Chapter 45

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''Come on, listen,'' he lifted the teacup at my words. I felt strange because he looked somehow elegant doing so.


'Well, that's a little weird.'


Teas are expensive items, so not everyone can easily access them. The box where the tea is stored is locked. As a mercenary, if he had a rare opportunity to encounter tea, how would he be drinking tea like that? I have no choice but to be suspicious.


'You're not a runaway aristocrat, are you?'


It was when I had a faint guess about his background that he put down the tea cup and said with a cold voice;


"I don't know why the hell you're drinking this for." I almost clicked my tongue at the figure of him who was complaining even if I offered him the best tea I had.


'Yes, a person who doesn't even know the taste of tea can't be a noble.'


Then, he broke my thoughts.


"Now, let's look at this." After scattering for a while, I frowned.


'This guy, he really wrote it down.'


The provisions written in bad handwriting were as follows.


く1. Juvellian should trust and follow Max's words without any condition.


2. When the Juvellian goes out, she should let Max know where she is going. When attending a banquet or meeting, she is obligated to report it to Max.


3. During the contract period, Juvellian should never meet another man.


4. Juvellian meets Max for more than eight hours, four days a week.>


When I saw the article written down as if it were a strapped boss, I dropped my tongue.


'I've told you to stop caring, and I've written my private life down to the level of a temple.'


And for a moment, I opened my mouth to give my opinion.


"Hey, maybe..."


"Additionally, you should call me by my name."


I only know his name for an hour, of course I am still not familiar with it. Even so, I am consciously calling his name all over the place, but I'm afraid I'll hear you point out that I said something wrong.


"Then, Max will also call my name in the future." At my words, he paused and nodded softly.

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Looking at it, I began to write amendments.


'It's so messy that I don't know what to fix first.'


I squeezed what he wrote, corrected it on new paper, and moved it.


く1. Employers are obligated to meet the needs of their employees to the extent possible.


2. Employers and employees respect each other's privacy.


3. In absence, employers and employees are obliged to report their destinations to each other.


4. During the term of the contract, any romantic relationship between the employer and the employee is prohibited.


5. Employees pay attention to what they say and do in front of others' eyes.


6. The place of the date shall be agreed on beforehand, preferably in a place with many people.


The above provisions are subject to change according to circumstances, specifying that the contract can be terminated with mutual consent. The term of the contract is completed when Juvellian feels secure about the cancellation of the marriage proposal with the Crown Prince.


Employer: Jubelian Eloy Floyen


Employee: Max>


When a perfect amendment was made, I pushed it to him.


''Here you go. Read this and tell me if there's anything you want to change.'' He took the paper from me. Soon he said, squinting his eyes.


''What is this?''


''It's an amendment. Come on. Read it step by step and if you don't like it, tell me, ···,"


He said, tearing up the contract. "I don't approve of this."


At that moment, I took a deep breath.


'Did you just tear what I wrote?'


If you don't like it, you can tell it. The appearance of him tearing the paper first, was certainly not normal.


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'Yes, when I think about it, that human has never been normal in the first place.'


After taking care of him for a few days, he would quickly leave without notice. He left without answering me. I was also nervous often.


No matter how much I cry out for rats, at least I know how to respect the other party. So I took care of him so that he was not uncomfortable. But that man was lacking in consideration throughout his time with me.


'I must see him often in the future...'


The reason I closed my eyes for his rude behavior is that I don't often encounter him. However, since we were in a contract relationship now, I would see him often, but if I already creaked, the answer would be obvious.




"If you don't like it that much, I can't help it. Let's end our contract here." At Juvellian's words, Max questioned his ears.


"What do you mean? Weren't you trying to avoid being engaged to the Crown Prince?" He asked, but what came back was a cold gaze.


"It can't be helped. If it doesn't fit from the beginning like this.... We will only get tired of enduring each other if we keep going."


Until now, Juvellian only showed a desperate appearance when she was talking about her engagement to the Crown Prince, so Max never though she would suddenly void the contract like this. But now the desperate appearance was nowhere to be found. There was only a stern look in her eyes that looked like she had already reviewed the question. Suddenly, Max felt like his throat was dry and burning.


"Don't think hastily." At Max's hard words, Juvellian sighed quietly, then opened her mouth.


"Thinking hastily? The reason you tore the contract is that you don't want to compromise."


"No, I...." Max's lips were squirting. Throughout his life as Crown Prince, he tore up the documents he didn't like. Then the lieutenants would have come up with a new report on their own. No one has ever pointed out the act of tearing up documents. They just apologized for their poor report.


'Don't you just have to write it again?'


Then, Juvellian said to Max.


"Do you feel good when someone ignore your opinion?"


"...." At Max's unanswered question, Juvellian internally sighed deeply and opened her mouth.


"The others are the same. It hurts my pride and makes me feel bad if I think the other person ignores my opinion." Is it because the surroundings are calm? The sound of her voice came in exceptionally well.


'Is that so?'


His lieutenants and his men worked for him as if they were right, and Max used them. This is because it was natural for the ruling position.


"Is that why you're upset?''


His voice dropped slightly low. But Juvellian nodded with a calm face.

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''Yes, I didn't feel good, to be honest.''


'I'm helping you, but you look so proud.'


It was when Max was keeping his mouth shut for some reason. Soon he had no choice but to frown.


"But since you don't like it, I thought I'd quit." Max intuitively felt it. If he was stubborn here, he may never see Juvelian again.


'Who's afraid of something like that? I don't care...'


His mouth betrayed his will before he could finish thinking.


"It was my fault just a while ago."




It was strange to see his habit of apologizing so gently. Was it really the same person who just said he didn't want to apologize to father?


"As long as you know." The negotiations were surprisingly easy. Because his dissatisfaction was more trivial than I thought.


'I didn't put my name in it.'


I sighed and showed him the contract.


''Come on, are you done now?''


''Yes.'' I wrote another contract with the same content in his positivity, and then turned it over.


''Sign below,'' he paused and gulped. ''Well, is there anything else?'' He held up his quill pen again and signed awkwardly.


'Well, it's as if he's just made his autograph.'


For a moment, I erased a wild guess.


'Well, maybe it's because he don't have much to sign.'


Then his voice broke my imagination.


"By the way, are there any banquets scheduled to attend?"


"Oh, I'm going to attend a tea party soon." He stared at me and nodded his head.


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"I see. Do you know who's planning to participate?"


"Just the acquaintances of my acquaintance, in the aristocratic circle." In my reply he made a rather serious face and asked again.


"Are you sure only aristocratic women will come?''


"I told you so. Why do you keep ··Ah!" A good idea flashed through my mind at the moment.


'Yes, I could nail it sooner.'


I used to care about rumors about me because of my father's wits. But now that my father is trying to sell me off as the mad prince's bride, it doesn't matter if I have a good image or not. A bad image would be useful if you wanted to be unfit as a bride of the Crown Prince.


''Max, can you take me there that day?''


"... Why?" I answered his reticent reply.


"Oh, I'd like to say you're my boyfriend. It's all right, isn't it?" His expression got strange as soon as I finished. The slight frown seems to be reluctant. ''Oh, of course you can refuse,'' he said, nodding slowly.


''Okay. I'll pick you up when I'm done.'' I tried to nod my head at the remark, and I was stunned.


'I don't know if he have clothes.'


It is enough to make the false rumor that she is dating an unidentified man true in the first place. It doesn't matter what he wears. However, I wanted to show him to others, saying that rice cakes look good to look at are good to eat.


'He's helping me, and I can buy you as much clothes as I like.'


''You're going shopping with me tomorrow.'' I could see him with a slight frown at my words. I smiled at him, and I knew it was going to happen.


'You're supposed to decorate it so that anyone can see that you're handsome.'




''Hey, Max. Turn around." Max sighed. There have already been dozens of changed clothes. I felt like a doll that children played with. The master of the costume room laughed and groaned.


"I've never seen anyone so well-matched in a sample like this." I'm sure it was a compliment, but it was very unpleasant for Max.


'How long do we have to do this?'


At that time when Max was crumpled up on a tough face, Jubelian was seen smiling satisfactorily.


"That's right. Fashion is complete because it's face, so it certainly is." Obviously, it's self-assessment, but strangely, I wasn't angry this time. My heart tickled strangely, and the corners of my mouth kept going up. Soon, however, Max had no choice but to frown at what was said by Juvellian.


"Oh, do you have clothes that are a little bit more colorful than that?'

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