Fight Me!

Chapter 25

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Illian had spent the two days with Fire team Bravo, training his mastery over his 'white blood'.

He had reached the point where he could transform his arms or his legs separately and the time for transforming was only a few seconds.

He was practicing using his lycanthrope form whilst waiting with the other members for the portal to arrive. Ralf had signaled the observer thus it would only take a few minutes for a return portal.

Cassie's werewolf form was different from theirs, hers was slimmer and very agile. It suited her well.

Rocco's form was large and bulky, it looked like a tank made of fur. The muscles underneath bulged visibly whenever he moved.

Blue's lycanthrope form was short and had little muscle. It was very fast but unsuited for combat.

Arnold's form was similar to Cassie's but more muscular and less agile.

Ralf had a very well rounded one, like a jack of all trades.

Illian had sparred with each of them during their time in the forest. Each one was an elite in their own field (except Ralf who dabbled a little in each).

Illian found that Arnold and Cassie were hard to land hits on due to their speed but Rocco was extremely tough and he didn't care about getting hit anyway.

They made a little small talk before the familiar blue vortex popped up in thin air. They walked through, eyes closed.

After exiting the 'washing machine' Ralf told them that they could have the rest of the day to themselves.

Thus, Illian decided to refurbish his dingy apartment. He put his hand on the scanner and walked through.

His apartment wasn't too bad, it just lacked comforts and looked depressing. The room literally radiated poverty.

He began dusting the place, using tools from the utility cabinet in the bathroom. There was so much dust in some places that it caused him to sneeze.

The room was a 100x100 meter one, with a washroom and a bedroom. The living room had a single wooden table and no windows.

He decided that it would be easier to order parts and leave instructions on how he wanted it to look.

Illian wanted a comfortable oriental style apartment, dark brown wood with orange lamps. Chinese lanterns hanging from the ceiling and a matted floor.

Writing down his long list of requirements, he knocked on Orucos' door.

"Hello. What do you need?" She asked.

Illian thrust the paper into her face before going back into his own room, ignoring the angry woman staring at him.

"You're welcome!" She shouted sarcastically behind him.

"Whatever, just do it please."

Illian took a cold shower before changing into the provided night clothes and jumping into bed.

"Next on my agenda - visit the merit shops." He said aloud before instantly falling asleep.

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Illian strolled along floor 77, the shopping district. The member's of the Black Scythe had lot's of free time. The only ones bound to a strict regimen were the elites and the trainees, of course, Illian was an exception. The only time anyone was really forced by the higher ups to do something was when there were large operations or during selected training times. All in all, it seemed really disorganised.

The main reason why most people trained or took missions was to gain merit, which could be used to purchase special items at the merit shop. Usually, if one had a large amount of merit they would have a high chance of promotion.

Illian was not allowed to leave the Midnight Compound unless he was going for training or on a large scale operation. The only way to get rid of that restriction was to become higher ranked. Even then, that was only so that he could escape and get back to the academy, he had promised Jason that he would become the number 1 national Spirit Sage.

But right now, he was too weak to do any of that, Orucos only needed a single kick to almost kill him. Illian had to assume that the people in the organisation he was up against were stronger than her.

Illian needed armour that could be worn whilst in werewolf form, preferably an enchanted one which automatically adjusted to the wearers' size. Apparently the other werewolves were satisfied and completely sure of the strength of their hide but Illian wanted to have a higher chance of staying alive, thus decided to buy custom armour.

While he was at it, he might as well buy a new table and some chairs. Lots of the other members were eying him, probably because he wasn't wearing any uniform.

"Come to think of it, Orucos didn't give me any of what they're wearing."

He ignored the looks of the other members and looked at the shop signs instead. Although he had 0 merit, he was curious to see what these 'special' items were.

Opening the door to the merit shop, he walked in. It was crowded and noisy, people yelling at each other. The temperature was hot enough to make him want to strip on the spot.

His path was blocked by some men trying to chat a pretty looking lady up. Illian waited for a few seconds before deciding to ask them to move.

"Excuse me, could I get through please?" Although his words were polite, his expression was a killer glare. He was born with it.

The blonde man at the front looked at him briefly before going back to chatting with the lady.

"Okay that's just blatantly ignoring me."

Let's try this one more time.

"Please move out of the way." He said.

This time no one paid him any attention.

"Screw this."

Illian barged past the blonde haired man and walked past. The blonde stumbled before looking at him angrily.

"Oi! The hell are you doing?"

"Damn it, Rosa's gone." He stamped his foot on the floor.

Illian glances backwards before ignoring the man, waking up to the shop counter.

"Keeper, give me a catalogue please."

"Just a moment." The bushy bearded shops keeper fished a folded sheet of metal out of a drawer.

It was shiny and thin. Words had been engraved on it. There was an arrow at the top of the sheet, with a circle around it.

"Keeper, what's this?" Illian pointed at the strange arrow.

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"You must be new! That's the navigator. Just press your finger onto the name of the item you want, send soul energy into it and the arrow will guide you."

"Okay, thanks."

Damian, the blonde haired man from before grinned when he heard the shop keeper.

"A newbie eh?" He turned to face the other three guys.

"Do the thing."

"Gotcha." The Black haired Brutus said.

They all dispersed throughout the shop, Damian tailed Illian.

Illian, unaware of the group of men wishing to harm him was leisurely looking across the metal sheet. There were two arrows at the bottom left and right hand corner of the catalogue. It seemed that when he sent soul energy into it, the list of items changed.

He pressed it, the engravings smoother themselves out before a colourful glow engraved new words into it.

He scanned it before pressing the arrow button again. He was looking for refitting magic armour and furniture.

"Aha, there it is." He read the words.

"Magic Armour, Demon series huh." He muttered out loud.

He tapped the name and the arrow at the top spun to life, it slowly grew and shrank, the yellow electric energy pointed towards the back of the shop.

A small glow flickered on the item's name before a small description appeared underneath it.

<Magic Armour, Demon Series. An advanced piece of magic equipment which consists of a full set of Demon Steel. It can resist most physical attacks with medium attack and is immune to magic attacks. It will change to fit the wearer perfectly and has five runes engraved on it. These include a Strengthening rune, an Agility rune, a Reinforce Armour rune, Bolstered Defence rune and a Lightweight rune. On sale for up to 20% off. 10,000 merit points. For price in Lu, ask Shop Keeper>

The Armour seemed like a dream come true for Illian. It had decent protective capabilities and he could wear it in his Lycanthrope form as well as his human form. The runes were a bonus. The only problem was the price. Illian had looked at the mission board before and most only gave 100 merit whilst the elite level ones only gave 1,000. The Armour was worth 10,000 merit, it would be a wallet breaker in Lu.

Illian followed the arrow through the winding path. Items littered the shelves. He caught a glimpse of a small bell like object.

"Pretty cute." He said.

Suddenly, he was surrounded. Although there were people here, there were less than near the front of the shop. He recognised the blonde man in front of him to be the one who ignored him earlier.

"Stop Right there newbie." He grinned.

"What do you want?" Illian's eyes narrowed.

One of the men chuckled.

"You think you can offend Master Damian and get out unscathed?"

"What? How did I offend him?" He acted confused.

In reality, he knew that his knocking Damian over had probably given the lady a chance to escape. The guy had them come over to take his frustration out on him.

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"You barged into me earlier, you disrespectful little shit."

Illian looked Damian in the eyes before retorting.

"I don't recall bathing into anyone, I do remember this one idiot who ignored me when I politely asked for him to stop blocking the entrance though." He said nonchalantly.

Gasps went around as bystanders watched.

"He insulted Damian!"

"The gall of him!"

"I feel bad for the guy, a few broken bones might be lucky considering what he said."

Damian's eyes bulged.

"How dare you insult me!" He screeched whilst pointing at Illian.

Damian continued.

"How could I forgive such a heinous act?" He shouted dramatically, hand over his eyes in an over exaggerated sad expression.

Apparently, the bystanders had seen this happen before as some had already begun summoning the acolyte guards.

"Quit it with the crappy acting, what do you want?"

Damian grinned and returned to his normal position.

"Kowtow and kiss my boots."


"You heard me, get on the floor.

Illian was seriously annoyed. He stared death at Damian. He then said,

"Actually, I'll give you ten seconds to slap yourself in the face, leave this shop and never get in my way again." He said menacingly.

Damian and his goons burst out in laughter. The bystanders couldn't help chuckling too.


They continued to laugh, clearly, the threat of a weakling wasn't scary to them.


The crowd began muttering,

"He's a bit full of himself!"

"I don't really feel sorry for him anymore. He's one of those arrogant bastards."

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Illian slowly started to shift into his lycanthrope form. The murmuring died down.

"Hey hey boss, I think he's serious."


"What? You think a mere rookie can be me?"

"No I mean-"




"Times up." He said lightly before shooting forward, causing the nearby items to fall of the shelves.

Before anyone knew what had happened, Damian was hanging by his throat, claws dig into his skin.

"I warned you."

"H-H-How dare you attack me! I'll report you to the higher ups and-"

He never had the chance to finish his sentence. Illian slammed his head into the floor, burying his head like an ostrich.

"And now, it's your turn." He turned his deadly gaze towards Damian's lackeys.

"No sir! I don't know who that guy is, we have no relations whatsoever!"

"Yeah, me neither!"

More cries of agreement were shouted out.

"Fine, then scram."

They nodded before running off fearfully. Illian shifted back.

"Finally, peace and quiet. Now, where was I?"

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