Translator: Skye  Editor: herkawaiidramas

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* * *

“Your Majesty, do you intend on keeping him longer in the palace?”

The Emperor raised a brow at the prime minister’s question.

“Isn’t that obvious? Where else can I find a hunting dog like him?”

His voice was laced with anger, clearly reflecting his dislike towards Duke Floyen. The prime minister let out a sigh.

“Of course, the ruffians are fearful of the duke, so Your Majesty can rest easy. However….”

‘Restraining the duke at the same time–He’s basically killing two birds with one stone.’

The prime minister ignored the thought that passed, continuing his words,

“Your Majesty, if you continue to hold Duke Floyen in the palace like this, the resentment towards you will only increase. It’s more important that you devise a trap to capture the enemy rather than give an inefficient command.”

Despite the prime minister simply trying to help, the stubborn emperor glared at him, displeased with the prime minister’s insistence to interfere.

“You don’t have to concern yourself with this matter. I can take care of it myself.”


“You may leave now, Duke Elios.”

The prime minister let out a sigh of annoyance at the dismissal, opening his mouth to speak again.

“Although his prestige was great in the past, it falls short of the reputation of the present. Your Majesty, if you want to keep Duke Floyen in check, I suggest that you call for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to return.”

Finishing his speech, the prime minister bowed his head.

“Please make a wise decision, Your Majesty.”

The emperor clenched his jaw after the prime minister left the room, his face becoming stiff.

‘How dare you try to tell me what to do when you don’t even know anything….’

He stared at the ring on his middle finger. The Eye of Circe — the symbol of the emperor and a national treasure. It was made with great care by the first emperor, who was also a great magician.

A vicious smile slowly emerged on the emperor’s face.

‘He (Regis) can’t disobey me as long as I have this.’

* * *

Meanwhile, in the central courtyard of the palace, Regis was resting quietly on a tree, his eyes closed. A little bird, seeking a place to rest, landed on his shoulder — but Regis didn’t budge. The bird moved about several times, trying to make itself comfortable. It seemed to like his shoulder, finding its place before it fell asleep.

The overall atmosphere was so languid and peaceful, it looked more like Regis was enjoying a break rather than being in the middle of guard duty. As a gentle breeze brushed his hair, he slowly opened his eyes.

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‘Someone’s coming.’

Regis turned his gaze towards the man approaching the courtyard, but soon let out a yawn, his face returning to that of indifference.

‘It’s just Roy.’

“Leave,” Regis said, gently nudging the bird that was resting on his shoulder. The bird chirped and tried to act cute, as if it didn’t want to leave, but Regis’ voice was resolute.

“No, I’m afraid my daughter hates small animals.”

The bird looked at Regis with regretful eyes before it spread its wings and finally took off.

‘I should go down now.’

Roy became startled by the sudden appearance of the duke who had jumped down from the tree.

“Y-Your Grace, there you are. I was looking for you.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Oh, yes. I wanted to report the news I received from the house–”

“Hurry and tell me.”

Roy let out a sigh, unable to finish his words due to his superior cutting him off.

“Well, it’s about Lady Juvellian–”

“What about Juvellian? Did something happen?”

Regis was usually a man of few words, yet he currently kept cutting Roy off.

“That’s not it, the lady….it seems that she is feeling anxious because Your Grace is away from the mansion…”

The duke usually had calm and steady eyes, but at the moment, he held wild blue eyes.

‘Juvel is looking for me?’

The corners of Regis’ mouth slowly lifted upwards.

‘The duke…is smiling?’

Concealing his surprise, Roy reported what he had heard from the messenger.

“Ah, and they said that the lady hasn’t been feeling well, even refusing to leave her room. It seems she’s feeling very uneasy.”

The smile quickly disappeared from the duke’s face as he turned to stare at the window of the emperor’s office, his eyes growing cold.

“I suppose it’s time I end this boring act.”

* * *

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I glanced at the three-seater sofa my father’s apprentice was currently sprawled out on.

‘He’s made himself completely at home.’

Today was the fourth day since we had been living like this. Perhaps it was because the room was quite large, and because the bath and toilet were connected, it was not as inconvenient as I thought it’d be — us staying together.

I only had to be careful when the maids came in and out and when they were cleaning.

Nonetheless, there were still some minor inconveniences.

‘You probably don’t know it….but that spot you’re sprawled so comfortably on was originally my resting spot.’

My range of activities was greatly reduced when he started occupying my space. But him taking up my space was such a petty little thing to bring up that I couldn’t bring myself to tell him to move.


When I was sighing quietly, he turned to look at me with an inquiring gaze, as if telling me to say what was on my mind.

“Oh, it’s just…you look quite comfortable.”

He furrowed his brows at my words before languidly lowering his eyes again.

“Not really.”

‘I let you take my favorite spot, but that’s all you have to say in response??’

Slightly annoyed by his remark, I inadvertently turned my head towards the window and noticed that the sun was setting.

‘Though, I wonder why he came looking for my father.’

“Why do you keep looking at me?”

“Oh, um…You must be on good terms with my father, right?”

Spotting what I thought was an opportunity, I decided to ask him what I had been curious about — but he kept silent for a while before opening his mouth.

“We’re not on bad terms.”

I feigned a smile.

“Of course you’re not.”

The image of my father I saw that day was unfamiliar to me. His warm expression and way of speaking — things I’ve never had directed towards me — were so unfamiliar that it felt like I was looking at a completely different person.

‘Speaking of which, I still have to return the necklace and give him the cuff buttons…but I don’t really want to run into him.’

I began to have second thoughts when I realized that I didn’t really know my father’s tastes and that he might not like the cuffs. If he were to throw it away in front of my face after I gave it to him, no matter how indifferent I have been trying to be, my feelings would be hurt.

‘But since this man is my father’s apprentice, he should know what my father likes, right?’

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I called out to him.

“Excuse me.”

Seeing him turn to stare at me with those crimson eyes, I hesitated.

‘Wait, there’s no way he’s going to just willingly answer me.’

“You called me, didn’t you? Then speak. I hate being left hanging…”

Like usual, he spoke in an unfriendly manner, but at least there wasn’t any pressure in his tone. I decided to ask him the thing that had been troubling me since earlier.

“What do you think about giving someone cuff buttons as a gift?”

“A gift?”

His face darkened, his eyes narrowing at me. I flinched when I saw the murderous look that suddenly appeared.

‘Does he have something against cuff buttons? His eyes are full of hate.’

* * *

Cuff buttons — a gift usually given by a woman to her lover. Hearing the question, Max suddenly thought of Mikhail, the man he had heard Juvellian loved very much.

“Who are you trying to give it to?”

He asked just in case, but Juvellian answered back quietly,

“Who else would I give them to other than that person? You know him quite well too, don’t you?”

Max felt his mood drop. It was an answer that didn’t deviate much from what he had expected.

‘Does this foolish woman plan on crawling back and clinging to that man again?’

He had always tried to hide his emotions, not wanting to show any weakness. Yet, he found himself unable to stop his face from twisting furiously.

“You’re going to give that kind of person a gift?”

As soon as those words left his lips, the woman’s eyes, which had been calm, sank dejectedly. Then, she spoke in a sharp tone, which wasn’t like her at all.

“Hey, your words are a bit harsh.”

Having never been interested in the affairs of others, Max normally would not have been giving out such ridiculous advice like this. But it frustrated him to see her being so unreasonable and defending Mikhail. He was also angry at himself for even trying to give her advice.

Max felt his stomach twist.

“I said it for your sake, and yet in front of me you’re taking his side?”

At that moment, his mind turned white when a surge of anger took over. He continued coldly,

“Clinging to someone who has always been indifferent towards you… you not have any pride?”

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Now let’s see you try to make a rebuttal, if you even have anything to say….was what Max had thought until he saw the pale face of the woman staring back at him. It was different from what he had expected.

He had never once regretted speaking so harshly to anyone before, but for some reason, he felt a prickling sensation inside his chest and a lump in the back of his throat.

‘Why am I…’

An unfamiliar ache caused him to frown. He was angry but he couldn’t help but feel worried for the woman, and was unable to take his eyes off of her. But that strange sensation soon subsided when he heard her mention someone he had not expected.

“I’m not clinging to him. I just want to get along, which is why I’m giving it to him — to my father.”

As soon as he heard her calmly spoken words, his crimson eyes, which had been staring at her furiously just moments ago, widened in confusion.

“The gift…is for your father, Duke Floyen?”

When he asked to confirm, Juvellian retorted back with a frown.

“Who else would it be for?”

The moment he heard her answer, Max felt his mood instantly brighten. He also learned something else.

“Seems like she’s unaware of how much her father cherishes her.’

If she had misunderstood his sharp words to be about her father, it meant there was some discord between their father-daughter relationship.

Max laughed at his foolish teacher.

‘Is this what you wanted?’

His teacher was sacrificing himself for his daughter, but she herself wasn’t even aware of what her father was doing for her sake.

Max found the situation to be pathetic yet amusing.

“Hey, don’t just laugh and say something.”

Hearing Juvellian’s surly voice, Max turned to stare at her.

‘Will she be sad if I try to change the topic….’

Normally, he wouldn’t have cared about such a thing, but he found himself doing just the opposite this time. He kept recalling the face of the woman that had turned completely white, staring back at him just a moment ago.

Max unconsciously let out a sigh, his face becoming humorless.

‘How troublesome.’

E/N: Wow Max is right…the emperor really doesn’t deserve his position. The short cohabitation trope in this story is a pleasant surprise…except for the last scene though. He’s such a meanie.

thanks to hazelnothazelnut for this chapter’s raws!

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