“My lady, I have a letter.” At Marilyn’s words, I confirmed the letter. It was from Veronica.

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‘You sent it very quickly. Do you have anything to say?’

After I removed the sealing wax, I opened the letter. Inside it was full of unfair things and about the management of the fishing grounds she had suffered from Mikhail. And finally, Mikhail’s obsession with me is extraordinary and worries about me.

‘Mikhail, this man is really punished by heaven.’

I just let him go because I’ve done something, but I didn’t know he was in charge of fishing.

‘Exactly, I was close to managing personal connections to take advantage of people when needed, but I was distressed even for him.’

When I saw her letter, I remembered myself. Somehow I felt bitter in my mouth, so I felt like eating something sweet.

Should I ask Matthew to make me a cake? However, I had a short worry about going to a sweeter tea room than Matthew made.

”Marylin, get ready to go out.”

”Yes, sir. Miss, I’ll give you a change of luck first.” When I changed into my outdoor clothes, Marilyn left the room. “Wait a minute. I’ll report to the butler.”


When she went out, I laughed unconsciously.

‘Since you didn’t come today, will you come tomorrow?’

I was thinking that I should buy Max’s cake and keep it while I was going out.


I was nervous at the sound from the window.

‘You’re not a pigeon, are you?’

It was when I crept towards the window. A sigh of relief in a familiar face.

‘I told you to come to the door normally, but you came to the window door again.’

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When I unblocked him, he stood in the room.


”Where are you going?” Then Marilyn’s voice came from outside the door.

“Lady, we’re all set.” At that, I stared at him.

“I was going to have a cake, but the timing was good. Let’s go together.” I thought he would like it because he’s a person who eats a few pieces of cake alone. But instead of positive, he only looked at me with a stiff face. The mid-bass voice that came out before long.

“I have something to say.” I nodded. I wanted to say it like he always did. However, the words from his mouth had no choice but to open my eyes wide. ”I’ve got a job to take care of in a long time,”

I said to myself, ‘work.’

“Are you doing work, like a mercenary?”

“It’s similar.” I wanted you to deny it internally, but I flinched at the sheer positivity. That means he might get hurt. “Is it dangerous?” At my question, he looked at me and shook his head.

“I don’t fight losing.” In a word, he said he was not taking on difficult tasks. Honestly, I sympathized with his words because my motto in life is ‘let’s go safely.’

“You thought it well. You don’t have to do anything dangerous.” At my words he stared at me and said.

“So, I don’t think I will come for a while.” Certainly, in the terms of the contract, the employer and the employee are obligated to report their destination to each other in the absence of the contract. When you look at it, you say, ‘I see it saying that it’s a while, so how many days is it?’ At that time, I heard Marilyn’s voice again.

“Lady?” I opened my mouth watching Max.

“Okay, then let’s go get some cake together.” Then, he smiled at me. I couldn’t understand the meaning, so when I was staring blankly, he looked at me and said…

“There’s something around your eyes,” I thought my makeup smudged, so I took out my handkerchief reflexively. At that moment, he snatched my handkerchief. When I was staring at him in amazementally. “Stay alert without me. Don’t be fooled.” Honestly, it was ridiculous that someone I didn’t know said that. When I was going to retort him to do better…”We’ll go eat the cake when I get back. And don’t look for someone while I’m away.” After he finished speaking, he jumped out of the window.

‘I’ve said what I’ve got to say again.’

I looked at the back and closed the window.

‘Well, you’ll be back in a few days. You’ll be all right.’

When I was dozing, I sighed.

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“I’m sorry, Marilyn, but I’ll cancel our outing.” Strangely enough, my appetite ran out, and I didn’t want to eat anything.

I slowly closed my eyes, eroded by the intense fatigue.

* * *

”Miss Jubelian!” The sound of calling me came to my senses. When I opened my eyes, it was somewhere else than my room.

”Oh, you dozed off during Rose’s tea party.” Maybe it’s because I haven’t been able to sleep well lately, but I often doze off. I rolled my eyes, and Veronica was staring at me with a plump face.

“We’re in the middle of the conversation, wake up.” Two months have passed since the tasting entrance exam. After four tea parties, I had become quite close to the tasting members.

‘My father’s quiet, and Max is still quiet.’

No matter how it is, I didn’t know it would be two months in a while. Because of that, I felt very quiet around me.

“Sir Nathan said he was shot in the cheek by his fiancé, Miss Swan, well.”

“Oh my God, why?”

“She did a trick on Miss Swan’s cousin brother, well!”

Of course, it’s not quite quiet. Anyway, what’s important is that my father doesn’t interfere with me and Max’s work these days. Furthermore, the marriage proposal with the Crown Prince was canceled, and it has been quiet since he came to the system.

‘Should I say thank God?’

I took a biscuit and put it in my mouth. Thanks to the salty taste, I could feel the sweetness better.

‘Max will like it.’

Unlike me, others chatted without even looking at the snacks.

“Isn’t it the coming of age ceremony for the Her Imperial Highness, The Princess soon?” When someone got lucky, I stopped eating and focused on the conversation.

‘Is it the Princess’s coming-of-age ceremony after a month and five days?’

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As it was, on the day of the Princess’s coming-of-age ceremony, I am going to be struck by the princess while holding a Lady’s head in a riot at the ballroom. Yes, I was the first victim of the cider machine Beatrice.

‘Well, seeing that Mikhail is still quiet these days, I think it would be okay if it was quiet.’

As I was thinking so, I heard an excited voice.

“That’s right. I’m already worried about what to wear at that time.”

“It’s difficult if you dress up too flashy. If it catches the Crown Prince’s eyes…”

“It’s scary just by thinking.”

‘Yes, I should wear as modest clothes as possible on that day.’

Thinking so, I was waiting for the tea party to end. The door burst open, and someone came into the drawing-room, shaking a pack of hoops.

“Oh, my God, Rose! Do you know what I heard?” Rose, who identified the figure, frowned.

“Come on, do you come in without knocking?” He opened his mouth with a puzzled look at Rose’s comments.

“Oh, I’ve been rude to the Ladies. I’m sorry.” My cheeks are already red, but it must be blushing. Members of the tasting party roared and laughed as if it seemed funny.

“What’s the rush?” Asked by Marien, Rose’s brother Nate opened his mouth.

“Oh, well, Lagon has declared war.” Everyone was agitated by the shocking words.

“No! Lagon!”

“Are we all right?” Unlike those who were embarrassed, I sighed with the spirit of the future that I knew through this original plot work. Lennox Chang Jung-baek, who claimed to be a good soldier, will participate in the event, but it will eventually fail. It would be the Emperor and my father who helped him to save the Empire from crisis. But the answer from Nate’s mouth was different from what I knew.

“Yes, of course. Thanks to the preparation two months ago, Lenox Chang Jung-baek succeeded in the room, and in the midst of confusion, the Crown Prince cut off Lagon’s head.”

‘What? Crown Prince?’

I was confused by the different development from the original one. But Nate, who didn’t know what I was thinking, continued.

“So a month later, they’re going to have a victory banquet.” Nate, who made the surprise news, continued to look around all of us.

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“All the nobles are obliged to attend,” I frowned at the remark.

‘Ha, the Crown Prince is so active. What’s more, an unscheduled party, ···.’

This is probably the reason for the sinister feeling that once happened. I was so upset that I gulped down cold tea.

‘It’s so bitter.’

Unlike me, others were making a fuss.

“Tell me more about what happened.” When Veronica asked with her eyes glistening, Nate blushed and nodded.

“Yes, of course.” Nate sat down and opened his mouth. ”Did you know that Lennox Chang Jung-baek used to claim an ambivalence?”

”Yes, I’ve heard of it before.”

“Lenox Chang Jung-baek claimed an ambivalence, but you know he was ignored, right?”


“So they was secretly raising the military, but it is said that it was only 60,000. At that time, the Crown Prince noticed that Ragon’s atmosphere was unusual, and he secretly sent the soldiers.”

“What about the atmosphere?”

“It is said that they have harvested a strangely large amount of grain. And you noticed that it was a military quantity that was prepared so that it could be eaten for a long time by drying anything.” Aristocratic young kids who were listening to Nate were whispering.

“Oh, my God, the Crown Prince has such a plan, it’s a sight again!”

“I know.” Nate, who was listening to it, raised his voice excitedly. “Originally, it was said that the support group requested by Chang Jung-baek was 20,000. But the Crown Prince was willing to send 50,000 troops, half of the Northern Guard, to the support force, saying that the number would be meaningless jubilant.”

“Oh, my God!” Listening to the gentle exclamation, Nate added in a high-pitched voice.

“The weak, who cannot fight there, have given orders not to attack at all, and Lagon says my opinion is good.” Why did the Crown Prince cut such generosity? I gave up because I was too lazy to guess what was going on inside.

‘Well, the essence is a bad guy with no blood or tears in his sadist.’

But other people seem to have different ideas.

“Wow, even the knights don’t keep their chivalry these days, and it’s so wonderful.”

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