Translator: Skye  Editor: herkawaiidramas

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* * *

‘Wait, why am I even hiding?’

I was in the middle of questioning my own behavior when I heard my father speak again.

“The sword exists not to shed blood, but to protect what is precious. But it seems you want to go against that judgment.”

My father’s stern voice sounded so harsh that it almost unconsciously made me flinch. However, the young man, whom the scolding was directed towards, remained unfazed.

“Rather than go against it, I simply feel there’s no need to create such a weakness.”

The moment I heard him speak about weakness, I automatically gave a bitter smile.

‘Because I had many weaknesses and was lacking a lot as a person……No one needed me.’

In the past, my father had forsaken me and Mikhail, my fiance, abandoned me. I’m no longer upset about what happened…it’s just that my former self was pathetic and pitiful back then. I let out a deep sigh.

“Sometimes people tend to become even stronger in order to protect their weakness.”

I wonder what weakness my father has that he wants to protect?

Status and honor? Or maybe it’s his men that he holds so dearly. After all, he had always valued and took his work seriously.

‘I don’t know what my father’s weakness is, but whatever it is, I’m sure he’ll be fine. Unlike me…’

The man’s piercing voice broke me out of my bitter thoughts.


‘Did he say teacher? I never heard anything about my father having an apprentice.’

Shocked by the new revelation, I poked my head out slightly to take another look.

“I do not want to listen to any more of your preachings. I’ll be taking my leave now.”

The way the man spoke was so dry and without warmth that it made my father look affectionate in comparison.

‘To think he’d surpass my father in that aspect…’

I frowned while continuing to observe the two figures.

“One day you’ll find one too. A precious existence that you’ll want to protect.”

My father opened his mouth to speak once more. His voice sounded hard, yet affectionate at the same time. Never having it directed towards me, it was an unfamiliar tone.

‘There’s nothing for me to be upset about. I already drew a line.’

I have a long life ahead of me. I didn’t want to get hurt and shaken over something like this.

‘I shouldn’t be swayed by something like this.’

As long as I had decided to give up on receiving my father’s love, I told myself I wouldn’t get hurt by anything that he would say to me. He meant nothing to me anymore. I firmly strengthened my resolve as if I were burning a wound.

Then, I heard my father’s apprentice speak in a chilling tone.

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“I wonder about that. Rather than a precious existence, it seems I found a hiding rat.”

The moment I heard the horrific word that instinctively brought out my fears, I came to my senses.

‘What? A rat?!’ 

Goosebumps rose all over my body due to extreme disgust. The depressing thoughts I had a few moments ago completely disappeared.

‘Where is it?’

I wasn’t in a position where I could move freely so I had to settle for looking around using just my eyes. Just thinking about the possibility of the revolting creature scurrying near me left me appalled.

“Shall I catch it?”

I furiously nodded my head in agreement with the voice of the man who was currently sounding like my savior.

‘Yes, please catch it!’

But someone prevented him from granting my desperate wish.

“Don’t catch it.”

The moment I heard those words, I greatly resented my father.

‘Father, are you really going to be like this?’

While I was complaining about my father in my head, I heard the harsh voice of his apprentice again.

“Why? Do you know each other?”

“That’s right.”

“What? Did I hear wrong?’

The last thing I expected to hear was that my father was on friendly terms with a rat, but I was able to quickly pull myself together. I remembered that this world I was currently in was a novel.

‘That’s right, fairy tales usually have humans and animals conversing with each other. Plus my father is fairly superior….It wouldn’t be surprising if he could talk to animals too.  If that’s not the case, it would also make sense if it was just a rat my father saw often and couldn’t help but to grow some attachment towards.’ 

Although I tried to reason and convince myself of all these things, one problem still remained.

‘I still really hate rats!’

During one of my shifts as a convenience store part-timer, I ran into a rat that was as big as my forearm. The rat also seemed to be afraid of me, as it had hidden as soon as it saw me. But ever since then, I became wary whenever I had to go to the storage room.

In the end, the incident made me quit my job, but I was able to say goodbye to the rat as a result.

However, the problem now was that there was currently one in my house. The halls I passed, the library, my room. There would be no place where I would be safe from them. Moreover, who knows whether they touched and nibbled the food that I would be eating.

‘I absolutely hate it!’

I felt a sudden rush of courage.

‘If left alone like this, the rats could take over the whole house.’

Though I held no power nor authority, since I have no mother, I was the first Lady of the House. That alone was enough of a reason for me to get rid of the rats.

‘I’ll tell my father.’

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Coming to this decision, I was gathering up my courage when I suddenly heard my father speak.

“If you mess with that child in any way…I won’t forgive you, even if it’s you.”

It was a chilling voice I had never heard from him till now. It almost felt like a warning directed towards me. I quickly corrected my decision.

‘For now, I’ll just go back to my room. My life is more precious, after all.’ 

Holding my father’s pendant tightly in my hand, I quietly escaped.

* * *

As soon as Juvellian’s presence vanished, the tension in the air settled down slightly.

‘Those footsteps really bother me.’

The younger man frowned, unable to pinpoint the reason behind his discomfort.


Hearing his name called, Max turned to stare at his master.


“Did you call that child a rat while being fully aware of who that child was?”

At a glance, his tone was no different than usual, but the look in his eyes revealed Regis’ furious state.

It had been a long time since his master last took off his usual mask.

“I do not know who it was.”

There was only one person who could make his teacher so sensitive. Max had already figured out the identity of that someone, but he chose to scowl at his teacher instead. It had been ten years since Max had learned how to use a sword from his master, having first met him when he was 12 years old. Max knew how strict and blunt his teacher was.

But there were a few moments where his master lightened up.

“That was my daughter.”

It was only during the times he talked about his one and only daughter.

Max recalled the name he always heard his teacher say.


As soon as he said her name, Max saw the corners of the Duke’s mouth rise in a subtle smile.

“That’s right.”

He had only mentioned the daughter’s nickname, but it was enough to relieve some of the tension on his teacher’s face.

The young man furrowed his brows.

‘I don’t understand.’

When he was young, the moment he lost his mother, his family became nothing more than an enemy who threatened his life. The one who taught him how to wield a sword and protect himself during those terrifying times was none other than his teacher, Duke Floyen.

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At one point Max held so much respect for his teacher that he wished to be like him. But he felt assured that that was no longer the case.

‘To think he himself would tie a rope around his neck* for someone like that.’

The teacher before him now looked pathetic in his eyes. An unsettled look passed over his face. His lips, which had been tightly closed, soon curled up into a crooked smile.

‘I’ll never create a weakness like you.’

Max was fully aware of the kind of humiliation his teacher was enduring due to his weakness.

‘No matter how strong you are, the moment a rope is tied around your neck, you become as weak as your weakness.’ 

Max’s face, which had been smiling cynically, quickly morphed back to that of indifference. His teacher, who had been observing him, seemed to have picked up on his thoughts.

“Then, even if you’re not aware of it, have you ever had someone that repeatedly comes to mind?”

Max scrunched his face in response to the unexpected question.

Recalling the unpleasant memory from a while ago, his face scrunched even further. The Duke let out a sigh.

“You should go before it gets too late.”

After he heard the subdued voice of his teacher, the young man quietly drew up his hood.

“Worry about yourself.”

Max scowled at him, then left by jumping out the window. The Duke stared at the back of his apprentice. He was very skilled so there was no way he would get hurt.

‘It’s more serious than I thought.’

He had repeatedly drilled it in his apprentice to cherish all lives, but Max was becoming a cold-hearted man – killing his enemies without hesitation and using any means necessary for his goal.

The Duke’s face darkened.

‘I was like that too.’

Through the war, Regis realized that weak people died easily. He despised, rather than sympathized, the weak. He thought it was natural that they would be left behind.

The one who changed such a cold-hearted man was someone so weak and delicate that he was careful to even touch.

A soft smile appeared on the duke’s face, which had previously been clouded in darkness.

‘Max, you don’t know anything.’

For Regis, his daughter became the only purpose in his meaningless life. She became his salvation.

Regis wanted to let his foolish apprentice know what he didn’t seem to understand.

‘This child is the only reason I haven’t become a monster, the reason I can exist as a human being.’

All this time, his adorable daughter was the only reason he was able to endure without going insane.

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* * *

When I returned to my room, I told my maids that I thought I saw a rat.

“A r-rat, milady?”

“I’m sure I heard the butler say he hired someone to catch all the rats?”

Marilyn shook her head at the other maids.

“Since the house is so huge, there’s probably some that he’s missed. Just one or two is enough to bring about a big problem since they reproduce so quickly.”

Just imagining the sight of the rats made my knees feel weak.

‘Euuu…So disgusting. One is scary enough….’

As if she had picked up on my disgust, Marilyn reassured me in a calm manner.

“Please don’t worry, milady. I’ll report this to Mrs. Ferris and make sure no rat will ever be seen again.”

After hearing those words, I was able to relax a little and even let out a small grin.

‘Yeah, it’s a good thing I didn’t step out earlier.’ 

If I had stepped out and told my father about the rat, it would’ve been for naught, since the servants were wary of him. It would have been useless to tell the servants.

But because I didn’t leave my hiding place earlier, my father wouldn’t know I was there. He wouldn’t be able to guess that the reason I spread these rat rumors was that I had witnessed him and his apprentice.

‘Now I can just relax while the servants take care of the rat problem.’

* * *

“And so, we are currently gathering all the servants to catch the rat.”

Mrs. Ferris, the head of the female staff and housekeeper, gave her report to the duke.

Regis rubbed his forehead while letting out a small sigh.

‘It seems she misunderstood the conversation earlier.’

Wondering how he could ease his daughter’s worried mind, Regis became silent in serious thought.

* * *


T/N: We finally have papa’s direct thoughts!!

Also forgot to mention in the last chapter, but I got a proofreader!! She has been a tremendous help in catching my dumb mistakes as well as making my sentences flow better. ????
But of course we’re both still human so if you still spot any mistakes, please let me know through discord!

E/N: Can’t wait for the day when Max eats his words. Heh.


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