Although she wouldn’t be considered as a possible romantic interest, she was definitely good looking even from dwarf’s standard. To see a girl like that working hard towards her goals, an old dwarf like himself couldn’t help it but give all the support he can. He couldn’t slack off when young people depended on him. He’s motivation increased as he thought about it.

The dwarf was really grateful for Haruna’s interest as he was getting paid to teach the younger generation. But even without the income, he enjoyed helping young people who were working hard towards their goal. So, he didn’t have any reason not to help.

「Then I’ll see ya tomorrow.」

「Take care.」

The dwarf did another round of check to see all the fires have been put out as he watched the two walk off; looking like any normal couple, only that they were consciously keeping 85cm gap between them. The dwarf’s interest was in helping Haruna improve her blacksmithing skill. But even he couldn’t help it but notice Haruna’s feelings towards Hiroshi. However, he could also tell that Hiroshi had a sever gynophobia and that Haruna was compromising for that.

「What a complicated pair of youngsters.」

The dwarf left the workshop, remembering Hiroshi and Haruna who are opposites in every way and feeling somewhat sympathetic towards Haruna. 


Translator: Reflet
Editor: Weasalopes

「Oh, there was something I wanted to ask you while I was practicing.」

「Wha was ‘t?」

「Why don’t we forge copper products?」

「Oh~ dat…」

Hearing Haruna’s question, Hiroshi remembered that he got to explain that to her. Though, the reason for not forging copper product was simple.

「The copper in this universe is a bit too soft ta craft weapons with ‘n the ductility is slightly too big as well. ‘t can be used for makin’ pots but tis never used in blacksmithin’. The stock isn’t that different from steel either.」

「Than what about blue copper?」

「Those are too hard ‘n ‘t doesn’t really solidify even when ya hammer it so tis not fit for forgin’. So tis normally forged with refinement skill.」

To Hiroshi’s explanation, Haruna couldn’t help it but agree. Since the stock amount is similar to steel, using copper for equipment which is used in battles was rare. Unlike Earth, weapons are more frequently used in this universe. So, the lifespan of the weapons in this universe was much shorter compared to weapons used on Earth. So, there was no point in using a metal that was softer, expensive and not fit for forging weapons.

「Well, I have another question. Above magical steel and mithril is orichalcum, adamantite, then hihiirokane, right?」


「Don’t they have any wootz steel or damascus? 」

「In Fairclo, those sorta steels are made by mixin’ magical steel with another high-quality metal. Welp, just cuz ya mixed a low-quality metal with high-quality metal, doesn’t mean ya always end up with a high-quality product.」

As Haruna developed her craft in blacksmithing, she started to develop more questions about the field. As she asked the questions which she had on her mind, Hiroshi answered each one in the simplest way possible. It was unfortunate that Haruna has spent this short, precious time she had with Hiroshi asking such questions.

「So, the one right above orichalcum is holy steel?」

「Nope, between em two are amion steel ‘n gardolium.」

「What kind of steel are they?」

「Amion steel, quality-wise is like if ya mixed admantite with orichalcum, mithril or any other slightly higher-quality metal. Even though they’ve got good endurance, their elasticity ain’t bad so when ya use it as a core iron ‘n skin iron for craftin’ a katana, ya get a katana that’ll give a mighty nice slice. On top ‘o that, they reflect off any curses ‘n when ya use skills, ‘t’ll allow the magic to flow smoother. ‘t also has a trait where the quality ‘n sturdiness increases dependin’ on the user’s mood.」


As expected, high-quality metal had exceptional traits associated with it. However, due to these traits, it was difficult to arrange a weapon crafted out of this metal. But that was given so Haruna didn’t say anything about it.

「Gardolium would be somewhere between admantite ‘n amion steel. Tis not much different from Hihiirokane, just a bit stronger.」

「By the way, what kind of traits did hihiirokane have? I know that orichalcum induces constitution and it’s good against curses, but the magic doesn’t pass through it easily. And admatite doesn’t have any special trait but it has outstanding strength and elasticity, right?」

「Tis ’bout ‘ight. With hihiirokane, as lon’ as ya smelt it, ‘t’ll automatically develop self-healin’ trait. Tis a type ‘o metal that adjusts to the user. But cuz ‘o that, ‘t difficult to make mixed metal with it ‘n arrangin’ isn’t impossible but annoyin’. Though ya can adjust hihiirokane ‘n gardolium, they both don’ reach up to holy steel. Welp, holy steel ‘tself has the trait ‘o adjustin’ to the user so that alone makes holy steel superior.」

「… Could holy steel possibly be…」

「’t has all the traits which every metal in exitance has.」

「… Just as I thought …」

It was the best of the best.

「Oh, by the way, I got some ores for orichalcum…」

「I think ‘t would be difficult to smelt em with the equipment we have here. Even at Kakashi-san’s place, I don’t know if we can definitely smelt em.」

「I thought so.」

「Even though orichalcum ‘n admatite is still better, if ya see how hihiirokane are smelted, ya would be shocked. To be honest, tis somethin’ I don’t personally like workin’ with either.」

「What do you mean by shocked…」

Haruna gave a weird look to Hiroshi’s choice of words. Most of the method Hiroshi used for crafting was something which a normal person would be shocked by. To hear him say that she will be shocked made Haruna worry.

「Welp, I guess ya’ll hafta see it sooner or later. Considerin’ Makoto-san’s ultimate move, ‘t might be better to learn to make a katana out ‘o hihiirokane.」

「Well, if the only difference is that it’s hihiirokane is not self-adjusting, then I guess it would be a better material to make katana out of.」

「’t doesn’t mean that hihiirokane doesn’t have tis own limits though.」

The conversation ended with that being the last thing said. With that, all the questions Haruna had on metals were answered and the same went for questions relating to blacksmithing. Even if they were to talk about things that happened that day, that has mostly been talked about so there was nothing much they could talk about.

Although there was nothing to talk about, there wasn’t a sense of awkwardness between them. At this point, Haruna was just happy to spend time alone with Hiroshi and Hiroshi wasn’t awkward walking next to Haruna anymore. Although their feelings for each other were worlds apart, they acted like an old married couple; adding more contrast to their dynamic.

「… by the way.」

「Hm? wha is it?」

「Oh, it’s just, I remembered a conversation I had with Makoto-san a while back but Hiroshi-kun, do you still want to go back to our universe?」

「’t so suddenly?」

Haruna suddenly asked as they were about to reach their workshop. Hiroshi frowned at the blunt and sudden question.

「When I thought that we’re almost home, it just reminded me of that conversation I had with Makoto-san.」

「I see, wha did Makoto-san say?」

「She said she wants to clean up the mess she made back home so she wants to go back at least once.」

「Oh~ I see. If we go back ‘n there’s some time gap, she could do somethin’ ‘bout the incident before someone finds it.」

「Yeah, she was saying something like that.」

Hiroshi agreed with Makoto’s reason. Let’s make this clear. This was very important for anyone who says they are an otaku.

「I guess ‘t would be the same for Mio as well.」

「Makoto-san thought so as well.」

「Welp, we know that brother wants to go back for sure. What ’bout you Haruna-san?」

「For me, regardless of my intention, I need to go back at least once.」

「Why so?」

As Hiroshi expectedly asked the question, Haruna gave the same explanation she gave to Makoto.

「I see when ya have outrageous relatives, ya got some problems hey?」

「I got used to it but I still have mixed feelings about it.」

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Hearing Haruna’s explanation, he couldn’t help it but to come to a stop at the front door and blurt out such comment. When they’re relatives were all authority figures, it was more troublesome than helpful to their children.

「So, what about you, Hiroshi-kun?」

「Welp o’ course, I wanna go back ‘t least once.」

「How come? Thinking about it logically, I think it would be better for both you and Mio-chan to stay in this universe.」

「Tis simple, I just wanna give my family ‘n friends who were relieved ta see me readin’ ero-manga a peace o’ mind by tellin’ em that I made a female friend.」

「Friend, huh…」

「Welp o’ course I still can’t imagine maself bein’ in a relationship though.」

Haruna felt conflicted after hearing the word “friend”. Hiroshi added with a bitter smile as Haruna didn’t even try to hide that inner conflict. After the events which took place in Darl, Hiroshi stopped avoiding Haruna’s feelings towards him. But that doesn’t mean Hiroshi was now emotionally available. Those were two very different things.

Haruna was aware of that. She knew how much time and effort it requires for Hiroshi to have a female friend. And she was genuinely happy that Hiroshi wanted to introduce her to his family and friend as that female friend. But greed isn’t an easy emotion to manage.

「I’m really grateful that you think of me that way but I’m just disappointed in myself for not being able to accept that title whole-heatedly…」

「Nah offense but Imma not gonna say anythin’ on that. I mean, no matter what I say, tis like ‘says ya!’」


Although it was said jokingly, Hiroshi gave his honest opinion on the situation to which Haruna couldn’t help it but laugh back.

「That aside, when we go back ‘n there’s a bigger time gap then we’ve imagined, ‘n if we managed ta get back before we were teleported, I was wonderin’ if we could keep some distance between us… ?」

「Do you really think I would agree to something like that?」

「Welp, tis really up ta the condition that we get back in. Even if we managed ta make ‘t back home, we don’ know in what shape we’re gonna get back to our universe.」

「Oh~ … okay, I get it.」

Even if they get back to their original universe, there was no guarantee that they will have their memories from the time they spent in this universe. It was something which Haruna didn’t want to think about but there was no way of telling if she could carry on her feeling towards Hiroshi even when they make it back to their universe.

「If we still have our memories from this universe ‘n that there was only half a day difference in time, then I wanna keep some distance between us ‘t school. But outside school, I wanna introduce ya ta people who really helped me ‘n my friends from middle school that I became friends with a sweet girl like yaself. Is that too much ta ask?」

「I’m still a little conflicted about needing to keep some distance while we’re at school but I’m happy that you think of me that way.」

She gave a bright smile not being able to hold back her happiness. She was over the moon as she heard the boy she likes to refer to her as a “sweet girl”. Haruna was friend-zoned as always but there was nothing she could say about that.

「Have you two finished talking yet?」

「Oh, Tatsuya-san we’re back.」

「Welcome back, now if you two are done talking about your feelings, hurry up and go wash your hands. We’re all hungry.」

「Ya ‘ight.」

If Hiroshi didn’t have gynophobia and if he wasn’t referring to Haruna as a friend, he was practically proposing to her. And Tatsuya heard the whole conversation, word to word.  To Tatsuya’s tease, Hiroshi showed no sign of embarrassment and went to wash his hands as usual. Unfortunately for Hiroshi, what he said didn’t mean any more or any less than what the words say. So, there wasn’t any deeper meaning to what he said.

To see Hiroshi refer to the girl that clearly have feelings towards him as a “sweet girl”, get teased about it, and continue on with his routine so calmly was worrying in a different way. The reason why Hiroshi was so calm about the situation is that he didn’t see how that could be seen as flirting and saw no reason to be embarrassed about saying how he really felt. That was the aspect which made everyone worry the most.

「… Hey Haruna.」

「… Hm?」

「When he gets older and gets to an age where an expensive suit will fit him, do you think he will become an unintentional lady’s man?」

「… well, that’s a long way into the future but I think so as well …」

「Good luck…」


To Tausya’s sympathetic words, Haruna’s feelings calmed right down and couldn’t do anything but give a weak, dry laugh.

Translator: Reflet
Editor: Weasalopes

「Hey, Hiroshi. There’s something I wanted to check with you.」

「Sure, wha was it?」

After they finished their meal and have started to clean up, Makoto asked with a serious expression. That night, Makoto and Mio wanted to eat some sort of junk food. So, the dinner that night was bag ramen with shells that were arranged to taste like a dumpling and fried rice along with it. It was the type of meal that did not really take the calories and nutrient balance of food into consideration. Since it was a simple dish, it didn’t take them long to cook either.

「Wha was it that ya wanted ta double check?」

「How’s the talk on the new blast furnace going?」

「Today, we got up ta part on which part of the workshop we’re gonna remodel. Tomorrow, we’ll start with where we shoulda start workin’ on, explain the details ta people who are involved in the construction, ‘n we shoulda start buildin’ by tomorrow afternoon.」

「And exactly how long will it take to build one furnace?」

「The first one we’re buildin’, includin’ the remodellin’ shoulda take ‘bout five days. The second one, I’m only given’ out the instructions so shoulda take ‘bout ten days. The third one that we’re installin’, Imma not be involved in that one ‘n only give out advice if they need any so haven’t gotta clue how lon’ that one’ll take.」

「Okay, got it.」

Makoto nodded, confirming the time span that Hiroshi listed out. Although they said that they will look for the main temple, their party has already used up a lot of their time on Crest Cave. If this project goes on for more than a month, they would need to revise their plan from the beginning. However, it seems that there was no need to worry about their current plan.

「Okay, there’s one more thing I wanted to check with you. During those days, is there any chance that you would be free for like… maybe three days?」

「For the first ‘n the second blast furnace, I told em that I would give em instructions until the outer layer’s done so I doubt I’ll haf any time but why ya ask?」

「It’s just I think we really should finish that dungeon mission.」

「Oh, Gotcha.」

Hearing Makoto’s opinion, Hiroshi nodded in agreement. He has been ignoring that mission since he didn’t think they have enough equipment to go back to the dungeon. However, he did agree that they should at least defeat one of the bosses sooner or later.

「’n when we do, there’s somethin’ that I’ve been troublin’ over.」

「What is it?」

「If we’re gonna do that, wouldn’t ‘t be better if we dived into the dungeon ahead, collect up the ores ‘n go back when we’re better prepared?」

「Oh~ …」

To Hiroshi’s extreme suggestion, Makoto thought through it very seriously. They are going to go against a boss which they knew nothing about. Considering their safety, it would be better for their party to work more on their preparation before they headed off to their mission.

「How long would it take for you to build the equipment?」

「’t depends on what we’re gonna make but one day should be ‘nough to finish craftin’ em all.」

「Do you think you can make some time to collect the ores?」

「For the first furnace, ‘t would take ‘bout two days for demolishin’ ‘n remodellin’. For buildin’ Imma only give out instructions for the first bit so I shoulda have ‘nough time ta go ta the dungeon ‘n craft up some equipment.」

「I see.」

Makoto confirmed after hearing the approximate schedule Hiroshi gave out.

「If that’s the case, I’ll help you collect the ores so can I count on you for making the equipment?」

「 Nah problem, if tis the case, I’ll craft a katana ‘n somethin’ else as well so if ya have anythin’ on ya mind, lemme know.」

「Let me see, the armour that I was using back in Wulls was a little too heavy so probably not those. So how about a plate armour that is light and easy to move around in?」

「If tis the type that ya carry ‘round with, I won’t have any problem craftin’ it.」

「Then could you craft those?」

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「Nah problem.」

Noting down Makoto’s request, Hiroshi started to design an armour based around what Makoto has mentioned in his head.

「Oh, by za way Makoto-san.」


「Tis a material that we might be able ta git our hands on if we’re lucky. But if ‘t looks like somethin’ ya can manage, could ya go ‘n git one?」

「Well, since you’re asking me specifically, I’m guessing it’s a material from a monster but what is it?」

「Adracia Saurus’s bone, gallstones ‘n pancreas.」

「Got it, so I just have to cut its head off and bring back the rest of the body unharmed.」

「Ye, purty much.」

Makoto gave a very casual response to Hiroshi’s request. Just from that conversation, it may sound that Adracia Saurus isn’t a very strong monster but that is not the case at all.

Adracia Saurus resides in a remote area of the United Nations of Midas. The creature has an overall length of around ten meters, and it is a highly agile, carnivorous dragon. As you can imagine from its size, some half-a**ed close-range combat would not come close to leaving a scratch on its scales. Contrary to its size, it has the agility and speed of a robin. So, even a decently skilled adventurer would not even dare to get any closer than a couple of hundred kilometres of this monster.

However, the only ability which Adracia Saurus possessed was speed and agility making it much weaker even compared to a Wyvern. It was also weaker compared to Galvarencia in strength and Adracia Saurus did not possess any troublesome traits. So, for Makoto, this monster was nothing more than a goose. Since Adracia Saurus is not as resistant to oxygen circle as Wyverns are, as long as Tatsuya comes along with her, it wouldn’t be that difficult for them to kill the monster without leaving any scratch on its remains. The moment this party laid its eye on this monster, it becomes nothing more than a meatball.

「Is Adracia Saurus’s meat good?」

「Unlike Cerberus, tis jist manageable ta eat but tis not delicious like Wyvern.」

「I see, that’s a shame.」

「But if ya give it ta Haruna-san, she should be able ta arrange it so that we can eat ‘t somehow.」

「Yeah, maybe.」

Makoto replied mindlessly to Hiroshi’s mindless excuse. In the field of crafting, one thing Haruna was better at it than Hiroshi would be arranging food. To be honest, the amount of devotion she has for eating and the number of monsters she can cook at this pint has surpassed the level of helplessness and was nothing but impressive.

Even that Haruna was not able to arrange Cerberus and Man Eater meat to the point which was edible. Seeing that, it was safe to say that a day which the human race would be able to eat those monsters will never come.

「Oh well, I’ll go and see if I can find any tomorrow. Would three be enough?」

「If we’re just preparin’ for our party, yeah, that should be ‘nough.」

「Okay, oh, is there any part of the Adracia Saurus that’s possible to redeem?」

「Think tis leather can be sold. The leather of Adracia Saurus can be skinned ‘n made into an armour even with a novie level ‘o sewin’ but the traits ‘o the leather’s only slightly weaker compared to steel.」

「I see, but is it skinning or sewing?」

「Fur some reason tis sewin’.」

Hearing a surprising piece of information, Makoto gave an impressed cry in response. To be precise, all skills relating to handling sheets of leather will come with skinning skill. However, that piece of information was not very well known and even Hiroshi believed that it can only be obtained through sewing.

「Either way, I’ll go and look for them tomorrow so I’ll take the van.」


Like this, Hiroshi and Makoto sorted out their plans. As expected, to the duo which would not lose against some dragon that was weak against oxygen circle, the two were back at the workshop by noon with five bodies of Adracia Saurus. Its meat was given to Haruna who thoroughly smoked each piece, then marinated them, fermented it over three days, and marinated each meat again with Miso for another three days. In the end, it ended up being meat with very rich flavour and not only Hiroshi’s party but even the dwarves at the Crest Cave enjoyed a filling, delicious meal out of it.

Translator: Kureha
Editor: Weasalopes

Two days after they set their future plans with Makoto. Hiroshi, Haruna and Mio came back to the centre of fire ridge in Azuma workshop at Wulls. Tatsuya and Makoto had favour from the dwarves, so they stayed back at Crest Cave.

「tis still bit early ta start craftin’ equipment.」

He stated to Haruna and Mio as he laid out the ores, which they have collected from a dungeon dive they went a couple of days ago. Seeing that he was about to say something serious, Haruna and Mio waited for his next words with a serious expression.

「We’re gonna upgrade our current weapons anyways, but are there any other equipment ya want?」

「As in?」

「Welp, all steels hava stronger trait compared ta Wyvern leather armour but do ya wanna change ‘t ta metal armour or do ya wanna keep the leather armour?」

Hearing Hiroshi’s question, Haruna realised that she just assumed that they were going to upgrading all of their equipment to steel. Since there are certain aspects which they couldn’t comprise for just by upgrading their defense, it was natural to think through the pros and cons of upgrading their equipment seriously.

「Hiroshi-kun, is it difficult to craft equipment that’s better than our current ones that are made of leather or some other kind of fabric?」

「With the fabric, we would need ta craft the spirit emperor’s loom first ‘n prepare a catalyst for it. The clothes dat I made for everyone has more defense than wyvern leather armour. But the natural decision ta make would be wearin’ somethin’ else on top ‘o it.」

「I see, what about leather?」

「Even atta bare minimum, we would need some materials from Lesser Dragon. Otherwise, ‘t would be difficult ta craft somethin’ that has a good defense stat.」

「I see…」

Haruna agreed with Hiroshi’s explanation.  Lesser dragon referred to any dragon that was weak but had strong fecundity. Although they are weak, they are still dragons so even their basic attack would be equal to, or only slightly weaker compared to Galverencia. However, like their tough appearance, they do not show any sign of intelligence and attack purely based on its instinct. Even its special ability is only attributed to breath and like Wyvern, the threat level was low once you managed to bring the beast to the ground.

Therefore, lesser dragons have attributes in each species of dragon and one specific group within the oceanic dragon. Dragons that can be identified from the colour of its scales are almost always from a stronger species. However, Wyvern does not count as a lesser dragon.

「Even though lesser dragons are stron’, they’re still a trash mob so tis an easy opponent compared ta Barold’s three monsters.」

「Sensei, we don’t have enough time to go hunt a monster like that now.」

「Ya ‘ight. Also, dragons are immune ta oxygen circle so tis difficult ta obtain the leather without scratchin’ it.」

「So there’s only one option to begin with.」

「Nah, ya don’ hafta upgrade ya equipment ta steel based. Instead, we could just remodel the wyvern leather.」

Mio gave a doubtful look after hearing Hiroshi’s suggestion. At least with Mio’s ability, it was difficult to obtain wyvern’s leather.

「By remodel, I meant that we can glue on a plate that’s made o’ either Orichalcum or Hihiitokane onto the wyvern leather armour. That should make it into somethin’ tis only a bit weaker than equipment crafted from a lesser dragon’s leather.」

「Hiroshi-kun, if we upgrade the leather-based equipment using that method, wouldn’t it ruin the leather?」

「That’s not a problem. Tis why the remodellin’s needed. The advantage o’ remodelled wyvern leather armour is that tis has all the traits o’ leather-based armour. The Disadvantage is that tis not much o’ an upgrade.」

「I see, I do need a bit more time to think about it.」

Taking in the pros and cons that Hiroshi has listed out, Haruna though through her options seriously. One of her current weakness was having a weak defense while often fighting on the front lines. However, if she changes all of her equipment to steel-based, she is potentially killing her combat speed which is one of her strength and something that’s needed for a couple of her trump cards. This was a decision that she needed to think through carefully.

「With the ores we have, what kind of equipment can we make?」

「With Orichalcum, puttin’ the traits aside, ‘t can be used like every other steel ore. Admantite is heavier compared ta normal steel ‘n ‘t would craft up an armour that can stop some attacks. Kinda similar ta ol’ man Dol’s armour. Hihiirokane is only a bit heavier compared ta leather ‘n tis purty flexible. But ‘t takes a while until it grows. Welp, the weight o’ the steels can be managed with enchant ‘n additive. The easiness ta move ‘round in can be changed heaps dependin’ on the design o’ the armour. So the only thin’ ya hafta be worried ‘bout is the steel’s ability.」

「As in?」

「Welp, the easiness ta move in changes dependin’ on if ya goin’ for a full plate or sectioned armour. That, defense, ‘n the noise that armour would make also changes dependin’ on if ya goin’ for a chain mail, rin’ mail or a scale mail armour.」

「Oh, I see.」

Haruna agreed with Hiroshi’s explanation. The only metal-based equipment which Haruna has used before were breastplate and gauntlet. However, she did remember hearing about what kind of armours hold well against certain attacks and what type of armours are weak against certain attacks. But she did not think about the comfort of the armour being affected. Though, she wasn’t too surprised by this information since they are changing the structure and the shape of the armour. It was only natural that comfort would be affected by this change.

「It’s difficult to decide on what armour I should go for just based on that information. So can I ask what kind of equipment Makoto-san and Hiroshi-kun is going for?」

「Makoto-san is goin’ for a breast plate, skirt armour, boots ‘n gauntlet ‘t has a metal piece with adjustable operation range in it. Mine’s gonna be the same as the armour I gave ta ol’ man Doul. Durin’ our search, Imma gonna go for a plate armour that can change between half plate ‘n full plate.」

「I see, but if you’re going to that extent, wouldn’t it be better to craft a pieced armour like Makoto-san rather than crafting a breastplate or a full plate?」

「If I wore somethin’ like that, the search rate would drop.」

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「So that’s your reason…」

Hearing Hiroshi’s explanation, Haruna blurted out such comment as she showed expression which was a mix of helplessness and admiration. It did not cross her mind until now, but Hiroshi didn’t have any skills that would increase his agility. Even if the weight of the equipment didn’t matter, if he wears equipment that would restrict his movement, his speed dropped as well.

「Sensei, if it was sensei’s strength, I don’t think wearing equipment that would restrict your movement would have that much impact….」

「Agility becomes important when ya wear armour with more ‘en three pieces ta it. With movement restriction caused by an armour, even when ya have good agility, ya still need ta adjust ‘t usin’ some kinda skill. But I don’ have any skills like that. So breastplate is the only armour ‘t is metal-based ‘n have no trouble workin’ at ma usual speed.」

In Fairy Tale Chronicles, the rules for the equipment was that plate armour is a type of armour that requires three or more pieces to cover the player’s body. Different penalties applied depending on how many plates were used and what part of the body those plates were mounted on. Those penalties could be overwritten with a skill for heavy equipment training, aka heavy march. However, it was time-consuming to obtain this skill and even when the skill was obtained, it was a very slow developing skill. Also, apart from penalties caused by heavy equipment, there were penalties caused by plate armour. However, those penalties were very thin. So, even with their initial equipment, for a no-lifer who wouldn’t take any damage in the field, obtaining and developing such skill was a waste of time.

As for a full plate armour made of holy steel, the final product was entirely up to the craftsman and it did not get categorized as heavyweight equipment. It also didn’t have any penalties of typical full plate armour. That is one reason why crafting no-lifers don’t tend to craft heavy armour or obtain heavy march.

Although this universe was similar to the game, the penalty of the armours was less digital. The limits in wearing armours came from the structure of the equipment, the material used and its weight. However, those limitations could be covered with the user getting used to wearing those items.

「I see.」

「So, Mio, have ya decided what kinda upgrade ya want for ya equipment?」

「I’ll go with the remodelled wyvern leather armour. Even though we can put on silencer enchant, thieves are usually not good with metal equipment and my basic defense aren’t as low as Haru.」

「Gotcha, I’ll make a plate that I think would be good ‘n put it inta the armour.」

As Hiroshi finished saying the sentence, he immediately got into refining work. Haruna was still deciding on what upgrade to get but if it was Orichalcum, refining wouldn’t take a long time. So, Hiroshi thought that Haruna could decide while he was working and started to get into work beforehand. 

Translator: Kureha
Editor: Weasalopes

「If ya really strugglin’ ta decide, then there’s an option that wouldn’t require ya ta change ya current equipment.」

「What is it?」

「’t won’t be metal-based equipment anymore but I could play ‘round with hihiirokane ‘n turn it inta liquid metal. I just hafta put a coatin’ on it ‘n ya’ll be able to manipulate it however ya want.」

「Would the defence stat increase with equipment like that?」

「’t would increase compared ta ya current stat. But if ya don’ train the metal ‘nough, tis difficult ta work with.」

As Hiroshi brought up another ridiculous idea, Haruna gave a doubtful look. The credibility was low from the point where he mentioned “training” so light-heartedly even though they were talking about metals.

「Mio, did ya want ta change yours ta that too?」

「… Maybe Haru can manage it but I’m not sure if I can manage to hold it in place.」

「Gotcha, welp, I’ll make one for Haruna-san just as a sample. If ya don’t like it, I’ll melt it ‘n use it for somethin’ else.」

Although they have not really talked through it, Hiroshi decided the type of equipment that he was going to craft for both Mio and Haruna. For the most part, it looked like he just wanted to craft something. Mio was worried that he was planning something ridiculous. Meanwhile, Haruna, having some Japanese aspect to her could not say no now that he has started working on it. She also did not want to sound picky when Hiroshi was crafting all of the armours for her.

「Welp, let’s make all the weapons first. Orichalcum-base should be good ‘nough for both Haruna-san’s rapier ‘n Mio’s dagger, ‘ight?」


「I’ll leave it up to you sensei.」

Hearing both of their response, Hiroshi decided to do whatever he wants with the weapons. Now that he was in that mentality, he threw away all common sense. He threw together different materials into various shapes, not only during the refining process but in forging process as well.

However, once Hiroshi was close to the finishing stage, intense sparks were flying out from his working area. At this, Haruna and Mio who is used to Hiroshi’s ridiculous methods were very worried as well. But unlike when they were working with magical steel, Haruna did have some level of understanding of what Hiroshi was doing. However, Haruna was starting to understand the depth of crafting in a very questionable manner.

「’t should be ‘nough for the orichalcum-based weapons. Makoto-san wasn’t sure what kind o’ weapon she wanted. So I’ll make one outta hihiirokane as planned ‘n another one made outta admantite just in case ‘n get her ta try out both o’ em.」

As he finished crafting the weapons out of orichalcum, he instructed Haruna and Mio on other things to craft as he caught his breath. Hiroshi was also thinking about different weapons he has crafted in the past for future reference. The weapons which he has crafted (including Hiroshi’s and Tatsuya’s) was high enough in quality that they didn’t need any adjustment or corrections. The final product of the weapon was a weapon crafted with magical steel with its abilities enhanced. However, since Hiroshi crafted it, it wouldn’t surprise anyone even if he has mixed in different materials as well.

「Sensei, I think hihiirokane would be enough.」

「But even when ya git used ta the weapon, hihiirokane takes time ta grow. I doubt ‘t would suit the dungeon ‘n boss battle that we need ta finish for this mission. Lookin’ at the fragments o’ the last Katana, if I craft it out o’ admantite, ‘t should hold it tagether for ‘t least two rounds. ‘n if I enhance the stats, ‘t might even be indestructible.」

As Hiroshi commented on Mio’s opinion, he started to graft admantite ore. The problem with Makoto’s current Katana was that it would break if she used her extra skill once. So, if they craft a katana out of admantite which is known for its sturdiness, it should solve that issue. However, Katana crafted out of admantite doesn’t have much growth after that. Also, unlike hihiirokane which would grow and strengthen by using extra skill, admantite would break after using it only three times. So, in that sense, Katana crafted out of admantite was a little inconvenient.

Though hihiirokane sounds like the ideal metal to use condition-wise, it was quite a character. The metal possessed many advantages and disadvantages. It was difficult to go into a battle with hihiirokane-based weapon alone if you didn’t have any backup. Even though Hiroshi knew hihiirokane would be a bad bet, he wanted to craft what he could craft.

「Welp, I guess I’ll work on the plain admantite first than work on the main sword which would be hihiirokane. But, tis not somethin’ I really wanna smelt it in front o’ others.」

Although Hiroshi was complaining, he got to work immediately. Soon, he crafted up a Katana that was somewhat different from the one made of orichalcum but a beautiful katana that would grab the attention of any high schooler. To think that this wasn’t enough to bare against the strength of extra skill, that was probably the most troubling part of being able to use an extra skill.

「’n finally, tis the lon’ awaited hihiirokane. Haruna-san, I know ya gonna be shocked but tis how this metal works.」

「Haru, if you’re going to get into blacksmithing, it’s a path that you can’t avoid.」

After hearing Mio say that, Haruna’s worry only grew. She felt as if she would regret many things after watching the forging process of hihiirokane.

「Welp, here we go!!」

As Hiroshi cried out, he slammed the hummer against the well-heated hihiirokane with the amount of strength which Haruna has not seen before. Then, hihiirokane changed its shape as it gave out an unearthly cry.

「Wasn’t that ‘nough for ya?」

Hiroshi commented in an arrogant tone and slammed down the hammer again, making the entire building shriek. Again, hihiirokane changed its shape with a sharp shudder that nobody would believe it came from a metal.

「Ya might be actin’ mighty stubborn ta show off but ya only a metal, ‘kay. The one who has control over ya life is me!」

As Hiroshi continued to throw insults, he started to lightly slam against the surface of the metal. At this point, Haruna is already set back.

「Hey, Mio-chan…」

「When working with Hihiirokane, you have to hurt its pride like that and make it obedient. If you forge it normally, you won’t get a decent material out of it.」

「I see…」

With Mio’s explanation, Haruna is even more set back. As the two were talking, Hiroshi continued to yell out insults at hihiirokane as it gave a lively shriek which was definitely not a sound an inanimate object should be able to produce.

「Well, what Hiroshi-kun is saying kind of sets me back but that oddly lively noise that the metal gives out is uncomfortable too…」

「It is what it is. It’s better to give up. All the other metals in this universe are normal so don’t worry.」

To Mio’s words, Haruna’s concern towards hihiirokane grew. After a while, it started to give out sounds that sounded more metallic and with great force, the final strike was made. Immediately afterwards, Hiroshi cried out 「This is ya reward!」and got started on quenching. As he finished making the sword in records time, Haruna was set back again. Especially his tone when he cried out the word “reward”.

「So, tis a method that ya wouldn’t want ta show it in front o’ other people unless ya were demonstratin’ ta ya apprentice.」

When Hiroshi finished, he spoke in an exhausted tone. Although Haruna was uncomfortable watching the forging process, knowing Hiroshi’s personality, she knew that this wasn’t something he enjoyed doing. For Haruna who was used to showing a bright, enthusiastic persona up-front even when she didn’t want, there was no way she didn’t understand how Hiroshi felt in this situation.

However, the need to put on an act like it was some kind of role-play just to forge a metal was something she struggled to understand.

「It’s kind of irritating that the forging process is so messed up but the finished product of this metal is so breathtaking…」

「Haru, that is how hihiirokane works.」

「… I feel like another one of my common sense just burnt to ashes.」

「Haru, you’re not in a position that can comment on common sense.」

As Mio outright rejected Haruna’s mindlessly comment, she felt even more down. However, she couldn’t be feeling blue forever.

「Hey, Hiroshi-kun.」


「I’m sorry but could you change my equipment to breastplate made from orichalcum.」

「I see, ya don’ want equipment made from hihiirokane…」

「Yeah, after seeing that…」

She requested a change in order after losing all trust in this metal called hihiirokane. As Hiroshi accepted the change with a bitter smile, he started working on equipment which was probably more important than the weapon. Not including Tatsuya and Mio’s order, Hiroshi finished crafting a breastplate which was made of orichalcum.


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