Fallen Hero System

Chapter 9

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Darkness is what surrounded me… Again.

I'am really getting tired of this shit, like why do I always end up somewhere dark?

[Host, I still exist you know?]

'Yeah, yeah I'll get to you in a minute.'

Like why can't it at least give me a loading screen like thing or something, this is just really boring. The darkness was to bleak for me who had spent three years as child.

Well actually living as a newborn to one year old sucked ass. So yeah.


Now I was getting a bit annoyed with this system of mine.

'OK! What is it?'

The system responds to me in a calm manner yet I can easily tell that it is getting a personality of its own.

[As I said earlier Host has-]

I remembered exactly what it said earlier due to the Eidetic Memory.

'Yeah, fucked up, I know. Go on now.'

[Yes, you died. And because you-]

'Hey do you have any popcorn, I'm feeling a bit peckish. I'll take some candy you know.'

I have now made it my fucking job to piss off the system and it worked… That is not good.

[Alright! I guess you don't want an explanation nor a choice on what happens next, huh?! Do you want to be thrown into a situation where you have no say?!]

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'I'm sorry system, please let me choose my fate.' I shoved my pride into the ground as I apologized to the system for my words.

[Hmph! At least you are gaining manners, anyway. As I was saying earlier, you have died you dumb fuck]

'In my defense, I was helping Naruto.'

[Silence you dumb fuck or I'll send you off to Hell]


The system then collects itself and then continues while I sulk.

[To put this as simply as possible for you, checkpoint]

Checkpoint? Now I'm confused, I never heard of this function…

[You never properly set up a checkpoint and now you have three choices.]

'Wait wait wait… This is the first I have ever heard of the check point function though…'

And all I hear is silence, a deep and eery silence.


[Unlocked Function: Checkpoint]

[Now then Host as I was say-]

'WAIT! Nonononononono… NO! You cannot just gloss over the fact that you never gave me the Checkpoint Function in the first place by giving it to me now!'

I was fuming with rage at the system, like why the hell is this the first I heard of this cool new function?!

[Well, it is definitely my fault but I will not compensate…]

'Oh, yes you fucking WILL! I demand compensation!

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[Host stop being-]


[Host please sto-]


[If Host would gi-]


[FINE! You win, I'll give you a Kekkai Genkai. So please just shut the fuck up!]

Yes, free stuff! HAHAHAHA!!!

If the system had a face it would be twitching madly at the moment due to the rage it felt. And had it heard the inner monologue of Rei it would cough up blood.

[Anyway, the three choices you have are these:

1) Restart at birth.

2) Survive attack.

3) Enter a new world.

There is a fourth choice of entering another world for a limited time, I suggest this for the Host.]

'Then I'll choose that.'

[I the system had thought that Host would surly choose option 2). You do love your family and friends.]

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'I do, it is just that… With the small rate of improvement I have had in these three years, it would be ages before I make it anywhere in that world… So training in another world for the moment and returning later on would be optimal in my opinion.'

[Host… You rarely act this smart]

'OY, knock it off.'

Anyway, with this I will be separated for some time. But in the end, this is for them.

I wanted to be the strongest so I can protect what is closest to me.

While I think to myself I remembered a question I never asked the system before, a very simple on at that.

"...System, why are you called the Fallen Hero System?'

[Well Host, you were practically created to become the Fallen Hero. A fallen Hero has one or more of these three fates. 1) Become the dark so that the light may flourish. 2) Die a heroic death. 3) Become the Unsung Hero that saved the world. You completed one of these in your last life yet deep inside you want to complete all three. So I decided to use you as the Host.]

The explanation was very simple and straightforward… It truly did sound like some things that I would do, and it make sense for it to be me.

'Damn, I sure have issues.'

[Yes you do]

'I don't want to hear that from a super lazy system… How would that Checkpoint thing even work?'

[It designates a point in time of where the Host has decided to save. There you can respawn and travel back in time to so you can change the future… You know, like a video game.]

Well, that makes perfect sense to me.

'By the way system, my throat was entirely destroyed during the attack. Had I decided to go back to then, what would happen?'

[Your vocal cords would be cut and you would possibly need a replacement throat. You would live your entire life as a mute and never have a shinobi career due to the fake throat lodged inside of you.]

That just seems to lift up my spirits quite a whole lot! Thanks System!

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[You're welcome]

'Sarcasm, you moron.'

[And that was the last straw, you now get to go to the Akame Ga Kill World. Good luck]

'Wait System! Can't I choose something else?! not that world! Please!'

[Hah~ Fine then the alternative world is School Days]

'Akame Ga Kill is fine, now where is my passport?'

As I was having an internal laugh at this little exchange I decided to just enjoy myself as much as possible.

'Ah, right system.'

[What is it Host?]

'Kekkai Genkai'

[HAH~ Fine the one I have chosen to gift is… Magnet Release. I hope you enjoy]

'Not the best in the whole world… But I'll take it any day of the week. Thank you.'

[And finally before I ship you off to Akame Ga Kill World, I must let you know that you can bring back a few items with you.]

'OH~ Like what?!'

[You can bring back three treasures, twenty ordinary items, three beings as summons and as many bloodlines you can get your hands on. You will also be allowed to steal three abilities from beings that you have incapacitated or have willingly given you the abilities. Also, all bloodlines are considered impure (as you know) until you use a similarly graded pill to strengthen them. So I wish you the best of luck Host]

With that last bit of encouragement… I was off.

And as I awoke with my heart pounding I looked up and saw… Darkness.


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