Jun Feng captured her rosy lips and broke in her little mouth to capture her tongue, ravishing her greedily.

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Pushing his knee in between her tights, supporting the dazed Ying Yue, both of them were completely entranced in their sweet moment.

Ying Yue didn't have the power to think anymore as she started to lack oxygen and the strength to fight so she dropped her arms around his shoulders and indulged in the kiss.

' This is what lovers do either way...' Ying Yue convinced herself and held onto Jun Feng tighter.

After a while, their lips finally parted away, leaving them both gasping for air.

" You big bad devil... " Ying Yue complained in between breaths.

" Little red riding hood looked too good, I had to taste. " Jun Feng cunningly smiled.

" I haven't met someone as shameless as you in my whole entire life. " Ying Yue stated.

" Me neither, giving me a hickey the first time we meet and not wanting to take responsibility, it was all a first to me. " Jun Feng didn't back down.

" How about I also give you your first real beat up? " Ying Yue sinisterly curled her lip up.

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" No thank you, I prefer eating little red riding hood." Jun Feng awkwardly backed down as he knew if he pushed any further his little devil will really blow up on him.

" Good boy, now take off your paws and let me go. " Ying Yue commended, feeling a bit awkward in their intimate position.

" That, I can't do. We are lovers, you need to get used to my touch. " Jun Feng retorqued.

"..." Ying Yue gave in, succumbing to his glistening eyes, " Fine. "

" Kiss me. " Jun Feng was still not satisfied.

" You - ...Fine..." Ying Yue sighed exasperatedly as she leaned on the wall behind her for support.

She roughly grabbed Jun Feng's collar and brought him down near her mouth, " You devil, playing my heart like that..."

She whispered, her breath brushing on his skin before ambiguously kissing his thin lips, infiltrating his mouth and completely taking over Jun Feng's usual dominance.

Jun Feng was completely overtaken by her ferocious lead and felt himself losing his sense of time. After a while, Ying Yue loosen up her grip on his collar, only to grab it harder and pull down. Burying her head in his neck, she sucked on his collarbone, even lightly biting, leaving an even more apparent hickey than the first one.

" What you said is wrong, I'll be the one taking you as my wife. " Ying Yue smirked seductively. A fire had ignited in her eyes and was dancing to the rhythm of her heart

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There were still in the same position and Ying Yue was still shorter than Jun Feng but for some reason, at this moment, Jun Feng felt that Ying Yue was dominating his whole entire being.

" You..." Jun Feng sighed, " I admit defeat...You won and I'll always be yours. "

" Hmm, good boy! " Ying Yue' smile softened and she kissed him on the lips one last time before evading his hold and going outside, " Come, let's go get ice cream! "

Jun Feng followed his sweetheart out, his face still as stoic but the gentleness and adoration of his eyes betrayed his usual coldness.

As for Ying Yue, she was currently fanning herself with her hands, trying to lower the heat of her face, ' So many sacrifices to tame him! '

" Yue, why is your face so red? " Ying Fan saw his niece coming down while fanning her red face.

" Nothing, I am just hot so I came down for ice cream. " Ying Yue casually replied as she regained her cool and lightly skipped to take her gorgeous, precious and well-deserved vanilla bean ice cream.

" Ice cream! " Ying Yue happily cheered and plopped her body onto the sofa.

" You are going to eat the whole pot of ice cream alone? " Jun Feng asked as he went down the stairs and naturally sat right next to Ying Yue.

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" Yes! " Ying Yue heartily nodded as she directly scooped a spoon of ice cream from the bucket.

The cold dessert melted on her tongue and cooled her burning face, joy showed on her face and she completely ignored the expecting man next to her.

The disregarded man was frustrated and inclined over to capture her attention, " You are really not giving me any? "

" Nop! " Ying Yue cheekily answered as she changed the TV channel to a comedy skit.

" Fine, I'll take some myself. " Jun Feng said, his voice getting chilly.

" Hmm, go away now. Go home, I won't be seeing you off. " Ying Yue felt a burden off her shoulder and gleefully ate another spoon of ice cream while watching the skit.

" You..." Jun Feng unsatisfied grumbled before cutting off Ying Yue's vision of the TV and kissing her lips, his tongue sweeping in her mouth and tasting the sweet ice cream that was slowly dissolving in her mouth.

" Hmm, delicious indeed, I'll have to go buy some. " Jun Feng said as he seductively licked his lips.

Shocked, Ying Yue slowly turned to the ice cream thief with her mouth slightly opened, " Why are you this shameless? "

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" So are you going to feed me or am I going to have to kiss you each time? " Jun Feng asked as he scooted over and clung to Ying Yue's body.

"...I'll feed you. " Ying Yue unwilling admit defeat and dug out some ice cream and led it to his mouth, " Here, open wide! "

" Thank you, sweetheart, but it was still better in your mouth. " Jun Feng criticized as he accepted the ice cream.

" Then just don't eat! " Ying Yue snapped, " How dare you insult my favourite ice cream!? "

" I said nothing, another spoon, please. " Jun Feng easily changed the subject.

Jun Feng slightly lifted Ying Yue by her waist and made her sit closer to him, holding onto her waist and his head casually leaning on hers.

And just like that, once more, they both dived into their pink world: the girl scooping ice cream for her boyfriend and herself while the man dotingly hugged his treasure.

As for the long-forgotten third wheel, Ying Fan, sitting on another couch, well...he grudgingly ate the bucket of watermelon by himself which he had prepared for everyone but it seems that the good action went to waste...

He wanted to complain but looking over to his smiling niece, Ying Fan couldn't help but sigh. She looked so much like a normal girl now... Being a normal person seemed like an impossible dream for Ying Yue, a distant life she could probably never reach... Was it too much for Ying Fan to ask his niece to live a simple and fulfilling life? Did she really have to become a mafia boss?

But everything was too late now: what is done is done. Now, he could only wish his niece the best of luck walking forward on the path she traced herself...

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