Feigned Pity

Chapter 39

On the day of their final examinations, he wrapped a scarf around her neck and did not forget to instruct, “Don’t remove it.”

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She did not know how this habit came about. However, she did not like the feeling of wearing turtlenecks, scarves, and clothing that covered her neck. Yet, she was afraid of the cold.

“I know,” she feel a little annoyed with the restrictive feeling around her neck. 

Gu Jing Yuan stroked her scarf a couple of times without backing down. 

According to the seating arrangement for the exams, number one was seated at the farthest corner, closest to the window. That spot was colder than the rest of the classroom, he was afraid that she would not be able to withstand the cold.  


The students walking by could not help but cast extra glances in their direction. This caused Tao Yi Xi to pull the tip of the scarf out of his grip. 

“I’m heading in first.”


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Tl oyvnble yp pbl ldvlale vbl nzyppassx yde pyv kd bla plyv. Wasx yqya, yqvla bl nsdqkaxle vbyv pbl oswze dsv cl alxshkdt vbl pnyaq vbld eke bl xyel bkp oyu vsoyaep bkp lmyxkdyvksd hldwl. 


Xd vbl zypv eyu sq vbl plxlpvla, yzz vbl pvweldvp alvwadle vs pnbssz vs nszzlnv vblka vaydpnakrvp. Bdpwarakpkdtzu, Mys Zk Dk oyp aydjle qkapv sdnl ytykd.

Qw Kkdt Zwyd qzkrrle srld bkp alrsav nyae yde qkapv vssj y tzydnl yv bkp aydjkdt – 70vb.

‘Tso kdnalekczl, kv oyp yp pbl bye raleknvle!’ Mbl vos pvweldvp plyvle kd qasdv sq Mys Zk Dk olal lnpvyvkn, “Fnbssz Wzsola, vbydj usw ps xwnb!”

Ekvb vbl kdqsaxyvksd pbl nsxrkzle qsa vblx, yde vblka snnypksdyz pjkxxkdt vbaswtb vbl elvykzp, vbl vos xydytle vs kdnalypl vblka aydjkdt wdralnleldvlezu. Mblpl tayelp xktbv byhl clld vbl clpv vblu byhl lhla pnsale! 

Rd vbkp nkanwxpvydnl, Ck Zwl pbyale vblka pldvkxldvp.

Mys Zk Dk pxkzle, “Zsw’hl yzps osajle byae.”

Oh my God! So pretty. 


They had regretted countless times and cussed themselves for being blind for not having voted for her previously. 

Next year, they definitely will!

Zhou Zhi also scored well this time around. She happily held onto Tao Yi Xi’s hand and asked her if she wanted to go out and play together.

“I won’t be going. I’ve already made arrangements. Sorry, Zhi Zhi.” 

“It’s okay. How can I bear to blame you?”

Gu Jing Yuan shuddered at their interaction. How could two women act so lovey-dovey?

In addition, what other arrangements could she have made? Was it not just studying at home? 

Everyone went home happily with their transcripts. Originally, he thought that he would be able to spend time studying together with her this holiday.  

Yet, the reality was that for two days in a row, he did not even have the chance to spot her shadow.

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Ten in the evening.

When Tao Yi Xi came back, she was expressionless with an air of wariness and chill surrounding her body.  

“You’re back.”


Tao Yi Xi stopped and looked towards the sofa.

He was sitting on the sofa playing with his phone. As if he had coincidentally caught her returning home. 

This scenario looked so familiar.

The corners of her lips raised unconsciously, “Ge-ge, you haven’t gone to bed?”

Gu Jing Yuan glanced at her suspiciously, “I’m not tired.”

“Umm, I’m tired. Ge-ge, I’ll be heading to bed first. Good night,” she continued on her way upstairs without stopping. Unwilling to continue this conversation with him.

Gu Jing Yuan suddenly blurted out, “Tomorrow, let’s go to the library together.”

“Ge-ge can go ahead. I wouldn’t be going there for now.” 

She actually refused an invitation to study!

That was too abnormal.

As she walked passed him, he vaguely caught a whiff of a sweet aroma.

Gu Jing Yuan stared at her back, having made up his mind on something.


Early next morning, she left home with a small bag. She entered a beautifully decorated cafe.

At the entrance, there was a signage.

[We’re Hiring: Pretty ladies come join us~ Salary is good!] 

With a cap covering his face, Gu Jing Yuan entered the currently empty establishment and randomly sat at a table.

“Hi Mister, our cafe is not opened yet.” A lady with curled hair and heavy makeup spoke to him in a playful tone. He could tell that she was purposely trying to act coquettish. 

Gu Jing Yuan frowned. Would Tao Yi Xi also act in the same manner?

“Then I’ll wait.” The curly-haired lady was taken aback by his voice. Giving him another look, she noticed that he was wearing branded goods. Even the scarf he was holding was limited edition and she knew it because she saw it once in a magazine.

Her tone became sweeter, “Alright, please wait a moment. Just give me a while, I’ll pour your a glass of lemonade. Take it as my treat~” 

“No need.” Gu Jing Yuan lifted the brim of his cap. He carefully analyzed her outfit from head to toe. 

The black tutu skirt was embellished with white lace and the neckline was a little low. Although it was not considered to be too revealing, it gave off a sense of allure.

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His frown deepened, “What kind of cafe is this?” 

Upon seeing his face, the curly-haired lady was momentarily stunned. “This, this is a maid’s cafe. Today, if you want, I can be your exclusive maid~”


The end of her sentence trembled with her excitement, thinking that she would be able to keep staring at his handsome face today. 

Gu Jing Yuan’s veins bulged, “Maid?”


“Where are the rest of you?”

“They’re all still behind, preparing.” She thought of the new arrival and felt a sense of crisis, “Let me serve you today, okay?”

“No need,” he coldly rejected.

She wanted to say more to help herself clinch onto this rare opportunity. However, Gu Jing Yuan coldly swept his eyes in her direction. 

“You’re still not leaving?”

“…” The curly-haired lady could only leave in disappointment.

A little sister nudged her, “Who is that? He looks so dashing just from his back view.” 

The curly-haired lady pouted, “He looks even better from the front. Unfortunately, he’s an iceberg.” 

“What? Even our best card can’t win him over?”

“If he’s going to push people away, then why did he come to our cafe?”    

While the others were whispering amongst themselves, Tao Yi Xi finished changing into her attire and straightened the apron around her waist. Just as she stepped out onto the serving floor, her eyes collided with his. 

“Why are you here?” Tao Yi Xi asked surprised.

“That should be my question to you.” His expression was very ugly.

Especially after seeing what she wore.

It was rare to see her dressed so sweetly. The sleeves were puffy and the black dress made her pale skin look white. The cutting of the dress revealed her graceful curved that was not visible under their school uniform. Her slender legs were particularly eye-catching. As her figure was slim, it made her look delicate, stimulating others’ desires. 

“Working part-time,” she replied candidly.

“Must it be in such a place?” His tone was filled with contempt.

Tao Yi Xi’s eyes turned cold. She gave him a faint smile, “What does my choice of part-time job have anything to do with Ge-ge?”

“…” Gu Jing Yuan choked, unable to refute her words.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll be returning to work.” She kept the menu and displayed a professional smile before she turned to leave.

Gu Jing Yuan pursed his lips, he knew that his words had caused her temper to flare. However, noticing other people’s fiery gazes landing on her, he wished to dig out all of their eyes.

“Tao Yi Xi, come here. I want to order.”

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According to their cafe’s rules, if a customer did not go overboard, she could not refuse them. 

“What would you like to have?”

“Just a glass of fruit juice.”  

He spotted a ‘special menu’ when he was looking at the menu. This ‘special menu’ was outlined with pink hearts. 

[Exclusive companionship. You can choose to spend an hour with one of our sweet and lovely ladies!]

[Note: Two hundred yuan per hour]

With his finger, Gu Jing Yuan pointed at that, “I want to order this, up until you get off work.” 

“Gu Jing Yuan, don’t cause trouble.” Tao Yi Xi frowned in disapproval.

“I’m not trying to make trouble. Can’t I come here to spend some money?” he pointed out righteously.

Tao Yi Xi gritted her teeth, “Fine, I’ll go get the props.”

This one-to-one exclusive companionship service entailed that the lady sit, chat, and play some games with the customer. 

The games played might not necessarily be fun, but with the companionship of pretty waitresses, it was pleasing to one’s eyes and mood. 

She came back with the props; a prize wheel, randomly filled with all kinds of harmless forfeits.

A large majority of the prize wheel was filled with things like singing a song or doing a dance. 

In proportion to the level of intimacy, the more intimate, the small the area of the prize wheel.

He casually pushed the wheel. The colorful wheel spun as it bypassed one small area to the next.

Finally, the arrow settled on the smallest area of the prize wheel.

[Biting A Finger]

As the saying goes, the ten fingers are connected to the heart. 

This forfeit was ambiguous and somewhat restrained.

The two were silent. He subconsciously glanced at her red lips.

The tips of his ears became slightly red before his expression sank again. 

“Who have you played these games with?”

“I haven’t played it before.”

This ‘exclusive companionship’ was not cheap, and the ladies were given sixty percent of the earnings. All the ladies would recommend it to their customers with the exception of Tao Yi Xi. She did not enjoy interacting with others, hence she never recommend it before, making this the first time she played this game with a customer.

However, with her appearance, even if she never offered, people would still come knocking.

“I want that little sister.” A cad with a tinfoil perm jerked his chin in Tao Yi Xi’s direction.

The curly-haired lady was extremely stifled. This guy was a second-generation rich kid. He would often come to their cafe to fool around. Usually, he would pick and spend lavishly on her.

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The reason why she was the cafe’s ‘best card’ was mainly due to the fact that she earned the most among the girls. 

The guy had not come to the cafe in the past two days. Hence, when he finally laid his eyes on the new arrival, his heart was drumming in his chest and he had the urge to call her over. 

In a helpless tone, the curly-haired lady enticingly whispered, “Her? But she’s currently entertaining another. Let me accompany you first~” 

As the guy was rich, he said, “I’ll pay more, get her to come over.”

The distance between the two tables was not far apart, Gu Jing Yuan immediately turned his head and stared at the man.

Getting a clear look at the other party’s visage, the tinfoil-permed guy shuddered, “Gu Jing Yuan?”

“She’s mine.”

“I’m sorry! Brother Yuan, I didn’t know she’s your girlfriend.” Even if he had the courage of a tiger, he would not dare snatch the person from Gu Jing Yuan. 

There were times when this extravagant and arrogant second-generation rich kid would become a coward.  

The curly-haired lady could not help but ask, “Who is he? Why did you have to give in to him?”

“Do you know Gu Mu Yang of Gu Corporation?”

“That rich businessman? Who wouldn’t?”

“That’s his dad.”

The curly-haired lady was startled. She guessed that this guy was rich, but she did not expect his family background to be so prominent.

Observing him again, she found it hard to withdraw her eyes from him. His dashing appearance was enough to attract ladies from all walks of life. With his background, he was more qualified to play around compared to this rich second generation.

However, he only spent his entire day revolving around Tao Yi Xi.


After work, Tao Yi Xi changed back into her own clothes. Lifting her small bag, she transformed back into her well-behaved student appearance again.

Gu Jing Yuan was waiting for her at the entrance. The scarf that he kept inside the paper bag was taken out and wrapped around her bare neck.

Glancing at the bright sign of the cafe, he frowned, “Don’t come back tomorrow. This part-time job is drawing business by using your appearance.” 

“Yes, but what about it?” She did not seem to care.

This cafe was only hiring university students and they made an exception for her because of her looks. 

Gu Jing Yuan was choked by her calm attitude, “Tao Yi Xi, you’re really too promiscuous.”

“Then I’m sorry that you had to find out.” 


When it came to a battle of wits, he never won a bicker.

Yet, this round, she was also not happy to win either.

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