Feast of Flowers

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Keep Smiling

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After driving for some time, Pei Yan abruptly stepped on the brake. Hua Jin, who was still disoriented and groggy, suddenly opened her eyes widely and asked, “What’s wrong?!”

“Up ahead… It seems there’s a person lying on the road.” Pei Yan motioned to the front with a solemn expression. Hua Jin followed his line of sight and discovered that there was indeed a person lying on the ground motionless less than ten meters from the car. They weren’t sure what was happening. She turned to see Pei Yan already preparing to get out of the car to take a look, so she reached out to grab his sleeve. “Wait. Don’t be in a rush. I’ll call the emergency number first and then the police.”

Pei Yan was confused at first, but he then understood why Hua Jin had stopped him from getting out of the car. “The car has a dashcam.” 

  “Even so, it’s still better to be cautious.” Hua Jin finished her phone call and loosened her hold on Pei Yan’s sleeve. “Your social standing is different from a normal person, and as long as someone with ill-intentions concocts a story of a rich second generation scion knocking someone dead off the road or something like that, the entire Internet will be in an uproar. And even if you uploaded the dashcam footage as evidence to the contrary, there’d still be people who’d choose to turn a blind eye and ignore it just so that they can still use this kind of situation to vent their negative emotions.

“It’s actually better if I was the one who goes out to check, since I have no money nor any social statu-” But before Hua Jin could even finish speaking, Pei Yan pressed her back to her seat before taking his suit and vest off and rolling up his sleeves. “You are a woman. Stop always watching those damned bloody dramas. I’m not a movie star and I don’t really care about what other people say about me. It’s not like they can affect me and my lifestyle anyways.”

 Then Pei Yan got out of the car, taking a first aid kit out of the car’s trunk that was currently full of souvenirs, before walking up to the motionless man. 

The man’s clothes had blood stains all over them as he laid there on the ground, but because Pei Yan couldn’t see where he was injured, he dared not flip him over. He just bent down to see if the man was still breathing and found that he was.

 Pei Yan then turned around to walk back to the car to take his suit, which he then used to cover the injured person.

 When he turned his head, he saw that Hua Jin had got out of the car herself, pale in the face. He then got up and hollered back, “Don’t come!”

“Okay.” Hua Jin stopped, “Is the person alright?”

 “He’s alive.” Pei Yan looked down at the first aid kit off to the side, “But there are injuries on his body, so I think it’s better if we don’t move him.” Looking at all the blood that had gushed out of the person, he added, “Better not come here to have a look. I’m afraid you won’t be able to take it.”

  Hua Jin kept herself standing by holding on to the car’s door. She then took a deep breath and raised her head to Pei Yan and said, “The hospital has already called me back and they’re already rushing here.” After she had said her piece, she sat back down on the passenger seat before bending over to hug her knees. She was having chills.

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After an unknown amount of time, she finally heard the sound of the siren of the ambulance, and soon after, the ambulance and some traffic police came. Also, some nearby villagers who had also gathered to see and gossip about all the commotion.

 The traffic police took some pictures of the scene and requested a copy of Pei Yan’s dashcam footage after they concluded that the two had nothing to do with the incident.

“What’s wrong with you, having such a shocked expression?” When the traffic police and the ambulance finally took the injured person away, Pei Yan then saw Hua Jin sitting in the car, continuously drinking water. Her face was ridiculously pale. “Have you fallen ill?”

“Maybe… my makeup came off and I haven’t retouched yet.” Hua Jin said as she put down a bottle of water. “It’s already five o’clock in the afternoon, and by the time we get back to the hotel, the sky would have already turned dark, right?”

  Pei Yan glanced at her and started the car, “It should take about two hours for us to get back to the hotel in Jiangsu from here, so you can go to sleep first.”

Hua Jin nodded before falling silent right after closing her eyes.

  Along the way, Pei Yan has had to adjust the car’s temperature. When they finally arrived at the hotel’s parking lot, it was indeed already dark. When he looked down, he saw a notebook had dropped down onto his side so he picked it up. Unexpectedly, there were a lot of small pieces of paper in it that were randomly attached everywhere and two of them dropped on his lap.

He saw that the papers contained very refined designs and had some notes about the embroidery techniques of various places and their various strong points. He then tilted his head to look at Hua Jin before carefully putting the papers back into the notebook.

 “We’ve arrived?” Hua Jin opened her eyes in a daze before slightly twisting her sore neck. When she looked down on her body, she noticed that she was covered by a coat. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’m afraid that if you got sick in my car, I’ll have to take care of you.” Pei Yan then turned off the car’s air conditioner entirely but kept the engine running. “Get out of the car once you’re fully awake so I can save some fuel.”

“Are rich people really so stingy?” Hua Jin proceeded to fold his coat, opened the car door and got off.

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 “Being frugal and saving are fine traditions of our Chinese nation. No matter how rich you get, you must never lose this virtue.” Pei Yan then got out of the car himself and locked the doors. “And what’s wrong with saving?”

Hua Jin: “…”

  What he said made sense, so she couldn’t refute it.

Hua Jin woke up several times that night, probably because the hotel’s bed was just too soft. Half-asleep, she seemed to have been transported back into that crowded train and rainy night, where she was surrounded by many strange smells and her body was so cold, she might have frozen to death.

The next morning, she opened her eyes and looked at the sunlight outside the window. She then rubbed her face before getting out of bed.

It was a new day, and the sun was shining brightly.

On her return flight, Hua Jin didn’t fly together with Pei Yan. As she sat on her window seat, she thanked him via WeChat, but even until she had to switch her phone to airplane mode, he still hadn’t replied. 

  Back to where she lived, Hua Jin suddenly got her flash of inspiration so she started working on the panda embroidered handkerchiefs [Winter’s Not Too Cold] ordered. 

  What the old grandma wanted probably wasn’t the panda handkerchief itself, but the memory of her mother’s love for her. It was said that ‘old-children’, or seniors that acted like children, shared similar taste to their younger counterparts. So, what she should be considering now wasn’t how she could show how exquisite her embroidery was, but to simply embroider something her customer might like.

The grandma’ mother was definitely not a professional embroiderer herself, so the embroidered pandas weren’t necessarily exquisite, but every stitch of thread was full of emotion. She knew that she was about to go to the frontlines so when she was embroidering the handkerchief, she poured all her reluctance to part and all the blessings she wished for her daughter. 

All she wanted was for her daughter to remember all the good times they had and how much she loved her, not the separation or the despair.

   Slowly calming down, Hua Jin embroidered several different panda handkerchiefs at her home. Some were as delicate as living pandas, some were full of childishness, and some were made full of joy. Each embroidery was different, and even the poses of the pandas were also different. But Hua Jin smoothly embroidered them all.

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   This feeling she was having was certainly difficult to explain, like it was as if entire body and mind was immersed in the world of embroidery. That she was no longer herself, but a great woman who loved her motherland, her daughter, and her family.

And after more than half a month, the last of the handkerchiefs was finished, and Hua Jin could finally put down her needle.

She exhaled a long breath, feeling her whole body was drained of energy, as she lazed on the sofa. 

She then took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to [Winter’s Not Too Cold]. She told him the address of the store, so that he could come over and pick up the handkerchiefs when he had time. After doing this, Hua Jin felt the last bit of strength had been used up, so she lazed on her sofa for quite some time. She then turned on her mobile phone again to browse Weibo.

The homepage of Weibo was full of strange news, with several big bloggers reposting the same video. She clicked on one and found that the Weibo post was looking for good-hearted people.

The person in the video said that he was in a car accident on a rarely used road, but fortunately, he was coincidentally found by someone passing by who also called the police for him. They’d even used their own clothes to cover him. The video clearly showed the appearance of the suit that Hua Ji felt was a little familiar.

Below, in the comment area, many people were praising the good-hearted person, and some were also praising the victim for his show of gratitude. But one popular comment was saying how expensive the suit really was.

[Enthusiastic Netizen A]: Do you know how expensive that suit is?! I can’t even afford one even with half a year’s salary. I suspect your good samaritan was a famous person with a high social standing. That is why he did a good deed without leaving his name, in order to avoid public attention.

Below the comment, someone posted a screenshot of the price of the suit, and some were even guessing the identity of the unknown party. And even more people were also wishing this mysterious rich man to get wealthier and happier in the future.

When Hua Jin saw the screenshot of the suit’s price, she immediately thought of a certain someone.

[Enthusiastic Netizen B]: Rich and kind-hearted. People like this deserve a lifetime of blessing. 

[Enthusiastic Netizen C]: Was the victim in a car accident in Jiangsu Province? My mom told me about this half a month ago. She said that she heard about someone having a car accident, so she went over to take a look. My mom said that it was a young couple who called the police. The man was very good-looking, like a movie star. His girlfriend just sat in the car and didn’t come out, but she looked so beautiful, even from a distance. If the blogger was really the victim in that car accident, I guess the people who saved him were a pair of celebrity lovers, who were afraid to expose their relationship to the public, so they did it without leaving their names.

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The comments of [Enthusiastic Netizen C] aroused the fervor of many netizens to go into further discussions on the topic, with some even starting to follow this piece of information to cross-check the itineraries of famous celebrities on that day to maybe find out more.

After reading these complicated comments, Hua Jin simply rubbed her face in happiness. Did her looks reach the standards of a female movie star?!

“Brother Pei, the embroiderer has already finished the embroidery of the handkerchiefs, and with so many done, her efficiency is great!” When Yang Shao received the message from the embroiderer, he happily sent a big red envelope to the other party before turning his head to face Pei Yan, who was currently drinking some tea. “Thanks to your help this time, the embroiderer was able to finish the handkerchiefs so quickly!”

Pei Yan shook the teacup gently, lowering his eyelids and saying, “Right.”

Yang Shao didn’t really mind his cold attitude. For someone who’d be weird enough to drink tea in a club, what’s so strange about being cold as well? 

At that time, someone knocked on the door before coming in, and when Yang Shao saw that it was the two Chen brothers, he hurried turned to look at Pei Yan. Seeing that Pei Yan didn’t even lift his eyelids, he guessed Pei Yan’s attitude towards them, so he signaled a few people with his eyes to greet these two brothers before continuing his conversation with Pei Yan.

“Let’s go.” Pei Yan stood up then, without even looking at Chen Sen and Chen Jiang who were coming towards him. “You guys have fun.”

“Brother Pei, I’ll send you off.” Yang Shao quickly stood up and took an umbrella from the corner. “It’s raining outside, so I’ll escort you out.”

Chen Sen, who was looking at Pei Yan’s back, could hardly maintain the smile on his face. Ever since the incident where Pei Yan caught him cursing him in the street, he had never bothered with him again. He had originally intended to take advantage of the crowd today to try to apologize to Pei Yan, but he didn’t even know that he wouldn’t even allow him to try.

He was thoroughly enraged, but still had to keep smiling.


The Author has something to say: [Pei Yan]: It’s raining, so let the Chen brothers be transparent.

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