Fallen Hero System

Chapter 6

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After I saw a boy who had a head of blond hair and whiskers. He was alone and hungry, and so I approached.

I had roughly 21,500 ryo, this made me pretty wealthy amongst the lower class and children of my age. So spending it on some ramen ain't much at all.

After I approach the stall and I take my seat at the counter, behind it stood the old man and his daughter working hard.

The girl came forward and and began to speak with me as I was a customer.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?"

I had a smile on my face when I let the aroma of ramen enter my nose, I then spoke to Ayame.

"I will have two orders of Miso Chashu, please. Also one with extra seaweed and the other extra naruto."

Ayame looked me up and down with a raised eyebrow. "Two? Are you sure you can finish them both? We do give rather large portions."

My smile only managed to grow as I heard this, and I pointed my thumb behind me at the blond haired kid.

"Hahaha, no way one of them just so happens to be for him. I thought that I should treat him since he was ogling your ramen for so long."

Ayame and the kid behind me were both sent into confusion at this, why was he treating him(me)?

"Well alright then, I will bring them out soon. Please have a seat Naruto."

And then she went behind to the stove to prepare the food.

As she did this I looked over at Naruto who was stuck in place. Questioning why I was doing this.

We stared each other off for a moment before I gave a smile and waved him over.

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He seemed to be curious at what I had to say and decided to slowly approach.

"Hey, why are you doing this?"

He couldn't contain his curiosity. And I couldn't contain my smile.

"I just wanted to be friends, I don't really have anyone to call my friend. So in exchange for this meal why don't we get to know each other." Though this was a very simple proposition, Naruto couldn't contain himself.

Someone wanted to be his friend? Hell yeah!


Naruto couldn't contain himself and let out a mighty holler, this caused Teuchi to spill a bowl of ramen. He then glared over at Naruto and knocked him over the head with a ladle.


"Aaahh! Old Man, why'd you do that?!"

Teuchi fired back "because you made me spill a customer's order! Now take a seat, your order is on the bottom of the list now."

"What, no fair!"

Through their exchange I can only get a small laugh out and look on in wonderment. This kid was supposed to save the world? I could hardly believe it.

But even so, getting him as a friend at least guarantees me a friend for life. He is also very childish, even in his later years, so you know that he is somebody that relaxes as they take on life.

Very similar to myself.

After a wait of twenty minutes the bowls finally appeared and we chowed down.

It was delicious, so good I never want to eat instant ramen again. As it would be a sin.

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When the bill came up, Ayame did a small threat afraid that I could't pay just like Naruto who couldn't.

But I easily provided the 600ryo for the bill and took off with Naruto in tow.

As we walked about, we heard the murmurs of surrounding people.

Some pointed at me and said the Crow Boy/Kid and when they pointed at Naruto they said Fox Demon or Fox Child.

As we both walked around we really got along, Naruto knew that he finally wasn't alone. Someone else was excluded from the village and now they could be friends.

The day went like this until we arrived at the local park, here we saw many other children and I saw plenty of the other main and supporting character. Though we didn't talk to any of them as the parents cleared them of the park when both Naruto and myself arrived.

It was disheartening. But even so I knew that this was but a single obstacle.

After the other kids finally left, me and Naruto got along even better as we were by ourselves. So no words were left unspoken.

Through this Naruto told me that his parents died in the Kyuubi attack and I told him the same, even pulling out the headband that was tied to my arm as proof.

When it got to other family members he spoke that he didn't have anyone. And then I told him I have a big sister, he was slightly sad that I was lucky enough to at least have my sister but then he remembered that I was his friend now.

But suddenly he thought of something…

"Hey, where did you get all that money from earlier? Don't tell me your sister is working."

"Heh, no. I'am left to my own devices most of the time and I picked up on techniques through that time. Such as ways of telling if you are being followed, tracking, a bit of chakra control, fighting and of course…Pickpocketing."

"Pickpocketing? Fighting? Tracking? Are you gonna become a shinobi?"

"Yes, I plan to be the strongest in the world. So powerful that no God dares to take from me."

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Then I look at Naruto and say out.

"Why don't we train to become shinobi together Naurto. And the first to reach the Hokage seat wins. With this we could even become widely known throughout the village and we can make them all regret saying such mean things about us." I gave my best smile that was filled with taunts.

Naruto easily took the bait and hook, quickly firing out.

"Alright! Your on! The first to become Hokage wins! And the loser pays for the other's ramen for life!" As he said this drool was already coming from his mouth. He was serious.

Black lines filled my forehead and I accepted his gamble.

A lifetime supply of ramen.

This will empty my bank.


After a half hour of us talking a shadow placed itself over us, and so we did as most would, we looked up.

There stood over us was my beautiful Nee-chan. She had black hair and black eyes, her face was the split image of our Mother and me? I look like a cooler version of my father with black hair, this was due to me strengthening my bloodline for Uchiha before the Uzumaki as I didn't want the hair color.

She looked down on the both of us. And smiled gently.

She stretched her hands forward, and there was a white box.

"Here, happy birthday Rei. I cannot get much more than this, but I will make it up later."

She spoke quietly toward me as she with great ease placed the small white box onto my lap, I looked her in the eyes with a tear appearing in my own and nodded my head.

"Thank you Nee-chan."

Finally Naruto realized who it was that came before us, it was the sweet sister of mine.

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I took this chance to integrate Naruto in the conversation with us. I told Yin that it was also Naruto's birthday as he was born the same day as the attack, same as me.

Yin was a little surprised herself but soon gathered her composure and straightened herself and introduced herself to Naruto who intern returned the greeting.

After the acward exchange we finally got to the box.

What was inside?

And being unable to contain my self I opened it up and inside sat… A cake.

A cute and small but very delicious looking cake.

"Naruto, Nee-chan. I want to share my cake with the both of you, please."

As I said this I borrowed a kunai from Yin and cut the cake into three separate pieces. One for me, one for Yin and one for Naruto.

Naruto looked at us and wanted to ask if we were serious, but before he got the chance I shoved his slice into his mouth.


"Hahaha! That's your slice Naruto! And here is your slice Nee-chan."

Yin gladly received the cake slice from me and by this time Naruto managed to eat all of his cake slice. But now he was crying, he seemed very happy though.

"Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to us, Happy birthday to us."

Deciding to sing a bit I did what I could and only sang the american happy birthday song with a 'little' bit of bending to the lyrics.

And now we sat in the park all together and singing this dumb song.

It was fun.

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