Feigned Pity

Chapter 41.3

Chapter 41.3

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Gu Jing Yuan applied a little more strength to his grip on her hand, bringing her back from her trance.  

“Someone is calling you.”

Taking a glance at the caller – Grandma.

Tao Yi Xi picked up her phone and wanted to move away from him but was stopped. 


His head was lowered as he looked at her with tenderness. There was no hint of his previous indifference. 

“Just answer your call here. It’s cold outside and you might catch a cold.”  

The room was already warmed up, and a light layer of condensation formed on the windows.

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Mys Zk Dk eke dsv alqwpl yp pbl pyv esod vs ydpola vbl nyzz.

“Tlzzs, Qaydexy.”

Gp pssd yp pbl wvvlale vbspl osaep, vbl psqv vsdl xyel bkp lyap ts dwxc. Tl nswze dsv blzr cwv pvsr eskdt vbl bsxlosaj yv byde yde vyjl y rllj yv bla.

Lsaxyzzu, bla hsknl oyp yzalyeu nsdpkelale vs cl rzlypydv ewl vs bla kddyvlzu pollv hsnyzp. Lso okvb vbl yeekvksd sq lxsvksdp kxcwle kd bla osaep, vbl vsdl pswdele osazep yryav.

Rv oyp y rzlypydv-pswdekdt Ew ekyzlnv, xspv sq obknb olal osaep bl eke dsv wdelapvyde.

Fbl bye y qykdv pxkzl yde bla lulp pryajzle, qwzz sq kdelpnakcyczl vldeladlpp. Xdl nswze pll bla zshl yde zsdtkdt ekalnvle yv vbl rlapsd sd vbl svbla lde sq vbl zkdl.

Rv vwadle swv vbyv vbkp oyp bso bla vldeladlpp zssjle zkjl.

Tl oyp wdyczl vs alxshl bkp tygl. Tl wdnsdpnkswpzu oydvle vs ldtayhl vbkp ayal clywvkqwz pktbv ellr kdvs bkp xlxsau.

With much difficulty, he managed to catch a few words such as ‘tomorrow’ and ‘reach home’.  


The person on the other line said something that caused her to pout. The following words she directed back had softened a few degrees with her pitch slightly elevated; she was acting coquettish. Listening to her tone, he also felt his resolve weakening. He wanted to draw her into his arms, kiss her, and give her everything she asked for. 

It was obvious that the other party on the opposite line also found it impossible to refuse her. 

Having achieved her goal, Tao Yi Xi’s lips curled up as she bade her grandmother goodbye. She hung up the call with a satisfied grin.

After she hang up the call, the tenderness still lingered on her face as she held onto her phone. It was not difficult to deduce that she was in a good mood.

“You’re leaving tomorrow?” Gu Jing Yuan could not resist asking.

“En, I want to go back to accompany my grandmother.”  

If only Grandma did not insist that she remain to celebrate Chinese New Year with her mother, she would have long packed her bags and returned the moment the holidays started.

“I’m going back to my room first.” Now that she received Grandma’s approval, she could not wait to immediately start packing up her luggage. 

With that being said, she left without looking back. Oblivious to the lonely figure staring longingly at her departing back.

‘Click’ and the door closed behind her. 

Gu Jing Yuan’s expression sank as he dropped the pen. The practice questions that held his interest previously had lost their lure. 

Even though he knew that that was her relative, his heart still felt stifled. 


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He could not help but wonder. When would he be treated like this as well?

He also wanted to be her dearest person.

Gu Jia Jia and her family were too embarrassed to stay longer. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, they decided to leave.  

Within the villa, the servants swiftly and orderly made preparations for the Chinese New Year reunion dinner. 

He had to wait until dinner was served before he got to see her again.

Unlike how he rushed to the living room anticipating her arrival, she had stepped out of her room calmly and leisurely. 

Seated at the dining table, everyone silently ate their meal as per usual. The only thing that gave a festive atmosphere was the big red packets that they received.

“Thank you, Mum, and thank you, Uncle Gu.” Tao Yi Xi beamed as she expressed her thanks. 

Gu Jing Yuan glanced at her. She smiled beautifully, but it lacked warmth. 

Having a comparison now, he slowly started to spot the difference. 

It seemed that ever since she came here, she had not experienced genuine happiness. 

The phone in his pocket vibrated.


[Brother Yuan, let’s set off some fireworks tonight.]

[Isn’t it prohibited to set them off in urban districts?]

[Then let’s go to the suburbs districts. It’s not very far from your place either.] 

Qi Yue was very excited as he sent Gu Jing Yuan numerous pictures of fireworks and firecrackers while asking him which one he wanted. He also told Gu Jing Yuan that the seller was from their area so they would be able to receive the goods in less than two hours. 

As Gu Jing Yuan scrolled through the picture unenthusiastically, an idea suddenly popped up.  

[Introduce that seller to me.]


Qi Yue continued to ask: [Brother Yuan, where shall we meet?]

[Not meeting.]


Gu Jing Yuan contacted the seller. With that, the Chinese New Year’s money was spent before it warmed up in his pocket.

[Brother Yuan, are you planning to hang out with Sister Yi Xi and abandon me?! I was the one that came up with this idea!] Qi Yue sulked.


This fantastic Chinese New Year activity was suggested by him! 

After a moment of contemplation, Gu Jing Yuan replied: [I’ll still need you to come.]

[At least you’re not completely heartless. Brother Yuan, which one do you want? I’ll place the order.]

[No need. I invite you to watch a free fireworks show up close.]

[Okay, okay.]

Qi Yue obediently agreed.

He thought happily to himself, ‘Heh, I’ve saved some money.’ 

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The Gu family did not have the habit of watching the Spring Festival Gala together as they awaited the New Year. 

Gu Mu Yang had long retired to his study to do some work, and Xia Yan was nowhere to be seen as well.

At half past eleven, almost all the servants left.

“Tak tak tak…”

Tao Yixi was currently packing her luggage when she heard the knocking on the door. She paused what she was doing to see who was it.

Standing outside the door, Gu Jing Yuan looked properly dressed as though he was prepared to head out.  

“Are you going to sleep soon?”

“Not yet.”

“I guessed so. Go change your clothes, I’m taking you out to play.”

She moved to the side as she gestured at her stuff, “Ge-ge, I haven’t finished packing yet.”

Looking at the tightly packed luggage, his heart clenched as he thought of not being able to see her for quite a few days once she left. 

“It’ll be a quick trip. You can finish packing when we come back, alright?” His dark eyes sparkled in anticipation as he waited with bated breath for her reply. Because of the nervousness he was feeling, his face was very tense.

Tao Yi Xi contemplated for two seconds before answering, “okay.” 

A radiant smile lit his face as his tension dissipated. He murmured to her, “It’s cold outside, wear thicker clothes and bring a scarf.”

Nudging her back into the room, he did not enter, “I’ll wait for you outside.”

He did not disturb the chauffeur and opted to call for a private cab. He had the driver pick them up outside the gate. 

The pair left stealthily, as though they were eloping.

After getting into the private hire vehicle, the driver greeted them warmly and struck up a conversation, “Are the young lovebirds going to celebrate the New Year together?”

“Yes.” Gu Jing Yuan responded delightedly.

Taking a peek at her from the corner of his eye and seeing that she did not refute, he secretly rejoiced.

The driver continued, “Hahaha, I just knew it! But why aren’t you two heading to town? The celebration in the suburbs is not as lively.”

“It’s better if there are fewer people.”

Who knows what went through the driver’s mind, he chuckled, “Young man is smart.”

Tao Yi Xi, “…” This feels suspicious…

However, she refrained from saying anything. After all, the driver was a stranger whom they would most likely not meet again, so there was no need to explain so much. It was better to avoid unnecessary complications.

When they arrived at their destination, the wind by the riverside bellowed strongly. She would have been shivering from the cold if not for his tall figure standing in front of her, helping her block most of the wind. 

“Are you cold?” he asked.

“I’m okay.” 

Before they left, he had made sure to double-check and had even prepared a couple of hand warmers for her. 

On the contrary, while he had nagged at her to wear this and bring that, he had worn lesser than what an average person would in such weather.

“Where are we?” 

“In the suburbs of Anjin District. I didn’t expect there to be so many people here.”

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The majority of the crowd at the riverside were couples. Many were cuddling together or holding hands while leaning close to each other. 

There were also some people that were setting off fireworks. However, they all only had a few fireworks each, so after each group lit up their fireworks, they momentarily illuminated the sky before quickly disappearing. 

Her eyes followed the trajectory, and the bright fireworks reflected dazzlingly in her eyes.

By her ear, he asked in a low voice, “Do you like fireworks?”

No matter how beautiful the fireworks were, they only lasted temporarily. She did not fancy things that were fleetingly but seeing his curious gaze, she played along and answered, “It’s nice.”

He was not privy to the many thought that flashed through her mind that that moment.

After receiving her affirmative reply, Gu Jing Yuan’s eyes softened and his thin lips curved up in a beautiful arc.

“As long as you like it.”


He murmured in a low voice hence she could not hear him clearly.

In the dark night, suddenly a bright silver spark shot up into the sky. With a loud boom, a shimmering flower burst open, lighting up the night sky.

The other people around were surprised, “Wow! It’s so beautiful!”

“Will there be more? Will more fireworks be set off?” 

Living up to everyone’s expectations, the fireworks went up one after another. More fireworks of various styles and colors lit up the dark sky in a dazzling array. 

Everyone’s attention was captivated by the display as they unconsciously placed down their small firecrackers and whipped out their phones to record this scene. 

Only him, he had continued looking down at her.

If there was a mirror nearby, he would have been frightened by his own reflection.

It turned out that his infatuation was on full display and to such an extent already. 

Tao Yi Xi raised her head to have a clearer view of the display. Another round of dazzling lights lit up in all directions of the sky, making night look like day. She seemed to have received her answer to his conversation just now.

The bright fireworks illuminated her beautiful visage and her eyes reflected the light show. Her eyes curved and the small mole under her left eye looked even more mesmerizing.

It was rare to see her smile so sincerely, and he unconsciously grinned alongside her.

The sounds of fireworks going off were very loud, so he bent down to the point where his lips were nearly sticking to her earlobes as he asked in a whisper, “Are you happy?”

“En,” The smile on her face did not cease. She was so intoxicatingly beautiful and more dazzling than the fireworks in the sky.

He had always known that she was beautiful. But it seemed that her beauty was boundless as he was always able to find more extraordinary things about her. 

He softly murmured, “as long as you’re happy.”

Like the timber of a bass, his deep voice sounded very seductive. As his warm breath fell on her small ear, it caused her to experience a ticklish sensation.

Her heart was slightly touched as she tilted her head upwards to look at him. 

He was still bending over. Suddenly meeting her gaze, he froze.

The distance between the two of them was very close. As long as one party took a step forward, they would be able to touch each other. 

Someone from the crowd suddenly shouted excitedly, “The countdown is about to begin!”

The fireworks that were being released seemed to coincide with the countdown.

Filled with endless surprises, many screamed with excitement.

Under the bright lights, he could clearly see his own reflection through her eyes; he could also view his infatuation that could no longer be concealed.

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When they first met, he was indifferent, arrogant, and contemptuous. However, at some point along the way, those traits disappeared and were replaced by infatuated, fondness, and careful tenderness.

The countdown continued.





There were couples that could no longer wait as they hugged and kissed, wanting to spend the last moments of the year in each other’s embraces as they welcomed the new year. 

On the other hand, the two of them continued staring at each other surrounded by the beautiful display. At that very moment, they only had eyes for each other. 

His heart was thumping rapidly and steadily in his chest as if this was how it should have always been.

Unable to hold back, his kiss fell on top of her hair; restrained and polite.

From the light touch that grazed the top of her thick fringe, she was able to feel the tenderness he held for her. 

Her eyelashes trembled slightly and her eyes flickered as her heart skipped a beat and her breathing became uneven.

With that kiss, she felt his uncontrollable devotion.

And, how much he valued her.

The moment Gu Jing Yuan kissed her forehead, his heart trembled and he held his breath apprehensively.

He was already extremely satisfied that she did not shove him away immediately.

Just as he was able to move back, he felt her arms wound around his neck. He lowered his head once again. 

He stared dazedly at her with wide eyes. He saw that her eyes were closed and from her trembling eyelashes, he could tell that she was also nervous.

This time, when he leaned forward, he came in contact with her soft lips.    

Like the rest of her person, it was a little cold. 

The biggest and most resplendent fireworks bloomed above their heads, bearing witness to this beautiful moment between them.  

With the new year, they would live even better.

With this thought, he slowly closed his eyes and immerse himself in the feeling.

His hands slowly wrapped around her slender waist so that she would not have to use so much effort tipping her toes.



Qi Yue hugged himself tightly. While sniffing, he took out a piece of tissue from his pocket to wipe his runny nose.

He was turning numb… Why was the riverside so cold?!

Glancing at his watch, he lit up the last firecracker.

The sounds of the fireworks exploding were very deafening, and the afterglow was extremely glaring.

Unlike the sweetness experienced by the couples on the other side of the riverbank, he was deserted on this side. The more dazzling the fireworks, the more lonesome he felt.

Snow petals adrift; the north wind whistles.1

Wrapped tightly in a thin windbreaker; looking fragile, pitiful, and helpless.

He only hated himself for being so stupid! Why?!

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