" Looking at your character, you are the type of person who always brags about their workplace like how you are working at the most prestigious school in China." Ying Yue started.

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" However, if you look back a couple of years back, this school barely made it into the hundred but during the time I was here, I won so many prizes that it attracted more and smarter people to come to this school, pulling our ranks. Since last year, we topped the charts... " Ying Yue stopped in her sentence, observing the teacher's reaction.

" So your statement should be reformed as without me you are nothing. " Ying Yue calmly stated as she propped her chin.

" You freaking b*tch! " the teacher cursed but didn't have any other way to retort as what she said was everything except...false.

" Just wait till you get expelled even before getting your certificate and we'll see where you'll lay in the dumps! " the teacher raged.

" The dumps? " Ying Yue sneered but she didn't say anything else, packed her books and left the classroom with the annoying victory voice of the teacher and the students happily chasing her away.

' I am so stupid to think that I could knock some sense into dumb people. Just wasted some saliva for this person who doesn't know the height of mountains. ' Ying Yue sighed as she walked to her locker.

Everyone in the school was in class so Ying Yue's sneakers brushing the floor was the only sound that resonated in the empty hallway.

' I was even more stupid to blow up like that, I really have a short temper...' Ying Yue sighed before talking out her phone and finding a phone number in her long list of contacts.

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Leaning against her locker, the phone rang twice before it was instantly picked up, " Miss Moon, it's been so long since you called me. How may I help you today? "

" Hmm, I hear you just went on vacations! " Ying Yue cheerfully stated.

" Oh! Yes, I went to visit an old friend. Is there any problem? " the school president asked worriedly.

" Nothing, it's just that someone at your school has been annoying me lately and for more than a while..." Ying Yue smiled.

" Who dares?! " the school president felt sweat dripping in his back thinking, ' Who is the freaking idiot that provoked Miss Moon? '

" The Chinese literature teacher of the 501 class. He's been very irritating these days and I just can't seem to find a way to deal with him...Do you happen to know how...? " Ying Yue chuckled.

" I do, leave this person to me, I will deal with him accordingly and get him instantly fired! " the president bravely promised.

" Gosh! Thank you so much! Then bye-bye! " Ying Yue quickly cut it off and smiled.

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" Sweet revenge but as El Monte said, 'Revenge is a dish best served cold.' so I should go to eat ice cream! " Ying Yue happily grinned before closing her locker and skipping away.

" That was very petty of you. "

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded in the empty hallway leading to the entrance.

Ying Yue ignored the voice and continued to walk away. Since earlier, she had already sensed his presence and he was harmless anyway so she didn't care.

" You know you might have just ruined someone's life. " Chen Li spoke again as the girl didn't seem to have any intention to turn back.

" Yes, I am petty, arrogant, willful, selfish and shameless! So what? Not your problem! " Ying Yue finally answered with a smile as she turned to look at the man.

" So this is what you look like with your mask..." Chen Li was a bit surprised but quickly refocused.

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" So pretty right? " Ying Yue laughed before continuing to walk away.

" Why did you bother to come to school if you are going to leave right after class started? "

Chen Li continued to try to start up a conversation.

" Curiosity kills the cat! " Ying Yue giggled.

Ying Yue truly didn't mind skipping class as she already had enough attendance and only came to school to please her uncle.

Feeling frustrated to be half ignored, Chen Li hurried and grabbed Ying Yue's shoulder, " Hey, I am talking to you, shouldn't you look at me? "

Ying Yue exasperatedly sighed and grasped his hand on her shoulder and using her humongous strength, threw him over her shoulder. The man's back hitting the cold hard floor followed by pain spreading through his back made him let out a groan.

" You! " Chen Li cried out.

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" Me what? You are just like an annoying bug that doesn't want to leave me alone so don't blame for being rude, you brought it down on yourself! " Ying Yue crouched down and smiled.

" Annoying bug?! " the man interjected, " You dare call me a bug?! "

Hearing this, Ying Yue immediately rolled her eyes and looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world, " What do you think I just did? "

She stood up and pressed her foot into his abdomen, preventing him from getting up, " You know what? You remind me of a character in those romance CEO novels...You know the CEO type that is very stupid and thinks that everyone likes him and that he is all-mighty and all but they actually aren't. And did you know that in those novels, the CEO dude always ends up falling for a very stupid girl or a person who ignores him? "

" What? " Chen Li lifted his eyebrow in confusion.

" But I am not dumb nor am I ignoring you so...why are you freaking bothering me?! " Ying Yue lashed out.

She crushed him once more time with her foot and quickly walked away, " I don't want to see you ever again so make sure it doesn't happen or I'll disfigure your pretty little face! "

Seeing the girl walking away, Chen Li felt extremely confused...

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