Fight Me!

Chapter 23

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Ralf was a lycanthrope, a werewolf. He was born into a poor family and had to steal to live. His mother died during child birth and his father died in the Great War, when he was 6. Both of his parents were illegal immigrants who had moved from ManaKanta to Rennantia and then to Genesis. Lycanthropes were not very liked in Genesis because they had been the enemies of the humans during the Great War.

During the year of his father's death, Ralf had been bullied by other thieves who had taken his savings. They repeated this until he was on the verge of starving to death. With nothing more to do, he transformed into his werewolf form before killing the bullies, ending up in jail.

The underground criminal organisation, Black Scythes, heard of a lycanthrope going on a rampage and bailed him out, putting him into a life or death training regime. Every day he fought for his food. It wasn't bad though, at least, not as bad as a life of constant hunger and stealing. Here, at the Midnight Compound they at least provided a single meal, the rest he had to earn.

He had been put into the lycanthrope department. He had become the team leader for fire team Bravo (Recruit) through had work and ambition. Ralf wanted to become an important figure, like the higher ups. He had completely mastered his lycanthropy transformation, able to instantly transform specific parts of his body at will.

His fire team consisted of four other members. The eldest of them all was Rocco, a well built youth the same age as himself. Rocco had a destructive personality, enjoying ending his opponents in the most graphic and vicious way possible. His weapon of choice was a metal war hammer.

The next was Casandra, or Cassie for short. She was very slim and the most agile member of their fire team. She used dual daggers and was very skilled in assassination arts.

Blue was the friendliest of their group. He didn't enjoy fighting but was a master mechanic, trained since young to make contraptions. He was their tracker, technician and trap layer.

Finally, there was Arnold. He was a brawler, extremely skilled in hand to hand combat. He was a jokester, never taking anything seriously. He beat his opponents with a smile on his face and loved singing and dancing.

Usually, their fire team was tasked with hunting, assassinations or stealing important artifacts. Today, however, they had been tasked with training a new member, also a lycanthrope. They had been told by a trainer that the newcomer was special, but it was a vague description.

Ralf decided to go and meet the new comer first, the other members were usually late to just about everything. Even though he didn't know who the new comer was, he knew that he had to do his best in training them because that might give him a higher chance for a promotion.

He walked out of the block, and started jogging down the stairs. He arrived at floor 100 and took a deep breath before knocking on the big black metal door.

"Who is it?" A voice called out, muffled slightly by the thickness of the door.

"R-Recruit Ralf, ID 8764." He called out, cursing his trembling voice.

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"State your reason."

"Here to pick up new fire team member!" He yelled.

There was a brief silence.

"Confirmed. Scan your handprint on the scanner to the left."

He did as asked and the door clicked before sliding open. A black-white robed acolyte stood behind the door. Ralf could tell that this person was high ranked from the badge he wore on his chest. It was three black scythes, the ones on the left and right crossed over the middle one. This person was not someone to trifle with.

He bowed deeply before standing up and walking past. The acolyte nodded in acknowledgement before vanishing in a puff of black smoke. The reason why he was so respectful was because he had annoyed an acolyte before and ended up with several broken bones. Nothing that couldn't be healed however it was extremely painful. He shivered at the memory, quickly putting it aside.

He walked along the wide corridor, before arriving at a clean but sad looking wooden door. He knocked thrice before stepping back and waiting. There was no response. Ralf frowned before knocking again. After waiting for a few minutes, he heard footsteps and a bolt sliding across the door before it finally swung open.

A white haired youth who was about 1.8 meters tall with black eyes stared at him. He wore no uniform and had no rank badge. Ralf had a single sun, signifying a fire team leader, yet this person wore none.

"You knocked?" The youth said impatiently, arms crossed over.

He quickly woke up from his thoughts.

"R-Right, nice to meet you, I'm your new fire team leader, Ralf." He coughed in embarrassment.

"What the hell's a fire team?" He raised an eyebrow.

He doesn't know? Everyone is told upon arrival, could it be?! He is a complete new comer with no knowledge of anything?

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"Er, before that, may I know your name?"


"Okay, when did you arrive Illian?"

"This morning, can I go back to sleep now?"

Ralf was stunned by the quick and bold responses. It seemed that Illian really didn't care about anything.

"Ah, no. I've been assigned to train you by the higher ups."

"Hmm. Really? Wait, let me check." Illian walked over to the well polished door opposite him.

It had a silver scythe on it. Ralf's eyes widened.

"Wait stop! Thats-"

Illian pounded the door. Well, he's gone and done it. There's no way I'll get promoted when the new comer I was supposed to train is dead. After a few seconds, the door opened. Orucos stood there in revealing night wear, yawning.

"Yo, Orucos, this guy says that I have to join his fire team or something."

YO?! Did he seriously 'yo' at the leader's daughter?! He's dead meat!

"Aaahh? Oh right, I do remember telling them to do something like that. I've assigned you to a werewolf fire team, so you can control your transforming ability and stuff."

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"Oh, ok." Illian nodded.

"If that's all, I'm going back to sleep. Have fun." She yawned again before shutting the door.

Holy Sh!t! This guy has connections! Ralf's image of the leader's respectable daughter vanished in an instant. As his mind came back to earth, he noticed Illian staring at him with an expectant expression.

"Okay, come with me."

Ralf turned and walked back down the corridor. After realising that his new team member had connections with the higher ups, he was instantly alert. His back was ramrod straight and he walked quickly. Cold sweat ran down his back as he thought, one word from him can end my life!

They climbed the stairs and eventually met with the other team members next to the transport gates. There was a queue.

"Hey, is that the newbie?" Cassie said loudly.

"Oooh, fresh meat!" Arnold yelled.

"Calm down guys, nice to meet you newbie!" Blue said.

"Yeah, what he said." Rocco added with a disinterested expression.

"Nice to meet you." Illian said with a straight face.

Panicked, Ralf gathered the other four up into a huddle and explained how powerful the new comer's connections were. Every one of them was instantly on their best behaviour.

"Okay, Illian meet the crew. This is Cassie, Rocco, Blue and Arnold." He pointed at each one in turn. "And you've already met me, Ralf."

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"Right, nice to meet you guys, I'm Illian and i'll be in your care from now on." He smiled a friendly smile.

Sighs of relief escaped from their chests upon finding out he wasn't an arrogant or horrible person.

"We're going to the training ground via portal." Rocco explained.

Illian's face instantly turned unpleasant, as if recalling a nightmare.

"First time's the worst time." Cassie grinned, relieved at how normal the new comer was.

"Yeah, don't worry, I puked on my first time." Blue laughed.

"The second time is a lot easier, it's like being thrown off a cliff." Arnold added helpfully.

Illian forced a grin. They reached the front of the queue.

"Forest training ground please!" Ralf told the operator.

"Understood, please wait for half a minute." The operator nodded and began fiddling with switches and buttons, constantly looking back at a large map.

"Coordinates. Locked. Stabilising a spirit channel... Stabilised! Thank you for waiting. You may enter." The operator commented before giving them the go ahead.

"Thanks." They chorused before rushing head first into the portal."

Once again, they entered the swirling vortex of nauseousness.

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