“Woof! Woof woof!”

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The two of them got a shock suddenly hearing dog barks behind them, pulling away from each other quickly. They looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile.

How to put it… There was a bit of regret, having almost kissed.

That golden retriever that had no idea it had caused trouble was obediently sitting down with its tongue out and smiling at the two.

Song Yu Meng felt oddly drawn to the silly dog, walking over and squatting beside it to gently stroke its head.

The golden retriever wagged its tail with its tongue lolling out. It seemed to like Song Yu Meng a lot, barking happily from time to time.

Yi Ran walked over too. Looking at Song Yu Meng playing so happily with the dog and neglecting her, her heart felt sour.

Could it be she couldn’t even compare to a silly dog?

Song Yu Meng spotted Yi Ran’s pout and sullen expression, so she reached out with the same hand she used to pat the dog and patted Yi Ran’s head. “Big doggy must be good.”

The golden retriever conveniently barked twice.

Yi Ran turned her head away and complained: “Childish.”

Song Yu Meng smiled. In her heart, Yi Ran was just as silly as the dog.

A few seconds later, Song Yu Meng pointed at the dog’s collar. “Yi Ran, this dog has an owner, there’s a collar on its neck.”

“Mm, this silly dog probably ran away or got off its leash.”

The dog had its mouth half-open, panting with its tongue out. Yi Ran used her hand to clamp its mouth together.

Struggling to get its head free, the dog eventually sprawled out on the floor, looking at Song Yu Meng sadly.

Song Yu Meng gently hit Yi Ran’s hand, avenging the dog.

“Why are you so mean, holding onto his muzzle?”

“Who asked it to bark, ruining our moment.” Yi Ran looked like a child throwing a tantrum.

Song Yu Meng lowered her head embarrassedly, secretly smiling.

The two of them played with the dog for a while, before the dog’s owner arrived.

“Sorry, jiejies, I didn’t restrain my dog and caused trouble for you two.”

It was a girl around 10 years old, no wonder she couldn’t restrain this big golden retriever.

The golden retriever saw its owner had arrived and perked up, circling around the girl and barking excitedly.

“It’s okay, it’s very cute.”

Song Yu Meng patted the dog one last time, and the girl pulled the dog away. The dog seemed quite reluctant to leave, repeatedly looking back at the two of them and trying to pull against the leash.

“Let’s go, silly dog!” The girl patted its head, then it finally became obedient.

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Then they had gone, Yi Ran gazed at Song Yu Meng and said in a tender voice: “Let’s go home too, it’s almost 6PM.”

Song Yu Meng hummed in acknowledgement.

The two of them were walking along the coastline when Song Yu Meng walked ahead of Yi Ran, turning around backwards and walking like that, keeping her eyes on Yi Ran.

Her heart was about to overflow with joy, she was so happy just looking at Yi Ran.

With the rays of the setting sun on the winding coastline, Song Yu Meng tilted her head and smiled: “Let’s go, silly dog!”

A slightly salty, warm breeze blew across from the sea, rustling hair on either side of Song Yu Meng’s face. Her every action and smile captivated Yi Ran.

A sudden glaze came over Yi Ran’s eyes, her pupils reflecting Song Yu Meng’s smiling face clearly. It felt like her brain was foggy, but she could clearly feel her heart jumping around inside her.

Her heart was thoroughly captured.

The air was full of the heated feelings from both of them.

When they arrived home, the orange setting sun was still hanging in the sky.

The two of them were reluctant to leave, dilly-dallying outside the gates for a while before Yi Ran finally said: “We’re here, go on in.”

Her tone was overwhelmingly warm and flirty.

“Then what about you?” Song Yu Meng lifted her head to look at her.

“Dummy, what else can I do? I’m going home too.” Yi Ran patted her head and smiled. “Go on, I’ll watch you from here.”

“Then I’ll go?” Song Yu Meng took a step back.

“Mm, go on, we’ll video call once we’re back.”

Song Yu Meng hummed and turned away disappointed. She didn’t want to really go, she was hoping Yi Ran would pull her into her arms and say “I don’t want you to leave me” or something like that.

But when she got to her door, Song Yu Meng paused. As if she had decided something, she turned around smoothly and ran towards Yi Ran.

She launched herself into Yi Ran’s arms and hugged her neck with both arms. Tip-toeing, she quickly kissed Yi Ran’s cheek, then fled back to her home. Before closing the door, she snuck one last glance at Yi Ran.

Under the setting sun, Yi Ran was standing there alone, frozen.

That kiss was as gentle as a dragonfly landing on water, soft enough that Yi Ran felt like it was just a hallucination under the warm rays of the sunset.

But that ringing in her ears and the rapid pounding of her heart told her that it was real.

Song Yu Meng really kissed her.

– Room –

Song Yu Meng lay on her bed, thinking about what had just happened and she’s overjoyed. Smiling with her eyes scrunched into crescents, her legs kept kicking up and down on the bed.

She had really kissed Yi Ran! And she had been the one to initiate it!

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Covering her chest with her hand, she could feel her own thumping heartbeat and what felt like a current running through.

At this time, her phone rang with an alert and Song Yu Meng immediately sat up and took her phone.

It was her silly dog sending her a message.

【Could you kiss someplace else next time? I’m sure you know what I mean right? (cheeky smile.jpg)】

The naughty smiley, the teasing words, Song Yu Meng was both embarrassed and happy to see it.

【There’s no next time!!!!!! (extremely angry.jpg)】

【Then I’ll kabedon and kiss you!!!!!! (cheeky smile.jpg) (kabedon.jpg)】

【Get lost! No way! Not agreeing! I won’t let you have your way! (punching.jpg)】

Yi Ran looked at the photo stickers and saved them, thinking, her girlfriend was too cute!


In a flash, the two of them had been together for almost a month. In this time, both mothers had suspected their daughters multiple times.

Song Yu Meng was on the phone with Yi Ran till late at night every day. Once, Mrs Song asked what she was talking about with Yi Ran all the time, and she couldn’t give a straight answer. Besides that, she would always have that shy expression.

Mrs Song guessed, maybe her daughter was dating someone??!

No wonder she had that expression every day.

But who was she dating? Liu Luo Yang was immediately struck off the list, her daughter had said she didn’t like him anymore.

Who else? Could it be Xiao-Yi??? That would explain the daily phone calls, going to school and returning home together, right?

Mrs Song’s heart jumped in fright, as if she had discovered something incredible. Then she hurriedly shook her head to get rid of that idea.

She must have been mistaken! The two of them were just best friends with a close relationship.

It was pretty common… among best friends, right?

Mrs Yi also realised something was up with her daughter, calling Song Yu Meng every day. When asked what they were talking about, it was either explaining homework or chatting.

There were even times when she could hear a voice coming from Yi Ran’s room at 1AM or 2AM, it was clear that she was hiding in her blanket and chatting.

At first, Mrs Song didn’t suspect anything, but after a while, it was hard not to have any suspicions. No matter how good friends they were, it wouldn’t warrant calling each other daily till the middle of the night. No matter how many topics they had in common, there would be a day when the conversation stopped.



On a Thursday night, the school organised their annual art night.

At 7PM, the event had started, and a bunch of students were gathered on the field. Seats in the front rows had all been snatched up, and the remaining seats at the back couldn’t see the performances clearly on the stage.

Arriving at the field, Song Yu Meng saw there weren’t any good seats left and she sighed in disappointment.

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Yi Ran smiled: “Dummy, let’s go to the rooftop to watch.”

Song Yu Meng happily followed after her.

The view from the rooftop was great, directly facing the field and they could see the performance clearly. The audio was good too and they could hear everything, it was definitely a good place to be.

The two of them leaned on the railings, hand in hand as they watched the performance.

But they seemed to have forgotten something. The school had a rule forbidding students to go to the rooftop. But the rules were dead and they were alive. As long as they didn’t get caught by the teachers, it was fine.

Unfortunately, the principal just coincidentally raised his head and saw them. But because it was so dark, he couldn’t see who the two people were.

Grabbing a security guard with one hand, he pointed up at the rooftop with the other.

The security guard looked up at them and immediately started off towards the building with a flashlight.

Song Yu Meng panicked, pulling on Yi Ran’s arm. “What do we do, Crazy Yi? We’ve been discovered, we won’t be caught by the security guard, right?”

Yi Ran was unflustered. “What are you scared of? We’ll ditch the security guard, come on!”

Holding onto Song Yu Meng’s hand, they ran down the stairs. She had wanted to run out of the building, but they saw the guard when they were going down the third floor’s staircase.

Yi Ran quickly pulled Song Yu Meng towards the other staircase.

The security guard raised his torch and saw them, shouting: “Stand there! Don’t run!” as he chased after them.

“Who the hell isn’t going to run.” Yi Ran complained, clutching tightly onto Song Yu Meng’s hand. She led her into the dusky hallway, running away from the security guard.

On an early summer night in the dark hallway, running hand in hand with the person she liked and a security guard chasing behind, Song Yu Meng was overwhelmed with emotions. She didn’t think about anything, tightly holding onto the hand of her loved one and running with her.

“Where are you bringing me?”

In the dark, Song Yu Meng couldn’t see Yi Ran’s side profile clearly, only being able to see the contour of her jaw thanks to the light from the security guard.

But she could hear clearly:

“We’re eloping.”

They ran into an open hallway. Without the classrooms, the moonlight seeping in illuminated Yi Ran’s side profile. Song Yu Meng’s heart was pounding so hard it was difficult to breathe, with every single nerve tingling.

She smiled gently. Yi Ran definitely wouldn’t have known that her sentence could cause Song Yu Meng to feel this way.

The security guard was a 50-year-old retired man after all, how could his stamina match up to energetic high schoolers? Yi Ran ran up the stairs to the fourth floor with Song Yu Meng, evading him.

Yi Ran pulled Song Yu Meng and ducked into a pitch-black classroom.

They hid in the corner near the front door, Yi Ran leaning against the wall, Song Yu Meng leaning against Yi Ran. More accurately, she was being hugged tightly by Yi Ran, her head pressed against her chest. She could hear Yi Ran’s heart racing, and smell that comforting jasmine scent.

She liked the sound of Yi Ran’s heart beating so quickly because of her, and she also liked that scent that belonged only to her. Unknowingly, her heart started to race as well.

After spending a minute in this position, she heard Yi Ran say: “I want to kiss you.”

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In the dark, Yi Ran’s voice was low and hoarse. Even if she couldn’t see, Song Yu Meng could clearly feel how heated Yi Ran’s gaze was.

“Can I?” It sounded as if Yi Ran had squeezed the words out of her throat, as if she couldn’t wait anymore.

Song Yu Meng’s mind was in a mess. Just being hugged already left her as a melted puddle, could she still think whether Yi Ran could or not?

She softly hummed in agreement.

The emotions that had been held in for a long time exploded, Yi Ran surged towards Song Yu Meng’s lips based on her instinct.

She got it right, and their lips met.

That anxiety immediately calmed down, and Yi Ran’s brain turned off. She didn’t move her lips, only thinking of one thing.

Her girlfriend’s lips really were incredibly soft, like melted marshmallows in the mouth. She didn’t dare to stay in that position for too long, so she pulled away slightly, then leaned in for another kiss.

This time, it wasn’t as rushed as before, and much gentler. But she didn’t just press her lips against Song Yu Meng’s. Yi Ran parted her lips and drew in Song Yu Meng’s lower lip.

She savoured the taste, it was slightly sweet.

Song Yu Meng didn’t even dare to breathe, her hands pressed against Yi Ran’s shoulders as she clutched at her clothes. She was nervous and shy, but she also couldn’t suppress the sweetness and happiness bubbling up inside her.

The moment Yi Ran’s lips touched hers, it felt as if there was a current passing through them, tingly and electrifying. It made her heart itch and she wanted more.

The two of them slowly relaxed, moving into different positions.

Yi Ran first held the back of Song Yu Meng’s head to prevent her from moving, then slowly slipped her tongue in.

When things got a bit more heated, Yi Ran gripped Song Yu Meng’s thighs and lifted her up, moving over to a table and setting her girlfriend on top.

Song Yu Meng was a little surprised, but she felt thrilled at the new experience.

The two of them were kissing passionately without a break.

Song Yu Meng’s hands wrapped around Yi Ran’s neck as Yi Ran placed both her hands on the table, leaning down to kiss her.

Suddenly, a piercing beam of white light shot in from the window. It was the security guard checking each classroom.

Song Yu Meng was a little scared, she pulled away from the kiss and hid in Yi Ran’s arms. Her lips were a little red and swollen, glistening with saliva.

“It’s okay, he can’t see us. We can continue.”

Yi Ran was almost plastered to her ear as she whispered it, the hot breath making Song Yu Meng tremble in her arms.

Having finished what she wanted to say, Yi Ran leaned down again to continue kissing her. Song Yu Meng didn’t fight back either, raising her head and parting her lips slightly.

They were sitting in a corner that couldn’t be seen from outside the class, so the security guard left thinking the classroom was empty.

The two of them continued kissing in the classroom. In the dark, all that could be heard was the sounds of their lips moving against each other.

Honestly, I think this scene is hotter than the kissing scene in the summary, I was a little embarrassed translating this 

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