“Uncle Wang, can you drive a few rounds around the school?” She thought that perhaps if she stuck around a bit longer, Yi Ran would show up.

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“Okay.” Although Uncle Wang didn’t know what she was planning, he just obeyed.

The car drove around the school, again and again, Song Yu Meng stared out the window, waiting for Yi Ran to appear.

Maybe heaven knew her intentions. During the fourth round, the person she was waiting for finally appeared.

“Uncle Wang, stop the car.” She said in a hasty manner.

Uncle Wang stopped near the rear gate of the school. Song Yu Meng rolled down the window and turned her head to the right. She couldn’t hide the loneliness and hurt in her eyes that completely covered over any happiness she had at seeing Yi Ran.

Because there was someone beside Yi Ran, He Xiao Meng.

Yi Ran pushed her scooter slowly out of the rear entrance, He Xiao Meng walking beside her. The two of them were chatting and laughing. Although Song Yu Meng couldn’t hear what they were talking about, Yi Ran’s smile made her feel uneasy.

At this moment, all she felt was jealousy invading her entire heart like a raging flood.

It was something she had never felt before.

She watched as He Xiao Meng got on Yi Ran’s scooter and Yi Ran rode off. Not in the direction of her home, so Song Yu Meng guessed that it should be the way to He Xiao Meng’s home.

“Uncle Wang, let’s go.” She swallowed bitterly and took a deep breath, gritting her teeth to try and force down the jealousy in her heart.

Her eyes were filling up with tears before they had even left.

The only thing that gave her a bit of solace was that Yi Ran didn’t let He Xiao Meng wear her helmet.

Back at home, Song Yu Meng was preoccupied and moody. She climbed up the stairs to get to the second storey, and she almost slipped and fell.

Mrs Song was worried, she could tell her daughter was upset. Concerned, she knocked on her door and opened it. “Xiao-Yu, are you upset? What happened, tell mommy.”

Song Yu Meng could only shake her head and put on a strong front. “Mom, I’m fine. You and daddy don’t have to worry.”


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Mrs Song was about to continue, when Song Yu Meng’s phone beeped, indicating a message.

“Mom, I’m really fine. I’m tired, I wanna sleep. You go rest too.” To get rid of her mother, Song Yu Meng forced a smile.

Mrs Song sighed and left after telling her to rest well.

Song Yu Meng locked the door, then flew to her bed and picked up her phone, but it was just a disappointment.

It was just a group message, she thought it was Yi Ran.

Looking at the chat with Yi Ran, it had been two days since they spoke. At that time, Yi Ran was telling her about interesting things during her childhood, and they had stayed up late to chat.

Song Yu Meng remembered clearly that it was two in the morning, and she had hidden under her blanket with her phone’s brightness and the volume turned to the lowest to avoid getting caught, but she was so happy.

But because she was too tired, she had fallen asleep while waiting for a reply. Because she didn’t reply in time, the next morning, Yi Ran had complained to her and gotten angry for the whole morning, saying she would never chat with her till so late again.

But now……

Song Yu Meng looked at the chat and felt worried. Worried that this time, Yi Ran was really angry, concerned about what Yi Ran was doing now and fretting if she was chatting with other people, like He Xiao Meng.

Thinking about the fact that Yi Ran could be chatting with He Xiao Meng, possibly also about her funny stories, Song Yu Meng grew incredibly jealous. Feeling more and more insecure, she typed out message after message that could lead to conversations, but she didn’t dare to send it out.

– 12AM –

She had been sitting on her bed and waiting for a message that never came. Looking at Yi Ran’s profile photo, the indication that she was online, Song Yu Meng suddenly had an impulse to delete Yi Ran off her friends list. After deleting her, would she realise? Would she panic and come to coax her then?

She admitted she was just being unreasonable, but she just really wanted to be coaxed.

It’s easy to get upset in the middle of the night, and Song Yu Meng’s frustration from the day finally boiled over. Her jealousy and frustration became hot tears, rolling down her cheeks and dripping onto her pillow.

In the last second, before she cried herself to sleep, Song Yu Meng decided. If Yi Ran wouldn’t come to her, she would go and make up with Yi Ran.

The next day, Yi Ran saw that Song Yu Meng’s eyes were swollen, as if she had cried the night before.

Yi Ran felt like her heart had been sliced with a dagger, pulsing in pain. She couldn’t care about the cold war anymore, asking Song Yu Meng with her brows furrowed: “Why are your eyes swollen? Did you cry last night?”

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But Song Yu Meng didn’t answer, opting instead to ask: “What did you do after you got released from class last night?”

Yi Ran was taken aback for a moment. “Ah? What did I do? I just went home.”

“Heh, is that so?” A fire started burning in Song Yu Meng’s stomach. “Then why did I see you send He Xiao Meng home on your scooter?”

“Oh, you’re talking about that.” Yi Ran replied calmly. “She couldn’t get a cab, so I conveniently sent her home.”

Song Yu Meng smiled coldly. “Conveniently? I don’t think it’s very convenient or on the way?”

“It isn’t on the way, but do we need to be so calculative amongst classmates?” Yi Ran couldn’t understand her attitude, but she still tried to explain patiently. “We were all held back yesterday. By the time we came out, it was pretty late and the bus that goes to her house had stopped. I just helped her out and sent her home, that’s all.”

“Oh, then you’re really kind. I’m sure she was very touched?”


Song Yu Meng knew she was being overboard and she shouldn’t be so sarcastic, but her possessiveness was that strong and she couldn’t control her frustration and jealousy. Thus, saying all these hurtful words.

She had decided to take the initiative to make up with Yi Ran last night, but now, that was down the drain.

Yi Ran felt exhausted and sighed. “I’m not going to argue with you. We can talk when you’re less angry.”

In the afternoon, everybody went out for lunch, but Song Yu Meng had no appetite at all. She had already been sulking the whole morning.

Su Xiao Xiao went over to convince her to eat, but she refused. She asked Song Yu Meng what was the matter but she refused to speak as well.

Su Xiao Xiao was very worried, but didn’t know what to do. The first solution that popped out in her head was to tell Yi Ran.

She found Yi Ran on the field and told her about it.

Yi Ran looked at her watch, it was almost 1PM. The canteen was surely devoid of food at this time. She threw down the shuttlecock in her hand and ran out of the field…..

Before the bell rang, Yi Ran rushed back to the classroom, panting heavily. Although it was still cold in March, she had a layer of sweat on her forehead. She grabbed Song Yu Meng’s hand and headed to the nearby classroom.

Song Yu Meng was sitting on her seat despondently, but she was unceremoniously pulled to the empty classroom by Yi Ran, the warmth of her hand still lingering on Song Yu Meng’s.

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“What did you pull me here for?” She was a little happy, and also a little frustrated.

“To watch you eat.” Yi Ran walked to an empty table and opened the bento box. The food inside was still all piping hot, steam rising in the air.

She saw Song Yu Meng still standing in her original spot and said: “Come over here and eat, why are you still standing there? Aren’t you hungry from skipping lunch? Did you forget you have gastric problems?”

Song Yu Meng’s heart felt warm instantly. She had really forgotten about her gastric problems, luckily it didn’t act up.

The food was fragrant, and Song Yu Meng picked up the disposable chopsticks to start eating. She really was hungry.

Yi Ran sat in front of her and watched her. “Could you not take your anger out on your body next time? Would you not have eaten if I didn’t make you eat today? You’re already so big, but you don’t know how to take care of yourself.”

It sounded like a scolding, but it was clear that Yi Ran was concerned for her.

Song Yu Meng smiled slightly, her negative emotions all gone, and looked at Yi Ran. “How did you know I hadn’t eaten? Xiao Xiao told you?”

“Who else? Are you still counting on your plastic friends?” Yi Ran complained. “Here’s a suggestion, stop hanging out with those plastic friends. You know they’re all superficial and fake. Su Xiao Xiao is the only one who really treats you nicely.”

Song Yu Meng tilted her head, amusement in her eyes. “What about you? Do you really treat me nicely?”

“What kind of question is that? Do you not know if I treat you nicely or not?” Yi Ran was a bit annoyed and a bit embarrassed. “You should thank me for this bento. If I hadn’t snuck out of school to get it for you, you would be eating air.”

“You snuck out again, aren’t you scared of getting caught and your parents being asked to come?”

Yi Ran rubbed her nose. “What else could I do? Not like I can just watch as your gastric acts up.”

Song Yu Meng bit her lower lip and stayed silent, tears gathering in her eyes. When she lowered her head to eat, the tears splattered onto her food.

She was crying while eating.

Yi Ran panicked when she saw her crying.

“Eh, why are you crying while eating???” She quickly took out a napkin and gave it to her. “Hurry up and wipe your tears away, I can’t stand seeing you cry.”

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Song Yu Meng took the tissue and wiped her tears.

Yi Ran teased: “I know you’re very moved, but you don’t have to repay me this way, repaying kindness with vengeance.”

Song Yu Meng laughed.

“You don’t know how to coax someone at all!”

Yi Ran gently stroked Song Yu Meng’s head. “Mm, I really don’t.”

Song Yu Meng heard the hint in there and apologised softly and sincerely. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so unreasonable.”

Yi Ran smiled. “So is our cold war over? Miss Song?”

“Hmph, then this lady shall begrudgingly say yes.” She was actually incredibly happy.

Yi Ran smiled, her hand brushing against Song Yu Meng’s head growing even softer.

After a while, Song Yu Meng suddenly said: “I know what favour I want from you.”

“What?” Yi Ran was curious.

Before even replying, Song Yu Meng’s face was already red and she said in a both shy, yet imperious, manner: “From now on, nobody else can sit on your rear passenger seat but me.”

Yi Ran looked at her with bright eyes before laughing. “Pfffttt, what sort of strange request is that?”

“What do you care? Didn’t you also stop me from bringing breakfast for Liu Luo Yang? Did you hear me, you’re not allowed to fetch anybody else. If they ask for a reason, think of one yourself. You’re not allowed to say it’s my request!”

What an unreasonable demand, but Yi Ran felt that this calculative side of her was cute.

“Alright, I promise you. From now on, my rear passenger seat will belong only to you.”

Song Yu Meng hurriedly added on: “And the helmet is only mine too!”

“Alright, promise, the helmet is yours alone.” Yi Ran’s tone was unbearably warm and gentle.

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