Translator: Skye  Editor: herkawaiidramas

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* * *

First, I needed to calm myself. If I showed even the slightest hint of being flustered, my father would take that opportunity to coax me into going on the blind date.

‘At times like this, I have to look calm and respond.’ 

Collecting myself, acting as if I didn’t know anything, I spoke coolly, “Ah, I’m still thinking about it.”

My father stared at me. I felt a little uncomfortable by his gaze, which seemed like it was analyzing me. It was uncomfortable to the point where it made me lose my appetite.

But instead of being shaken up, I added casually, “There were a couple who sent me letters asking to be my partner, so I’ve been contemplating over the past few days on who to go with. They’re all very distinguished so it’s hard to choose.”

“I see,” my father calmly said after looking at me for a moment.

I breathed a sigh of relief–without my father knowing of course–when I heard the sound of his knife rattling, signalling that he returned to cutting his steak.

‘Nice, was that a successful defense?’

It had been a continuous series of confusing and tense moments with my father so far, but the fact that he didn’t bring up the matchmaking was enough to call it a success.

‘I should go up and look over the letters after I finish eating.’ 

Wanting to solve the current problem quickly, I began inhaling whatever was in front of me in an effort to try and return to my room as soon as possible.


I became nervous and sucked in my breath as I heard my father call my name. I was worried that he was going to bring up the talk about the marriage proposal now.


His gaze was so fierce that, for a moment, I thought he was going to tell me to start seeing the Crown Prince immediately. I unknowingly swallowed in nervousness. Then, defying all my expectations, my father simply placed a piece of the juicy steak he had just cut onto my plate.

‘Why a steak all of a sudden…?’ 

Normally, I would have refused, but there was just one minor problem.

‘Oh….it’s meat.’

Having been stuck with my father’s apprentice the past few days, it had been a while since I had proper meat. All of the meals I had been asking for were things that could be eaten with my hands. I didn’t want to raise any suspicion from my maids by asking for two sets of tableware.

As a result, I was really craving some meat. But it wouldn’t be good to remain here for too long — that would only increase the risk of my father bringing up the topic that I so desperately wanted to avoid.

‘Euuhh, I have to hold it in but…..’

The delicious smell of the juicy steak wafted into my nose and made my mouth water.

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‘….That would definitely melt in my mouth, right?’

I was agonizing over whether to eat the steak or not when I was interrupted by my father’s voice.

“Eat,” he said firmly, putting an end to my indecisiveness. Well, my father did just tell me to eat so if I refused, he might use that as an excuse to trap me. Left with no choice, I began eating the steak.

Oh, wow. Perhaps it was because the meat was of high-quality, but the tender steak seemed to gently melt as soon as it entered my mouth. Moreover, it was so juicy! It was exactly how I imagined it would taste.

I was elated by the taste of delicious meat I hadn’t had in a while, but there was another small problem.

“Eat slowly. You’ll upset your stomach.”

If I ended up getting indigestion, it would entirely be my father’s fault. But because there was no way he would be aware of that, I remained quiet and focused on eating silently.

* * *

I returned to my room as soon as dinner ended to look over the letters I had received so far.

‘Lord Crocus, Lord Rowain, and Sir Boromir all sent requests.’ 

The ones who requested to be my partner were all fairly distinguished figures. To be honest, it should have been impossible for me to receive requests from such people given my current reputation. But then again, it would make sense if I considered my status — I’m sure everyone wanted to use the pretext of being my partner to get closer and establish some kind of relationship with my father.

‘Thanks to my father, the partner issue will be settled easily.’

Ironically, my father created the crisis I was in but it was also thanks to him that it was solved. I breathed a sigh of relief at having overcome an obstacle.

‘But who do I pick out of the three?’

Sir Boromir, an Imperial Knight who was popular for his good looks, manners and excellent swordsmanship.

Count Rowain’s son, Edmund Rowain, known for his handsome appearance.

Or Marquess Crocus’ son, Ronald Crocus, the heir to a wealthy and prestigious family and anticipated to be the next head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

All three of them were frankly too good for someone like me with a stained reputation, so others may assume that I would have a hard time choosing between them.

‘Lord Crocus was the first one to send a request….’

But I made my decision faster than I thought.

‘The one who’ll cause me the least bit of trouble in the future will be the best choice.’

In the case of Lord Crocus, there was no way such a prominent figure like him would request to be my partner without any ulterior motives.

For that reason, I decided to go with Lord Rowain, whose good looks were comparable to Mikhail–but his pretty face was all he had.

‘Everything else aside, having a handsome partner would be best.’

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Having made my decision, I wrote a letter expressing that I would accept him as my partner.

“It’s late today so please deliver this tomorrow,” I said as I handed Marilyn the completed letter.

“Yes, milady.”

The partner problem was really resolved now, and I didn’t think there would be any more issues regarding it. A sudden rush of fatigue swept over me. Was it because I felt relieved?

‘I think there was something else I needed to do…but I’m so sleepy.’

I was unable to win the fight against my exhaustion and ended up collapsing onto my bed, my eyes closing shut.

* * *

As soon as Juvellian fell asleep, the maids proceeded to leave the room only to become startled when they discovered someone standing right outside the door.

“Huk! Y-Your Grace!”

In contrast to the startled voice of the maids, the duke’s voice was indifferent.

“What is Juvellian doing?”

Juvellian’s personal maid, Marilyn, swallowed in nervousness.

‘He usually never comes anywhere near his daughter’s room, so for him to be here right now, it must be for something important.’

After judging the situation, Marilyn then spoke, “Please wait a moment. I’ll wake the miss and let her know you’re here.”

Marilyn was about to go back into the room to wake Juvellian up but Regis stopped her, shaking his head. “No, it’s fine. Leave her be.”

The maid bowed her head and then spoke politely, “Your Grace, if you don’t mind…if it’s something I can help you with, please ask. I’ll answer to the best of my ability.”

The duke cast an aloof glance at his daughter’s bedroom door before turning his eyes back on the maid.

“Has she decided on a partner to attend the party with?”

Marilyn’s face brightened at his question and she nodded her head enthusiastically. “Oh, yes! She decided to go with Count Rowain’s son, Lord Edmund. It’s a relief, isn’t it?”

Recognizing the name of the man who was well-known in social circles for being handsome, Regis remained silent in thought for a moment before finally responding.

“……I see.”

As he returned to his room, Regis recalled his observation of his daughter earlier during dinner — she seemed to be uncomfortable throughout the entire meal. He then recalled the expression of the maid just moments ago when she informed him of Juvellian’s decision — she seemed to view it as wonderful news. He let out a deep sigh.

‘Well, I should see him for myself this time.’

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* * *

At a late hour, Count Rowain was in a frantic state of nervousness due to an unexpected visitor. Even his second son, Edmund, who usually had an air of haughtiness surrounding him, had no choice but to come out and stand next to his father to respectfully welcome the guest.

It was because the honored guest was none other than the national hero, his idol and her father, the Duke of Floyen.

“D-Duke Floyen, what brings you here at this late hour?”

The Duke of Floyen, Regis, narrowed his eyes, scanning the young man in front of him and frowned.

Recalling what his daughter told him not too long ago, Regis remained silent for a moment–all while continuously staring down at the young man in front of him–before finally opening his mouth.

“Edmund Ansen Rowain, you’re not good enough.”

* * *

The next morning, I sat up in a daze as I opened my eyes.

‘Ah, I strained my back.’

The partner issue was solved and I even evaded the matchmaking conversation, yet I still felt a strange sense of apprehension. I tried to find the cause for my discomfort, but it was futile as I was running on an empty stomach and only grew hungrier by the second.

‘It’s because I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.’ I reasoned as I pulled on the rope to call for a maid.

Not too long after, Marilyn came into the room. “You called, milady?”

“Can you help me get ready for breakfast?”

“Of course.”

After washing my face, I changed out of my sleeping attire and braided my hair. I was finally decent enough to go out and eat. Yet, something kept bothering me–I just couldn’t figure out what exactly it was that was making me feel so bothered.

‘Ah, seriously, what could it be? It feels like there’s definitely something I’m missing….’

Then, I was interrupted by Marilyn’s voice, “Milady, the order from Fyodor’s workshop has arrived.”

‘Oh, that’s right. That’s what I forgot about.’ I nodded my head. I was wondering why the order I put in hadn’t arrived yet, Rose’s birthday was just around the corner after all.

“Could you bring it up to my room?”


I waited with high expectations as Marilyn left to go retrieve the item.

‘I wonder how it turned out. I hope he followed my request as closely as possible.’

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I didn’t know how much time I sat waiting until Marilyn finally returned with a box.

“Here it is, milady.”

Opening the box, I noticed that the item inside looked exactly like how I requested.

‘Mm, this is good. I’m satisfied with how it turned out, but….why are there two?’

Next to the item I had ordered was another, just in a different color.

‘I don’t think it’s a buy one get one deal, so what could this be for?’

Confused, I looked around in the box and noticed a note placed inside.

It wasn’t that big of a deal, but I still felt a little embarrassed to be called someone’s ‘muse’ — but then again, it could be that he was just exaggerating since he was an artist.

‘Well, a compliment is a compliment.’

As I was staring at the items with a look of content, my maids began to voice their curiosity.

“Milady, what exactly is this thing?”

“I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“I’ll let you know what it’s used for soon,” I answered. First, I put away the one that would serve to be Rose’s gift away in my drawer.

‘But not now because I have something important to take care of.’ 

Then, I heard a call from outside the door.

“Milady, breakfast is ready.”

Having finally heard the words I wanted to hear, I rose from my seat and left the room with my face slightly glowing.

‘First, let’s eat something and recharge.’

T/N: I know on discord I said that Max would be returning to Juvel’s side soon but, um, we’ll be getting some protective Regis & delusional Mikhail first.

E/N: I’m with Duke Floyen on this one

thanks to hazelnothazelnut for this chapter’s raws!

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