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After asking a few more questions, Ying Yue pondered in silence for a moment while Jun Feng patiently waited for her.

Finally, she spoke up and instructed the man dressed in black, " Go back and tell that you couldn't discover anything out of ordinary or something that everything was already mentioned in her basic information. If she complains then just give her back her money. Understood? "

" Yes! " the man promptly answered: money was nothing compared to his life.

" Good! " Ying Yue flashed a satisfied smile and took out her phone, calling Xiao Ye.

After it rung a couple of seconds, it was finally picked up and Xiao Ye's overexcited resonated, " Hi, boss! What do you need? I'm busy so please make it quick!"

" Xiao Ye! Are you having a car race without me?!" Ying Yue shouted, immediately knowing what he was doing by the tone of voice he had and the sound of the strong wind brushing him.

"...I...I have no excuse! I'll bring you next time so just hurry and tell me what you need! " Xiao Ye smoothly maneuvered his car at a rough edge.

Ying Yue clicked her tongue but still stated her business, " After you are done, send people to clean my mess up at XXX and help the dude with a knife in his calf. Pay the guy ten times more than his ex-client, if you have questions ask him. Afterward, dig up everything you can find about a girl named Yu Yan, cousin of the heiress from the Yu Clan and Bai Chu Hua, the daughter of the CEO of the Crystal firm. I want everything done for tomorrow morning and take care of the guy in the next 30 minutes or your car will accidentally crash somewhere! Bye! "

Ying Yue quickly rambled and put back her phone.

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She then crouched down next to the suffering man and swiftly took out her knife, blood splattering onto her shirt and face.

The man cried out of pain.

Looking down at her dirtied shirt, Ying Yue sighed and ripped out the bottom where it was tainted and used it to help the injured wrap up his wound, " Don't provoke me the next time or you'll really die. "

Ying Yue's eyes momentarily glowed of danger and she stood back up, " Wait here, someone will come to help you. Cooperate when they ask you questions."

The man weakly nodded before looking down on his bandaged wound, feeling confused: Why would she help him after hurting him?

After that, she wiped off the blood from her small knife with a tissue before throwing it in the garbage can while replacing the knife in her pocket.

" Ok we are done here, let's go! " Ying Yue cheerfully said, turning to Jun Feng.

Looking at her actions, Jun Feng felt so perplexed and had so many questions. Yet he just sighed and took out some tissue while grabbing Ying Yue by her waist and bringing her close to him, " Be careful next time and don't rip off your shirt in front of strangers. "

He then gently wiped off the small dot of blood on her face.

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Hearing this Ying Yue's lip curled into a sweet smile, " I understand! Thank you, Noah! "

Her smile blinded Jun Feng and he couldn't help but lean in and peck her soft lips, " No need to thank me next time. "

Ying Yue heartily laughed and obediently nodded: it felt very nice to have someone that cares about you so much.

They both happily walked home while holding hands.

After a while, far away from the mercenary, Jun Feng asked, " Who was it? "

" Not sure but probably two little kids that underestimated me and who wanted to get revenge..." Ying Yue vaguely replied.

" What are you planning? " Jun Feng's lip slightly curved upwards, charmed by her devilish and scheming side as he already knew she was plotting something.

" Nothing! I want to see what they are up to! As they say, being underestimated is a powerful position to be in! " Ying Yue cheekily giggled.

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"If you need help call me ok? " Jun Feng told.

" Hmm! " Ying Yu easily agreed.


Arrived home, Ying Yue walked up the stairs. Halfway there, she turned to Jun Feng who was still on the bottom of the stairs, looking at her walk in, " You are not coming in? "

" Want me to stay? " Jun Feng smugly smiled.

" No, but I was sure that with your usual shamelessness you would force your way in! " Ying Yue retorqued.

Jun Feng lightly chuckled, " Not today, I still have things to do before I return to America. "

" America...that's right you need to go back..." Ying Yue lightly whispered in realization.

" Don't worry, we'll figure something out. " Jun Feng convinced.

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" Who said I was worry? " Ying Yue proudly lifted her chin.

Jun Feng laughed at her proud attitude, " I'm worried. "

Ying Yue inwardly rolled her eyes dramatically but still went down, arriving just at the first step, right in front of Jun Feng and making her of equivalent height as Jun Feng, " I'm also worried but I'm sure we'll be fine. "

Hearing this, Jun Feng sighed with a half desperate smile and lightly hugged her by the waist, " What am I going to do with you? You are too cute, I want to keep you all to myself. "

Ying Yue blushed but still daringly put her arms on his shoulders and whispered, " I'm your girlfriend so I am kind of already yours..."

" Don't tempt me. " Jun Feng lowly growled like a hungry beast, connecting her forehead with his.

" I'm not! " Ying Yue pouted.

Jun Feng gently smiled at his little devil, " You can't debate me on this. "

Indignant, Ying Yue leaned over and sensually kissed his thin lips, " I love you and you are the one who temps me! "

She proudly stated even though her whole face had already flushed red crimson.

" You devil, trying to tempt me more? " Jun Feng cooed.

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