Translator: Skye  Editor: herkawaiidramas

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* * *

“What did you just say?”

Noticing the harsh tone of his voice and his angry red eyes, I frowned.

“I don’t know why you’re angry, but you’re the one who acted improperly first.”

Immediately after I had spoken, he let out a harsh remark.

“Speak respectfully (formally) to me at once.”

Ha. Why was he trying to have a useless war of nerves right now when I’m so tired? I was becoming more and more drowsy but I reigned in my mind and spoke,

“Excuse me, you’re the one who spoke casually to me fir–”

I was trying to berate him but I was so exhausted that a yawn escaped me, cutting off my own words. I became so embarrassed that the earlier drowsiness I felt momentarily disappeared.

‘Ah, I just showed him something disgraceful.’

“What are you doing?”

I heard the firm voice of the man who had finally lowered his sword.

Geez, I know I just showed you something unsightly but you don’t have to look at me like that. I knew that he would throw another fit if I spoke informally to him again, therefore I treated him like a preschool teacher placating a whining child.

“I’m exhausted but I can’t even sleep because of you. Don’t you think it’s time you return to your own home?”

He stared at me for a moment, making me think he was going to start giving me the silent treatment again.

“I don’t have such a thing.”

I blinked in surprise at his words. Judging by his face, he could pass off as a prince of some foreign country.

‘But then again, it’d be a little too much to say he’s a noble’

Aristocrats were very conscious of their appearance and how they’re seen, even having separate clothes to wear for going out. They would never step out of the house in anything that wasn’t specifically designed to be worn outside.

The man in front of me donned a simple white shirt and black pants. Instead of a claymore, he had a longsword this time, but the unsophisticated weapon made him look more like a wandering swordsman or mercenary rather than a knight or noble.

‘He was also wearing a long hooded cloak last time.’

Based on the clothes he was wearing then as well as now, he’s…

“Then, have you just been wandering around?”

He looked displeased with my question but nodded his head nonetheless.

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‘I knew it, he’s definitely either a mercenary or wandering swordsman.’

They tended to stay at local inns, but seeing how he was poorly dressed and lacked any other belongings…He must have been unable to pay and got kicked out.

‘He must’ve come to find my father because he didn’t have anywhere else to go. But why did it have to be today…’

Come to think of it, when he came as a guest last time, there was no notification nor greeting. He came and left silently. It was highly likely that he was not an official guest.

‘That would explain why he didn’t come through the front door and snuck into my room.’

I sighed while cursing my father for being absent at a time like this.

‘Well, it can’t be helped.’

Although I wasn’t the kindest person, I wasn’t heartless enough to kick out someone who had no place to go. Having used to live in a dorm* in my past life, I stared at him pitifully. I knew how sad it was not to have a home.

“If you don’t have anywhere to go, you can stay here in my room for now.”


Seeing his eyes widen in astonishment made me feel somewhat proud.

“You don’t have to thank me. If you become successful in the future, you can pay me back then.”

I could see him continuing to stare at me with what looked to be bewilderment in his eyes. Well, he probably felt thankful. Of course he should. I don’t show this much kindness to just anyone.

“Then, I’ll be going to bed now. You can make yourself comfortable and sleep on your own, alright?”

Just when I was about to get settled into my bed, I felt a cold breeze coming from the open windows.

“Could you close the windows, please?”

“Why should I?”

Instead of doing what I had asked him to do, he answered with an air of haughtiness while glaring at me with crossed arms.

‘Did my father not teach his apprentice any basic manners?’

I got up from my bed, grumbling to myself, when I noticed the clothes he was wearing were quite thin.

‘Haaaa it’s annoying…..but I guess I have no choice.’

After closing the windows, I grabbed a blanket and handed it to him.

“We’re in the transition between seasons so the temperature differences are harsh. It gets quite chilly at night.”

I was trying to look out for him but instead of gratefully taking the blanket, he continued to keep his arms crossed over his chest while blankly staring at me.

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“Ah, seriously. You should be able to take care of these kinds of things yourself…’

Having to take care of every little thing for him, it felt like I had brought in a stray dog or cat instead of a human being. I wanted to say something, but lacking the energy to start any kind of fight, I chose to drape the blanket over his shoulder instead.

I could feel his crimson eyes burning a hole in my head, questioning what I was doing — but I was at my limit.


Collapsing onto my bed, I quickly succumbed to slumber.

* * *

‘You really fell asleep.’

Max scrunched his face, looking at the woman who was sleeping peacefully on her bed.

‘To think there would be a woman who could act so carelessly like this.’

He had come across plenty of people so far but their reactions had always been the same. They would either tremble in fear, or they would suppress their fear and try to appease him instead. Though there was one thing they all had in common — they were all afraid of him.

Yet that didn’t seem to apply to the woman in front of him.

When they had first met, and even now, she didn’t seem nervous at all. Instead, she was rather relaxed and was even able to fall asleep in front of him like this. He was intrigued. Not even his strong teacher had shown such a defenseless side of himself in front of Max before.


It annoyed him that she was naively at ease. It annoyed him that she had impudently spoken to him so casually.

His first priority was to get rid of this bothersome thing.

Narrowing his eyes, Max reached for the woman’s neck — only to pass it and stop at her mouth, unconsciously brushing his finger over her lips. He took note of the softness he felt on the tip of his finger while the woman remained fast asleep, unmoving.

‘How can you be this careless.’

Noticing a stray hair clinging to her lips, he brushed the strand aside while frowning.

‘Irritating me like this, making me feel tire–’

Recognizing his current state, which was different from usual, Max furrowed his brows.

‘I’m feeling tired?’

Ever since he had started living on the battlefield and witnessed numerous deaths, Max had never once been able to fully relax, even when he was supposed to be resting.

Blinking slowly, he tried to regain alertness but the fatigue he felt for the first time in a long while completely took over his mind and body.

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‘I can’t be like this here…’

His original idea of observing the woman, as well as the idea of returning home, began to blur together and fade away. He tried to put up a fight but eventually conceded defeat.

‘A little…I’ll just rest for a little while.’

After blowing out the candle, Max found a spot next to the bed and laid down on the floor. Closing his eyes slowly, it was the first time he felt calm and at ease ever since his mother passed away. The feeling of warmth surrounding his body lulled him to sleep.

* * *

A ferocious dragon had appeared, destroying everything in its path.

Originally, dragons were associated with natural disasters so regardless of whether you tried to flee or put up a barrier, you would still be in danger. Thus, I chose to hide quietly in my house. Unfortunately, the dragon had come in all the way into my hiding place and when it found me, it rushed towards me with its mouth wide open. Right at that moment, however, my father appeared and confronted the dragon.

It was obviously just a ridiculous dream, but when I finally opened my eyes, I found myself in such a good mood.

‘To think I’d dream about a dragon of all things.’

Out of all the auspicious dreams one could have, they say dreaming about a dragon is the luckiest one. I had a feeling everything would go well today.

That was until I saw the figure of a sleeping man on the floor next to my bed.

‘Why is he sleeping there? Did he want my bed?’

Letting out a small sigh, I found myself observing his face without even realizing it. When his eyes were open, he looked dangerous, but looking at him now with his eyes closed, he looked quite gentle.

‘Despite his poor personality, I can’t deny the fact that he’s pretty good looking.’

If someone had seen him in my room, they may even suspect that I, the evil Lady Floyen, had kidnapped him. If I had to be completely honest, this man was definitely better looking than Mikhail.

Ah, but I was definitely not happy about this current situation.

‘I wish you’d hurry up and leave before someone catches you and has a misunderstanding…’

The maids never usually entered my room without my permission, but you never know what could happen. I got up to lock the door just in case and then proceeded to try and wake him up, reaching to nudge his shoulder.

“Excuse me–”

I suddenly felt myself being pushed, landing on my back with a loud thud. It was a relief the ground was carpeted, otherwise, I wasn’t sure if my back would’ve been all right.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

Stealing the words right out of my mouth, my father’s apprentice had me pinned under him, glaring at me with those fierce eyes of his.

* * *

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He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so warm and comfortable. It was to the point that he never wanted to wake up, but someone was trying to disrupt the peace he had found.

He picked up the warmth of someone approaching him, sending shivers down his spine. As a result of fighting in numerous battles, his body had become extremely sensitive to the presence of others and reacted immediately.

Before he had even fully woken up, Max pushed the shoulder of the assailant just before they could touch him, shoving them to the floor. After pinning them to the ground, he instinctively reached for the slender neck.

Then, a pair of blue eyes came into view.

There was only one woman he knew with eyes that looked like floating violets on a clear, unmoving lake.

‘Ah, that’s right.’

As his rationality gradually returned, he realized what kind of situation he was currently in.

‘I must be out of my mind.’

He had only intended on resting for a moment before leaving, but it seemed he had completely fallen asleep. Although he hid the grogginess that had taken over his body, the damage was done and the aftermath was great.

‘I can’t believe I let my guard down in front of this kind of woman, showing her my defenseless side like this.” 

Scolding himself, he blinked slowly before noticing Juvellian vacantly staring at him. He frowned.

‘She doesn’t seem fazed in the slightest’

She had almost died, yet this woman gave no indication that she was scared.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

He asked her without hiding the spite in his voice, but the image of her smiling in response had him completely enthralled.

Fine-shaped eyes, rosy cheeks, and red lips that revealed the white set of teeth behind them when she smiled. The face of the woman who was smiling brightly in front of him was as beautiful as a flower. He tried to look away but it felt like some hidden force overpowered him, pulling his eyes in her direction.

Dumbfounded, Max could only stare at her absentmindedly.

* * *

T/N: *dorm = 고시원

Basically really cheap and tiny rooms students rent out, studying for entrance exams (or other exams). You can google the korean word and see some images for examples if you’d like.

*note about formal vs informal.

It’s considered very rude to talk to someone you don’t know very well/aren’t close with informally, which often gets lost in translation. Basically Max never adds a “-요” and his choice of words are pretty blunt and curt. So when it says “talk down/rudely/casually” just know Max is talking informally. I assumed most readers are already aware of this but just wanted to make a note for the few who aren’t familiar, especially since Max will be appearing in almost every chapter now.

tl;dr Max talks down (informally) to everyone 95% of the time

thanks to hazelnothazelnut for this chapter’s raws!

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