Fight Me!

Chapter 34: 34

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Harmony sat around a gargantuan boulder facing three other massive dragons.

A yellow dragon with a single head, a long horn which looked like a thunder bolt rose out of it's forehead and it's wing's membrane was a dark blue. White lined the edges of it's scales with the most prominent colour being yellow/gold.

A light blue Chinese dragon hovered in the air, it's long body constantly swirling in a hypnotising dragon. A long, red, wispy beard danced to the non existent wind.

A murky brown dragon sat, it's scales like boulders. A large rocky jaw looked like it could engulf an entire planet emitted hot air like a volcano.

"The balance is shifting again." Yin stated.

"How so?" The Rocky dragon asked.

"We can feel it." Yang answered, a puff of smoke shooting out of his nostrils. " We have made a contract with a mortal, through him we can sense the balance outside the Ether Realm."

"pfft, like the might Harmony would actually contract with a mortal!" The rocky dragon snorted, it's dark eyes laughing.

"Quiet Python!" The blue red Chinese dragon grumbled in a low voice.

"You dare to speak to me disrespectfully Gonggong?!" Python roared, uncoiling his serpentine body, the ground shifting as his bulky snake-like form unraveled, bringing his head level to Gongong's.

"Me? Disrespectful? You are insulting the one that Yin and Yang have chosen!" His tail began spinning faster and more aggressively.

"Well, what I have said hardly compares to that time when you knocked the Luxio realm out of place! The goddess of lux is still annoyed at you!" Python's voice shook the cavern.

"Quiet you two! Every time we meet you end up arguing! What Gonggong did is in the past, however, Python, you must apologise for being disrespectful." The gold dragon opened it's eyes and stared at the two arguing creatures of myth.

The two shrunk at the sudden interjection of the gold dragon, calming down. Python returned to his resting place while Gonggong's coils returned to their previous elegant rhythm.


[Well, that's how they usually are.] Yin mentally shrugged.

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"Thank you, Kolkhikos Anyway, let us return to business." Yin said gratefully.

"Like I said, the balance has been disturbed again, we must fix it." Yang said gravely.

Suddenly, a blue glow gushed through Harmony's body, it created a heavenly aura. This lasted for a few seconds before dying gown.

"What was that?" Gonggong asked, concerned.

"Oh, our contractor is just strengthening his soul, which is fused with ours. It benefits the both of us."

The other three were surprised, they did not think that having a contract with a mortal was beneficial in anyway.

"Ah." He replied, deep in thought.

"Wait, that means that whilst we have reached the end of our growth, you continue to become stronger?" Python was livid, the thought of others exceeding his combat prowess made him anxious yet also furious.

"Correct, now back to the topic-" Yin tried to bring the immature dragons back to focus.

"That's quite useful then." Kolkhikos interrupted.

"Agreed. Where do I get one of those so called 'humans'?"

"Not sure, do you think Articus sells them?"

"Well, he visits many realms, I'm sure he has something of the sorts." Python mused.

"SILENCE, OAFS!" Yang roared, louder than a meteor smashing into the ground.

There was silence.

"Ahem, like we were saying, someone must be sent to the Realm of Luxio in order to correct the balance. There is a strange energy building up there which we suspect to be the appearance of the Chaotic Fruit." Yin continued delicately.

The other dragons murmured.

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"How do you know it's the Chaotic Fruit? It hasn't appeared in several thousands of years." Gonggong questioned.

"We have felt it before, it creates disturbances in the Ether, which is why we know what it is like. Other creatures with compatibility can feel it also."

"Ah, then Umbrades has chosen a new vessel." Kolkhikos said.

"Yes, we believe so."

Gonggong began to slowly reverse, out of the cave without attracting any attention. Python chuckled.

"Where do you think you're going?"

All eyes turned to him, who had visibly shrunk upon realising he had been found.

"I er... Need to go and take care of something..." He said guiltily.

"Would that perhaps be going to see the goddess and apologising? We need her help if we are to rid her realm of the Chaos Fruit." Kolkhikos grinned.

"W-Well, I mean, it's her realm!"

"But we are the protectors of it. All who would vote for Gonggong to get a cleansing pill?" Yang had an evil grin which contorted his draconic face.

All of the dragons there nodded whilst saying,


Gonggong felt like crying in his cave.

"Ahh, see you in the afterlife brethren." He sighed emotionally before flying off.


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Illian walked around Castle, only cloaking when he heard someone nearby. He had explored half of the frontier city, checking every nook and cranny. He listened in on the guard's conversations, listening for anything about where the prisoners were being kept. He wanted to find out where exactly they would be held in the midnight compound.

It was obvious that they would be put in a cell in the holding area. But he wanted to know how to get into it and formulate a plan to find a reason for getting into the cells. He took a left and walked towards the largest building in the middle of the city.

The city was lit up with street lights. Each one was connected to the Ether network, a network that connected all of the magic items in the city and supplied them with Ether. Each light had a rune of light carved on it, when it was supplied with Ether it would automatically turn on, providing visibility on the streets at night.

The sounds of the battle echoed throughout the streets, it seemed that the fight was reaching it's climax. 'Footsteps' He quickly camouflaged and blended into the night.

"Mc'intosh, who do you think that chic was?"

"Dunno, all I know is that she was captured by Lady Orucos' new bodyguard."

"Seriously? Where did he even come from? As soon as he appeared he was appointed in such a high position! I'm so jealous man!" The man said enviously.

"Hmm, well, he was probably trained since he was young by the organisation or something, that would explain why he was put in a position like that without having to gain any trust." Mc'intosh mused.

Illian stepped out from the alleyway, without his camouflage on.

"Where are the prisoners being held?" He asked authoritatively.

"A-Ah, they are just on the lower-"

"Wait, how do we know you aren't coming to rescue her?" Mc'intosh asked suspiciously.

Illian thought for a second before answering,

"I have been sent by Orucos to interrogate them personally."

"Anyone could fabricate a story like that." The other guard said, trying to redeem his previous mistake.

Illian let a low growl come out from his throat menacingly.

"You dare question her intentions?"

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"Wait, wait, we just need to check y'know? If we let an imposter through then both of us will be done for, you get what I'm saying?" He quickly responded, putting his hands in front of his chest to show that he meant no harm.

"Fair point. Do you see any Werewolves in the Lumitanian army?"

"You could have been bribed." Mc'intosh said, glaring at his partner.

'This isn't getting anywhere.' He sighed mentally.

"This armour was created by Orucos herself as a gift to me." He lied.

The two studied it, realising that it bore some semblance to what Orucos wore. The unique armour combined with the fact that he was a Werewolf convinced them to tell him the prison area's location.

"This is a secret mission assigned to me by Orucos, nothing you saw or heard here today happened." He said. "I'll make sure you get rewarded."

The two nodded, still salivating at the thought of a potential promotion. Illian chuckled quietly before making sure the two had left. He then cloaked and proceeded towards the mentioned location.

He entered the main door of the largest building quietly before looking around. 'Aha. There it is.' He moved quickly towards the corner of the room and pulled open a trap door that was just under the stairs.

A warm light shone in the dark room as the door opened. Illian carefully slipped through. It was a small corridor which required him to revert back to his human form in order to move through it. He walked along for a while before catching sight of the light source.

A single man stood there, blocking the entire passage. He wore a black robe and a red mask which concealed his face. Blood red scale armour could be seen just beneath his cloak and a broad sword hung down his back. There were three scythes on his robe, showing that he was relatively high ranked as an acolyte.

Illian frowned. 'How am I going to get past this guy?' The entire path was blocked and the guard was definitely not going to be as gullible as the two from before. Several hundred scenarios ran through his head before he finally decided on a course of action.

He could easily Shadow Walk past this guard, but there would probably be another behind protecting the captives. If one guard on duty reported his presence but the other didn't someone would definitely suspect him.

Illian uncloaked and strode up to the man.

"Urgent business, step aside." He said confidently, mustering up all of his being to produce the most commanding voice ever.

"What business?" The guard's voice was cold and gravelly.

"Oru *cough

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