Poor old man Leng was very old, yet he still had to be scared to death by his son’s utterances from time to time. The tea that had been in his mouth spurted out like this, almost choking him to death. 

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“Son… Son, what did you just say? Dad didn’t hear it clearly.” Daddy Leng stared at his precious son with a stunned look. 

Leng Ruofeng was stunned and prepared to repeat the words just now with a blank face: “I just asked Dad, when you and Mother met for the first time…” 

“Stop!” Daddy Leng hurriedly called him to stop and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, “It turns out… I didn’t hear it wrong.” 


“You silly boy, what do you mean by the first meeting… Although your Mother and I were under our parent’s demands and had a matchmaker, the first meeting was… not bad, but such a statement is too…” 

Leng Ruofeng was taken aback. He raised his eyebrows: “What do you want to say?” 

“At least…be a little more subtle, say bridal chamber!” Daddy Leng held back for a long time before he suffocated and spat out this sentence.

Leng Ruofeng suddenly saw the light. He repeated the sentence with a cold face: “Did Father and Mother meet for the first time then go to the bridal chamber?” 

“…” Why is it so hard to talk to this child? Had he known that his child would grow up like this, he wouldn’t have sent him to his Father-in-law for two or three years. After he came back, the child became a replica of his Father-in-law. Now it caused this old man to be just as nervous as facing an elder. Is there a Father who has it harder than him in this world?

“Ahem…” Daddy Leng flushed and cleared his throat, “That’s right, because…” 

“Then… after you and Mother’s bridal chamber, Mother became father ‘s person?” 

“… ” How can this child’s questions today have one be weirder than the next? 

Daddy Leng was stunned for a moment, then replied: “Naturally! Both your Father and your Mother were already married, so your Mother was naturally your Father’s person.” 

Leng Ruofeng saw the light again, but soon, a bit of distress appeared on his face: “So, since she and I have already done the matters between a wife and husband, then naturally, she is my person?” 

“! ” Leng Ruofeng’s words were like a blow to Daddy Leng, “Son… Son, who did you say you have already done a husband and wife matters with? Was it the girl who often ran to our house? I knew that girl was not bad, since you are my son, you naturally have the same taste as me. What should we do? Since you’ve already done the matters between a husband and wife, when is the banquet? Is there anyone in the girl’s family? When should your Father accompany you to her home to propose marriage? Your Father can also tell your Mother likes that girl.”     

Daddy Leng chattered with excitement. Alas, his child that he and his wife have been worried about for a long time in regard to his life-long events has finally showed some signs. How can he not be excited?     

Leng Ruofeng glanced at his father’s smiling face. He frowned, a little distressed: “But since she is mine, why does she want to leave me?”     

“Ga…” Daddy Leng had a stiff smile. He turned around to look at his own son, “What did you say? The girl ran? Didn’t you do the matters between an actual husband and wife, how can she run?”     

“En, she is my person and shouldn’t run, but why is she so angry?” Leng Ruofeng’s eyebrows have been twisted into an insoluble knot.     

“Angry? Son, did you make that girl angry?” Daddy Leng looked at his son’s unkempt appearance. He couldn’t help be a little worried. This cooked daughter-in-law (he’s pointing out that they have consummated) can’t just fly away like this! If he let his Father-in-law know that this kid had a husband and wife relationship with a woman, but didn’t marry the woman over, his conservative Father-in-law will definitely break off his leg first!     

“Son… Son, what did you do to make the girl angry? Daddy told you that this girl needed to be coaxed. Normally, you need to treat her well, then everything would be fine. Now quick, speak. What did you do to upset her?”

There was a trace of confusion across Leng Ruofeng’s face. 

Nobody understands a son better than a father. So when Daddy Leng looked at his son’s appearance, he couldn’t help asking: “Son, you don’t even know how you made that girl angry do you?” 

Leng Ruofeng was tangled for a moment, and muttered: “The empress said…” 


“I never said that I liked her, I never said that I cared about her, so she was angry.” 


Daddy Leng after being petrified for a while stared at his son with a pale face, “Didn’t you already have a relationship with her? How could you not tell her that you like her?” 

Leng Ruofeng looked at Father Leng with a blank expression: “We already went into the bridal chamber, so what more do we have to say?” 

He has always been an ‘action speaks louder than words’ kind of person. Since he has recognized this person, then she is his own, otherwise, he would not have done this kind of thing with her. So, what’s the point of saying those things? 

“…” Daddy Leng suddenly felt that his three views were broken. Who on earth taught his son to have such a distorted view of emotions? Isn’t this deliberately preventing his son from marrying a wife?     

“Achoo…” At the same time, in the Imperial Study Room in the palace, the culprit who had just got up suddenly felt his nose itch and sneezed. This made the little eunuch beside him nervous.     

“Your Majesty, did you work on a memorial too late yesterday? Have you caught a cold, should Nu Cai go and get you a doctor?”     

“No need.” Feng Tingye rubbed the tip of his nose and said with a laugh. “Someone is probably cursing Zhen.”     

“…” Who would dare to curse the emperor so boldly? !     

Daddy Leng greeted Feng Tingye with numerous words, hundreds of times in his heart. He coughed lightly: “Son, it’s wrong for you to think that way.” 

“But, wasn’t it like that for Father and Mother?” Leng Ruofeng looked suspiciously at his own Father.

“…How could it be the same?” Daddy Leng groaned feebly. He looked at Leng Ruofeng’s ignorant appearance, “Your Father and your Mother were both under the commands of their parents at the time. In other words, we never saw each other’s appearance before we got married. It was only on the day we got married…cough cough, but even so, your Father and your Mother have the label of husband and wife. Yet, this kind of confession stuff is also indispensable. Otherwise, if the relationship between the husband and wife is weak, the wife will run away.” 

Leng Ruofeng was stunned. He stared at his father in surprise. After a long silence, he asked tentatively: “Then Father, what should your child do now?” 

“Nonsense, of course you should chase that girl back. Didn’t the empress tell you? Just because you didn’t tell her you like her, the girl became angry. Son, this is really your fault. With you not telling the girl that you liked her from beginning to end, and then with that girl…cough cough entered the bridal room, then not saying a word like a boring gourd, of course, the girl would think you didn’t want to be responsible for her…of course…” 

Leng Ruofeng was stunned. He looked at Daddy Leng blankly for a while. Then as if he made up his mind, he nodded: “Well, I know now, thank you Father.” 

“…” What do you know? Don’t talk to yourself alone! 

“Son… son.” Daddy Leng was really not at ease about his son’s EQ. He wanted to continue speaking, but Leng Ruofeng nodded at him, turned and rushed out just like that. 

“Son… don’t run so fast, what do you know? Son…”

“Oh, why are you running so fast this early in the morning, you almost killed me!” Leng Ruofeng just walked out of the study room. Stepping forward, he ran into a figure head-on. Watching the figure fall backwards, he hurriedly reached out and caught them. 

“Mother, are you okay?” 

The figure was Leng Ruofeng’s mother, Mrs. Leng of the Prime Minister’s Mansion. Mrs. Leng stabilized her figure and patted her chest before looking at Leng Ruofeng: “Feng Er, why did you run out so anxiously early in the morning?” 

“Mother, I’m going out and I’ll talk to you when I come back.” Leng Ruofeng glanced at Madam Leng. Seeing that she was not injured, he was about to leave when Madam Leng stopped him.

“Oh, going out? Are you going to find Miss Xia?” Madam Leng stared at Leng Ruofeng with a smile. 

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Leng Ruofeng paused and nodded. The smile at the corner of Mrs. Leng’s mouth deepened a lot in an instant. 

“Feng Er, you should also change your clothes. Look at you, this one is the one you wore yesterday, quickly go and change.” 


“No but, it’s too sloppy. Dressed like this, before the girl can even wait for you to speak, she would have been scared away. Hurry up, Mother will pick you something to change into. Don’t be slow.” 


“Okay, this one, quickly change it.” Mrs. Leng seemed to see Leng Ruofeng’s anxiety, so she quickly picked out a suit from Leng Ruofeng’s pile of clothes and threw it into Leng Ruofeng’s hand. 

“Mother, this outfit…”

“Sapphire blue. With your temperament, it is just right. Confident, chic, and suave, you will surely fascinate that Miss Xia into promising you everything in an instant!” Mrs. Leng looked excited. 

“…Oh.” Leng Ruofeng stared at the clothes in his hands for a long time, then finally changed into the clothes obediently. “This child is leaving first.” 

“Go, go.” Madam Leng stared with bright eyes at Leng Ruofeng, who came out wearing the clothes. 

“Wife, your…son…!” As soon as Daddy Leng rushed over, he saw Leng Ruofeng walking out the door. He hurriedly tried to stop him, but was blocked by Mrs. Leng’s insight. 

“Why are you shouting, shut up!” 

Usually henpecked, Daddy Leng, who was yelled at by Mrs. Leng, instantly froze. Son, it’s not that your father doesn’t want to help you, but your mother is just too powerful. Father… is clearly the head of the family, but he loves his wife and fears his son. Now he has become the lowest level in the hierarchy, is there anyone who has it harder than him for being the head of the family? 

“Wife, how can you let your son go out in that outfit?” Father Leng immediately asked Mrs. Leng anxiously as soon as he pulled off Madam Leng’s hand. 

“What’s wrong with that outfit? Your son is just like you when you were young, he’s a dull gourd. If he doesn’t take some strong medicine, our daughter-in-law will run away.” Mrs. Leng gave a domineering look to Daddy Leng. Then she turned her head and whispered softly, “Zi Er.” 

“Madam.” A figure walked in from outside the room. 

“Very well done, send a letter to the palace. Tell the empress, that Feng Er has gone out and everything is under control.” 


“…” Daddy Leng looked at his wife’s ecstatic face that was full of malice…cough cough, no, it was a smirking smile. He couldn’t help lighting a few candles for his son in his heart. 

“Master, Chen is doing this for Feng Er’s sake. So, master, don’t…make trouble.” Madam Leng stepped forward and took Daddy Leng’s arm, smiling very charmingly.     

“!” Daddy Leng’s expression changed immediately. He gave a dry smile, and held Mrs. Leng’s waist as they walked, “Yes, that’s right, that kid is an elm-headed man, he won’t move if he doesn’t get a hard knock. Strong medicine will work, my wife is very wise, very wise.”     

So, the little flame that had sprouted in Daddy Leng’s heart to chase out and rescue his son was extinguished.     

And Leng Ruofeng, who didn’t know that he had been secretly sold off by his parents, was already on his way to Xia Muyun’s residence. As soon as he got out of the carriage, he received countless attention from passers-bys.     

Leng Ruofeng threw himself at the door to see the person, he didn’t care.     

“Where is your lady now?” Leng Ruofeng caught someone in front of him and asked straightforwardly. 

The servant who was stopped by him looked at Leng Ruofeng’s outfit in surprise. He hesitated, “Miss is… in the room packing things.” 

Packing things?! As soon as Leng Ruofeng heard this, he immediately let go of the servant’s hand and rushed in. 

The servant was stunned for a long time before whispering in a low voice: “What’s wrong with the Prime Minister today? Why did he come to see the lady in such an outfit.” 

“Tsk tsk, he really put it on. Ohohoho Madam Leng is mighty!” Before the voice of the servant came out, a female voice was suddenly heard. The servant was so frightened, he turned to look, and found… 

“Your Highness! why are you…”

“Hush!” Xia Yuqing was holding Second Baby who had just woken up and was still yawning, but insisted on joining in the fun. She made a silent gesture towards the servant. 

The servant hurriedly covered his mouth. Xia Yuqing smiled at him. Holding Second Baby, she led Lu Rui and a few people to quickly follow. 

“Fortunately, Madam Leng had someone pass over the message just in time.” Xia Yuqing looked at Leng Ruofeng who entered the house. She quickly ran to the door and found an excellent onlooker spot, and squatted down. 

“…” Niang Niang, you seem to be getting smoother at eavesdropping. 

Xia Muyun was in the midst of packing her things, when she heard a movement from behind her. She turned around with some doubts. Facing Leng Ruofeng’s face, she immediately froze in place.

“You…” Xia Muyun was stunned for a long while before regaining the ability to speak. It was a pity that she was interrupted by the person on the other side.

“I like you.” 

“!” Xia Muyun’s eyes widened, looking at Leng Ruofeng in disbelief. 

“I like you, that’s why I would do those things with you. I will be responsible for you.” 

Xia Muyun’s head was blank for a few seconds. The room fell into a dead silence because of this. After a long time, Xia Muyun smiled a smile that wasn’t really a smile: “You ran to my house in a wedding suit (red in colour) to say you want to be responsible for me. Do you want to marry me?”

Wedding suit? ! Leng Ruofeng was stunned in place. Then, he finally understood why so many people on the way over looked at him with such a weird gaze, it turned out to be because of… his clothes? !     

Xia Muyun looked at the obvious surprise on Leng Ruofeng’s face. She turned her gaze, and looked out the door as if she thought of something. At a glance, she saw Xia Yuqing and the others hiding in a hurry. Her eyes flashed as she understood what was going on. There was a trace of loss and disappointment.     

“It seems that I misunderstood. You should go back, I have to pack my things.” With that, Xia Muyun turned and wanted to leave, but Leng Ruofeng grabbed her wrist and pulled her back abruptly.     

“!” The prime minister is mighty! Great, quickly knock down Royal Sister on the spot!     

“Is there anything else?”     

“The clothes are a misunderstanding.”     

“…” Prime Minister, you really don’t know how to adapt at all. At this time, you are still talking about that, do you want to make me scratch the walls!     

“So you are trying to tell me that everything we had before was my misunderstanding, including the words just now? Everything was just my own… self-satisfaction?! Hm…” Xia Muyun growled in fury, but as soon as she finished speaking, she was gagged by an iceberg.     

“…” F*ck, he kissed her! It was the Prime Minister who took the initiative to go and kiss her, it’s the live version! Xia Yuqing was too stimulated and wanted to let out a wolf howl. After a long time of excitement, she remembered that she was holding a little bun in her arms, and hurriedly reached out her hand to cover the little bun’s eyes.     

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“Hey, children can’t look at this kind of stuff.”     

“…oh.” Isn’t it just a kiss? This baby sees Father and Mother kiss each other every day, why can’t she watch?     

“What are you doing?!” Recovering from her astonishment, Xia Muyun touched her lips and hurriedly backed away. Her face turned thoroughly red.     

Leng Ruofeng stared at her with piercing eyes and repeated his words: “This dress is a misunderstanding, it’s a mistake.”

“You said that already just now!” 

“So, we will make the best of the mistake.” 


“I want to marry you, marry me.” 

“!” Xia Muyun and everyone outside the door were completely stunned. 

Shoot, Iceberg Prime Minister, I really misunderstood you! It turns out that amongst those people, you are the one who knows how to sweet talk the most! You really hid it well. Ahhh, I should have discovered it long ago, I should have discovered this since the emperor was overwhelmed by you! 

There is a saying that life is like a reversed drama. If you can’t follow it, just wait for it to roll over! 

Xia Muyun, who was completely unprepared, turned over like this. She stared at Leng Ruofeng with a wide pair of eyes for a long time… 

Just when everyone thought Xia Muyun had been captured, that the two of them were about to cultivate a true fruit, that the prince and princess were about to live happily ever after, the plot was reversed once again. The car that had been rolled over was turned back. 

“Do you want to marry me?” 

Leng Ruofeng nodded his head grimly, but Xia Muyun smiled with the confidence that Xia Yuqing and the others saw when they first met her. “You want to marry me, but I won’t marry.” 

“!” Leng Ruofeng and everyone outside were shocked again. 

F*ck, should you two struggle so much? What’s the situation now? The reversal in the reversal drama? Yii, I will be broken by you both, please let me go!

“You want me to marry you with just one sentence? Dream on! Instead, you should show some sincerity.” 

“Sincerity?” Leng Ruofeng looked at her with some suspicion. 

Xia Muyun smiled: “Three matchmakers, six betrothal gifts, and a palanquin with eight carriers.  But not now…” 

Under everyone’s surprised gaze, Xia Muyun took the initiative to approach Leng Ruofeng. She stretched out her hand to touch his face, and smiled lightly: “This time, I really have something to do and must leave. So, if you really are sincere, when it’s my two little Royal Nephews one year old celebration, how about preparing these things to marry me?” 

Leng Ruofeng was taken aback, then nodded slightly. In the next second…the lips were once again blocked, this time it was no longer his initiative. 

“Ohh, it’s in broad daylight, really, children shouldn’t look at it.” Xia Yuqing hurriedly covered Second Baby’s eyes again, but she didn’t know that Second Baby could see the scene inside through her wide open fingers very clearly. 

“Have you seen enough? Not coming out yet?” Xia Muyun stood up. Pressing against Leng Ruofeng’s shoulders, she peered over Leng Ruofeng and looked at the crowd outside the door.

“Huh? The Empress…” Leng Ruofeng turned around, facing Xia Yuqing’s embarrassed little face. 

“Oh, the weather today is really nice.” 


“I just passed by and didn’t see anything. I didn’t see anything, you continue… continue.” 

“…” Niang Niang, do you know what is ‘there are no three hundred silver taels here”? (revealing what one intends to hide) 

“Ahahaha, I actually came to see you off. Yes, I came to see you off.” 


“Third Royal Sister, can’t you stay for a few more days?” Half an hour later, Xia Yuqing and the others stood at the gate of the mansion where Xia Muyun was temporarily settled.

Xia Muyun looked at Xia Yuqing, who was staring at her with a reluctant expression. She stretched out her hand to squeeze her small face: “It’s not like you won’t see me in the future, don’t put on this appearance as if it was a life and death moment.” 

“Royal Sister……” 

“When the two children of Xiang Er’s are one year old, you can just go to Xia country to see me.” 

“Hmph, when the two children of Xiang Er’s are one year old, the person Royal Sister would really want to see, I’m afraid it won’t be me.” Xia Yuqing complained. 

Xia Muyun was stunned. Looking over Xia Yuqing, she glanced at Leng Ruofeng not far away. She smiled and pinched Xia Yuqing’s face: “Royal Sister, thank you.” 

Thank you for allowing me to see this awkward man’s heart clearly and allowing me to hear him say he likes me personally before I had to leave. This has given her the confidence to persist for their future. 

“It’s getting late, I should go.” 

“So soon?” Xia Yuqing looked at Xia Muyun reluctantly, “Be careful on the road.” 

“Well, take care of yourself.” When Xia Muyun stepped on the carriage, she turned her head because of her instinct. She stared at the person behind her unabashedly, then slightly hooked up the corners of her lips. Then, she walked into the carriage. 

The carriage slowly headed towards the gate, then drove out. 

When the carriage was far away from the capital, away from the people, the person in the carriage carefully stretched out her hands to her lower abdomen and gently stroked it. (OMG WHAT?!?!)

In a flash, the people outside the carriage heard a low sigh from the carriage… 

“Tell my Eldest Royal Brother, this princess will be back soon.” 


Xia Muyun lifted the curtain and glanced at the gate that was gradually getting further away. Her eyes softened little by little. 
I’m waiting…waiting for you to come find me and marry me into your house with an eight-carrier sedan chair. Take me out of there, together with our…child. (OMGGG)

Not long after Xia Muyun left, Feng Tingye used the roster that was taken from Ying Chun Yuan to once again cause a bloodbath in court. Most of the officials who had stepped into Ying Chun Yuan were sent to prison for colluding with foreign enemies. Most of the charges of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country fell on important ministers that had served two dynasties. With physical evidence, these veterans of civil and military affairs who used to be their seniors were sentenced to death without even having a chance to retort. 

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In the same way how Feng Tingye drastically rectified the court with Prince Rui’s case, this event once again brought bloodshed to the court. So far, nearly 90% of the people in the court have changed into Feng Tingye’s cronies. Feng Tingye’s status once again rose a step higher. No one could shake it. 

However, the person who really shocked the people of the Ye Kingdom was not their Emperor, but the Emperor’s “good helper”, their Empress.

Rumors had it that the Empress and Emperor were deeply in love. Comparable to men in terms of ability, in order to solve the problems for the Emperor, the Empress had penetrated deep into the brothel and arrested those spies lurking in the territory of Ye who were waiting to harm this country…..

Rumors had it that after entering the brothel, the Empress was very brave. She was not afraid of the hostile gangsters at all. Not only did she fight with her wits, but she was able to courageously and cleverly issue a signal, allowing the Emperor to wipe out the hostile gangsters… 

Rumors had it that the Empress was skilled in both civil and martial arts and that she was the most worthy companion for the Emperor. In the brothel, she had combined her skills with the Emperor’s. With the two swords, they killed the leader of Yingchun Yuan in one fell swoop. She also did not make any attempt to claim credit for these amazing achievements…. 

Rumors… It was a bunch of rumors again… 

Where did these mysterious rumors come from? Were they real or fake? 

Let me tell you, these things were all personally stated by the Grand Tutor and who doesn’t know who he is? He was the Emperor’s right hand man! Can the words he stated be false? The people in the vicinity of the brothel that day heard it all clearly, the goods were genuine! 

As a result, Xia Yuqing, due to a freak combination of factors, was once again the most talked about post-dinner conversation among the people. 

However, Xia Yuqing didn’t have the leisurely time to be happy about this. At this moment, she was at a loss. The reason being, Xia Muyun’s absence. 

Yun Xi had finally come back, but Xia Muyun left. 

“Oh…” Xia Yuqing stared at the pile of delicious food in front of her. It was hard to come by a time where she had lost her appetite. She laid her cheek in her hand: “Sigh…”

“… Niang Niang, is this meal not to your taste?” Lu Rui asked with some worry, looking at Xia Yuqing’s frowning face. 

It’s strange! All the things on the table were things that Niang Niang likes to eat the most usually. What’s wrong with her today? She didn’t touch anything when she sat down! 

“I’m not in the mood to eat.” 

“…Niang Niang is in a bad mood? Who made Niang Niang angry?” Lu Rui was stunned, and began to think about who had offended Niang Niang in the past few days. 

“Lu Rui, why do you think Third Royal Sister had to leave?” 

Lu Rui suddenly realized what was going on: “Is Niang Niang sad that the Third Princess had to leave?” 

“I originally thought that the Prime Minister would succeed this time and Third Royal Sister wouldn’t have to go. If Third Royal Sister didn’t leave, they would be able to come to fruition and after….” 

“After?” After it comes to fruition, what else is there? 

“After that, I will be able to have wedding wine.” 

“Pu…” Lu Rui was scared by Xia Yuqing’s words. She stared at Xia Yuqing in a daze, “Niang Niang, you are sad that the Third Princess returned to her country, just because of… the purpose of drinking wedding wine?” 

“Yes, anyways, if the two of them come to fruition, then I have also contributed. It shouldn’t be too much to have a glass. Too bad…”

Xia Yuqing originally wanted to drink wedding wine from Yan Ran and Li Yuan. But now Li Yuan’s attitude towards Yan Ran was just lukewarm. It is estimated that it will take a while to drink their wedding wine, so she changed her goal and turned her eyes on Xia Muyun and the others. Yet, with one kick, Xia Muyun ran away, tears falling~ 

“…” Niang Niang, if the Third Princess knew the truth, she would cry! 

“Mother, I think what you really want to do is not drink wedding wine, but to make trouble in the bridal chamber.” Lu Rui was speechless, when she heard a crisp childish voice. She immediately became petrified. 

“Brother, what is a bridal chamber?” Second baby on the side bit her small spoon and asked innocently. 

“A bridal chamber is…” 

“Stop talking. What does a little child like you think about all day long? Who taught you these things? You’re going to lead your sister astray!” Xia Yuqing hurriedly yelled, stopping Big Baby from poisoning Second Baby. 

Sternly rebuked, unexpectedly, Eldest Baby didn’t have blame in his eyes. He chuckled: “Did Mother forget? You clearly taught me these things. Not only that, you and Father often show us the bridal chamber.” 

“……” When did this brat become so articulate? Is this the kind of remarks a child over a year old can say? This doesn’t make sense! 

“Oh, I see, the bridal chamber is a game that Mother and Father often play at night. Father will press Mother down, and then Mother…” 

“How do you know?” This kind of thing, her family’s pure, cute little bun knows? Could it be… 

“Don’t look at your son, Mother. This son hasn’t said anything to Sister. It’s just Sister who overheard it. Whose fault is it that you and Father scream so loudly every night when you play games. It would be strange if we didn’t hear it.”

“…” F*ck, this ancient soundproofing is really unreliable. It allows children to hear R rated things at such a young age, god, I’m guilty! 

After exposing this kind of thing to her Second Baby, how can she face her two children in the future? What about the lofty queen image that she had in the hearts of these two babies! Moreover, game your sister, if she heard it right, Big Baby was laughing at herself, right? ! As a Mother, she was laughed at by her son who was under two years old. Someone just beat me to death! 

Eldest baby looked at Xia Yuqing’s flushed face covering his Sister’s mouth. He narrowed his eyes. He stepped forward and pulled Xia Yuqing’s hand covering Second Baby’s mouth, and said coldly: “Mother, you’re hurting Sister.” 

Xia Yuqing was taken aback. She hurriedly took her hand from Second Baby’s mouth. Looking at Second Baby’s red eyes, she felt distressed: “Oh, Dundun, I’m sorry. Just now, your Mother was in a hurry and hurt you, right? Does it hurt? Does it hurt anywhere?” 

Second Baby looked at Xia Yuqing with tears. She silently moved to Big Baby’s side: “Mother was terrible just now, Mother pinched baby, oooooooo…”

“!” Xia Yuqing looked at Second Baby who was crying because of herself and became more and more guilty. 

The root of everything – Big Baby enjoyed his sister’s embrace. Touching his sister’s head, he cast a provocative look at Xia Yuqing. 

“…” This hateful brat was not born from herself, she definitely did not give birth to him! Xia Yuqing gritted her teeth and thought. 

As a result, in order to coax Second Baby who was accidentally injured by herself, Xia Yuqing had to temporarily leave her gloomy mood to the side. Holding Second Baby’s favorite snacks and gruel for a long time, she finally convinced Second Baby to become happy again, allowing her to hold Second Baby again.

Big Baby sneered at Xia Yuqing’s use of delicious food to buy off his younger sister, but seeing his sister’s silly smiling face, he didn’t want to put a stop to it.

While biting the small soup spoon, he saw something bright yellow coming, not far away from the corner of his eyes. His eyes brightened. I know! 

“Mother, if you have the leisure to take care of other people’s affairs, it’s better to take care of yourself.” 

Xia Yuqing was startled. She turned to look at Eldest Baby in surprise, wondering why the child spoke exactly like the Ultra Seme Lord. He was an exact replica.

“I didn’t do anything weird, why do I need to take care of myself?” 

The corner of the baby’s mouth turned into a faint arc: “Mother, I heard that the people outside now are praising the wiseness of Mother. Something about how you alone infiltrated the enemy’s camp, and how Mother does not concede to men.” 

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“Hey, those are all lies made by the Grand Tutor, you and I were clearly kidnapped, don’t you know this? Why are you bringing that up to make fun of your Mother?” 

“Er Chen didn’t mean to make fun of Mother. Of course, Er Chen knows that those news are fake, but there were some things that Er Chen saw with his own eyes that were authentic.” 

“What things?” Xia Yuqing looked at Eldest Baby confusedly. Feeling that there was something in the child’s words, she had a bad premonition. 

“Does Mother still remember that night? In Ying Chun Yuan, Er Chen was hiding under the table, then boss Chen…”

“Eldest baby stop talking!” Xia Yuqing’s face changed drastically and she shouted at the baby, wishing to step forward to cover Big Baby’s mouth. 

But Big Baby was not Second Baby, how could he let her cover his mouth. He grimaced: “Don’t call me Eldest Baby, that name is terrible.” 

“…Well, if it’s not Eldest Baby, then Dudu, don’t tell your Father about this.” 

“It’s too late.” 

“What?” Xia Yuqing’s eyes widened. When she saw Big Baby pointing behind her, the bad premonition grew stronger. She turned around stiffly, to face… 

“Ahahaha, Your Majesty, when did you come? Why was there no sound at all?” 

Feng Tingye laughed causing Xia Yuqing’s hair to stand up tall: “Not sooner or later, just when Ai Fei and our son were discussing Ying Chun Yuan. Now, should Ai Fei tell me about that so-called Boss Chen?” 

“Boss Chen? Ahahaha, was there such a person? How could I forget? Your Majesty, don’t listen to a child’s nonsense, there is no such person.” Xia Yuqing stepped back two steps with a guilty conscience. 

Feng Tingye narrowed his phoenix eyes and smiled lightly: “Oh? Really?” Then he moved his gaze to Big Baby not far away. 

Big Baby spread his hands and said innocently: “Boss Chen was a bad old man. Oh, yes, he was the first guest picked up by Mother.” 

“!” Eldest Baby, you traitor! Xia Yuqing silently covered her face, trying to murder Big Baby who betrayed her with a condemning gaze between her fingers.

Eldest Baby completely regarded Xia Yuqing’s grief and indignation as nothing, and continued to break the news: “Moreover, it’s not just that Mr. Xie, but this Boss Chen also touched Mother’s waist. He also wanted Mother to pour him wine and help him drink. Something like that.” It’s better to have screwed up herself, now she may be better off just dying. 

“Oh, Chen Qie is full. Since Your Majesty just came over, Your Majesty must not have ate. Chen Qie will not disturb Your Majesty.” Xia Yuqing keenly felt the changes in the surrounding atmosphere. She added oil to her feet, and wanted to slip away, but before taking two steps, she was grabbed by the collar.

“Your Majesty…” 

“Ai Fei is full? That’s perfect, we can settle the bill when we are full. Let’s go back to the room.” 

“Your Majesty…Your Majesty…the sky is just getting dark now!” 

“It’s okay, we can slowly calculate everything.” 

“…” Yamete! Xia Yuqing was carried away like a hen carrying a chick. Before leaving, she handed a condemning look at Big Baby. 

Eldest Baby acted as if he didn’t see it. Who asked his Mother to take advantage of his Father tossing him around to send his younger sister to sleep with someone else! Although Auntie Xiao Longbao looks cute, his younger sister is even more cute. So, it is unforgivable. She asked for this! 

“Brother, what happened to Father and Mother? Are they not eating?” Second Baby opened her pair of big watery eyes. Biting the small spoon, she looked at Big Baby innocently. 

“Well, they are busy playing games and won’t eat anymore. Baby eat quickly, brother will go out to play games with you later.”

“En, okay.” 

“…” The crowd on the side was completely stunned. Your Royal Highness, is it really good for you to be so mature? ! 

The night gradually fell, and this night, Xiefang Hall was destined to be a sleepless night. At the same time, in a hidden inn inside the palace, some people began to move slowly. 

“Third Royal Sister has left Ye Kingdom?” Inside the low-hanging gauze tent, a weak voice from a young man rang out, shocking everyone outside. 

“Reporting to Your Highness, the Third Princess has left the capital of Ye Kingdom a few days ago. She should be on her way back.” 

“It seems that Mother can’t bear it after all.” The boy’s magnetic voice was stained with a smile. Then, he swiftly changed the conversation, “Notify the few people in the country to make their move. Make sure they accompany my Eldest Royal Brother in having a good time.” 

“Yes, Your Highness…we now…” 

“Hold back the soldiers and wait for this prince to take care of his injuries first.” 


The evening breeze slipped in from the window and blew the thin curtain, faintly revealing a pale face. It was Xie Gong Zi who appeared at the brothel that day. At the same time, he was the Fourth Prince of Xia Kingdom – Xia Mingxuan. 

“Feng Tingye…” Xia Mingxuan’s bandaged hand slowly clenched together. Last time he was careless, next time you won’t be so lucky.

Early the next morning, in the imperial study room, as always, the monarch and ministers were gathered together. 

“Actually, Your Majesty already knew that Yun Xi would be there that day, right?” Yan Ran asked straightforwardly when he saw Feng Tingye. 

The whereabouts of Yun Xi has always been in Feng Tingye’s grasp. It doesn’t make sense for her to appear in the palace that day without Feng Tingye knowing about it. If Feng Tingye hadn’t acquiesced, how could that girl take someone into the palace so grandiosely. 

Feng Tingye smiled, but didn’t say a word. However, that was basically him agreeing tacitly. 

“…” So when it came to handing the person over to the empress, in fact, you knew from the beginning that the witness was coming soon, this damn black-bellied man! 

“Your Majesty, what scheming plan do you have now?” Shao Zitang looked at Feng Tingye’s face that had a smile that wasn’t a smile. He didn’t believe that this man made the girl appear in the capital early for just that one purpose. 

“You will know soon.” Feng Tingye smiled, then remained silent. 

Several people looked at each other and couldn’t help but mourn for a few seconds for the person the person in front of them was thinking about.

After Yun Xi returned to the palace, Xiefang Hall recovered its activity that hadn’t been seen for a long time, like now… 

Xia Yuqing yawned and looked at Yun Xi who was chased by Xiao Bai not far away. 

“You darn dog, don’t chase me. Don’t come over, don’t come over!” 

“Wowo…” Xiao Long Bao Jiejie, Xiao Bai missed you so much. Xiao Bai missed you so much, don’t run. 

“Ah, don’t come here! Qing Jiejie, help, help!” Yun Xi was so scared that tears were about to fall. She panicked and rammed into the arms of a person who was also fleeing in a hurry. 

“Ow, it hurts, who hit me?” Yun Xi fell to the ground. She looked up, then her eyes shrank, “Little…little…little Royal uncle!”

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