Fight Me!

Chapter 5

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Jason fitted his mask. He turned over his gauntlets which remained the same after the Spirit Release. Tracing his finger along the adamantine scales, admiring the craftsmanship.

Adamantine was a tough material, commonly used by Spirit Sages due to the fact that it was one of the more common 'Magic Metals'. Magic metals are found near Ether distortions, they are normal metals that when soaked in enough Ether, become refined. All of their qualities are enhanced. The main reason that they are so popular is because when normal weapons are enchanted, the spell wears off but if a magic metal is enchanted, it keeps the spell's properties.

"Let's go." Said the guide.

He put on the gauntlets and strode out. A bright light met him, causing him to squint almost making him cover his eyes. As his eyes readjusted, he saw Gerard FleetFlame waving to the crowd. His noble status made him popular with many. The nobles in the crowd chanted his name.


The roar of the crowd almost possessed a physical push. It took all of Jason's concentration to stand up straight. As he made his way out of the tunnel, the chant died down as the crowd focused on the newcomer.


"Hey hey! Sis, wasn't Fleet Flame fighting a rookie? How come he's up against the dragon guy?"

"Quiet Anna, pay attention to the match." Replied the rich voice.


"FLEET! FLAME! FLEET! FLAME!" The crowd roared.

{Kukukuku! Chant louder! The is feels great! They love me! I'll squash that insignificant bug before everyone's eyes!} Gerard mocked his opponent.

The chant died down, FleetFlame looked towards the direction of the crowd's eyes.

{Finally, he comes. Prepare yourself commoner!}

They walked until they stood twenty meters apart. The contestants bowed before taking a stance. FleetFlame drew his katana out in a flash and span it a few times for show. The crowd cheered. BalanceBreaker smashed his fists together and took a hand to hand combat stance. One leg in front, one arm ready to defend the other to attack.

{I'll kill him.}

"R E A D Y ? !" The arena master yelled through the bronze speaker.

"C A S T !"

FleetFlame muttered his incantation, and his katana sprung to life, flames danced along the blade as it emitted an orange glow.

BalanceBreaker said nothing but his gauntlets suddenly lit up, the dragon's eyes glowed, and the gauntlets gave off an imposing aura. He moved slightly shifting his arms so that the gauntlet's jaws were facing FleetFlame, smoke came out the nostrils of the dragon's heads.

"D U E L !!!" the Arena master screamed at the top of his lungs.

FleetFlame charged at BalanceBreaker he slashed, aiming at his head.

BalanceBreaker batted the blade over his head using his left gauntlet and stepped to the side.

Another attack, this time towards the main body, in the opposite direction to his previous attack.

Blocked again. And again. And again.

FleetFlame slashed stabbed and slashed again.

BalanceBreaker kept on evading and blocking.

The battle was fast paced but suddenly, FleetFlame stopped his flurry of attacks.

"FLAMMUS IECITUS!" FleetFlame roared pointing his blade toward BalanceBreaker.

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His opponent ducked.

FleetFlame rushed in again, and continued his onslaught. He chopped down at the head and followed by kicking out aiming to knock his opponent back.

BalanceBreaker leaped back to avoid the kick.

FleetFlame cast a second spell,"IGNIS PILUS!"

BalanceBreaker was still in midair and couldn't avoid it, deciding to cross his gauntlets over to block the hit.

They met again.

"Haah!" FleetFlame slashed upward and then downwards. He span around 180 using the momentum of BalanceBreaker's block to slash out again.

Seeing how the heat of his blade was of no use against the dragon gauntlets, FleetFlame tried for one last final attack, channeling his spirit's power, he activated Baal's spell.

He leaped forward and stabbed out, putting everything into his attack, liquid fire pooled on the katana's edge.

"Got you."

BalanceBreaker suddenly ducked at an inhuman speed and kicked out his leg, sweeping FleetFlame's feet under him.

Mid fall, he launched an explosive uppercut into FleetFlame's face, sending him rolling in the dirt.

The crowd Cheered and Booed, noise filled the stadium, their blood thirst seeped down into the arena's floor.


{Cast Dark Flame and Archangel Beam in succession.}

[Archangela impeta]

(Imago Umbra)

BalanceBreaker put his fists over one another, the twin dragon's maw's pointing at FleetFlame who was trying to recover from being punched in the face.

Dark energy and light gathered in the mouths of the dragons, sparks flew as more Ether was collected.

This was it. The end of the duel.


Black and white mixed as the two balls of Ether intertwined and span, quicker and quicker. Suddenly, a dragon's roar shook the arena and a massive beam, black and white threw itself toward FleetFlame.

The beam hit the ground behind the downed duelist and an explosion of black and white sent him flying. He hit the walls of the arena, on the other side and went unconscious. The blast was massive, it continued to rise up towards the spectators. It hit the defensive shield and broke through like a knife through hot butter.


"Oh Sh*t get down!" someone screamed.

Alex threw himself down behind his bench as the explosion came closer and closer.

The heat from the blast felt as if it would incinerate his bones and leave nothing behind.

"Don't worry, I'm here" Said a rich voice.

{Isn't that...}


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"Natura adjutoris meum intendea!"

"valentus latrarus videntus vana armus!"

"Sana, Sana, Sana, Sana!"

"Medicus Manus!"

Elena cried out, she summoned a Wood Golem, Cast a defensive spell on it and repeatedly chanted healing spells. The blast was a lot weaker due to having travelled all the way up the arena's walls, it collided with the armoured golem, which spread its arms in order to protect the nearby students.

"Verbere Fluctum"

She cast her strongest offensive spell, Tidal wave.

The blast shattered the Golem to pieces, but was considerably weaker now, it collided with the tidal wave, resulting in an explosion. Mist was created, and the whole scene became foggy.


{I might have over done it a little...}

Jason regretted not learning how to control his attack output.

[What do you mean master?]

(We didn't even put in 1/64 of our power!)

{... Right.}

He ran to the side of the arena, climbed up the staircase and ran to the scene of the explosion.

"Is everyone okay?" He shouted.

"Help me, I have an injured student here!" a rich voice cried out.

He ran over.

{Darn, I can't see a thing.}

Suddenly, the wind picked up, blowing away the fog.

Jason saw a scene of destruction, most of the students weren't injured, some fainted from fright whilst others were still cowering under their benches.

"Hey you, over here!"

He went over to the source of the rich voice.

"I'm out of Ether crystals, cast a healing spell!" She shouted.

He saw a long haired brunette with a plump chest and slender figure holding a male student with blonde hair.

"Delens Dolor!" Jason chanted, he kneeled next to the injured student.

The injured student's wounds began to fade away as God's Heal worked, removing the 'Corruption' caused by Yin's Dark Flame.

"You okay?" He asked the student, who tried to sit up but instead winced in pain.

"T-Thank you, I'm Alex." He said weakly.

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"You went way overboard there." A harsh female voice butted in.

"Ah- Who are you?" Jason asked.

"Elena, Rank #1 on the Indi Rankings." She replied.

"Didn't anyone teach you how to control yourself?" A lively voice joined in.

"Anna, go find other students and take them to the infirmary." Elena ordered.

"Big sis you're soo pushy!" Anna said, in a mock sad voice as she walked away.

{Rank #1 huh. Impressive.}


They sat at the cafe's table. Four cups, black coffee, a latte, tea and a milkshake.

"Master! I want to join your faction!" Alex cried as he leaned too close for comfort.



"Yes! Ever since I saw your fight against FleetFlame, you have become my role model!!! The way you observed your opponent, and struck once you found an opening was amazing!"

"R-Right, but keep it down please, there are other students here."

"Ahem!" Elena coughed for attention.

"You're forgetting something! Jason BalanceBreaker, you just damaged school property and injured several students!" She yelled, louder than Alex.

"I already apologised, besides, it was the academy's fault for not preparing a strong enough barrier in the first place." Jason retorted.

They sat in the most expensive cafe in the academy, Callen's Cafe.

{Rank #1, she must be loaded, dragging me all the way here.}

"You clearly used excessive force there! Your opponent is in the infirmary, in critical condition, there's no way I can sit back and do nothing!"

Jason deflated. {No wonder her alias is Justice. She'll be a difficult person to deal with.}

"Oh no! I have to meet my sister now!" He cried out, obviously exaggerated.

He ran out the shop as quickly as possible, Harmony summoned themselves outside in advance.

"Hold it you!" She chased after him.

For some reason, Alex and Anna came too.

Jason leapt on to the dragon and flew off at top speed, milkshake in hand.

Elena Justice sighed.

"Don't worry big sis! I know where he lives!" Anna cheerily said.

Alex's ears perked up.

"Demon dorm, room #666 huh." He muttered.

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"Gosh, what a pushy girl." Jason said in annoyance.

{Guess i'll check my status again.}


|| Jason || Braveheart || Alias - Balance Breaker ||




-Black hair

-Brown eyes


|| Controlled Spirits ||

Harmony - Ancient Grade - Bond 100/100


Lux - 150

Umbra - 163

Terra - X

Aqua - X

Ignis - X

Ventus - X

Spirit Releasing - 28

Spirit Honing - 230

Spirit Blade Arts - 0

Spirit Ranged Arts - 0

Spirit Armaments - 33

Spirit Surging - 210


Spell Craft - 313

Spirit Sage Craft - 501


Unique -

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