Translator: Skye  Editor: herkawaiidramas

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* * *

I drew up multiple different conclusions, yet I couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding. For example, something terrible could develop, like my father urging me to go on a blind date with the crown prince after seeing how pathetic I was, not even having a partner for the party.

‘Haa, finding a way to survive is really hard.’

Inwardly sighing, I reached for my cup to quench my slight thirst.

“The tea is still hot.”

At my father’s sudden remark, I swallowed a false laugh after slightly grazing the teacup with my lips. It almost seemed like he knew I wouldn’t be able to drink tea if it’s hot and had stopped me for that reason.

‘But there’s no way that was his actual intention.’

As long as I didn’t know what his true intentions were, it would be best for me to be careful. After all, if I do something wrong, my life will be over.

‘The rumors, the marriage proposal… there’s a lot to worry about.’

With the party only a week away, I didn’t have the time to be worrying over such things.

‘Let’s think over this carefully.’

I glared at the steaming cup of tea before lifting it to my lips, drinking it carefully so that I wouldn’t burn my tongue.

* * *

Although he had come all the way to his mentor’s house, the sudden appearance of his mentor himself forced Max to step back and observe from a distance.

‘He’s usually never home…’

His gaze unwittingly moved to stare in the direction of the woman’s room.

‘Is she in her room?’

He tried to see if he could sense anyone’s presence but he found none originating from her room.

‘Where did she go?’

The absence of the woman, who used to always be in her room, was quite unfamiliar and it irked him.

‘Is she in the study?’

Max unknowingly furrowed his brows as he tried to guess where the woman could have gone.

‘Don’t tell me…did she go to find someone else to be her partner?’

At the moment the feeling of displeasure crept up, Max clenched his teeth at the strange sense of déjà vu. He felt himself becoming strange again, just like last time.

‘It’s none of my business whether that kind of woman is looking for a partner or not.’

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Although he contemplated leaving, Max was unable to take his eyes off the room on the third floor…

As if he was waiting for someone to return to the room.

* * *

“Father, I’ll be heading up now.”

My father nodded his head. “I’ll be going out in a little while.”

I was confused. He had always been someone who left without saying a word, so for him to suddenly tell me he was heading out…I couldn’t understand. But rather than try to understand my father’s intentions, it would be better for me to use that chance to think about how to solve my current problem.

“Oh, yes. Have a good trip.”

As I stood up to leave, my father continued, “There’s something I must definitely take care of.”

‘Oh, I see. But…I didn’t ask though?’

If I had to be honest, that was how I wanted to respond to him. But as long as my father wanted someone to listen to what he had to say, I–as the weaker one–had no choice but to listen and respond positively.

“Something you must take care of?” I replied mechanically.

“That’s right, I have to finish the warnings,” My father said, nodding his head.

I didn’t know what was going on, the only thing I knew was that the one receiving a warning from my father most likely wouldn’t be able to get sleep tonight.

‘Poor thing.’

While inwardly giving my condolences to the unfortunate soul, my father stared at me gently and added, “I’ll be back before dinner.”

Frankly, if he was gone for the whole day–no, even if it was for several days–it didn’t matter to me. But if I showed him such a cheeky attitude, I could end up on his bad side and be forced into marriage.

“Yes, I’ll be waiting then.” After giving an answer I didn’t genuinely mean, my father stared at me with a stern look for a moment before nodding his head once more.


His sudden change in attitude felt strange. I pondered over it for a moment but gave a silent laugh once I realized what it most likely stemmed from.

‘Ah, he said he was leaving to give a warning…he must’ve mentioned it to me to let it serve as an example of what he might do to me if I don’t listen to him.’

I felt an ache inside my chest, but I made an effort to smother it and headed to my room.

As soon as I entered the room, Marilyn approached me.

“Milady, a letter arrived from Lady Arlo.”

‘Hm, looks like she sent another one.’

It seemed Rose was having fun writing letters these days, seeing as how she kept sending me letters despite my comment that we will see each other at the party.

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‘What did she write about this time?’

I let out a sigh as I opened the letter from Rose, eyes widening after scanning over it briefly.

‘This is…?’

Surprisingly, the letter contained details of the rumor.


Lady Floyen,

Have you been doing well?

I’ve been hearing some absurd rumors and thought that you should know. To be blunt, there is a rumor going around that you have a lover to whom you recently bought a pair of blue diamond cuff buttons.

┗━━┄ °❀

As soon as I learned the details of the rumor, my head became numb as I simultaneously realized two things. First, I remembered that I had yet to give my father the pendant and cuff buttons. Second, I was able to narrow down the source of the rumor.

The only ones who knew about the cuffs were the knights who followed me that day, the merchant, and the one I ran into as I was purchasing the cuff buttons–Rydian Doyle.

The knights served our family and knew that I’d been living in seclusion at home these days, therefore there was no way they were the ones to have started the false rumor. As for the merchant, he would know that if he were to spread such a rumor and get caught, his head would be at stake, thus he wouldn’t have made such a careless remark either.

Well, to be honest, the answer was obvious.

‘Rydian, that guy…all he saw was one item and he’s going around spreading lies?’

They say he tended to bite onto anything, but to think I would be bit by that notorious poisonous snake with such timing.

‘Looking at it now, although Lord Rowain made a bunch of excuses, it seems the reason he found a partner was because of those rumors…I’m sure the result will be the same for Sir Boromir and Lord Crocus.’

Now the remaining option was to find a partner who would not be easily swayed by the rumors as well as be able to prevent my father from bringing up talks about the marriage proposal.

‘The problem is, where can I find someone like that…’

Lost in thought, I was started by a sudden ‘tap tap’ on the window.

‘What was that?’

Turning my head, I looked out the window by the balcony. The distinctly handsome face was familiar. He was staring at me and pointing to the lock.

‘Oh, I didn’t expect my father’s apprentice to show up again.’

I thought the note he left behind with his sloppy handwriting were just empty words, I didn’t think they’d be sincere.

‘Coming and going as he pleases…’ 

I unlocked the latch with a sigh, allowing him to open the window and come into the room.

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‘He’s still as handsome as ev…no, this isn’t the time for such thoughts.’

As soon as I saw him, I recalled one of the many problems that were giving me a headache–the rumors.

‘Well, it’s not his fault…but it wouldn’t be good for him to get involved with me.’

If he continued to come in and out of my room like this, someone may see him and add fuel to the rumors. I decided to tell him not to come for a while.

“Hey, so–”

But before I could even tell him, he glared at me and spoke, “Where were you just now?”

I frowned slightly.

‘I’m speechless.’

This was our first time seeing each other in a while and that’s the first thing you have to say? I couldn’t help but be baffled.

He asked again,

“I asked you where you went.”

I wanted to ask him that question instead. Where did you go and why did you suddenly come back without any prior notice?

But my head was already full of complicated thoughts so I didn’t want to fight with such an immature person.

“I was downstairs.”

His forehead, which had been tense, loosened as soon as I had spoken.

“I see.”

A faint smile lingered on his face as he replied. As an ordinary person, it was impossible for me to understand the sudden mood swing.

‘Normally I’d hear him out, but I have my own things to think over right now.’

“Excuse me, my father is still home so…”

I was about to pass him off to my father, but he cut me off, “No, he’s not. He just stepped out.”

‘Then why are you here if my father’s not even home? No way…did you get kicked out again?’

I already had enough things to worry about, but now that another issue had been added, my headache only grew bigger.

“Why are you sighing?” he asked, frowning.

I couldn’t deny that he grew on me and that I felt a slight sense of closeness due to the time we spent together, but I still couldn’t tell him about my complicated situation.

I resorted to being vague about it and put it in a roundabout way. “It’s nothing, there are just a few things giving me trouble.”

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“Why? Is something wrong?

“No, it’s not a big–”

I tried to brush it aside but he interrupted me again.

“Tell me, I won’t tell anyone.

Seeing his piercing crimson eyes staring at me, I recalled the time when I told him about my father.

‘Will I feel better if I just tell him like last time?’

“First, promise me you’ll never tell my father,” I said.

He nodded his head gently. “Alright, I promise.”

“If you break your promise, will you swear to give me a hundred gold bars?” I asked him, deciding to poke at him when I noticed he was being more obedient than usual, but he ended up frowning.

“Stop fooling around and just tell me, I won’t tell anyone.”

I couldn’t deny that I was still worried. But his unwavering voice, steady eyes, and the memories of the few days we spent together made me trust him a little.

‘Well, even if he tells on me and I get caught, I probably won’t get more than a scolding.’

I had already made my decision to confide in him, but it seemed he thought I wasn’t going to tell him as he added, “if I say anything by mistake, I’ll give you my entire fortune, so go ahead and tell me.”

I burst out laughing at the remark, which came out quite seriously.

‘How can someone who doesn’t even have a home put his entire fortune on the line?’

I had been a little upset until just now, but I was able to laugh because of him. Perhaps he was displeased by my sudden outburst, as his face turned slightly red.

“Why are you laughing?”

Hm, he would probably get mad if I continue laughing, right? Thinking so, I made an effort to suppress my laugher.

“Alright, alright. If my father ends up finding out, I’ll be taking everything you own then.”

“I got it, now hurry up and tell me.”

In contrast to earlier, his current tone was sharper–which I didn’t like–but it didn’t take away from his trustworthiness. I decided to slowly take my chance.

“The truth is…”


T/N: Surprise!! 2 chapters this week, next chapter will be on Friday as scheduled.

thanks to hazelnothazelnut for this chapter’s raws!

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