“Ah—— Confess……” Song Yu Meng suddenly seemed dispirited and shook her head. “Forget it. It’s not like you don’t know me, I’m scared.” She lowered her head, her shy attitude really made people want to pat her head.

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Listening to her, Su Xiao Xiao thought for a while. “Then how about you secretly give Yi Ran a hint to let her know that you like her too, that way, she’ll have confidence to confess to you.”

Song Yu Meng’s eyes lit up. Thinking of Yi Ran confessing to her made her very happy.

She agitatedly grabbed Su Xiao Xiao’s hand. “Then tell me, how should I give her a hint?”

“Um…… Hint with your actions. Like now, Yi Ran is in a match. Then give her a bottle of water later, it’s considered a hint. She should understand your feelings, right?”

As soon as Su Xiao Xiao finished talking, Song Yu Meng started dragging her to the commissary.

“Then what are we waiting for, I’m going to buy water for her right now!”

Yi Ran saw Song Yu Meng pulling Su Xiao Xiao and running down from the rooftop, and she thought Song Yu Meng was coming to watch her play, making her happy for a while.

But in the end, Song Yu Meng didn’t show up. Yi Ran was a bit annoyed and disappointed, not knowing where Song Yu Meng went.

She had just stepped into the classroom when Song Yu Meng walked in holding a bottle, smiling from ear to ear.

Yi Ran walked to her and asked curiously: “Where did you go just now?” She took a look at the bottle. “You went to buy water?”

Song Yu Meng nodded frantically, holding out the bottle to Yi Ran. “Mm! I just went to buy water for you!”

Yi Ran smiled and took the bottle, her heart singing in joy.

“Thank you then, I didn’t think you’d be so attentive as to buy me water.”

Yi Ran twisted the cap open and drank a few mouthfuls. Song Yu Meng asked urgently: “Is it good?”

“Mm, it’s good.”

She felt that today’s Nongfu Spring water was even sweeter than before, probably because the one who gave it to her was the person she liked.

Song Yu Meng smiled happily, watching Yi Ran drink the water she gave, a look of anticipation in her eyes.

She was a bit nervous. Would Crazy Yi understand her hint? Would she confess?

“Why do you keep looking at me? Do I have something on my face?” Yi Ran asked dumbly.

“Ah?” Song Yu Meng’s face turned red and she looked away. “Nothing, I just was looking.”

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Her smile slowly faded and disappointment started to creep in.

Why didn’t Crazy Yi confess? Was the hint not obvious enough?

The two of them still went home together that night.

After sending Song Yu Meng home, Yi Ran started walking away, but her slow steps revealed her unwillingness to leave.

Song Yu Meng stood there, watching as she walked away. The string in her heart finally snapped, unable to withstand the turbulent emotions.

“Yi Ran!”

She shouted Yi Ran’s name, then ran towards her and threw herself into Yi Ran’s arms.

Yi Ran stumbled a few steps back then froze, her heart starting to race. It was as if Song Yu Meng hadn’t knocked into her body, but her heart.

Under the starry, peaceful sky, Song Yu Meng hugged Yi Ran, burying her face into Yi Ran’s chest.

Suddenly, she lifted her head and looked at her with a gentle expression. She said a soft “goodnight”, then blushed and let go of Yi Ran, running home while covering her face.

She had left for a few minutes, but Yi Ran still stood at the same spot, unmoving. She suddenly smiled at the stars in the sky.

The moon was beautiful tonight.

Song Yu Meng covered her face and ran all the way to her room, ignoring her parents completely.

She turned on the lights and looked in the mirror, patting her hot face. She was so happy she couldn’t stop smiling.

She really was so happy. She hugged Yi Ran today, that was their first hug.

But at the same time, she hated herself for being so useless, so cowardly! If she had been just a bit braver and told Yi Ran how much she liked her, things would be even better.

Song Yu Meng cheered up at her next thought. She had hinted so obviously just now, Crazy Yi could definitely understand her feelings now, right? Maybe she would confess to Song Yu Meng tomorrow?!

She was so excited she couldn’t sleep. Her whole brain was filled with images of how Yi Ran would confess to her.

Would it be by writing a romantic love letter, or by saying something romantic, or would she confess over WeChat, or something else?

Song Yu Meng missed Yi Ran too much, she hugged her phone the entire night, turning the screen on and off, on and off. She wanted to sleep but she was scared she would miss Yi Ran’s message.

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At last, she couldn’t hold on anymore and she fell asleep, but even then, she held her phone tightly, evidence of how much she wanted to receive a text from Yi Ran.

Even though she didn’t sleep well the whole night, the first thing Song Yu Meng did when she opened her eyes was to turn her phone on and see if Yi Ran had messaged her.

Unfortunately, there was nothing.

Song Yu Meng was so upset she almost cried. Even if it wasn’t a confession, she could have sent something else, right? In the past, there would at least be a “goodnight”, but there wasn’t even one last night!

But what Song Yu Meng didn’t know, was that Yi Ran didn’t sleep either because she was thinking about her.

She was thinking how on earth she should confess to Song Yu Meng.

Plan after plan was discarded as Yi Ran wanted to find the next better method of confessing.

Was there a method that would be romantic enough for Song Yu Meng to remember it for the rest of her life? Yi Ran was still searching for it.

She didn’t sleep the whole night.

The next day at school, the two of them were so tired they could not keep their eyes open. Yi Ran had even called a cab, not daring to ride her scooter in fear that she would fall asleep while waiting for a red light to turn green.

They were tired, but the moment they saw each other in the classroom, their minds cleared and they didn’t feel the slightest trace of sleepiness.

Ever since the hug last night, the atmosphere between the two was odd. They didn’t speak for the whole morning, but their hearts were wholly on the other person, sneaking glances at each other happily.

When they accidentally locked eyes, they would quickly look away, nervous yet sweet.

The last class for the day was physics.

Yi Ran’s chest was heaving up and down as she breathed in deeply, then looked at Song Yu Meng, as if having decided something.

“Song Yu Meng, I have something to tell you.”

“What?” Song Yu Meng smiled happily, eyes gleaming with excitement. She had a feeling she knew what Yi Ran was going to say.

“You still owe me a favour, remember?” Yi Ran’s voice was shaking. “I thought about how you can return it.”

“How?” Song Yu Meng was starting to feel overwhelmed with emotions.

“You can……”

Yi Ran had just said those two words, when Teacher Zhang shouted angrily: “Yi Ran, I’ve been looking at you for very long! Why are you talking in class, stand at the back!”

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“……” Yi Ran pursed her lips and took her physics textbook and went to the back of the class unwillingly. She was so depressed. It wasn’t easy to get the courage to confess, but she got sent to the back before she could even finish saying it.


Song Yu Meng felt even worse than her. She had already made the preparations to accept, but the person she liked ended up standing behind.

With Yi Ran missing from her side, she was really not used to it and she felt flustered. She had long gotten used to having Yi Ran beside her.

They were just a few metres apart, but Song Yu Meng was so uncomfortable she couldn’t pay attention, looking back every few seconds at Yi Ran.

She missed her.

The physics teacher turned around and started writing on the blackboard. At this moment, the two of them looked at each other, feelings clear in their gazes.

Yi Ran smiled emotionally at Song Yu Meng, then squatted down with her right knee on the floor and physics book on her left thigh.

Holding onto her gel pen, she flipped to the first white page of the physics textbook and quickly scribbled something. After a few seconds, she flipped the book around and showed it to Song Yu Meng while nobody was looking.

Her smile was bright and warm.

【Scaredy-Cat, let’s be together, okay?】

It was a short, simple sentence that didn’t have any fanciful words or proclamations of love, but Song Yu Meng was so touched that tears started welling up in her eyes.

Wasn’t it just being confessed to, why did she tear up, it’s so embarrassing!

Song Yu Meng covered the lower half of her face with her hands, eyes curving into crescents as she nodded her head repeatedly.

Yi Ran’s smile became five times brighter than the sun and it became even wider.

Just nodding her head in agreement, Song Yu Meng felt a little unsatisfied, as if it wasn’t good enough, so she grabbed her pen and started writing on a piece of paper.

She had just finished writing, when old man Zhang’s voice also stopped and the whole classroom was plunged into silence.

Song Yu Meng lifted her head to see old man Zhang’s angry glare.

Her heart sunk, that’s it, she was too excited and forgot it was still physics class. She was bound to get scolded.

Indeed, old man Zhang immediately shouted: “Song Yu Meng, I’ve also been looking at you for a long time, what are you smiling about there? Go to the back and accompany your deskmate!”

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So be it. She tore the sheet of paper off the notepad and crumpled it into a ball before walking over to stand by Yi Ran unhesitatingly.

She couldn’t even wait to stand next to Yi Ran!

Old man Zhang continued with his lesson, and Yi Ran hid her face with the book and smiled stupidly at Song Yu Meng.

Song Yu Meng didn’t bring her book, so she couldn’t hide her face, but she lowered her head and moved her hair to block her flushing face from Yi Ran’s eyes. When nobody was paying attention to them, she secretly stuffed the paper ball into Yi Ran’s hand.

Yi Ran squatted down and placed her book on her thigh before opening the paper ball on her book.

【I’ll agree, but you’re not allowed to like anybody else aside from me!】

Yi Ran smiled and lifted her head to look at her. Song Yu Meng felt embarrassed and turned her head away.

Thinking she was cute, Yi Ran felt that this shy side of Song Yu Meng made her want to bully the girl even more.

She stuffed the paper into her pocket and even zipped it up to prevent losing it, then stood up and held onto Song Yu Meng’s right hand.

After just a second, Song Yu Meng panicked and pulled her hand free, blushing.

Yi Ran held her book up and teased cheekily: “Shy?”

Song Yu Meng had no book, so she leaned over as if to read from Yi Ran’s book and quietly said: “Don’t hold hands, there’s the surveillance camera.”

Yi Ran looked up to see the camera installed at the left side of the classroom, pointing at them with a red light flashing.

She smiled lightly and grabbed Song Yu Meng’s right hand again.

Song Yu Meng was scared of being caught on camera, their form teacher had a habit of checking the footage. What if they were discovered? Dating was one of the worst offences in the school rulebook. It would lead to expulsion, it didn’t matter if you were dating a boy or a girl.

“Let go, what if we’re caught?”Her voice was soft and worried. The more she struggled, the harder Yi Ran held on. Her hand started to hurt from all the pinching.

Yi Ran held on tightly and pulled Song Yu Meng closer to her. They were now standing shoulder to shoulder, and Yi Ran carefully placed their joined hands against the wall behind them and used their bodies to block it from view. This way, it wouldn’t be discovered.

“Then let’s hold hands secretly?”

Song Yu Meng nodded slightly, her heart racing and her ears red.

Secretly confessing and holding hands in front of so many people in class was exhilarating and romantic. She probably would never forget everything that Yi Ran had given her today.

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