Fight Me!

Chapter 2

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With the presentation over, students started to file out. A few stared at Jason, who's jaw was still wide open.

"She's a bombshell right? Yah, but lil buddy, she's waaay outta your league. She's had like twenty proposals over the last couple of weeks and she turned all of them down." Jenga said.

"Jenga, what's my surname?" Jason asked sarcastically.

Jenga glanced at his name badge and gawked.

"No way."

"Yes way."

"I didn't mean what I said just then. I mean I did. I mean.. Good for you buddy!" Jenga fumbled with his words.

"Whatever." Jason chuckled ," Catch me backstage!"

With that, he jogged down the staircase.

"Big Sis!" He yelled

Fiona looked up, like she was expecting Jason to come yelling.

"Hey, Jace."

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"Y-you a-are a Spirit Sage?" Jason panted.

"Yeah! I told you didn't I? I said that to you on your 14th birthday, that I'd enroll here right?"

{Wait what. She did? Now that I think about it... every time she told me about her spirit or whatever i thought she was making a joke... I'm really dumb.}

"Oh yeah! I remember now. Sorry for bothering you, sis." He answered guiltily.

"No probs. Look, I'm busy, and so are you. Get to your assigned Spirit Releasing instructor." She gave him a quick hug and then left.


"Okay, welcome all, I hope you enjoyed miss Phoenix's Presentation. Ah, by the way, that's her alias, it's rude to use one's given name. I'm Mrs Mulligan, I don't like my alias because... I chose it in the spur of the moment but anyway.

I will be your Spirit Release instructor. Today, you are all now students of this academy, thus you will all need to summon your own spirits and discover an alias. Please all of you, just wait here for a few minutes while i go and power up the magic array."

Mrs Mulligan looked like a cheery lady, she didn't wear standard instructor uniform but instead wore a bright yellow cardigan with an orange T - shirt underneath.

Jason surveyed the room, which was shaped like a lecture room, a stand where the instructor stood, a massive black board and desks which rose higher the further away they were from the teacher's stand. He looked at his fellow twenty two classmates.

The class had exactly eleven males and females, and then a few of which were nobles. Discrimination happened a lot in the academy due to the fact that nobles were chosen based on their magic talent. Talent was passed on through blood, so one could not obtain a high talent for magic.

As Jason was taking note of the faces of his classmates, he heard a noble boasting.

"Oh yeah, i've already got myself an Excellent grade spirit! Baal is his name! Demon type with excellent affinity in both Ignis and Ventus! Daddy gave him to me as an enrollment gift!"

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"Wow Gerard! You're so cool! Can I be your disciple?"

"Yeah yeah me too!"

"Worry not plebeians, I have a room in my gang for all of you!"

Jason saw a small number of commoners who were flattering the noble called Gerard. He lost interest after the seventy fifth compliment within two minutes. In the far corner of the room he saw a girl with long black hair who was on her own and decided to try and make some friends.

"Hey, I'm Jason, nice to meet you."

The girl nodded.


"mind if i take this seat?" He asked.

"Sure." She answered, quick and snappy.


"Ahem!" Mrs Mulligan coughed for attention.

The students looked up, but soon all were staring at the apparatus she brought with her.

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"The spirit searcher device! Created by none other than the third headmaster himself!"

{That guy again huh.}

"Okay. This machine will allow your conscience to enter your soul, it will give you instructions on what to do. Today we will just be trying to discover you traits and also a compatible alias."

A student stuck his hand up.

"Ma'am Ma'am!"

"Yes Jack?"

"What about Spirit Summoning?"

"I knew someone would ask that question! I'm afraid that spirit summoning will be done once you all have passed a test in Spirit Honing, otherwise, if you summon a spirit of higher grades and have not Spirit Honed to a certain degree, the summoned spirit will have a higher chance of being incompatible. This is dangerous because incompatible spirits can turn on you once summoned." The usually cheery instructor's face was serious.

All of the students who didn't already have a spirit let out a disheartened sigh of dissapointment.

"First up, Braveheart!"

Jason stood up and walked down the steps.

"Braveheart? Miss Phoenix's brother?"

"What really?"

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"Wow, look at his eyes! He looks like he's on edge."

"What do you mean? That he's a killer? Nonsense."

"But he's definitely seen slaughter."

"Woow scary"

{What... No my parents were just slaughtered in front of my eyes when I was young what are you on about?}

"Okay, Mr Braveheart, please put your right hand in this cylinder and hold gently onto the handle at the end."

"Yes ma'am."

The instructor pressed a switch and a high pitch humming cut through the silence. A bright light suddenly engulfed Jason and he lost consciousness .


{W e l c o m e t o y o u r s o u l O p e r a t o r}

"Wha-?!" Jason yelled in shock.

{hmm... I can hear it in my head-

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