Translator: Skye  Editor: herkawaiidramas

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* * *

I tried my best to ignore the sound of my knights following me, choosing to focus my attention on my own thoughts instead.

‘I bought the makeup, color ink, and paper. What else–Oh, this looks nice?’

Even though I had already finished picking out a present for Rose, I decided to shop around some more since I was already out.

‘I was too busy being wary of my father last time so I wasn’t able to look around properly.’

Letting out a sigh, I remembered the item in my drawer that I still had to return.

‘When should I return the pendant? I hope I won’t get in trouble for keeping it with me for so long without saying anything.’

While I was starting to grow anxious from my thoughts, something caught my eye.

‘Wow, this is quite neat and pretty.’

Silver-rimmed cuff buttons with a blue jewel in the center. I could picture my father wearing them and had no doubt they would look stunning on him.

‘Oh, I could give these to him as a gift when returning the pendant. That should make him feel a little better.’

And so, a suitable bribe was picked out for the purpose of maintaining the appropriate relationship with my father.

I turned to the merchant, pointing to the cuff buttons without an ounce of hesitation.

“I would like to buy these, please.”

The merchant then placed the cuff buttons in a wooden box before handing it to me, completing the transaction.

‘This should be enough, right?’

All of a sudden, I was interrupted by someone who seemed to recognize me.

“Oh? Well, if it isn’t Lady Floyen?”

‘The one who had a mouth of a poisonous snake, the nosy Rydian.’

Famous for being the head gossipmonger among social circles, Rydian was known to have a venomous tongue. His reputation was so poor to the point where I tried to avoid this man even before I regained the memories of my past life.

“This is the first time I’ve seen you since my aunt’s birthday party. “

Including the fact that he was Mikhail’s cousin on his mother’s side, Rydian was the worst person to run into.

‘If one sees their cousin’s ex-girlfriend, shouldn’t they act like they don’t know her?’

In contrast to my inner turmoil, I returned his greeting solemnly.

“Yes, it’s been a while, Lord Doyle.”

“I’ll be disappointed if you address me so formally like that as this isn’t the first time we’ve met.”

Pressing a kiss on the back of my hand, Rydian continued while revealing a greasy smile.

“Please, call me Rydian, my lady who is as beautiful as daffodils.”

Since we were only acquaintances who did not know anything beyond each other’s faces, it was not appropriate for him to be kissing my hand nor asking me to call him by his name. I wanted to point out his rudeness, but didn’t want to give any opportunities for this loose lipped person to spread anything about me.

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‘It’ll be troublesome if he goes and talks to Mikhail about me.’

I quickly removed my hand from his grasp and spoke to him with a firm voice.

“Though I would love to talk with you more, I’ll have to excuse myself as I have a prior commitment.”

Rydian revealed a smile while speaking languidly.

“What is it that has you in such a hurry, as if you’re trying to run aw–”

“It’s very important.”

But I cut him off with a sturdy voice.

He had plenty reason to feel offended, but Rydian only smiled cheekily.

“Ah, I see. It was nice being able to see you today. Oh and–”

“Yes, goodbye.”

Not wanting to speak to him any further, I quickly ended our conversation before turning to walk away. My knights immediately moved around me, forming a barricade.

“Let’s go, milady.”

I let out a small laugh at the sudden polite tone Geraldine’s voice carried.

“So at times like this, you can do your job properly.’

Well, Rydian was likely to curse me out, but whether he did or didn’t, I could care less since his reputation was no better than mine.

‘My mood is ruined now because of him! I’ll just end my shopping here.’

But it was a relief that we had run into each other for only a moment, which gave him nothing to tattle to Mikhail about.

‘Please, I hope we have no more reason to run into each other…’

Remembering the feeling of his lips on the back of my hand, I shuddered and wiped the back of my hand on my skirt.

* * *

At a late hour, shortly before dinner, a man came to visit the house of Marquess Hessen.

“It’s been a while, Mikhail.”

Rydian Sven Doyle. The two of them were never on very good terms. Mikhail narrowed his eyes at his cousin’s sudden visit.

“Do you mind if I sit? My legs hurt.”

“Get ou–”

Mikhail was fully determined to tell his cousin to leave, only to be interrupted by said cousin.

“Hm? Sit, you say? Thanks.”

Mikhail scowled at the sight of Rydian moving to sit on a chair after cutting him off.

“What are you doing here?”

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Hearing the impatient tone of his cousin, Rydian let out a smirk before speaking nonchalantly.

“Look here, I’ve brought some good news but you won’t even offer me any tea?

“Just state your business.”

Rydian simply shrugged, far from being intimidated by Mikhail’s chilling tone.

“Always so cold. Don’t you think that’s the reason why Lady Floyen left you for a new lover?”

At the mention of a new lover, Mikhail’s face, which previously held an unreadable expression, contorted.

“What kind of nonsense are you spouting?”

Ignoring his cousin’s question, Rydian sat down and reached into his pocket, pulling out a pipe.

“Nonsense, you say? Don’t you think you’re being too harsh? You haven’t even heard the rest of what I have to say.”

Instead of answering, Mikhail chose to glare at his cousin instead. Rydian lit his pipe before letting out a chuckle.

“I saw her purchase a pair of cuff buttons with my own two eyes.”

Mikhail’s eyes widened at what he just heard.

‘She purchased cuff buttons?’

Cuff buttons were typically a gift to those whom one was closest to. They were usually meant to be given to close family members or lovers. In particular, it was something women would give to their lovers, secretly revealing their desire to claim the man as their own.

‘No, there’s no way she did that.’

Seeing the frown on his cousin’s face, a corner of Rydian’s mouth twisted upwards into an arrogant smirk.

“Isn’t this good news for you? You were worried that your break-up might have all just been an act on her side.”

Rydian couldn’t help but snicker, letting out wisps of smoke in the process. Mikhail felt a wave of irritation at the smell of the tobacco as well as the sight of his cousin, whose brazenness seemed to have no bounds.

“If you said all you had to say, get lost. I have nothing more to say to you.”

Wearing a triumphant smile, Rydian rose to his feet.

“I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable, though I’m not sure whether the displeasure you’re feeling right now is really because of me or not.”

The moment Rydian left, Mikhail clenched his hands into a tight ball while a deep frown marred his face.


But contrary to his thoughts, the image of a certain woman’s face kept appearing in his head.


She was someone who had persistently obsessed over him for the past two years. He thought it was strange for someone like that to suddenly end things with a face that looked like she had no regrets. Finding out the truth late like this, Mikhail became furious.

‘So you have a new man?’

Grimacing, Mikhail grit his teeth. In the past, he clearly remembered the times when he wanted her to have an interest in other men so that he could get away from such an annoying woman. And yet even though his wish was now granted, a wave of anger he could not even trace the reason for, surged inside him.

‘Why am I feeling…..Because of someone like her….’

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While he was in a state of turmoil, Mikhail suddenly recalled the beautiful face of the woman who had shyly confessed to him

At that moment, Mikhail punched the wall with his fist, unable to contain his anger.

“Y-Young Master! Are you all right?!”

The nearby servants rushed toward him in surprise, but Mikhail ignored them, continuing to stand still.

As he recalled the image of a woman turning around without remorse, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. But Mikhail ignored it, choosing to tightly clench his fists instead.

‘You acted like you were going to love me forever, but you’re already seeing another man?’

Suddenly, there was a bright glint in his eyes.

“Juvellian, I’ll definitely pay you back for deceiving me like this.’

* * *

I had planned on giving my father the pendant and cuff buttons as soon as I returned home. Unfortunately, it seemed he was currently out.

‘Is he late because of work again?’

In the midst of my curiosity, Marilyn spoke up, as if she had read my mind.

“His Grace has left for a training camp and told us he won’t be back for a few days.”

Well, this wouldn’t be the first or second time my father had been away from the house so I wasn’t too disappointed. Setting foot into my room, I placed the pendant and cuff buttons in a drawer.

‘I’ll give these to him when he returns.’

After I had washed up and changed, I opened up the book my father had given me, quickly becoming absorbed in the interesting story.

* * *

The secret assignment Duke Floyen was tasked with was simple yet difficult at the same time.

“The palace had been infiltrated by a rat not too long ago.”

The Emperor, who had just disclosed that he had almost gotten assassinated, continued,

“If I just leave it alone like this, I won’t be able to sleep due to the anxiety. I would like it if you could find and get rid of all the rats. After all, you’re the one I have the most confidence in when it comes to handling these kinds of matters.”

In other words, it was an order to find the ones who hired the assassin and get rid of them. However, the assassin had committed suicide, leaving no evidence of who ordered the hit behind. The only method left was to wait in ambush for the next one.

It was a menial task that should have been given to a close aide, not to someone who was considered a national hero and one of the empire’s only two remaining dukes.

But Regis obediently replied that he would take care of it.

Upon leaving the throne room, the royal guards opened their mouths to express their indignation.

“Your Grace, are you really going to follow an order like that? If it’s an ambush, we can—”

They offered to carry out the ambush in his place, but the Duke simply responded in a monotone voice.

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“I’m the one being kept in check, there’s no need for you all to become subjects to that as well.”

Hearing the consideration behind their superior’s words, the knights murmured dejectedly. Max, who was hiding and had overheard their conversation, scoffed at them.

‘To think you’d leave the bug, which can easily be crushed whenever, alone…..I’m disappointed, Duke Floyen.’

Max viewed the current ruler, Emperor Carlos, as a greedy and pathetic man who did not know his place. In contrast, his teacher was an outstanding man who he had even looked up to and aimed to be like until recently.

It was obvious why such a powerful man like his teacher was obediently following the emperor’s orders.

‘It’s because the Emperor knows his weakness.’

While Max was thinking about his teacher’s only weakness, he saw another knight approaching the Duke.

“I have successfully carried out the escort duty and have come to give my report.”

“How was Juvellian?”

“Ah, she went shopping today. She looked happy.”

“I see.”

Anyone who caught the smile that quickly passed over the Duke’s face could tell it radiated warmth.


Feeling a lingering sense of discomfort, Max made a face. He once thought that he and his teacher were similar, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t understand the type of person Regis had now become.

‘They say you become a stranger when you get married, but why is it that you’ve become so devoted?’

For the sake of one’s family, it would be better to throw away any children who were a hindrance to one’s future.

But whenever his teacher thought of that ‘thing’, which should have been nothing more than a nuisance, he would become soft and reveal his openings. It was enough to make the Emperor, who treated his own children as expendable, notice that weakness and use it to keep Regis on a short leash.


Max refused to acknowledge the words his teacher had said a while ago. A fierce look passed over his eyes.

‘That’s right, I can just confirm it myself.’

Max decided to go and take a closer look at the one who made his teacher become soft and weak.



T/N: If I had a dollar for every time the author made the men in this story “clench their fists/teeth/frown”, I’d be vacationing in the maldives and still be richer than if I had a hundred dollars for every time juvel misunderstood someone!! (confession: I spend more time looking up synonyms than actually TLing but also s/o to my editor for helping me find better words)

E/N: smh at the orig. ML. Talk about being entitled.

thanks to hazelnothazelnut for this chapter’s raws!

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