Fight Me!

Chapter 16

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"I'm dying" Mortimer said in a hushed whisper.

"Yes, I can see that. Hold on, I'll cast a healing spell."

"Wait! Don't do that." He panicked.

"Why?" Illian was confused.

"That werewolf put silver in my wounds, normal spells can't cure it. Anyway, there's no way for you to save me."

Illian's face was ashen.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I'm near the end of my life span anyways, 3,000 years is enough to drive anyone insane."

Illian was speechless. Wow, 3,000 years.

"Well there is one way for my legacy to survive." Mortimer added.

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"Oh, you probably have a child or something right?" Illian said, trying to cheer him up.

Mortimer's face fell when he said child. Realising he touched upon a sensitive subject, Illian swapped topics.

"You said there was a way to carry on your legacy?"

"Yes, you humans choose successors by reproduction, us Noble vampires choose successors like you and perform a heritage ritual. It's not limited to vampires though."

"So you're saying..." He realised what Mortimer wanted to do.

"Yes, I need you to inherit my legacy. You'll become a Noble vampire and also gain our abilities and weaknesses."

"Why should I? It seems like unnecessary trouble to me. Although it could make me stronger, vampires are hated by humans."

"Well, aren't you a human?"

"I'm not fond of discrimination."

"Jokes aside, you will also obtain part of my ancient bloodline. All Nobles are descendants of legendary creatures, I am descended from the Devourer."

Illian was deep in thought. He could choose to give up his humanity to gain immense power or continue normal life.

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"Before I decide, what do these bloodlines do?"

"My Devourer bloodline gives me and my successors the ability to devour. When we suck blood, we also draw out our victim's soul energy and along with that, their strength too."

"You mean..." Illian was surprised that such an amazing ability existed.

"But there must be a catch involved right?" Illian was suspicious why a Noble vampire was willing to give their bloodline and legacy to a random human.

A look of weariness appeared on Mortimer's face.

"I was planning to choose my successor after obtaining God's will. Unfortunately, I don't have any other choice but to choose you, I am dying you know."

"But you are right, I need you to do something for me once you've obtained my legacy."

"Go on." Illian was intrigued.

"The nobles are at war. My daughter was captured by Regirand House. Naturally, when you obtain my legacy you'll also inherit my memories. I want you to save my daughter and also stop the conflict. If possible, I'd also like you to share my legacy with her."

Illian sat down and pondered. He would obtain a super powerful ability but would also have to save Mortimer's daughter and stop a war between vampire nobles.

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"Hurry and decide, I'm not going to last for long."

"I've decided."

"I'll do it."

Mortimer grinned evilly. Illian became slightly suspicious.

"Come closer. You're too far away."

He shuffled closer slightly.

"Closer." The grin spread wider.

They were centimetres away from each other.

"Don't worry, the pain will go shortly."

Suddenly, Mortimer grabbed and bit down on his neck. He blacked out.

It was day. Illian woke up next to a pair of corpses.

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"I'm starved." He complained to himself.

He begun to recall what had happened the night before. He made an agreement with Mortimer to inherit his bloodline and legacy and to save his daughter from a vampire house called Regirand. And then, all of a sudden Mortimer had bitten him. His head hurt, it felt like there was an angry wasp on steroids in his brain.

He looked around and realised that Mortimer had died over night. Suddenly, a bright white light blocked his vision. He saw many places and many people. It felt like his head was on fire. Another man's life began to settle down in his head.

After half an hour or so, Illian felt slightly more relaxed. He had just remembered the memories inherited from Mortimer. It seemed that when he bit Illian's neck he had transferred his legacy through his fangs.

"He could have warned me before."

Right now, he was a new vampire. This meant that he couldn't be exposed to the sun and was weak to silver weapons. Noble vampires were able to build up a defence against sunlight but even then it would weaken his combat capability by 10%.

As Illian organised his thoughts, his stomach started growling. Suddenly, a red haze settled in his mind, he couldn't think of anything except food. Now that he was a vampire, he only needed blood. He caught sight of Aragon, the werewolf. Illian physically couldn't remove his eyes off of the corpse.

Letting out a snarl, fangs grew out of his mouth as he grabbed the almost severed head and bit down. The remaining blood traveled down his throat, a refreshing cool swept through his body.

Hungrily, he drank, faster and faster. A strange feeling came out of the body along with the blood, it made Illian feel stronger. He realised that his soul energy had been fully restored but there was another feeling that he couldn't touch upon.

Putting his thoughts aside, Illian finished the rest of the blood before licking his lips. The red haze vanished after he finished his meal. Illian had inherited the memories of Mortimer, and he knew that he carried some valuables on him.

Crouching over the body, Illian removed the ring that Mortimer was wearing as well as the gunblade. He put the ring on his right index finger. This was a Noble's ring, only Noble vampires had these. Each one could be bound by blood, meaning that only the owner could use it. The ring allowed one to store 1,000,000 square meters of items in it. There were already some possessions in it but Illian couldn't be bothered to check at the moment.

Biting his left finger, he let a drop of blood fall onto the ring's black crystal. It turned red, a sign of being bound. He stored the gunblade in it and took out a silver cloak with golden lining out. Illian knew he would need it to withstand the sun. He buried both bodies before making his way back quickly.

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