Fallen Hero System

Chapter 36

This is one hundred percent false advertising… I have searched all over this volcano for signs of dragons and the result is that I cannot find a thing that shows they once were or are currently living here.

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I mean I searched all over the outer mountain on the way up, all five hundred kilometers of it. After that I searched the outer ring that leads to the inner area where the magma is located and the answer is still a big bag of nothing. The inner area had signs of an old nesting area but no bones or egg shells were found, in the magma I have yet to sense any ancient dragons within no life at all could be found.

Any of my hope to find a dragon of any kind at all was swiftly kicked from my skull in the last two weeks of searching the volcano, yes I spent two full weeks searching the volcano and due to it being so massively hot up here I was forced to leave behind Nanami at the bottom of the hill in a damp cave that I secured as my territory.

There she will be safe during my search and I always made sure to send a shadow clone every day so that she will have enough food to eat as she has yet to learn how to hunt at all,

She was currently enjoying life down there as my clones would always dig out more of the cave and make it more comfortable until they would use up the Chakra within them and then burst. Nanami was practically living like a queen down there as it was baically a castle within a cave.

'Who me? I'm not jealous at all! Unlike her, I have magma!'

Moving deeper into the volcano I arrive at the most optimal position for me to train and prep for cultivating the nature energy so that I can enhance this Sharingan of mine. Or at least I hope that I can cultivate it this way as if it isn't then I would have spent the other month of traveling on nothing.

Besides this is my only hope at evolving it for free without the intervention of the system and that will cost me a small fortune of points that I'am unwilling to cough up.

So for now this hope of mine is all I have.

Seating myself at the edge of the magma pool that spreads at a diameter of almost a full six kilometers, the heat was more than enough to make me sweat and then immediately dry said sweat… But the only reason that I finally got to cultivate here was because the volcano for the first time in the last two weeks calmed down enough so that it isn't coughing up magma that threatens to melt me alive.

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Yes, those volcanos that you have on mind are not always calm and in fact are ready to destroy anything that comes near the center at all times.

But now that I have the chance I will not let the chance slip through my fingers. I refuse to allow it.

Reaching out and concentrating as much as I possibly could, my ability to sense energy that involves both Magic Energy and Chakra alike is put to the test with having to detect the Nature Energy in the surroundings…

The amount was overwhelming that within an hours time I could feel it entirely, the energy was so dense and thick that I though I would suffocate when I finally took notice to the amount that practically submerged me completely within it.

The energy was comprised of both elements of Fire and Earth Nature Energy, these two together form the Magma Energy that surrounds it all around and that more powerful energy that I had not expected made an attempt to crush me the one who dare to try and absorb it within.

My control of Chakra was now put to the test along side the control I can quickly gain over Nature Energy that I rushed into absorbing and now that I'am here if I do not balance the Nature Energy with my Chakra and obtain Sage mode then only death awaits.

... Wait a second, my original goal want Sage mode. Well it is to fucking late and if I stop now I'll turn to a pile of ash.

And now the Magma Nature Energy wants to devour me whole, it wants to destroy me and not work with me. It refuses to co-operate.

The Nature Energy is flowing inside of my Chakra passageways and now my skin is cracking and crumbling while it is also being turned to ash… I will die at this rate if I do not balance the energies within my body in time.

And time was running slim as the energy was running rampant and refusing to adjust to my Chakra, it is overpowering my control… I should have at least learned how to perfect my control of the Rasengan before I attempted this…

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Cracks appeared on my body and it was then turning to a small pile of ash, this was all that would be left of me if I do not figure it out.

I forcefully wrap the Nature Energy in Chakra and then I make the Chakra suppress the rampant Nature Energy down to it's own level so that controling and then working with the Nature Energy would be easier but it was being stubborn and refusing the attempts many times over.

My mind felt empty, it was so clear and I felt as if all of existence was displayed in front of my very being and worshipping me rather than just letting me be. It wanted to work for me or so that is how it felt, it seems I have entered the state of Enlightenment.

My Chakra took charge of the situation and crashed onto the Natura Energy in waves… They were not violent wave they seemed to be only made in ways that would soothe the Nature Energy and persuade the energy to work together so that they can become the best of buddies that exist so as to help me.

The energy inside of my body, it felt warm rather than scorching and firm rather than crushing. It was finally beginning too accept me as a Sage, I was the wielder of this energy that was now within my body it belonged to me now.

My body began to reform it was beginning broken down and rebuilt it was as if it were being recreated so that it could handle the energy with great ease and I refuse to interrupt this sensation because I could feel instinctively that it was the world helping me feather than destroying me.

It was accepting me, the feeling of loving me and becoming one with me that was what the world was doing. It was my own energy, yet it still came from the world and therefore I am one with the whole world and not just the volcano before me.

Opening my eyes there were two different patterns that could be seen on both eyes.

My right eye had the Sharingan active up to the Third Tomoe. My left side held the satanic pentagram, it was a deep red that threatened to light aflame the world. The first was my bloodline evolved and the second was the sage mode symbol that came from the Magma Sage mode that I had somehow taken over.

But suddenly the two began to mix together as they began to understand each other, the Pentagram was surrounded by a ring that carried Three Tomoes and on the pentagram itself held one Tomoe in the center. Scale of some sort also began to form around the edges of my eyes and I could feel the skin of my back ache in two separate areas as if they are being stabbed with a spear. My hands also hand the fingernails elongate and sharpen while scales began to grow on the back of my hands as well.

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This was me at my strongest and now I can feel that the entire world is able to be seen through with but a glance. And that is in no way an understatement.

Nothing could hide from my Sage mode… Ever.

With my evolution complete I began to turn around and leave, but it seems that I was not aloud to leave just like that.

As the volcano behind me began to shake and quake as if in a great anger.

Making a run for it I attempted to make my escape as my speed should be enough to grab Nanami and leave this place behind before it erupts with ease.

… Suddenly a great pressure came down from above… I can tell that the source stems from behind me. It came front the pool of magma.

*RUMBLE~* The ground trembled beneath my feet, the pool of magma stretched itself up and began to rise turning into a Magmafall where it was just sliding down the side of the being that just rose from within.

*Gulp* I swallowed a painful glob of saliva as I gazed at what was before me, it was what I was searching for all along… A living dragon.

My face drained of all color and blood as cold sweat somehow made its way to my skin just to evaporate instantly as the heat only grew after the dragon's body appeared. Its body was causing the mouth of the volcano to rise in temperature greatly to the point of almost 200% what it was originally. My hair would have been lit aflame had I not been in my Magma Sage mode at the moment.

But my clothes were not so lucky as they instantly lit on fire after it came into contact with the heat, though it did not matter as the clothes I'am wearing can be replaced… They were just a black dyed Konoha Flack Jacket and Black Cargo pants.

But what did scare me was the dragon, I felt an instinctive fear as I looked at it in front of me. Looking down with an overwhelming gaze that threatened to turn me to ash.

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But what came next was almost inconceivable. It touched my head with the reverse scale on its neck.

As soon as the scale came into contact with my head, an overwhelming amount of information made its way inside and I could feel that my relationship with the energies running around only grew closer and more secure than ever before.

[Acquired: Dragon King's Blessing (Destroyer)]

[Acquired: Element: Magma]

[Strengthened: Fire, Earth and Magma Elements]

[Acquired: Dragon Sage Mode Cultivation Knowledge]

[Acquired: Ancient Dragon Bloodline]

"Young Sage, you are the first one I have witnessed in the past hundred million years to have reached such heights in the ways of the Sage. Therefore I present to you the knowledge and power of the Dragon Species. In return, one day I shall call upon you and you must head my call at anytime. Therefore, until then… Young Sage."

With only this to say the Dragon took to the skys scattering the magma about and creating a hole in the peak of the volcano. I never received a chance to answer. Just what is happening?

As I see the Dragon leave, I see that it rips a hole in the sky as well and within but a moment it is gone, never to be spotted again.

Seems they weren't just folklore but instead facts said about this place.

But a favor huh? What use could I have?
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