“Wait…wait a minute, I am the Sixth Prince of Shu, you…you can’t treat me like this. If my Royal Brother knows about this…he will be furious.” Yun Zhongyue took a few steps back. 

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“Whether you are the prince or the emperor of Shu Kingdom, this is Ye Kingdom, we only listen to the words of the empress!” Saying this, a heap of palace people with tables and chairs, pots and pans rushed forward. 

“F*ck, don’t step on my feet, don’t pull my clothes. Who is pulling on my mouth! Help…help, Junior Sister, help!” 

Xia Yuqing watched Yun Zhongyue being chased by a group of people and waved her arms enthusiastically: “Hit him up high, hit him down low, oh, don’t hit his head! Hit his face. Yeah, hit him, but don’t kill him.”

“…” Little Junior Sister, how can you be so cruel?! 

“Unexpectedly, Second Senior brother turned out to be the Sixth Prince of Shu. A dignified prince, how could he run off to be a thief? The thoughts of ​​a person in power is really confusing. 

“…” Niang Niang, aren’t you also a person of power?!

“By the way, Xiao Yuan, should we tell the emperor about this?” The emperor could tolerate Xiao Yuan, the future heir of Shu, so it makes no sense to not tolerate my Second Brother, right?”

No, that might not be the case. In the eyes of the emperor, Xiao Yuan and Young Master Yun, at least in terms of gender, are not people who can be compared! Of course, it is impossible for Li Yuan to tell Xia Yuqing this. 

“That…… I am not very sure, but Qing Jiejie, you do not need people to report it, the emperor may already know.” 

“Huh? “Xia Yuqing froze. She glanced at Li Yuan suspiciously, but saw her pointing behind her. 

Xia Yuqing twisted her eyebrows. Turning her head, she faced a little eunuch squatting on the side who was struggling to write things down. The little eunuch seemed to have noticed Xia Yuqing’s gaze on him. He raised his head and smiled at Xia Yuqing, then packed his pen and paper within a second, turned and ran. 

“…Xiao Shunzi! ” 

As Li Yuan expected, as soon as Yun Zhongyue indicated his identity in the Xiefang palace, the news had already spread to the Imperial Study Room and reached Feng Tingye’s ears. 

“Yun Zhong Li, Yun Zhong Yue, the names of the two brothers are really similar.” After hearing Xiao Shunzi’s report, Shao Zitang narrowed his eyes. The corners of his lips were in a sneer. 

“How is the emperor going to deal with this person?” Leng Ruofeng glanced at the calm man above, and asked coldly. 

“There is no need to deal with it at all. Since his goal is Wen Zhong, now that Yun Xi is back, he won’t be able to make any waves. General He, don’t you think?” Feng Tingye wasn’t too surprised about Yun Zhongyue’s identity. He looked up at the man not far away and asked quietly. 

He Wenzhong, who was also in the imperial study room, was suddenly called out. He scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled in a silly manner: “I… I didn’t expect that the Second Brother of the empress… turned out to be Xiao Xi’s uncle.” 

Several people knew that He Wenzhong looked very strong, but his face was thinner than anyone else. (thin face – easily affected by comments, criticisms, etc) They couldn’t continue to bother him, so they changed the subject. 

“Listening to the emperor’s tone, it seems that Yun Zhongyue’s identity has long been expected. Then, your purpose for letting Yun Xi enter the palace early on should be more than just for this uncle and niece to recognize each other. What is it…” 

Feng Tingye swept his gaze over the people in the room and got up slowly. He smiled: “It’s getting late, Zhen has been out for a long time, it’s time to go back to see Ai Fei and the two children.”     

“…” Several people looked at the hot fiery sun outside the window. This is getting late? Even if you are the emperor and want to evade the problem, at least find an appropriate reason!     

“Speaking of which, you have never seen Zhen’s two children. If there is nothing else, how about you come with Zhen to go see them?”     

“…” Didn’t they just meet the prince a few days ago? What is…wait! Several people glanced at each other. Looking at the unpredictable smile on Feng Tingye’s face, they hurriedly bowed and replied, “This minister will willingly do so.” 

After a brutal and violent gang fight, Xiefang palace regained its calm. A group of little palace ladies were quietly cleaning up the murder scene, while the slaughtered man was completely slumped on his back at the moment. On the table, his clothes had turned into rags. Looking at the key parts, they were still covered, but the exposed skin was covered with bruises, shoe prints, and paw prints. They were all different. It looked like someone had just experienced a stampede and was lucky enough to survive. The long black ink hair had long been turned into a pile of straw under the tearing and pulling of everyone. 

“Second Brother, are you still alive?” Xia Yuqing looked at someone’s bitter look. She kindly stepped forward and patted him. 

“Junior Sister, don…… don’t pat me, cough cough, I’ll vomit blood.” Yun Zhongyue coughed, his eyes were completely red, “You…… you guys are too cruel.”

Having finished speaking, yet also haven’t changed a bit, he looked at Lu Rui who was not far away: “Miss Lu Rui, you…… you pulled so hard on my clothes. Look at my clothes now, see how they’ve become.”     

“Eh……” After Lu Rui vented, she seemed to feel that she had done too much just now. She replied embarrassedly, “I’m sorry, I just wanted to…”     

“It’s okay, as long as you take responsibility.”     


“Yeah, you almost stripped me naked, my innocence is completely gone. From now on, I am yours, you must treat me well.” Yun Zhongyue pressed on the tabletop with one hand, and spoke sadly with a face of a tear-stained beauty.     

With a bang, Yun Zhongyue fell back on the table again. Everyone with stunned mouths looked at Lu Rui, who was waving her fists: “Your innocence is ruined? Then you can go reincarnate to your next life…”     

“…” Lu Rui, I just discovered you aren’t just long-winded, but you can also be quite violent when angry!     

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“Ahem, it seems that Second Brother, you are still alive, then I will continue to ask.” 

“What? Still ask?” Yun Zhong Yue exclaimed, staring at the innocent Xia Yuqing with a pale face. He turned his head and pretended to be dead: “I don’t know anything, this person is dead. Someone burn paper for me (burn paper money for the dead usually).” 

“…” Xia Yuqing was 囧 (the face she is making) for a little while, then cleared her throat, “Well, I won’t ask you who the murderer is, there are other things for me to ask you.” 

“Other things? What other things?” Yun Zhongyue turned his head and glanced at Xia Yuqing, suspiciously.

“Of course. Second Brother, you said that you came here to watch General He, but why did you stay at my palace later on? Although General He sometimes comes to the palace to look for Xiao Bai, most of the time, he is outside of the palace. Second Brother, if you stayed in my palace all day long, how could you watch over General He? Is it possible that Second Brother can create a doppelganger?” 

“Oh, that?” Hearing Xia Yuqing ask about this, Yun Zhongyue’s body was paralyzed on the table, “When I first followed you, I did watch him every day. The more I watched him, the more I realized that although he is not very good-looking, he’s very honest and straightforward.”     

“What do you mean not good looking? General He is much more beautiful than Royal Uncle!” Yun Xi immediately became stimulated when she heard Yun Zhongyue’s words, and shot out.     

“Pu, cough cough cough… A niece who got married really is spilt water that cannot be retrieved (as in she has been poured out so won’t come back to their side), your strikes are really heavy!” Yun Zhongyue held his aching chest, his face distraught.     


“Don’t fight, don’t fight, do you still want to hear about you and General He?”     


“Stop if you want to hear it!”     


“Well, after coming back, that stupid big guy would occasionally go into the palace to look for the cat-like white dog. At that period, I still watched him most of the time. Until one day, the stupid big guy entered the palace and passed by a small courtyard. I could hear him affectionately reminiscing and calling Xiao Xi’s name. At that time, I knew that with such a silly idiot, he definitely wouldn’t be a bad guy who would betray a girl, so I stopped watching him.” As for why he still stayed in the palace after he had completed the task, of course, it was because he was conquered by someone’s cooking skills and stayed there to capture his future wife. However, he would not be silly enough to say that out loud.

“Oh, it turned out to be like this!” Everyone on the side looked at Yun Xi teasingly. Yun Xi blushed and stepped forward in anger. She covered Yun Zhongyue’s mouth: “Don’t say it, don’t say it! Also, General He is not a silly big idiot. You are an idiot and your whole family are idiots.” 

“…” Xiao Xi, one of his family members is you. 

Xia Yuqing silently covered her face. It took a long time for her to finally open her mouth: “It’s alright, don’t shake him, Second Brother is going to faint.” 

“Huh?” Yun Xi was startled and looked down. Seeing Yun Zhongyue’s eyes roll up, she hurriedly let go of her hand as he foamed at the mouth. 

“Xiao Xixi…” Yun Zhongyue panted. When he got his breath back, he gritted his teeth, “You really wanted to kill me?!” 

“Who told you to… speak bad about General He.” Yun Xi muttered dissatisfied. There was no intention of admitting her wrong. 

Yun Zhong Yue became stiff and his face looked hurt. His expression was as if he had no love in the world. “Sure enough, if you have a husband, you wouldn’t want your Uncle anymore. To think that back then, when you were a little bean, your Royal Uncle would hug you all the time. The sky and the earth were our witness when you promised that in the days to come, you would accompany Royal Uncle to watch the snow, the sky, the stars and the moon. We had plans to talk about the philosophies of life from poems and songs… Royal Uncle was expectant of this, but when little bean finally grew up, the result was…” 

Yun Zhongyue pulled over a piece of rag on the side. He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. It wasn’t clear whether he squeezed out the tears or laughed them out, but he said sadly: “The result was that Xiao Xixi didn’t fulfill her promise. Instead, she had followed another man to see the sky and the stars. The moon is gone, leaving Royal Uncle alone in an empty room, looking at the shadows in the house. Oh, I’m so bitter!” 

“…” Are you sure Second Brother did not transmigrate here? Are you sure you are really not a Qiong Yao fan (Taiwanese writer and producer who is often regarded as the most popular romance novelist in the Chinese-speaking world)? Such a thunderous speech, how can you say that so easily? ! 

“Enough!” Yun Xi could feel the blue veins on her head. She let out an intolerable low growl and raised her fist towards Yun Zhong Yue once more, “You still dare to speak about that year?! Haha, back then, what did you do? At the beginning you held me in your arms to watch the stars and the moon, but when you saw my Father holding a night pearl entering the door, it was like a mice seeing a piece of rice. You rushed over with oil on the soles of your feet. Wasn’t it me at that time who was thrown out of your arms from the roof?” 

With a flash, everyone’s eyes instantly gathered on Yun Zhongyue’s body, with some obvious condemnation. 

Yun Zhongyue hurriedly avoided Yun Xi’s fatal blow. He smiled: “Uh…” 

“If Uncle Hao hadn’t walked by at that time and caught me, there would be no chance for me to grow to this day.” 

“Uh, that… that’s just an accident, an accident.” 

“Accident? Then I will also hug you on the roof, throw you down, and tell you that it is an accident. Is that okay?” 


“Okay, okay, that’s enough, let’s get back to business.” Xia Yuqing watched as the Uncle and Niece stabbed each other with knives, while she ate snacks at a side table. When the entire  plate of small snacks entered her stomach, she clapped her hands together; “Second Brother, there is one more thing which I’m curious about.” 

“What is it?” 

“You have been staying in Shu before this incident and Xiao Xi and the general’s matters should only be known by a few people in the palace. When you came to Xia Country to find the general, were you not afraid of finding the wrong person?” You can’t even catch someone in this palace to ask them who General He is. 

“That wasn’t a problem because the emperor told me the identity of that stupid man. He also gave me a portrait of that stupid man that he painted himself.” 

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“Portrait?” Xia Yuqing’s eyes lit up. With a look of curiosity, she asked: “Where is it? Where is it? Show me, quickly show me.” 

I want to see what General He looks like in the heart of that old man, ha ha ha ha… 

“You want to see? Ok, then I’ll look for it.” Yun Zhong Yue nodded. He reached his hand into his sleeves. It took a long time before he pulled out a squarely folded piece of white paper. “That’s it.” 

“Open it for us to see! ” Xia Yuqing grabbed the white paper, eager to open it, but what entered her eyes was…..

The crowd saw Xia Yu Qing’s face become strange. They hurried forward to look. After a glance, their expressions all turned into this: “…” 

Who could tell them what kind of monster this thing was? It was neither human nor ghost.

“…Is this the picture my Father drew for you, Royal Uncle?” Yun Xi asked in a low voice, her mouth twitching. 

Yun Zhong Yue nodded naturally, “That’s why I said he was born unsightly.” 

“It doesn’t look good, your sister! How can General He’s nose be that big, his eyes be that small, and his lips be that thick? The most important thing is that he was drawn bald for the top of his head and how can there be so much facial hair on a chin? Ah…” Yun Xi screamed. She grabbed the white paper in Xia Yuqing’s hand and tore it into pieces.

“…” How much deep hatred is necessary for Yun Xi’s Father to disfigure General He into that appearance? What a sin! 

“Xiao Xi calm down, eliminate the fire, quickly eliminate the fire.” (telling her to stop being angry) Lu Rui and Li Yuan stepped forward to drag Yun Xi back, who wanted to step forward and kick Yun Zhong Yue. 

Xia Yuqing’s face was blank for a few seconds, then she asked, a little puzzled: “Second Brother, so you found General He relying on that picture?” 

“No, originally that was going to be the plan, but then I discovered I couldn’t find anyone after looking for them according to the picture.” 

“…” Nonsense, compared with General He, it’s basically two different people. How could you possibly find him? 

“Later, I remembered that Royal Brother had reminded me that if one was to view him from behind, he would look like a big bear. With that, it wasn’t hard to find the person.” 

“…” Well, you win, I don’t know what to say anymore. 

Several people were busy besieging Yun Zhong Yue for a trial, so no one noticed two figures coming out from the side hall, until… 

“Hey, Fang Jiejie, how did you come out? Is there anything uncomfortable?” Yun Xi was the first to notice He Fang. Stopping her continuous glare towards Yun Zhongyue, she got up and quickly walked up to meet He Fang, and helped her over. 

“I’m fine thanks to the superb medical skills of the imperial physician that the Empress invited. In the past few days, I have been well taken care of.” After confirming He Fang’s identity, the master and servant have been living with Yun Xi. But since He Fang has been recovering from her injuries the past few days, she hadn’t appeared yet.     

“Hey, don’t say that. You were injured because of me. It’s only my duty to ask someone to heal you. Also, your injury is not healed yet, sit down.” Xia Yuqing moved to the side and had Lu Rui bring another cup of tea.     

He Fang smiled and nodded at Xia Yuqing. Just about to take her seat, she suddenly saw Yun Zhongyue sitting opposite. She stared at Yun Zhongyue for a while, then asked tentatively. “Sixth Prince?”     

“Huh, you know him?” Xia Yuqing was startled, staring at the two in surprise.     

Yun Zhong Yue heard He Fang’s soft call and was stunned. He looked at He Fang up and down for a long time. He furrowed his eyebrows, “Are you?” 

He Fang tightened her hands on her side. She crossed the table, walked to Yun Zhongyue, and knelt down on both knees: “Yan Tingfang, the daughter of the criminal minister, greets the Sixth Prince.”

“Yan Tingfang? Your surname is Yan? You are the daughter of Prime Minister Yan?” Yun Zhongyue thought for a moment, then he stared at the kneeling woman’s head and exclaimed. 

“The prime minister’s daughter?” Xia Yuqing was stunned once again, looking in surprise. What’s the matter with herself? Forget the fact that she had picked up a person from the Kingdom of Shu, but it was another extraordinary person? Last time it was the crown heir, now this time it turned out to be the prime minister’s daughter!?

“What prime minister’s daughter? That is in the past. Now I’m just the daughter of a criminal minister who was hunted down and cast aside by others.” He Fang, the daughter of Yan Huan, the former prime minister of the Kingdom of Shu, mocked herself.

“The daughter of the prime minister of Shu? The daughter of Yan Huan, the prime minister of Shu, who committed suicide to escape punishment five years ago due to being accused of collaborating with the enemy and being a traitor?” Feng Tingye’s voice suddenly came in from the outside, causing everyone in the house to be taken aback.     

“Your Majesty, we greet His Majesty.” He really came! Xia Yuqing and Li Yuan looked at each other and hurriedly greeted him, but Feng Tingye stopped them.

“Everyone get up, you don’t have to be polite.” Feng Tingye took Xia Yuqing into his arms and turned his attention to Yan Tingfang.     

Yan Tingfang stepped back a little nervously. Ruixia next to her was also the same, but Yun Zhongyue’s face remained unchanged. He was not too surprised by Feng Tingye’s sudden appearance, as if he had expected it from the beginning. He asked with a smile. “You already knew our identities?”     

Feng Tingye smiled lightly and shook his head: “No, it was just a guess. I was really suspicious of your identity for a long time. As for Miss Yan, a person from Shu who has been lurking as a Xue Country spy for so many years, she must have a certain grievance with Xue Country. The most important thing is that she and Yun Xi are old acquaintances. As far as I know, Yun Xi, as the crown heir of Shu, has been tightly protected since she was a child. She has never been out of the Shu Palace except for last time when she ran away from home, while Miss Yan had settled in Ye State a few years ago. In that case, Miss Yan and Yun Xi could only be old friends from childhood. With her status being so precious, a person who can be her childhood friend could never be a commoner.”     

Yun Zhongyue greeted Feng Tingye’s calm gaze, and chuckled: “I underestimated you.”

“Suicide to escape punishment? Collaborating with the enemy and being a traitor? How is it possible? How could Uncle Yan collide with the enemy and be a traitor to the country?” Yun Xi was frightened by Feng Tingye’s words. It took her a long time to react. She exclaimed in disbelief, “Mother… Mother told me that Uncle Yan was nursing a sickness and returned home, leaving the capital with Fang Jiejie, how could this be? How could this be? Impossible, Fang Jiejie…” 

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Yan Tingfang looked at the Yun Xi who was panicked. She endured it, then she turned her face away, neither admitting nor denying it. 

“I heard that Prime Minister Yan was charged with secretly communicating with Xia Country to plot a rebellion. Later, being investigated by the officials of the Shu state, all his deeds were revealed. So, afraid of being punished, he killed himself and his whole family was sentenced to be executed. …” Shao Zitang interrupted Yun Xi’s exclamation in a timely manner, and completely ignited the anger that Yan Tingfang had suppressed for a long time. 

“My Father never collaborated with the enemy to betray the country! It was the Eldest Princess who colluded with Xue Country to instigate the relationship between Ye and Shu. My Father found out and she killed my Father in desperation, wiping out my entire Yan family. The real collaborator and traitor is not my dad, but that sl*t of a princess!” 

Yan Tingfang’s out-of-control growl resounded through the entire hall. It made everyone present stunned. All of them stared at her with wide eyes. 

“Miss…” Ruixia’s eyes flushed red when she whispered to Yan Tingfang who was crumbling in front of her with a worried look on her face.

As soon as she spoke, Yan Tingfang realized her slip of the tongue. Her face was white, and she swayed back two steps with her mouth covered. Her eyes were covered with water vapor. 

“Oh my god!” Xia Yuqing looked at Yan Tingfang with a stunned expression. She didn’t expect to watch such a lively show, hearing such a hot secret, and making profit! 

Feng Tingye looked at the shiny little eyes of the person in his arms. He couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to pinch her little face, causing her to stare at himself with dissatisfaction. Then he returned to the subject: “Zhen has been puzzled for a long time about the matter of Prime Minister Yan. Since childhood, Zhen has followed Royal father around. If Prime Minister Yan really had an affair with the people of Ye Kingdom, there is no reason for Zhen and Royal Father to be ignorant of it. The only explanation is that this charge was totally fictional, a fake. Someone deliberately pointed their finger at Prime Minister Yan and pointed their finger at the country of Ye. Moreover, Prime Minister Yan’s character and temperament was not only famous in Shu, but also in the other three countries. It was not that no one had tried to change his mind back then, but they all returned without success. Yet, such a person was suddenly revealed to be collaborating with an enemy and betraying their own country to defect to my Ye country? This scandal was really too surprising. This doubt has plagued me for so years and it has finally been resolved.” 

Yan Tingfang bit her lip. She lowered her head and laughed mockingly: “People from other countries still believe in my dad’s temperament? What’s ridiculous is that people from other countries believe in him, yet the country where my dad has guarded his whole life doesn’t.”     

“Fang Jiejie, this is all true? Uncle Yan has…what is going on? You just said the Eldest Princess, the Eldest Princess… do you mean Royal Aunt?” Yun Xi’s expression was unusually ugly as she clutched Yan Tingfang’s clothes tightly. 

The panicked appearance made Xia Yuqing and He Wenzhong feel distressed.     

“Xiao Xi, don’t worry, don’t worry, it’s okay…” He Wenzhong stepped forward and pulled Yun Xi’s hand. When he touched her, he clearly felt the light tremor from her fingertips.     

“This is not the place to talk. If you don’t mind, how about changing it to another place?” Shao Zitang glanced at Yan Tingfang, whose face was ugly to the extreme, then he reminded a few people who were a little emotional.     

“Let’s go into the inner hall to speak. I don’t think Miss Yan would want too many outsiders to know about this.” Feng Tingye glanced at a few people and said with a faint smile.    

Yun Zhongyue’s complexion was not good. He raised his head and glanced at Feng Tingye, then sneered: “This is a matter of my Shu Kingdom, it really shouldn’t be known to too many outsiders. Lets please have King Ye prepare a secluded room for us. Allow me, Xiao Xi and Miss Yan to have a chat alone.”

Yun Zhongyue deliberately emphasized the word ‘alone’, but Feng Tingye remained unmoved.  He raised his eyebrows: “Sixth Prince is wrong. Just now Miss Yan had said that the reason why the princess framed Prime Minister Yan, was to cover up their conspiracy with Xue Country to instigate the relationship between Ye and Shu. This matter is related to the safety of Ye Country, how can I ignore it?” 

“…” I… I’m speechless! This d*mn fox had planned it from the beginning. 

“Exactly, I also want to listen, I also want to listen. You are in my home, eating mine and living with mine, so what you say is also mine. I should be able to listen!”

“ …” 

The reason why the palace people of Xiefang Palace have been able to stay in the Ye Kingdom’s palace for a long time was first because of their loyalty and ability. Secondly, it was because of their sensible knowledge of knowing what can be done and what can not be done. It didn’t matter how they joked and jested with their master, or played wantonly, when they really encountered things they shouldn’t watch or listen to, these people would run faster than anyone else. Therefore, in just a split second, only Xia Yuqing’s group was left in the inner and outer halls of Xiefang palace. 

“Now can we speak? Fang Jiejie, what is going on?” Yun Xi saw the people in the hall disappear and immediately asked anxiously. 

Yan Tingfang looked up at Yun Xi and Yun Zhong Yue, then at Feng Tingye and everyone not far away. After gritting her teeth, she slowly opened her mouth: “Five years ago, I just turned fifteen years old. That year, Dad often went out early and returned late. Every time he came back, he would be frowning and sighing. Later, I learned that it was because of some disputes between Ye and Shu. The emperor had advocated for peace, but some court officials headed by the Third Prince disagreed. He strongly advocated a heavy-armed war against Ye Nation.”

Yan Tingfang spoke to this point and stopped. She slowly clenched her hands: “One day, my father hurriedly returned home, saying that he was going to write a memorial to enter the palace. He told us not to bother him. Mother and I seeing he was in a hurry at the time didn’t ask much. As a result, the next morning, Dad never came out of his study. Only then did my Mother realize that something was wrong. She opened the door of the room and wanted to call out, but found tht my Dad had died in the studyroom. My Mother and I were both terrified. Just as we were at a loss, the Third Prince surrounded our mansion with a group of officers and soldiers and started arresting people. Mother saw that the situation wasn’t good and stuffed me under the bed, as a result…” 

Yan Tingfang covered her face and laughed: “Hahaha, the Third Princess must have never thought that I was in that room at that time, so she pointed out that… if Father had not bumped into her and the people of Xue Country discussing how to initiate the disputes between Ye and Shu, she wouldn’t have needed to spend so much effort to kill my Father. She would not let go of anyone who wanted to stop her from ruining Ye Country, she would not let go of any of them, hahaha…” 

Everyone watched Yan Tingfang laugh until tears fell out, their expressions became a little heavy. 

Xia Yuqing stepped back with some fear and ran into Feng Tingye’s arms.

“Your Majesty, she…” Xia Yuqing wanted to speak out, but Feng Tingye held her hand tightly and shook his head at her. 

“How could this happen? How could this happen?” Yun Xi leaned back into the arms of the person behind her with a pale face, “How can Royal Aunt…” 

Yun Zhongyue’s expression was also extremely solemn: “Later, how did you escape?” 

“Later, Ruixia guarded me and took me to a secret path behind my courtyard. It was a pity that I was chased by the Eldest Princess after I just ran out. Between life and death, fortunately, the Empress lent a hand to save Ruixia and I.”

“Empress? Mother? My mother saved Fang Jiejie?” Yun Xi’s eyes widened again. She looked at Yan Tingfang in astonishment. 

Yan Tingfang took a deep breath and nodded slowly: “The Empress secretly sent someone to rescue us and sent us out of Shu.” 

“But if mother knew about this, how could she not tell father? How could she let Fang Jiejie’s family be executed?” 

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“The Empress wanted to save our family, but… she couldn’t. The Third Prince decided to act first and report later. From the start, he didn’t inform the emperor…” Yan Tingfang turned away. Her hands clenched tightly, almost until she was bleeding. Her eyes gradually filled with unbearable hatred. 

Yun Zhong Yue quietly listened to Yan Tingfang’s words, then his eyebrows frowned: “What about the evidence?” 


“What you just said, is there any evidence?” Yun Zhong Yue asked. 

“Sixth Prince, are you suspicious of me?” Yan Tingfang stared at Yun Zhongyue’s face and asked neither humbly nor arrogantly. 

Yun Zhongyue shook his head: “You are the person saved by Royal Sister-in-law, how could I suspect you? I just wanted to ask you, did you keep any evidence against the princess?” 

“This…” Yan Tingfang was stunned. Her right hand grasped her left elbow, unable to speak. “No. The only evidence back then was the memorial handwritten by Father, but the memorial was later discovered by the Third Prince and was taken away. So at that time, only after the Empress sent me out of Shu, was I allowed to enter the Ying Chun Yuan. She knew that Ying Chun Yuan was a spy organization set up by Xue Country in Ye Country. If I could get in completely, I would be able to track the clues and find evidence of the princess negotiating with Xue Country.” 

“It turned out to be like this.” Feng Tingye and the others suddenly realized that this also explained why Yan Tingfang appeared in Ying Chunyuan.

After listening to Yan Tingfang’s words, Yun Zhong Yue turned to look at Yun Xi, “This is probably the reason why Royal Sister-in-law had to be silent. First of all, Fourth Royal Sister’s status in the Kingdom of Shu is not low. If she had opened her mouth, Royal Brother would be in a dilemma. Secondly, this being the most critical point, is that your Fang Jiejie does not have sufficient evidence. If she opened her mouth, it would expose your Fang Jiejie’s whereabouts. However, not only will it not help clear Yan family’s name, instead, it will drag her and your Fang Jiejie down.”

Yun Xi’s face changed slightly, she obviously thought of this too. Listening to Yun Zhongyue’s words, Yan Tingfang was stunned. Afterwards, she seemed to understand something, and smiled: “No wonder the Empress told me that apart from her, the only one who I could show my identity to is the Sixth Prince.” 

“No wonder you would daringly show off your identity. Hahaha, in this way, my position in Royal Sister-in-law’s heart seems to be even higher than that of my Royal Brother.” Yun Zhongyue’s dignified and steady appearance didn’t have time to linger for a few minutes before it fell apart again. 

“…” Second Brother, believe me, if you dare to say that in front of your Royal Brother, you will definitely be hung up and beaten by him. 

“How can Royal Aunt do this? Collaborating with the enemy and betraying her country is a big crime! What will Fang Jiejie do next?” Yun Xi bit her lip and looked at Yan Tingfang cautiously. 

Yan Tingfang was silent for a moment, then sighed: “Now that Ying Chunyuan has been destroyed by the roots, if she wanted to find evidence of the collusion between the princess and Xue Country, she could only find another way.” 

“In this way, it seems that it was my mistake.” Xia Yuqing smiled awkwardly. If she hadn’t been kidnapped carelessly, then Ying Chun Yuan…

“Ai Fei, you don’t need to blame yourself for this matter. Even if Ying Chun Yuan still existed, the secret agents of Shu are famous for having hard mouths. Wanting to take something out of their mouths is basically impossible.” Feng Tingye held Xia Yuqing’s waist and glanced at the people on the opposite side, speaking with a faint smile, “If you really want evidence, why don’t you think of a way to get back the memorial that Prime Minister Yan wrote?” 

“Wasn’t the memorial taken away by Third Royal Uncle?” Yun Xi looked at Feng Tingye with a puzzled look, “This kind of dangerous thing, it should have been destroyed by him long ago, how could it be left until now for us to find? Moreover, Third Royal Uncle had already during the last conspiracy to rebel…” 

“That’s not necessarily the case.” Having stayed by Feng Tingye for so long, Shao Zitang  naturally understood the meaning of Feng Tingye’s words. “Ms. Yan said just now that Prime Minister Yan saw through the princess and Xue Country’s conspiracy thus he got murdered. In that memorial, everything written is likely usable to testify against the eldest princess. Yet, in the end, this memorial was taken by your Third Royal Uncle.” 

“Aren’t they in the same group?” Isn’t it the same no matter who took it?” 

“Of course it’s not the same.” Feng Tingye smiled coldly, ” Brothers of ordinary families still have to settle accounts with each other, let alone the brothers and sisters of the royal family.”

Yan Tingfang seemed to understand something. Her eyes lit up: “That’s right, the memorial may likely be still around.” 

“You have spoken for a long time, but it’s all just a guess. However, there is something I’m quite curious about.” Xia Yuqing, after listening quietly for a long time, finally couldn’t help but interject.

“What’s the matter?” Everyone’s eyes gathered on Xia Yuqing’s body. 

“You have been saying that the Eldest Princess was conspiring with others to provoke the relationship between Ye and Shu, she even had to kill off Prime Minister Yan and execute his entire family, but why did she do this? It sounds like she hates the country of Ye, but, why? Did Ye Country do something to her?” 

“The reason why she is doing this kind of thing? Well, of course, it’s because she wants to usurp the throne and become the emperor.” Yan Ran replied indifferently. 

“Is that so?” Xia Yuqing twisted her face, not believing it entirely. 

Yun Zhong Yue listened to Xia Yuqing’s words and was silent for a while. He touched his chin and pondered for a moment. Scanning all the people present, he finally fixed his eyes on Feng Tingye’s body. He brightened and the corners of his lips slowly hooked upwards. He stood up: “So that’s the case.” 


“Miss Yan, there may be another purpose for Royal Sister-in-law sending you to Ye Country.” 


“Here… is the root of everything.” 

Yan Tingfang was stunned: “The root of everything?” 

Yun Zhong Yue nodded. He turned his head to look at Feng Tingye: “Your Majesty, do you still remember that the Kingdom of Shu had intention to make peace with the Kingdom of Ye five years ago?” 

Feng Tingye’s face sank suddenly. Yun Zhong Yue smiled: “That’s right, at that time, Shu Kingdom wanted to send someone over to Ye Kingdom to form a marriage relation and that person was Fourth Sister.”


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