The young lady smiled incomprehensibly and blurted out her words.

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Lillian forced a smile and was about to say that she had heard the rumors, but when she came, Hilvia appeared from behind and interrupted.


“I heard it too! Are you saying that the princess is a powerful person?”

“Ah, that.”

“I heard that this is the first time that all those with abilities exist since the invitation! You are really amazing, Princess!”


While Hilvia praised Lillian, she waved her pink fan and held Lillian’s hand.

Adding that Hilvia was looking at Lillian with such eyes saying it was such an honor to knows a great person like her.

The corners of Lillian’s mouth, which she barely lifted up, quivered.

Hilvia, not seeing that, continued her words.


“Duke Lestir didn’t say anything?”

“The Duke? Why would he…”

“Ah, why?”


Hilvia winked, asking why would she be asking something obvious?

She looked around, and after she made sure that Lestir was gone, she lowered her voice.


“I wondered if it was time for the princess to give her heart. You should know by now that you are talented.”

“… I didn’t say anything though.”

“Huh, it looks like the fake has been baked and boiled for quite some time. I hear she was staying in Lestir mansion, right?”


Lillian and Hilvia, the young ladies surrounding the two, responded.


“I heard that too. They say the duke cares for Princess Psychke very much.”

“They said it was all lies.”

“To lie, you know the duke’s personality. I’m not the kind of person who would let anyone into Lestir.”

“It’s hard to know the truth.”

“Yes, that’s it for today.”


Hilvia stretched her fan across her chest and said triumphantly.


“You can look forward to it. I prepared something really awesome today!”

“Come to think of it, is Princess Psychke coming today?”

“Will she come with Duke Lestir? And how much of a fox she will do. I think the Duke doesn’t really have eyes to see either.”


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Thanks to Hilvia, the topic of conversation shifted from the rumors that Lillian had the ability to belittling Psychke for seducing Verndia.

Lillian let out a sigh of relief.

But that peace did not last long.


“Duke Verndia Lestir and Psy… Oh, oh? No, that’s really…. what? But that….”


It was noisy outside. The voice of the attendant announcing the status was disturbed.

But the commotion soon subsided.


“Duke of Verndia Lestir and Glorielle Silkisia have arrived!”


… Who came?

The banquet hall became quiet as if cold water had been poured on it.

All the nobles’ eyes were focused on one place.

Never before had the light from the crevice of the door widening without sound seemed so terrifying.

Lillian clenched her fists until her fingernails dug into her palms.


‘Why is a woman named Glorielle coming in with Duke Lestir? No way…’


But to her regret, the woman who walked out of her light was someone she knew all too well.

Luscious silver hair that curls down to her waist.

Blue eyes that seemed to capture the clear autumn sky.

If there was something different from her, it would be the impression of being ruthless.

Hilvia, who had been lost in herself, murmured.


“… Princess Psychke?”


The young lady next to her asked.


“Didn’t  the attendant just said Glorielle Silkisia?”

“No way….”

“Princess Psychke…”

“Glorielle Silkisia?”


Again, Psychke moved her steps.

Just as a drop of rain on a calm lake creates huge ripples, the sound of her shoes creates huge ripples in the quiet banquet hall.

A silent shudder was contagious.

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None of them moved until Verndia, who smiled, opened his mouth.


“What are you doing to people, it’s not the first time they’ve seen you, stop looking, we’re getting old.”


He leisurely escorted his fiancée.

A step, and another one. No one breathed nor did someone take their eyes off of them.

Only Psychke’s shoes made a sound in the silence that could be heard even if a needle fell.

Every time the two moved their feet, the crowd split like the parting of the sea.

Then, at some point, a murmur like a sigh broke the silence.




That became the starting point, and the path the two had passed began to be filled with someone’s gossip.


“Is it true, Princess Psychke was the daughter of Leas?”

“Looking at it now, I think she resembles Leas. Why did we not know until now?”

“But why was she coming in with Duke Lestir?”

“Shouldn’t we call the guards? No matter what, Glorielle is also a sinner!”

“Will Duke Lestir just watch? At times like this, it’s best to just stay still.”

“Do you know the Duke of Silkisia?”


Psychke listened carefully to all these words.

The eyes following her were intense, but unlike usual, she didn’t feel bad. Her exalted body shuddered finely.


“Are you having that much fun?”


The emotions conveyed through the ring are dizzyingly deep.

Believing that she could feel such intense emotions, Verndia smiled.




The corner of her mouth went up involuntarily. It wasn’t pure joy.

Psychke tightened the hand that held his arm.

His arms were wrapped in his clothes, so she couldn’t feel his body heat, but she could clearly sense that he was by her side.

She saw an antique tapestry hanging on one side of the banquet hall.

Patterns that would normally not have paid attention to were clearly embedded in both eyes.

A scene where unicorns and baby angels play to heal the ruined battlefield.

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It was a symbol of victory.

Stopping her steps, she turned and looked at the banquet hall.

The nobles were still looking only at her.

Each person’s expression was different, but the bass was so fresh that it was surprising.


‘What a surprise.’


Aren’t the emotions expressed at a banquet too raw for nobles who tremble in everything?


“E, ehem.”

“Didn’t you say you’re starting a new business soon, Count?”


Those who met her eyes hurriedly turned their heads.

Pretending not to see her, pretending not to be interested, talking to people around them, and changing the topic.

But the tilt of their body, the direction of their feet, and other things she had no control over showed that they were rather interested.

It was as expected so far.

And the man approaching her at a fast pace was as expected.

His face was distorted so that he could be seen from a distance.

It was showing off the charred inside without adding or subtracting.

Yzhar, Lennox, and Lillian could be seen behind him.

They didn’t follow their father and were frozen in place as if nailed to it.

Psychke waited until Logan got closer, then grabbed the hem of her skirt and slightly bent her knees.


“Greetings to the Duke of Silkisia.”


Logan’s mouth fell open at the words that felt an obvious sense of distance.

He let out a hard breath like a father shocked by his daughter’s defiance, then moved his chapped, chapped lips.


“What are you doing, Duke Lestir?”


His blue gaze filled with years reached Verndia and Verndia laughed.


“What are you talking about?”
“You took my daughter and what have you done?”



Verndia immediately understood what Logan was trying to say.

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But pretending not to know, he crossed his arms and tilted his head to the left.


“As you can see, I am treating you with sincerity.”

“Glorielle. No matter how much you wanted to attack Silkisia, was there even a need to name a dead person on my daughter?”


The nobles murmured at Logan’s words.

As the guards planted by Logan opened their mouths at the right time, the ‘appearance of Glorielle’ began to be downgraded to a trap set up by Verndia to attack Silkisia.

Verndia narrowed his eyes.


“She’s dead? Do you really think so?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“I heard that, but what do you think, Princess?”

“I am dead…”


A steady voice echoed through the banquet hall.

It was a quiet, peaceful voice, but it had a strange power over people, and even those noisy were momentarily speechless as they stared at her.

Psychke placed one of her hands on her chest. Slowly, she announced her existence without high or low.


“It can’t be. I am alive like this.”



An enraged Logan roared at her.


“I don’t know what happened to you in Lestir, but you are being deceived! Saying you are Glorielle… say something with sense—”

“I can show me proof that I am Glorielle.”


The high-pitched shouts suddenly stopped.

Understanding her meaning, Logan gritted his teeth.

He heard that she has a supernatural power, and she could already use it at her own will!

The eyes of the nobles who were watching the two were curious.

They had foreseen the great storm that would blow upon Silkisia.

It was then.


“His Majesty has arrived!”


The attendant who announced their status, also announced the presence of the Emperor.

It was the beginning of a full-scale banquet.

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