Chapter 6 – Buying a Car

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Having tasted the sweetness, Cheng Zhou decided to strive to become a seafood tycoon.

The next day, Cheng Zhou bought fifty plastic pails, more than a hundred pineapple buns, and two cases of soft drinks (coke). He piled them on the tricycle, and then entered the other world.

Cheng Zhou had contacted the villagers several times and has become a wealth icon in the eyes of the villagers.

As soon as Cheng Zhou appeared this time, he was immediately welcomed by a group of villagers.

Under the eyes of the villagers, Cheng Zhou cycled the tricycle to the seaside.

It may be that after tasting the sweetness of pineapple buns, a large number of villagers gathered on the beach. The number of villagers is far more than the last time.

Cheng Zhou had the ten plastic pails from before, unloaded the additional forty plastic pails, and motioned to the crowd. A plastic pail full of seafood can be exchanged for five pineapple buns and a soft drink.

He only accepts ten pails of seafood and if someone only collects half a pail of seafood when he is leaving, then only two pineapple buns (as payment).

The villagers quickly grasped Cheng Zhou’s meaning. Dozens of plastic pails brought by Cheng Zhou were grabbed by the crowd.

Cheng Zhou sat on the tricycle and looked into the distance.

Maine stood aside and looked at Cheng Zhou with admiration.

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Maine has gotten Cheng Zhou’s attention since the time when he got a wild boar leg, therefore he received a lot of pineapple buns.

Many villagers in the village secretly think that Maine is lucky. If he gets Cheng Zhou’s favor, he may be expected to become a knight’s attendant.

This is a world with distinct hierarchies. The most feasible way for commoners in this world to promote themselves to nobility is to first become a follower of a noble, and then follow the noble knights to open up territory. If they make great contributions, they might be granted nobility and territory, and then ascend step by step to the heavens.

Cheng Zhou opened a bottle of soft drink, drank a mouthful, opened another bottle, and handed it to Maine.

Maine took the bottle in his hand with a novel feeling, took a sip, and then widened his eyes in surprise.

A group of villagers scrambled to catch seafood, and some miscellaneous things were also put into plastic pails.

When Cheng Zhou gets the plastic pail, he needs to select the contents inside and deduct the number of buns appropriately.

After a few times, the villagers also understand what kind of seafood Cheng Zhou wants and the ones he is not interested in.

At the end of the day’s seafood acquisition, Cheng Zhou motioned to the crowd that he would continue to purchase seafood. Seafood will still be exchanged for pineapple buns. A plastic pail can be exchanged for two pineapple buns. The next time he comes back, he won’t bring extra plastic pails.

The villagers looked at each other in consternation. Basically, the villagers reluctantly chose to give up two pineapple buns for the plastic pail.

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The villagers are not fools. Cheng Zhou’s decision means that he will give priority to those with plastic pails next time. Although buns are good, it is much better to be able to earn buns over time.

Cheng Zhou saved eighty pineapple buns and left with ten plastic pails full of seafood. Like the last time, Cheng Zhou found Black Iron to pedal the tricycle and several villagers to help push it.

At the foot of the mountain, Cheng Zhou paid everyone a small bun and sent those villagers away.

Cheng Zhou was in high spirits. As soon as he comes back from the other world, he immediately runs to the seafood market to sell seafood. However, Cheng Zhou soon discovered a problem. The mode of transportation is too inconvenient.

The tricycle is already considered an artifact in the other world. Cheng Zhou does not intend to change to a four-wheeled vehicle to stimulate the fragile soul of people in the other world for the time being, but this is not practical in this world.

The place where Cheng Zhou lives is still a long way from the seafood market. Moreover, for a young man like him to be cycling three roundtrips a day makes his image seems too low. For better or worse, he still needs a car.

After thinking, Cheng Zhou decided to buy a car.

The business has just started, and it’s not easy to be extravagant and wasteful. Cheng Zhou thinks he should get a second-hand van.

Cheng Zhou brought the 20,000 yuan that hasn’t even been warmed by him yet and went to the ** auto mall.

** auto mall is bustling with people coming and going.

“Lil’ brother, you want to buy a car?!” A boss wearing a gold chain asked enthusiastically.

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Cheng Zhou nodded and said, “Yes!”

“What kind of car do you want, lil’ brother? What’s the budget?!” The boss asked with a smile on his face.

Cheng Zhou said with some embarrassment, “20,000 yuan.”

“Lil’ brother, what make of car do you want?”

“Wuling.” Father Cheng (Cheng Zhou’s dad), Cheng Changsong, has a Wuling, which is also **. The car is a little broken down, and the air conditioner in the car isn’t working, but it is at least still a car. Compared with the tricycle or something, it is still much better.

The boss’ smile remain unchanged and said, “Lil’ brother, come and have a look at this car. This car has followed four different bosses since their humble beginnings. Later, each of the bosses became a multi-millionaire. This car is godly. If you buy it, you will definitely prosper very quickly. Lil’ brother, you have a very promising future. With this car, making a fortune is just around the corner.”

Cheng Zhou was puzzled and asked, “Since those bosses are all rich, why did they sell the car?”

Boss Hu smiled and said, “Lil’ brother, you don’t understand! Men are fond of the new and tired of the old. These bosses, each one of them, are fickle and unjust. As soon as they got rich, they will buy those BMWs, Audi, and Porsche! Who still remembers this chaff car? Naturally, they have to deal with it and clear it out of their sight.”

Cheng Zhou accepted the boss’ explanation with some doubt and bought the second-hand Wuling for 20,000 yuan.

As soon as Cheng Zhou left, the boss of the car dealership next door came over.

“Damn Old Hu, your cursed car has been sold?” Boss Song from next door asked sourly.

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“It is sold.”

“I wonder which guy you’ve taken advantage of! You deceived the person, right?”

Boss Hu said discontentedly, “How can I deceive others? I just said it the other way around.” The car did follow several bosses, but after several bosses bought the car, they all lost their fortunes.

Boss Song snorted and said: “One gambled and lost all his property, and then disappeared. One embezzled the company’s money to speculate in stocks and jumped off from a building. One failed in business and took pills (to suicide). Another one was the most unfortunate. He became a guarantor to someone and was dragged down. Every day, he was blocked at the door by debt collectors and his family got ruined…… In my opinion, I am 80% sure there is something wrong with that car. You are a heartless being to have sold the car to such a young man. “

Boss Hu said disapprovingly: “You can’t say that. That car used to be owned by bosses. Now it is different. The owner is a poor man. Even if it causes decline, the declination won’t be too severe.”

Boss Song snorted lightly, “You bastard. You are full of sophistry.”

Boss Hu said proudly: “This young man looks out of the ordinary. Maybe he can really make a fortune! You know, things will turn around when they reach the extreme! I think this car is very powerful. Just that the previous bosses are not lucky enough to grasp it! If it encounters a dragon and phoenix (the right guy) among the individuals, it will certainly help the car owner to soar!”

Boss Song pouted and said: “I don’t think that young man can make it! He got fooled by a few words. He’s too young and has not experienced the harshness of society.”

Boss Hu did not think so and said: “Old Song, you’re wrong to say that. Obviously, he has good potential and will be very rich in the future.”

Boss Song gave Boss Hu a side glance and said: “He has already left, so you don’t have to speak against your conscience anymore.”

Boss Hu brazenly said with a smile: “Watch what you’re saying, I’m telling the truth!”

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