Translator: Skye  Editor: herkawaiidramas

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* * *

Time passed and it was finally the day of the party.

The carriage ride to Count Arlo’s was a little mundane.

It was because the passing scenery only consisted of a series of similar-looking buildings due to being in the vicinity of the capital–it was just like the rampant skyscrapers in modern downtown Seoul.

‘All the buildings look the same so there’s nothing to see.’

I was feeling somewhat tired, but I held in the urge to yawn in front of my father because I thought it would only lead to a scolding for not upholding my dignity.

‘Ah, I’m so sleepy.’

When my eyelids drooped faintly, I heard the voice of my father.

“Don’t worry.”

I looked up to stare at him and noticed he was looking not at me, but out the window, and continued,

“Because I’ll be by your side today.”

I wasn’t sure why he was saying something like that, but I presumed it was because he was mindful of other people’s attention.

If a father and daughter entering as partners showed awkwardness between them, the nobles might think it to be strange. My father was also most likely worried that I might cause trouble.

‘To be honest, I’m more worried about you, Father.’

I was worried that my father, whose recent behavior I couldn’t understand, would get in the way of my plan.

“Oh my, that makes me so happy,” I lied, forcing a smile.

‘All right, as long as I don’t cause any trouble today, there shouldn’t be any problems.’

When I was thinking so, I saw my father smiling softly as he continued looking out the window.

‘I wonder what he’s looking at that’s making him look so happy?’

I turned my head and looked out the window to gaze at the landscape.

A pretty residence with abundant flower gardens full of red roses came into view. The blooming flowers further enhanced the beauty of the mansion. It was the house of Count Arlo, located just outside the capital.

‘It’s truly a beautiful house, just like Rose had described.’

It was when I was staring blankly at the beautiful mansion.


I heard the voice of my father calling me, and when I turned to face him, he reached his hand out to me and said, “Let’s go.”

I looked at his outstretched hand for a moment before slowly taking it. I had only intended to lightly rest my hand on top of his, not wanting to trouble him, but my father soon clasped my hand tightly.

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* * *

“Now announcing His Grace, Duke Regis Andre Floyen, and the Lady Juvellian Eloy Floyen!”

The ballroom buzzed in excitement at the entrance.

The Duke of Floyen–Not only was he a figure so famous that there was no one in the empire who didn’t know who he was, but also a figure who seldom made an appearance at social gatherings. Naturally, everyone was shocked to hear his name announced.

As everyone held their breath, a picturesque father-daughter pair entered the hall. Those who were staring at the entrance were shocked and amazed at the same time.

Wearing a white dress embroidered with gold thread, Lady Floyen appeared to be the epitome of a pure lady–she looked so beautiful and graceful to the point where it made people forget about her ill reputation.

“She truly is as beautiful as they say she is.”

As everyone was admiring Juvellian, their eyes shifted to the duke when they saw him wrap his arm around his daughter’s shoulder, as if to shield her.

Dressed in white garments, as if to match with his daughter, the Duke of Floyen still looked as young and handsome as a man in his 20s. In contrast to his young outward appearance, the deep look in his eyes reflected years of experience.

“He’s the Duke of Floyen, isn’t he?”

“Ah, yes, that’s right. It’s been such a long time since he came out to a party.”

On top of the noble ladies who had admired him since their young maiden days, there were also many unmarried ladies who blushed when they looked at him.

“He looks as marvelous as always.”

“I agree.”

The eyes of the nobles were fixed on the father-daughter pair as if they had been possessed, when suddenly, they spotted something sparkling from under the duke’s sleeve as he lightly raised his hand.

Soon, the eyes of the nobles who recognized it widened.


On the duke’s sleeve, the blue diamond cuff buttons they had been looking for flashed under the light.

After a moment of dismay, the nobles began to understand why they had not been able to spot anyone with the cuffs until now.

‘Then again, it makes sense why we haven’t been able to see those cuff buttons around if it was given to the Duke. He’s not someone who likes wearing accessories, not to mention he’s been staying at home these days…’

At that moment, the duke’s blue eyes slowly swept the ballroom, as if warning not to make hasty assumptions. Everyone flinched from his chilling gaze.

Of course, there was also someone who was smiling even in the face of such frightening eyes.

Rose turned to her mother with a look of triumph. She had fought with her mother over the issue of exchanging letters with Juvellian.

‘See? I told you Lady Floyen was being falsely accused.’ She seemed to imply with her eyes.

The countess began to fan herself, feeling embarrassed by her daughter’s gaze.

But the countess wasn’t alone. All of the nobles who had believed in the rumors averted their eyes, perhaps feeling embarrassed.

In contrast, there was one person who fixed their eyes on the Duke of Floyen and his daughter instead.

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‘The hell, it was given to the Duke?’

It was Juvellian’s ex-lover, Mikhail.

‘Then again, of course it is. There’s no way she would have another man other than me.’

The corners of his mouth slowly rose as he stared at Juvellian.

* * *

As soon as I entered the ballroom, the faint scent of lilies wafted through the air.

‘Wow, what a pretty house.’

Though it was smaller than our mansion, the antique interior stood out with its mahogany walls, decorated with lilies and cream-colored cloths. It made the house look old but elegant at the same time.

‘If I move out in the future, it wouldn’t be bad to live like this.’

In fact, mansions completely made out of white marble like ours were inconvenient to clean and consequently, caused employees to suffer even more.

It wasn’t enough to only sweep and wipe, it also had to be polished. I sometimes felt sorry for the servants whenever I returned home on rainy days.

‘All right, let’s decorate the interior with hardwood in the future! Having a rocking chair in the study would be a good idea too.’

While I was mapping out my future plans, my father suddenly let go of my hand to place them around my shoulder instead.

“Don’t worry about anything and just enjoy yourself.”

‘Hm? I wasn’t worried about anything though, I was just daydreaming about my possible future.’

As I became  flustered by his sudden remark, my father lowered the hand that was on my shoulder and whispered, “Don’t forget whose daughter you are.”

When I realized the meaning behind his words, I gulped and let out a smile. For some reason, I felt my palms beginning to sweat.

‘He’s saying he won’t let it slide if I cause trouble here.’

Even if my father didn’t say anything, I wasn’t planning on causing any scene in the first place. My goal today was to safely get through this party while trying to minimize my presence as much as possible.

“I greet the hero who saved our empire and his kin.”

If the guest’s status was higher than that of the host, it was customary for the host and his family to greet the guest first. And in accordance with that custom, Count Arlo’s family had stood up and come over to greet us.

I stared at the girl my age who was standing at the end. As soon as our eyes met, the smile she gave was as bright as a blooming flower.

‘Rose–now that I’m seeing her up close, she’s actually quite a lovely child.’

My eyes had only been fixed on Mikhail until I remembered my past life, so I didn’t know what the people around me were like.

‘I think….there’s a possibility that I may have missed out on a lot of precious things.’

As you live your life, there are many times where you may not realize just how many stars there are in the night sky because it often gets hidden by all kinds of lights and neon sign illuminations.

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My past life was like that too. But now I planned on living a happy life, enjoying the things I had been missing out on while being too focused on the light that was Mikhail.

‘And in order to do that, I’m going to make sure I don’t cause any trouble and stay quiet until it’s time to go back home.’

As I was reciting my vow, the Arlos greeted us, bowing their heads.

“Your Grace and Lady Floyen, thank you for coming to my daughter’s birthday party, it’s truly an honor.”

The title of ‘Duke’ was the highest rank possible out of the five noble classes–aside from the Imperial family, it was the highest rank possible for a noble. As a result, there wasn’t much we were expected to do first.

After accepting their greetings, my father opened his mouth to speak.

“Happy birthday, Lady Arlo.”

“Thank you, Your Grace.”

As today’s main character, the figure of Rose receiving a congratulatory message from my father shined fittingly.

As I was looking at the sight, Rose came up to me and took my hands.

“Thank you for coming today, Lady Floyen.”

Even though this was our first time exchanging words in-person, her tone was rather friendly. Perhaps it was because I held some affection for her while exchanging letters, I felt comfortable with her as well.

“Happy birthday, Rose Marie Arlo.”

After exchanging greetings, I turned my head and stared at Marilyn who was holding on to my gift.

Usually, the gifts exchanged between noble ladies were expensive items such as perfumes, poetry books, tea leaves, or teacups according to each other’s personal tastes.

Though what I had prepared wasn’t as fancy as those things, it wasn’t something that one could easily obtain either.

When I gave her the sign, Marilyn presented my gift to Rose.

“This is…”

Seeing her look at the box with slightly trembling eyes, I smiled and told her, “It’s something that I’ve prepared with sincerity for you, my dear friend.”

Rose burst into a bright smile, clearly revealing her high expectations.

“Kyaa! Thank you so much!”

In my eyes, it was the flash of the liveliness of a teenager, but perhaps the countess thought her daughter’s reaction was too excessive, as she was frowning.

‘Hm, well, she is known for her sternness after all.’

Moreover, it was only natural for her to disapprove of the image of her daughter appearing to be on friendly terms with me–the one who was known for being rude and discourteous.

“You can give the gift to me.”

When one of the count’s servants was about to take the gift, I could see Rose staring at it with eyes brimming with curiosity.

Normally, it was proper for gifts to be opened once the party concluded. But if the person who presented the gift gave their permission, the recipient was welcome to open it beforehand.

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‘Well, it’s a safe gift so it should be fine.’

I cast a wistful glance at the box but gave Rose a smile and offered, “If you’re curious, you can open it.”

There was no way Rose would have rejected my offer.

“Thank you,” she said, picking up the gift with sparkling eyes.

As she untied the ribbons and opened the box, the object inside was slowly revealed.

A flat, cylinder-shaped, black object, which was as big as a fist, stood out with its smooth, glossy exterior. It was decorated with delicately crafted red roses, making it look very beautiful.

‘Well, the usefulness isn’t that amazing.’ 

Soon, her eyes grew into round circles as she opened the lid of the object.

The velvety, soft powder puff was something any lady who began to dress and pretty themselves up could recognize.

Of course, it was a bit thinner than the powder containers the people in this time period used, but it was an improved version with the addition of a mirror–like a modern compact powder–so that it could be carried around.

‘I didn’t really have any expectations that she would be extremely happy about it since it’s just an improved version of something already in existence…’

Then, Rose, who had been silent, frowned faintly

‘It seems she’s disappointed. Then again, if it’s powder, the maids would be carrying it around anyway so it’s not something one really needs.’

But if I had to be honest, I wasn’t expecting this bad of a response, so I was a little embarrassed.

Then again, when I think about it, Rose had been pouring out her sincerity through the letters we’ve been exchanging, so I understand why she would feel disappointed after receiving such an ordinary item as a gift.

‘Ah, well, I’m grateful enough just with the fact that you’ve been writing letters to me.’

I tried to appear indifferent, but I couldn’t help but feel apologetic to her since she treated me–a social outcast-kindly in her own way.

“Then, since I’ve given you my gift, I’ll be taking my leave…”

I tried to run away, only to be stopped by Rose’s voice.

“Lady Floyen, please wait.”

I prepared myself for the worst, but I soon doubted my ears when I heard her say something unexpected.

“To think you would give me such an innovative item as a present! I’m so touched!”

E/N: I really like the author’s metaphor about the stars in the night sky and how we shouldn’t be caught up with just the brighter ones.

T/N: Yay, we’re finally here at the party scene!! Look forward to the next chapter ????

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