My father’s words struck me dumb.

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‘You said you’d cut the steak, right?’

You were shaking your eyes when you were asleep. I checked where my father’s eyes were and found out something out.

‘Oh, is that so?’

My father’s gaze staring at Max. Yeah, maybe my father wanted to make up with him. He was supposed to care for him more than his daughter.

‘Yes, would it be better to help reconciliation?’

As for me, I also liked my father and him on a good relationship. Because of him, the relationship between me and my father took hold of me, and I might give up an orderly marriage with the Crown Prince for the disciple that my father loves.

“Yes then please.” When I gladly handed over the plate, my father cut the meat and opened his mouth.

“The outside and inside are very different.” Is it medium rare? It looks quite ripe on the surface, but the flesh was certainly reddish.

‘But I think it’s cooked enough, ·····.’

I was salivating at the sight of the juices flowing out of the meat without much thought. At that time, my father continued.

“You’d better always be careful. If you are too different on the outside and inside, you will see blood.” There are times when undercooked meat comes out, even if you say it in advance. In such a case, there were times when I was vigilant and cut the meat, and the stomach was spoiled because too much blood came out.

‘Well, it’s okay to cook it again.’

At the time when I was being indifferent, Father handed me the plate.

“Take it.”

”Oh, thank you.” When I took the plate and handed it over to Max, I could see that he was trying to thank him or not.

“Jubelian.” But the timing was bad. I had no choice but to turn my head when father called my name.


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He said, reaching out to me. “Give me your plate, too.” In a moment, the inside of my chest shook slightly, but soon sank.

‘It seems strange that I did my own disciple, but not my daughter.’

Unlike that inner feeling, a little joyful voice ran out of my mouth.

“Thank you.” Yes, it was because he and his father could reconcile. So I was swollen with hope. But after a while, I had no choice but to sigh.

‘I can’t see any sign of reconciliation.’

My father even cut the meat with his own hand, but the two never talked to each other since then.

‘When I see you sometimes look at each other, it doesn’t seem like the two of you have heart…’

At that time, my father stared at me and said.

“A little later, let’s get some tea together.” At those words, I realized something and laughed. Because I realized that I was just an excuse, and in fact, it was Max, not me, who wanted to pick up a car together.

‘Really…… You seem to care for Max.’

While staring at Max for a while, I asked his intentions.

“Is it okay?” What answer he was trying to answer, he stared at me and slowly nodded. He must have wanted to make peace with my father because he kept on looking at him.

‘You’ll finally make up.’

If the relationship between the two gets better, my relationship will be recognized, and the confrontation with the Crown Prince may be canceled. If that happens, I’ll pretend to go out with the prince until he’s done with me. When I was dozing, I said with joy that I was imagining a hopeful future.

“Then let’s drink the tea we made together today.” My father and Max’s expression changed noticeably. My father was stiffening his face, and Max was looking at me with a frown.

‘Well, is he doing that because he can’t trust me?’

Actually, the tea I made today was not confident, so I didn’t even want to be tested, but I felt a prick.

“Oh, or any other tea.” It was a time when I was embarrassed and reversed. The butler approached my father. I just opened my mouth to the appearance of Derek, who was just working diligently, but being run over.

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“I think it’s urgent, but we’ll drink tea next time.” When I finished talking, I said, holding on to Max’s hand, in case I might have an accident. “Go.” I wondered what to do with the backlash, but Max was quietly drawn to me.

‘This is how reconciliation goes.’

It was when I turned around with such regret. Behind his back, there was a voice of his father, who was so determined.

“Not in a hurry.” No matter how much his father was a duke, it was a shocking remark.

“However, it’s an imperial order?” Even with my carefully asked questions, my father stared at Max and said stubbornly.

“This is more important to me.” No matter how important it is to make peace with your student, it is the imperial order. I wondered if it was okay to violate Emperor’s name like this. At the time of the pupil earthquake , I heard a calm voice sympathetic to the nonsense.

“I agree.” I frowned at the sight of Max, who had not said a word to his father all along just now, suddenly confronted him.

‘What do you mean it’s not the right time to do that?’

I glanced at Derek to ask for help in this chaotic situation. However, he somehow kept his head down with a pitiful expression. A sigh came out of my mouth.

‘Am I the only one among these who has remained rational?’

I calmed my mind with a sense of mission. Then I struggled with what to do in this ridiculous situation.

‘No matter how much the two people are willing to reconcile, it doesn’t mean that they are not.’

(it means that because they both are willing to reconcile, it means they reconciled already)

Disobedience to the Imperial Order is disloyalty. No matter how much he said his father was the hero of the old country, it was obvious that the emperor would think it over.

‘Moreover, I don’t want to get entangled with the imperial family badly.’

The original future is that the emperor’s anger is caused by jealousy of the princess, and the crown prince kills me. Besides, didn’t my father turn a blind eye to me in that future? Frankly speaking, I hate to watch other people’s faces tired. But to live, I would have to save myself as much as I could without looking bad for them.

“Father, you’re not supposed to break the Imperial order. If it’s a matter of urgency, then, ···.” Despite my perfectly normal rebuttal, Father shook his head.

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“It’s okay. There’s plenty of talent to replace me, even if it’s not me.” It makes no sense, but in a way it’s true.

“My teacher is right. So let’s get some tea.” Suddenly, I frowned a little bit at the words of Max, who called him teacher.

‘I think they’ve already made up, do we really have to drink tea?’


‘What the hell are you doing?’

The emperor clenched his fist while he was touching the throne with his finger. Soon after the mayor came in, the emperor asked the head of the city.

“Is the Duke of Floyen still not having a ceremony?”

“It’s too late today, so he told me he’ll go to the palace tomorrow.” The moment I heard the answer, the emperor harshly questioned the head of the city.

”What? Did it really come out of his mouth?”

“Yes.” It was the first time that Iphe ever turned down the sword so far that he had never put the sword so squarely. The emperor stared at the ring on his finger and distorted his face.

‘What are you up to now? Regis.’


I squeezed out the leaves for the tasting. My attempt was a success, judging by the smell at the tip of my nose.

‘I hope it will be to your taste.’

Soon my father lifted the teacup with his graceful hands and put it down.

“The tea tastes good.” At the word I stared at Max. He also nodded in sympathy, saying…

“This smells good.”

‘If a person who complained about the bad tea was accepted, ·····.’

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I did it roughly by eye, but it was fortunate that it was good.

‘Now I can skip the tasting.’

I was smiling at the thought. Then, my father staring at me made eye contact.

‘Why is he looking at me like that?’

It was time for me to think about avoiding my eyes because I felt burdened. My father dropped his eyes slightly and spoke straight to me.

“That’s great,” I was frankly embarrassed rather than pleased by the unexpected compliment. My father almost never praised me like this.

‘I’m great?’

My heart fluttered. If I let my guard down a little bit, I would feel precious to myself, who had hoped for his love from him. I stifled the rising expectations and told myself hard.

‘Jubelian, don’t expect anything.’

The one who told her young daughter not to come again on a cold winter day because she missed her father. On the day of my debut, which is only once in my life, my father was miserable under the pretext of training. He can’t really praise me. It can’t be changed. As soon as I realized the reality, my senses became numb. Soon I pulled a mechanical greeting out of my lips.

“Thank you.” Then my father glanced at Max and opened his mouth.

“Now that I have something to say with my disciple, I want you to go up first.” I wondered why you were praising him, but in the end, he seems to have been trying to get some time with his disciple.

‘Yes, that’s enough if my father and he make up.’

The inside of my chest was strangely numb, but I didn’t show it up and smiled. “Then talk to me.”

* * *

The door closed, and the flag of the Jubelian gradually faded away. Max and Regis openly revealed the excitement they had hidden so far.

“What the hell are you trying to do?” At the teacher’s question, Max asked back, grinning.

“Trying to do?” Regis opened his mouth because he thought it was abominable.

“Why are you hovering around my daughter?”

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