Regis clenched his fist tightly.

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‘How did this happen?’ I should have been more alert. So that a disciple like that can’t linger around my daughter. ‘What the hell are you doing, Maximilian.’ Knowing the character of his unhuman and gifted disciple, Regis was convinced that all of this was due to his succession. And maybe the reason for Max to approach Juvellian is… ‘Isn’t it a good idea to move Juvel and get me to join the rebellion?’ As the vague speculation gradually began to grow, Regis’s mouth became brittle. You’re a man who sees humans as chess pieces, that’s enough for me to take a decision. ‘Are you sure you want to think of my daughter as a pawn?’ It’s not even a definite fact yet, but I had to vent my anger. Anyway, it was clear that what my student was doing was tricking my daughter. ‘Is that how you repay a grace?’ Although it wasn’t with a pure purpose, I didn’t spare any advice because I cared for him to some extent. Since he was young, I even protected my disciple from the assassins sent by the empress. But all of that consideration and favor was useless. With a heavy heart, Regis clenched his teeth. ‘I can never give my daughter to a lowlife human like you.’ Regis wanted to beat his ungrateful pupil. However, if he showed such an appearance, it was obvious that Juvellian would resent him due to her personality who cares deeply for the existence she likes. ‘What a headache.’ His head seemed to be bursting, but, hiding it thoroughly, Regis offered his daughter and student a seat. “Sit down.”

It was at the time when Juvellian was about to sit down at the invitation of Regis, Max readily pulled out a chair and offered it to Juvellian who accepted it with a big, genuine smile.

“Thank you.”

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Regis face distorted, the disciple that he knew would never do something like that. However, the abominable guy in front of him was responding softly. Regis, who was watching the scene, clenched his fist. ‘That abominable guy, that’s how he deceived my daughter.’ Max, which Regis watched, was seldom a human being who was uninspired by something. -That’s what he often said. Regis tried to improve his character over and over again, but as the days went by, his student became more and more crooked. ‘That kind of guy can’t have changed now.’ Regis, who had a harsh light in his eyes, questioned him with a stern voice. “How did you two meet?” “On the day father was away, he came to see me. But he had nowhere to go, so I offered him hospitality.” Regis contorted his face, unable to overcome a moment’s rage. ‘That’s why that fucking guy lured me to the palace!’ She was a soft-hearted daughter from an early age, even though she was expressionless. When the bird she was raising died, his daughter, only seven years old, told Derek.

‘Other than that, if a dog or a cat was wandering the streets, she couldn’t pass by.’ Knowing his daughter’s personality, who couldn’t pass by the weak and poor, Regis resented his disciple even more. ‘I can never forgive you for taking advantage of my daughter’s kindness.’ Regis gave Max a glare. “Why didn’t you tell Derek? I would have given you a room,” it was said to Max, but the answer came from his daughter. “It was such a late hour, I couldn’t wake Derek up. And I thought my father’s disciple could not harm me.” At his daughter’s words, Regis breathed a sigh. ‘He is the most dangerous one….’ In Regis’ eyes, Max, who had chosen the worst means and method for his plan, was no different from a tyrant who had already raged for his designs. If he had judged that she was against his goal or had nothing to do with it, he would have hurt her without hesitation.

‘She doesn’t even know that her life was threatened.’ However, he couldn’t blame his daughter. The reason for why they met was because he’s her father’s disciple. ‘Yes, I was wrong in the first place. I shouldn’t have accepted that guy as a disciple….’ Regis took a sip of tea. The well-brewed tea had a smooth and soft flavor, but it only felt bitter in his mouth. Soon Regis opened his mouth and started talking coldly. “It was a treatment that did not consider your reputation.” He was criticizing Max for not even basic consideration for his daughter, but it was his daughter who replied again. “As my dad knows, I don’t care much about my reputation.”

Although he was upset by his daughter’s more than exaggerated reputation than it actually was, Regis didn’t really care. Whatever the rumors, he knew how lovely and kind his daughter was.

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Then, Juvellian stared straight at Regis. “But I was very careful in the fear of causing trouble to my father. Actually, nothing happened.”

It was when Regis was embarrassed by his daughter’s dejected eyes. “It’s embarrassing, but I’ve only tried unrequited love. But I think it’s a miracle that someone I like likes me back.”

Juvellian sighed, then said quietly. “I’m living in a mess and I can’t see myself in my father’s eyes, but I’ll never bother my father’s prestige. So, please allow us to date.”

Originally, he was going to say no. However, Regis felt weakened by his daughter’s pleading eyes and her earnest begs. ‘Why do you… make me so weak?’ If he were to be honest with his feelings, he wanted to do whatever Juvellian wanted, because in his eyes she was a lovely child who he couldn’t bear to see hurt. However, the problem was the existence that the daughter wanted was unacceptable. “I can’t allow you to date,” said the determined Regis, staring at his daughter and his student. “Break up.” *** I sighed at my father’s words. ‘Yes, in the end you decided to marry me to the Crown Prince.’ A political marriage between a lunatic prince and his only daughter. Other aristocrats wouldn’t ever try. However, my father was a transcendent and looked much younger than his actual age.

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Perhaps even now, if he wanted to, he could get married anytime. It actually wouldn’t be bad for me and he could see the aftermath. It would be a better way to have a good deal with the imperial family than to have bring his daughter’s corpse back home. ‘What should I do now?’ If I resist my father, I might be forced to marry the crown prince. When I was sighing with my head down in a daze, someone held my hand tightly. “No.” Unlike me, timid, it was a determined voice. Surprised, I stared at Max. ‘Huh?’ He stared at me, glaring at my father, and said stiffly. “Teacher, didn’t you told me before?” At that moment, my body lifted. To be exact, Max lifted me with a princess carry. ‘What is this person doing now?’ He stared at him with an absurd look, but he just stared at my father with a cold look. “I think I found it. My weakness.” My father’s face got colder when he heard those words. “You’re a good talker.”

Max shook his head. “Not anymore, I have to warn you, if you touch my weakness, I won’t just let you go. Even if you are my teacher.” At that, I took a breath. ‘No, he will only get father angry by doing this…’ It was when I was watching the bloody glare they exchanged without any time to hold back. My father replied with a cold smile. “Yeah, since you said so, I will no longer consider you a disciple.”


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Tn; Max is using honorifics, I got goosebumps. Brrr so out of character…

“If YoU tOucH mY WeAknESs, I WoN’t JUsT Let yOu Go.” ヽ(´▽`)/

{insert exited fangirl noises}

Still, Max I am really surprised that you didn’t died on the spot. (Why does it smell like blood?) Well, I suppose plot armor is thick enough to stop Regis from killing you. Gosh.

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