Fight Me!

Chapter -5

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This is heavily influenced by Beelzebub, and probably a bunch of other things too, I might end up stealing some ideas which i absolutely love but please try to think of this as... er... just ignore them P L E A S E.

This world is set one of six realms, Luxio, Umbraantia, Terrantia, Aqualios, Ignisium, Ventusia.

This story is set in Luxio, the realm of Light where Spirit Sages of Umbra (The dark element) are utterly despised.

In each realm, there are a multitude of academies, some smaller unofficial ones and then 6 official academies. These schools teach Spell Craft with each different school teaching a certain aspect of Spirit Sage Craft. (I'll explain these terms later). There are six different aspects of Spirit Sage Craft, Spirit Releasing, Spirit Honing, Spirit Blade Arts, Spirit Ranged Arts, Spirit Armaments and Spirit Surging.

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Spirit Releasing -

Each person when becoming an SS has to go through a soul contract ritual, where they have to undergo 3 challenges to harness the power of their soul and understand their own traits to obtain an alias. When successful, they obtain the ability to manifest their soul to help them in combat.

Spirit Honing -

In order to make oneself stronger, one must first hone their six senses, Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch and the 'Unique Sense'. The Unique Sense is unique to each individual E.G. one could have the ability to echolocate or to swim better or just extreme affinity with certain elements.

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Spirit Blade Arts -

If melee is a person's main combat style, then they can imbue their Spirit Release into their blade, enhancing Piercing, Durability, Quality etc. SBA is also for things like bladework or technique.

Spirit Ranged Arts -

Literally the same thing as SBA but for ranged weapons.

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Spirit Armaments -

Literally the same thing but for armour.

Spirit Surging -

Basically just training the soul's fortitude and making it more useful in combat (mastering control over the soul increases one's combat capacity).

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Each human in this world has 2 names, A birth name and a Forbidden name. A birth name is one given at birth, the Forbidden name, if someone discovered their Forbidden name they would discover unimaginable power. There is also an alias, which one creates in order better control their powers and also gives a minor increase in combat strength, but the alias must resonate with the person's personality and strength. E.G. if one specialised in Ignis, and was fairly strong and aggressive then their alias could be "Surging Spark". This alias has high compatibility with this person's traits so their Spell Craft of Ignis would be enhanced whereas their affinity with Aqua will be decreased, like a balancing scale.

Members of the six different schools have their own specialities but the school also has their own speciality that they are better at teaching.

Well, that's that. Might add some more later, when I think of something cool, but apart from that, sit back and enjoy the ride!

P.S. Feel free to criticise my work or provide feed back, i'm a rookie at writing, i'm just doing this for fun.

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