Yi Ran spent an hour explaining question after question to Song Yu Meng, who was listening seriously and taking down notes. Although she was still lost, she had pretty much figured out the way to do it.

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But she was completely lost when it came to functions and all, she had never heard of them before.

“Crazy Yi, what are all those you’re talking about, where did you see them from?”

“Some are from assessment books, some I came up with myself.”

Song Yu Meng’s eyes were curved as she praised: “How are you so awesome, you know everything!”

Yi Ran was a little shy. “It’s not that awesome, I just know about this stuff earlier than you. Now that I’m explaining it to you, you know it too.”

Song Yu Meng hummed and nodded her head, continuing to take down notes.

She had never revised maths so studiously before. This was probably the power of liking someone, it can even make her willing to accept maths.

After finishing her notes, Song Yu Meng threw her homework on the table and ignored it, lying on her bed to focus on chatting with Yi Ran.

Halfway through, Mrs Song knocked on the door.

“Xiao-Yu, can mommy can in?”

Song Yu Meng immediately clamped a hand to her mouth and lowered her voice, speaking to the phone: “Crazy Yi, my mom’s here. Don’t hang up, I’ll speak to her for a bit then come back, it’ll be fast. You better not hang up!”

Yi Ran coaxed: “Dummy, I won’t hang up. Go on, I’ll wait for you.”

Song Yu Meng smiled and hid her phone under the blanket, then went to open the door.

Mrs Song said: “Xiao-Yu, mommy heard you talking just now, were you on the phone with someone?”

“Yeah, I’m on the phone with Crazy Yi. She’s still explaining the maths homework to me!”

She ran to her table and took her homework to show her mother.

“Mom, look, I wrote down so much too! She taught it all to me!”

Song Yu Meng didn’t hide it at all, she wanted to share her joy with others, to let everybody know how good Yi Ran was to her.

Mrs Song saw her daughter smiling ear to ear and she cheered up. “Good, good. Then you better thank Xiao-Yi properly, it’s not easy for her to explain the questions to you.”

“I know, I know. Mom, hurry up and go out, don’t interrupt Crazy Yi’s explanation.”

“Alright, then I won’t bother you two.”

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Mrs Song smiled and went out, closing the door behind her. While she was going down the stairs, she thought to herself: Coming home together from school, explaining homework late at night, the two of them really had a good relationship.

Mrs Song was very, very satisfied with Yi Ran.

After Mrs Song left, Song Yu Meng flew to her bed and quickly took out her phone. Seeing the seconds ticking up on the call duration, she felt incredibly happy.

“Crazy Yi, I’m back!” She couldn’t hide her happiness. “Did you miss me?”

Yi Ran covered her smile with a hand. “Mm, missed you.”

“Hehehe~” Song Yu Meng rolled around her bed happily.

After a while, Yi Ran said: “I’ll come fetch you tomorrow morning, okay?”

“Okay.” Song Yu Meng agreed without hesitation.

For a few hours after that, the two of them chatted nonstop, smiling and laughing until midnight.

But Song Yu Meng still felt like she wasn’t done.

“Yi Ran……” She called out softly, missing her in her heart.

Yi Ran felt her heart skip a beat.

“Mm? What’s up?”

“I really miss you, I don’t want to hang up.” Song Yu Meng’s eyes were shimmering with tears as she pouted.

“Mm.” Yi Ran calmed her heart and coaxed her patiently. “I miss you too, but it’s really very late.” She hid in her blanket and said softly: “My dad will be coming in to check on me later. If he catches me up, I’m dead, I definitely won’t be able to call you next time.”

After hearing they couldn’t call in the future, Song Yu Meng’s tears dripped onto her pillow but she didn’t dare to cry too loudly and alarm her parents, so she hid under her blanket and sniffled softly.

Yi Ran’s heart felt like it was getting stabbed.

“What are you crying for, dummy? I haven’t gotten caught yet.” She smiled, feeling extremely touched.

Song Yu Meng replied: “Then let’s end the call, don’t get caught.”

“Mm, sleep well, we’ll be able to meet tomorrow.”

With a lot of reluctance, Song Yu Meng said: “Okay, goodnight then.”

“Mm, goodnight.” Yi Ran’s voice was warm and tender. “Go sleep now, don’t cry.”

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“Mm, got it.”


The next day, the sky was bright and Song Yu Meng got up extra early, just so she could see Yi Ran quicker.

Mrs Song had already prepared breakfast for her, and she had just laid out the table when she saw her daughter bounding down the stairs with her school bag. She was frightened her daughter would accidentally slip and fall.

When Song Yu Meng finally came over, she scolded: “Why did you run so fast, what if you slipped and fell?”

“It’s okay, mom, I didn’t!” Song Yu Meng stuffed a piece of toast into her mouth and ate it quickly, even choking on it.

She hurriedly gulped down the cup of milk to help the piece of toast stuck in her throat go down.

Mrs Song saw this abnormal behaviour and asked suspiciously: “Xiao-Yu, I feel like you’ve been incredibly happy since you got home last night. What are you so happy about? Tell mommy?”

“It’s nothing, mommy. Last night, Crazy Yi said she’ll fetch me to school today, so I’m a bit happy, that’s all!” Song Yu Meng lowered her head shyly.

Mrs Song lectured: “Xiao-Yu, mommy’s glad you and Xiao-Yi are on such good terms. But you’re troubling her to send you to school and fetch you home, and even explain homework late at night, is it too much? Are you inconveniencing her too much?”

Song Yu Meng immediately rebutted: “Mom, you’re thinking too much. Crazy Yi won’t find me a bother, she would love to stick to me!” She got shy again, and said in a boasting manner: “In fact, she was the one who suggested fetching me to school and sending me home, I didn’t even dare reject her!”

Mrs Song said emotionally: “It’s so rare to see you getting along so well with someone. It’s obvious you really like Xiao-Yi, and Xiao-Yi treats you nicely genuinely. She’s such an invaluable friend, don’t anger her away.”

“I won’t!”

She wasn’t as foolish as to anger Crazy Yi away! She was going to be sticking to Yi Ran for the rest of her life!

But her mother was only half correct. Yi Ran was indeed a rare find, but she wasn’t a friend. She was her girlfriend.

“Ding~” Song Yu Meng’s phone sounded with the “very important” chime.

The only contact she had set as “very important” was Yi Ran, so it was clearly Yi Ran sending her a message.

Grinning, Song Yu Meng immediately unlocked her phone to look at the message.

【Are you awake? I’m outside your house, hurry on out.】

【Patting head.jpg】

Song Yu Meng tapped a reply quickly.

【I’m coming, I’m coming (////)】

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After sending it out, she immediately grabbed her bag and ran out the door. There was still half of her toast left on the plate, and when she was wearing her shoes, she almost wore them on the wrong feet too.

She already couldn’t wait to meet her Yi Ran.

“Mom, I’m leaving, Crazy Yi’s already at the door!” She opened the door and shot out, leaving behind the open door and her rapidly receding back.

Yi Ran was leaning against her scooter and gazing at the floor. Song Yu Meng was thrilled to see her.

“Yi Ran——!”

She sweetly shouted Yi Ran’s name, then started to run until she launched herself into Yi Ran’s arms, knocking the girl back a few steps.

Mrs Song had wanted to close the door, and as she walked to it, she saw her daughter jump into Yi Ran’s arms.

She was shocked.

Her daughter actually took the initiative to hug someone??? And the expression on her face….. It was unwatchable!

Her daughter ran over and hugged Yi Ran at the sight of her, smiling foolishly whenever Yi Ran was mentioned, and mentioning Yi Ran every other sentence.

She started feeling again that the relationship between the two wasn’t just good, it was unnaturally good.

Yi Ran had wanted to hug Song Yu Meng tightly, but seeing Mrs Song come out and look at them, she nervously pushed Song Yu Meng away and retreated a step.

She was a bit annoyed; her girlfriend smelled nice and she was so soft, she really didn’t want to move away.

Song Yu Meng was wondering why Yi Ran didn’t hug her back, but when she turned back, she saw her mother standing at the door looking at them, and she immediately got anxious.

“Hello, aunty.” Yi Ran greeted her awkwardly.

“No need to be so formal.” Mrs Song smiled as she walked over. “Xiao Yi, have you eaten breakfast? I’ve made some stuff, do you want to try it?”

Yi Ran quickly shook her head. “Thanks aunty, but I’ve eaten and can’t eat anymore.”

“Oh, alright then.”

Song Yu Meng suddenly hugged Yi Ran’s arm intimately and said to her mother: “Mom, we’re going now, you don’t need to see us off.”

Yi Ran felt a bit guilty, but Song Yu Meng hugged on tighter when she wanted to pull her arm out. She wasn’t sure if it was just her, but she felt like they were being too intimate, and their secret would be exposed.

Mrs Song said: “Alright then, hurry up and go, be careful on the road.”

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Yi Ran made a sound of agreement, and turned around, wanting to put the helmet on Song Yu Meng. But after thinking about it, she put the helmet on herself for safety reasons.

Song Yu Meng saw her actions and although she felt a bit unhappy, she didn’t say anything, getting on the scooter and hugging onto Yi Ran tightly.

When Yi Ran stopped the scooter near school, Song Yu Meng finally wanted to settle the debt.

She asked moodily: “Why didn’t you put the helmet on for me just now? You clearly already brought it over. Tell me the truth, you’re not allowed to deny it.”

Yi Ran patted her head and explained: “Your mom was there just now, I was afraid she would get suspicious if we acted too intimately.”

Song Yu Meng pouted. “What are you scared of? I, for one, can’t wait for the whole world to know we’re dating. Even though I don’t intend to tell my parents right now, if you want it, I can tell them right away.”

Yi Ran persuaded her patiently. “Don’t be in such a rush, wait till we’ve done plenty of romantic things together then we can tell them.”

Song Yu Meng smiled happily and said “alright” sweetly.

Yi Ran stroked her head. “Don’t tell other people too. If they start to gossip, you’ll be unhappy as well.”

“This lady will rip off the mouths of whoever dares to gossip!”

“Then what if they’re my parents? You’re going to do that too?”

Song Yu Meng’s anger dissipated: “Ah—— Are you going to break up with me then?” She clutched Yi Ran’s collar tightly with both hands and said fiercely: “Yi Ran, I’m warning you. You better not think of ditching me in this lifetime, forget about it!”

“Look at you, overthinking again.” Yi Ran looked at her patiently.

Song Yu Meng complained: “Tell me then, what if your parents don’t agree?”

Yi Ran shrugged. “What else can I do? Just bear with it. I can’t possibly break up with you right?”

Although it was said casually, Song Yu Meng was touched.

“Yi Ran……” Song Yu Meng latched her arms around Yi Ran’s neck and snuggled into her embrace, looking up with watery eyes. “Why are you so good to me……”

“Why is it so easy for you to cry? Are you a crybaby?”

“So what if I am!” Song Yu Meng answered pettily.

Yi Ran hugged her with her left arm, smiling slightly as she adjusted Song Yu Meng’s hair and smoothed down her flyaways with her right hand. “If we keep this up, we’re gonna be late. Let’s go.”

Song Yu Meng nodded obediently, then walked with Yi Ran towards the school, hand in hand.

“You’re not allowed to abandon me, you’re not allowed to like other girls too, or boys. You can only like me, you can only be good to me, that’s favouritism.”

“Mm, anything you say.”

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